        public override void OnFixedUpdate()
            if (markUT == 0)

            timeSinceMark = vesselState.time - markUT;

            if (vessel.situation == Vessel.Situations.PRELAUNCH)
                Mark(); //keep resetting stats until we launch

            gravityLosses += vesselState.deltaT * Vector3d.Dot(-vessel.srf_velocity.normalized, vesselState.gravityForce);
            gravityLosses -= vesselState.deltaT * Vector3d.Dot(vessel.srf_velocity.normalized, vesselState.up * vesselState.radius * Math.Pow(2 * Math.PI / part.vessel.mainBody.rotationPeriod, 2));
            double dragAccel = mainBody.DragAccel(vesselState.CoM, vessel.obt_velocity, vesselState.massDrag / vesselState.mass).magnitude;

            dragLosses += vesselState.deltaT * dragAccel;

            maxDragGees = Math.Max(maxDragGees, dragAccel / 9.81);

            double circularPeriod = 2 * Math.PI * vesselState.radius / OrbitalManeuverCalculator.CircularOrbitSpeed(mainBody, vesselState.radius);
            double angleTraversed = (vesselState.longitude - markLongitude) + 360 * (vesselState.time - markUT) / part.vessel.mainBody.rotationPeriod;

            phaseAngleFromMark = MuUtils.ClampDegrees360(360 * (vesselState.time - markUT) / circularPeriod - angleTraversed);
        public override void OnFixedUpdate()
            if (markUT == 0)

            timeSinceMark = vesselState.time - markUT;

            if (vessel.situation == Vessel.Situations.PRELAUNCH)
                Mark(); //keep resetting stats until we launch

            if (vesselState.currentThrustAccel > 0)
                gravityLosses += vesselState.deltaT * Vector3d.Dot(-vesselState.orbitalVelocity.normalized, vesselState.gravityForce);
            dragLosses     += vesselState.deltaT * vesselState.drag;
            deltaVExpended += vesselState.deltaT * vesselState.currentThrustAccel;
            steeringLosses += vesselState.deltaT * vesselState.currentThrustAccel * (1 - Vector3d.Dot(vesselState.orbitalVelocity.normalized, vesselState.forward));

            maxDragGees = Math.Max(maxDragGees, vesselState.drag / 9.81);

            double circularPeriod = 2 * Math.PI * vesselState.radius / OrbitalManeuverCalculator.CircularOrbitSpeed(mainBody, vesselState.radius);
            double angleTraversed = (vesselState.longitude - markLongitude) + 360 * (vesselState.time - markUT) / part.vessel.mainBody.rotationPeriod;

            phaseAngleFromMark = MuUtils.ClampDegrees360(360 * (vesselState.time - markUT) / circularPeriod - angleTraversed);

            if (paused)

            //int oldHistoryIdx = historyIdx;

            //historyIdx = Mathf.Min(Mathf.FloorToInt((float)(timeSinceMark / precision)), history.Length - 1);

            if (vesselState.time >= (lastRecordTime + precision) && historyIdx < history.Length - 1)
                lastRecordTime = vesselState.time;
                if (TimeWarp.WarpMode == TimeWarp.Modes.HIGH)
                    Log.dbg("WRP {0} {1:0} {2:0.00}", historyIdx, history[historyIdx].downRange, history[historyIdx].AoA);
                    Log.dbg("STD {0} {1:0} {2:0.00}", historyIdx, history[historyIdx].downRange, history[historyIdx].AoA);
        public override void OnFixedUpdate()
            if (markUT == 0)

            timeSinceMark = vesselState.time - markUT;

            if (vessel.situation == Vessel.Situations.PRELAUNCH)
                Mark(); //keep resetting stats until we launch

            gravityLosses += vesselState.deltaT * Vector3d.Dot(-vesselState.surfaceVelocity.normalized, vesselState.gravityForce);
            gravityLosses -= vesselState.deltaT * Vector3d.Dot(vesselState.surfaceVelocity.normalized, vesselState.up * vesselState.radius * Math.Pow(2 * Math.PI / part.vessel.mainBody.rotationPeriod, 2));
            dragLosses    += vesselState.deltaT * vesselState.drag;

            maxDragGees = Math.Max(maxDragGees, vesselState.drag / 9.81);

            double circularPeriod = 2 * Math.PI * vesselState.radius / OrbitalManeuverCalculator.CircularOrbitSpeed(mainBody, vesselState.radius);
            double angleTraversed = (vesselState.longitude - markLongitude) + 360 * (vesselState.time - markUT) / part.vessel.mainBody.rotationPeriod;

            phaseAngleFromMark = MuUtils.ClampDegrees360(360 * (vesselState.time - markUT) / circularPeriod - angleTraversed);

            if (paused)

            //int oldHistoryIdx = historyIdx;

            //historyIdx = Mathf.Min(Mathf.FloorToInt((float)(timeSinceMark / precision)), history.Length - 1);

            if (vesselState.time >= (lastRecordTime + precision) && historyIdx < history.Length - 1)
                lastRecordTime = vesselState.time;
                //if (TimeWarp.WarpMode == TimeWarp.Modes.HIGH)
                //    print("WRP " + historyIdx + " " + history[historyIdx].downRange.ToString("F0") + " " + history[historyIdx].AoA.ToString("F2"));
                //    print("STD " + historyIdx + " " + history[historyIdx].downRange.ToString("F0") + " " + history[historyIdx].AoA.ToString("F2"));
        void DriveCoastToApoapsis(FlightCtrlState s)
            core.thrust.targetThrottle = 0;

            double circularSpeed       = OrbitalManeuverCalculator.CircularOrbitSpeed(mainBody, orbit.ApR);
            double apoapsisSpeed       = orbit.SwappedOrbitalVelocityAtUT(orbit.NextApoapsisTime(vesselState.time)).magnitude;
            double circularizeBurnTime = (circularSpeed - apoapsisSpeed) / vesselState.limitedMaxThrustAccel;

            //Once we get above the atmosphere, plan and execute the circularization maneuver.
            //For orbits near the edge of the atmosphere, we can't wait until we break the atmosphere
            //to start the burn, so we also compare the timeToAp with the expected circularization burn time.
            //if ((vesselState.altitudeASL > mainBody.RealMaxAtmosphereAltitude())
            //    || (vesselState.limitedMaxThrustAccel > 0 && orbit.timeToAp < circularizeBurnTime / 1.8))

            // Sarbian : removed the special case for now. Some ship where turning whil still in atmosphere
            if (vesselState.altitudeASL > mainBody.RealMaxAtmosphereAltitude())
                mode = AscentMode.CIRCULARIZE;

            //if our apoapsis has fallen too far, resume the gravity turn
            if (orbit.ApA < desiredOrbitAltitude - 1000.0)
                mode = AscentMode.GRAVITY_TURN;

            //point prograde and thrust gently if our apoapsis falls below the target
            core.attitude.attitudeTo(Vector3d.forward, AttitudeReference.ORBIT, this);
            core.thrust.targetThrottle = 0;
            if (autoThrottle && orbit.ApA < desiredOrbitAltitude)
                core.thrust.targetThrottle = ThrottleToRaiseApoapsis(orbit.ApR, desiredOrbitAltitude + mainBody.Radius);

            if (core.node.autowarp)
                //warp at x2 physical warp:

            status = "Coasting to edge of atmosphere";
        void DriveCoastToApoapsis(FlightCtrlState s)
            core.thrust.targetThrottle = 0;

            double circularSpeed       = OrbitalManeuverCalculator.CircularOrbitSpeed(mainBody, orbit.ApR);
            double apoapsisSpeed       = orbit.SwappedOrbitalVelocityAtUT(orbit.NextApoapsisTime(vesselState.time)).magnitude;
            double circularizeBurnTime = (circularSpeed - apoapsisSpeed) / vesselState.limitedMaxThrustAccel;

            if (vesselState.altitudeASL > mainBody.RealMaxAtmosphereAltitude())
                mode = AscentMode.EXIT;

            //if our apoapsis has fallen too far, resume the gravity turn
            if (orbit.ApA < autopilot.desiredOrbitAltitude - 1000.0)
                mode = AscentMode.HOLD_AP;

            core.thrust.targetThrottle = 0;

            // follow surface velocity to reduce flipping

            if (autopilot.autoThrottle && orbit.ApA < autopilot.desiredOrbitAltitude)
                core.thrust.targetThrottle = ThrottleToRaiseApoapsis(orbit.ApR, autopilot.desiredOrbitAltitude + mainBody.Radius);
                if (core.node.autowarp)
                    //warp at x2 physical warp:

            status = "Coasting to edge of atmosphere";
        void DriveCoastToApoapsis(FlightCtrlState s)
            core.thrust.targetThrottle = 0;

            double circularSpeed       = OrbitalManeuverCalculator.CircularOrbitSpeed(mainBody, orbit.ApR);
            double apoapsisSpeed       = orbit.SwappedOrbitalVelocityAtUT(orbit.NextApoapsisTime(vesselState.time)).magnitude;
            double circularizeBurnTime = (circularSpeed - apoapsisSpeed) / vesselState.limitedMaxThrustAccel;

            //Once we get above the atmosphere, plan and execute the circularization maneuver.
            //For orbits near the edge of the atmosphere, we can't wait until we break the atmosphere
            //to start the burn, so we also compare the timeToAp with the expected circularization burn time.
            //if ((vesselState.altitudeASL > mainBody.RealMaxAtmosphereAltitude())
            //    || (vesselState.limitedMaxThrustAccel > 0 && orbit.timeToAp < circularizeBurnTime / 1.8))

            // Sarbian : removed the special case for now. Some ship where turning while still in atmosphere

            if (vesselState.altitudeASL > mainBody.RealMaxAtmosphereAltitude())
                if (core.solarpanel.autodeploySolarPanels)

                mode = AscentMode.CIRCULARIZE;

            //if our apoapsis has fallen too far, resume the gravity turn
            if (orbit.ApA < desiredOrbitAltitude - 1000.0)
                mode = AscentMode.GRAVITY_TURN;

            //point prograde and thrust gently if our apoapsis falls below the target
            //core.attitude.attitudeTo(Vector3d.forward, AttitudeReference.ORBIT, this);

            // Actually I have a better idea: Don't initiate orientation changes when there's a chance that our main engine
            // might reignite. There won't be enough control authority to counteract that much momentum change.
            // - Starwaster
            core.thrust.targetThrottle = 0;

            double   desiredHeading         = Math.PI / 180 * OrbitalManeuverCalculator.HeadingForInclination(desiredInclination, vesselState.latitude);
            Vector3d desiredHeadingVector   = Math.Sin(desiredHeading) * vesselState.east + Math.Cos(desiredHeading) * vesselState.north;
            double   desiredFlightPathAngle = ascentPath.FlightPathAngle(vesselState.altitudeASL);

            Vector3d desiredThrustVector = Math.Cos(desiredFlightPathAngle * Math.PI / 180) * desiredHeadingVector
                                           + Math.Sin(desiredFlightPathAngle * Math.PI / 180) * vesselState.up;

            core.attitude.attitudeTo(desiredThrustVector.normalized, AttitudeReference.INERTIAL, this);
            if (autoThrottle && orbit.ApA < desiredOrbitAltitude)
                core.attitude.attitudeTo(Vector3d.forward, AttitudeReference.INERTIAL, this);
                core.thrust.targetThrottle = ThrottleToRaiseApoapsis(orbit.ApR, desiredOrbitAltitude + mainBody.Radius);

            if (core.node.autowarp)
                //warp at x2 physical warp:

            status = "Coasting to edge of atmosphere";
 public override void OnFixedUpdate()
     if (NavBallGuidance && autopilot != null && autopilot.ascentPath != null)
         double   angle         = Math.PI / 180 * autopilot.ascentPath.FlightPathAngle(vesselState.altitudeASL, vesselState.speedSurface);
         double   heading       = Math.PI / 180 * OrbitalManeuverCalculator.HeadingForLaunchInclination(vessel.mainBody, autopilot.desiredInclination, launchLatitude, OrbitalManeuverCalculator.CircularOrbitSpeed(vessel.mainBody, autopilot.desiredOrbitAltitude + mainBody.Radius));
         Vector3d horizontalDir = Math.Cos(heading) * vesselState.north + Math.Sin(heading) * vesselState.east;
         Vector3d dir           = Math.Cos(angle) * horizontalDir + Math.Sin(angle) * vesselState.up;
        //Computes the time and delta-V of an ejection burn to a Hohmann transfer from one planet to another.
        //It's assumed that the initial orbit around the first planet is circular, and that this orbit
        //is in the same plane as the orbit of the first planet around the sun. It's also assumed that
        //the target planet has a fairly low relative inclination with respect to the first planet. If the
        //inclination change is nonzero you should also do a mid-course correction burn, as computed by
        public static Vector3d DeltaVAndTimeForInterplanetaryLambertTransferEjection(Orbit o, double UT, Orbit target, out double burnUT)
            Orbit planetOrbit = o.referenceBody.orbit;

            //Compute the time and dV for a Hohmann transfer where we pretend that we are the planet we are orbiting.
            //This gives us the "ideal" deltaV and UT of the ejection burn, if we didn't have to worry about waiting for the right
            //ejection angle and if we didn't have to worry about the planet's gravity dragging us back and increasing the required dV.
            double   idealBurnUT;
            Vector3d idealDeltaV;

            //time the ejection burn to intercept the target
            //idealDeltaV = DeltaVAndTimeForHohmannTransfer(planetOrbit, target, UT, out idealBurnUT);
            double vesselOrbitVelocity = OrbitalManeuverCalculator.CircularOrbitSpeed(o.referenceBody, o.semiMajorAxis);

            idealDeltaV = DeltaVAndTimeForHohmannLambertTransfer(planetOrbit, target, UT, out idealBurnUT, vesselOrbitVelocity);

            Debug.Log("idealBurnUT = " + idealBurnUT + ", idealDeltaV = " + idealDeltaV);

            //Compute the actual transfer orbit this ideal burn would lead to.
            Orbit transferOrbit = planetOrbit.PerturbedOrbit(idealBurnUT, idealDeltaV);

            //Now figure out how to approximately eject from our current orbit into the Hohmann orbit we just computed.

            //Assume we want to exit the SOI with the same velocity as the ideal transfer orbit at idealUT -- i.e., immediately
            //after the "ideal" burn we used to compute the transfer orbit. This isn't quite right.
            //We intend to eject from our planet at idealUT and only several hours later will we exit the SOI. Meanwhile
            //the transfer orbit will have acquired a slightly different velocity, which we should correct for. Maybe
            //just add in (1/2)(sun gravity)*(time to exit soi)^2 ? But how to compute time to exit soi? Or maybe once we
            //have the ejection orbit we should just move the ejection burn back by the time to exit the soi?
            Vector3d soiExitVelocity = idealDeltaV;

            Debug.Log("soiExitVelocity = " + (Vector3)soiExitVelocity);

            //compute the angle by which the trajectory turns between periapsis (where we do the ejection burn)
            //and SOI exit (approximated as radius = infinity)
            double soiExitEnergy  = 0.5 * soiExitVelocity.sqrMagnitude - o.referenceBody.gravParameter / o.referenceBody.sphereOfInfluence;
            double ejectionRadius = o.semiMajorAxis; //a guess, good for nearly circular orbits

            Debug.Log("soiExitEnergy = " + soiExitEnergy);
            Debug.Log("ejectionRadius = " + ejectionRadius);

            double ejectionKineticEnergy = soiExitEnergy + o.referenceBody.gravParameter / ejectionRadius;
            double ejectionSpeed         = Math.Sqrt(2 * ejectionKineticEnergy);

            Debug.Log("ejectionSpeed = " + ejectionSpeed);

            //construct a sample ejection orbit
            Vector3d ejectionOrbitInitialVelocity = ejectionSpeed * (Vector3d)o.referenceBody.transform.right;
            Vector3d ejectionOrbitInitialPosition = o.referenceBody.position + ejectionRadius * (Vector3d)o.referenceBody.transform.up;
            Orbit    sampleEjectionOrbit          = MuUtils.OrbitFromStateVectors(ejectionOrbitInitialPosition, ejectionOrbitInitialVelocity, o.referenceBody, 0);
            double   ejectionOrbitDuration        = sampleEjectionOrbit.NextTimeOfRadius(0, o.referenceBody.sphereOfInfluence);
            Vector3d ejectionOrbitFinalVelocity   = sampleEjectionOrbit.SwappedOrbitalVelocityAtUT(ejectionOrbitDuration);

            double turningAngle = Vector3d.Angle(ejectionOrbitInitialVelocity, ejectionOrbitFinalVelocity);

            Debug.Log("turningAngle = " + turningAngle);

            //sine of the angle between the vessel orbit and the desired SOI exit velocity
            double outOfPlaneAngle = (Math.PI / 180) * (90 - Vector3d.Angle(soiExitVelocity, o.SwappedOrbitNormal()));

            Debug.Log("outOfPlaneAngle (rad) = " + outOfPlaneAngle);

            double coneAngle = Math.PI / 2 - (Math.PI / 180) * turningAngle;

            Debug.Log("coneAngle (rad) = " + coneAngle);

            Vector3d exitNormal = Vector3d.Cross(-soiExitVelocity, o.SwappedOrbitNormal()).normalized;
            Vector3d normal2    = Vector3d.Cross(exitNormal, -soiExitVelocity).normalized;

            //unit vector pointing to the spot on our orbit where we will burn.
            //fails if outOfPlaneAngle > coneAngle.
            Vector3d ejectionPointDirection = Math.Cos(coneAngle) * (-soiExitVelocity.normalized)
                                              + Math.Cos(coneAngle) * Math.Tan(outOfPlaneAngle) * normal2
                                              - Math.Sqrt(Math.Pow(Math.Sin(coneAngle), 2) - Math.Pow(Math.Cos(coneAngle) * Math.Tan(outOfPlaneAngle), 2)) * exitNormal;

            Debug.Log("soiExitVelocity = " + (Vector3)soiExitVelocity);
            Debug.Log("vessel orbit normal = " + (Vector3)(1000 * o.SwappedOrbitNormal()));
            Debug.Log("exitNormal = " + (Vector3)(1000 * exitNormal));
            Debug.Log("normal2 = " + (Vector3)(1000 * normal2));
            Debug.Log("ejectionPointDirection = " + ejectionPointDirection);

            double ejectionTrueAnomaly = o.TrueAnomalyFromVector(ejectionPointDirection);

            burnUT = o.TimeOfTrueAnomaly(ejectionTrueAnomaly, idealBurnUT - o.period);

            if ((idealBurnUT - burnUT > o.period / 2) || (burnUT < UT))
                burnUT += o.period;

            Vector3d ejectionOrbitNormal = Vector3d.Cross(ejectionPointDirection, soiExitVelocity).normalized;

            Debug.Log("ejectionOrbitNormal = " + ejectionOrbitNormal);
            Vector3d ejectionBurnDirection = Quaternion.AngleAxis(-(float)(turningAngle), ejectionOrbitNormal) * soiExitVelocity.normalized;

            Debug.Log("ejectionBurnDirection = " + ejectionBurnDirection);
            Vector3d ejectionVelocity = ejectionSpeed * ejectionBurnDirection;

            Vector3d preEjectionVelocity = o.SwappedOrbitalVelocityAtUT(burnUT);

            return(ejectionVelocity - preEjectionVelocity);
        void DriveGravityTurn(FlightCtrlState s)
            //stop the gravity turn when our apoapsis reaches the desired altitude
            if (autoThrottle && orbit.ApA > desiredOrbitAltitude)
                mode = AscentMode.COAST_TO_APOAPSIS;

            //if we've fallen below the turn start altitude, go back to vertical ascent
            if (ascentPath.IsVerticalAscent(vesselState.altitudeASL, vesselState.speedSurface))
                mode = AscentMode.VERTICAL_ASCENT;

            if (autoThrottle)
                core.thrust.targetThrottle = ThrottleToRaiseApoapsis(orbit.ApR, desiredOrbitAltitude + mainBody.Radius);
                if (core.thrust.targetThrottle < 1.0F)
                    //when we are bringing down the throttle to make the apoapsis accurate, we're liable to point in weird
                    //directions because thrust goes down and so "difficulty" goes up. so just burn prograde
                    core.attitude.attitudeTo(Vector3d.forward, AttitudeReference.ORBIT, this);
                    status = "Fine tuning apoapsis";

            //transition gradually from the rotating to the non-rotating reference frame. this calculation ensures that
            //when our maximum possible apoapsis, given our orbital energy, is desiredOrbitalRadius, then we are
            //fully in the non-rotating reference frame and thus doing the correct calculations to get the right inclination
            double GM = mainBody.gravParameter;
            double potentialDifferenceWithApoapsis = GM / vesselState.radius - GM / (mainBody.Radius + desiredOrbitAltitude);
            double verticalSpeedForDesiredApoapsis = Math.Sqrt(2 * potentialDifferenceWithApoapsis);
            double referenceFrameBlend             = Mathf.Clamp((float)(vesselState.speedOrbital / verticalSpeedForDesiredApoapsis), 0.0F, 1.0F);

            Vector3d actualVelocityUnit = ((1 - referenceFrameBlend) * vesselState.surfaceVelocity.normalized
                                           + referenceFrameBlend * vesselState.orbitalVelocity.normalized).normalized;

            double   desiredHeading         = MathExtensions.Deg2Rad * OrbitalManeuverCalculator.HeadingForLaunchInclination(vessel.mainBody, desiredInclination, launchLatitude, OrbitalManeuverCalculator.CircularOrbitSpeed(vessel.mainBody, desiredOrbitAltitude + mainBody.Radius));
            Vector3d desiredHeadingVector   = Math.Sin(desiredHeading) * vesselState.east + Math.Cos(desiredHeading) * vesselState.north;
            double   desiredFlightPathAngle = ascentPath.FlightPathAngle(vesselState.altitudeASL, vesselState.speedSurface);

            Vector3d desiredVelocityUnit = Math.Cos(desiredFlightPathAngle * Math.PI / 180) * desiredHeadingVector
                                           + Math.Sin(desiredFlightPathAngle * Math.PI / 180) * vesselState.up;

            Vector3d desiredThrustVector = desiredVelocityUnit;

            if (correctiveSteering)
                Vector3d velocityError = (desiredVelocityUnit - actualVelocityUnit);

                const double Kp = 5.0; //control gain

                //"difficulty" scales the controller gain to account for the difficulty of changing a large velocity vector given our current thrust
                double difficulty = vesselState.surfaceVelocity.magnitude / (50 + 10 * vesselState.ThrustAccel(core.thrust.targetThrottle));
                if (difficulty > 5)
                    difficulty = 5;

                if (vesselState.limitedMaxThrustAccel == 0)
                    difficulty = 1.0;                                         //so we don't freak out over having no thrust between stages
                Vector3d steerOffset = Kp * difficulty * velocityError;

                //limit the amount of steering to 10 degrees. Furthermore, never steer to a FPA of > 90 (that is, never lean backward)
                double maxOffset = 10 * Math.PI / 180;
                if (desiredFlightPathAngle > 80)
                    maxOffset = (90 - desiredFlightPathAngle) * Math.PI / 180;
                if (steerOffset.magnitude > maxOffset)
                    steerOffset = maxOffset * steerOffset.normalized;

                desiredThrustVector += steerOffset;

            desiredThrustVector = desiredThrustVector.normalized;

            if (limitAoA)
                float fade = vesselState.dynamicPressure < aoALimitFadeoutPressure ? (float)(aoALimitFadeoutPressure / vesselState.dynamicPressure) : 1;
                currentMaxAoA = Math.Min(fade * maxAoA, 180d);
                limitingAoA   = vessel.altitude <mainBody.atmosphereDepth && Vector3.Angle(vesselState.surfaceVelocity, desiredThrustVector)> currentMaxAoA;

                if (limitingAoA)
                    desiredThrustVector = Vector3.RotateTowards(vesselState.surfaceVelocity, desiredThrustVector, (float)(currentMaxAoA * Mathf.Deg2Rad), 1).normalized;

            if (forceRoll && Vector3.Angle(vesselState.up, vesselState.forward) > 7 && core.attitude.attitudeError < 5)
                var pitch = 90 - Vector3.Angle(vesselState.up, desiredThrustVector);
                var hdg   = core.rover.HeadingToPos(vessel.CoM, vessel.CoM + desiredThrustVector);
                core.attitude.attitudeTo(hdg, pitch, turnRoll, this);
                core.attitude.attitudeTo(desiredThrustVector, AttitudeReference.INERTIAL, this);

            status = "Gravity turn";
        void DriveVerticalAscent(FlightCtrlState s)
            if (timedLaunch)
                status = "Awaiting liftoff";
                core.attitude.AxisControl(false, false, false);

            if (!ascentPath.IsVerticalAscent(vesselState.altitudeASL, vesselState.speedSurface))
                mode = AscentMode.GRAVITY_TURN;
            if (autoThrottle && orbit.ApA > desiredOrbitAltitude)
                mode = AscentMode.COAST_TO_APOAPSIS;

            //during the vertical ascent we just thrust straight up at max throttle
            if (forceRoll)
            { // pre-align roll unless correctiveSteering is active as it would just interfere with that
                double desiredHeading = OrbitalManeuverCalculator.HeadingForLaunchInclination(vessel.mainBody, desiredInclination, launchLatitude, OrbitalManeuverCalculator.CircularOrbitSpeed(vessel.mainBody, desiredOrbitAltitude + mainBody.Radius));
                core.attitude.attitudeTo(desiredHeading, 90, verticalRoll, this);
                core.attitude.attitudeTo(Vector3d.up, AttitudeReference.SURFACE_NORTH, this);

            core.attitude.AxisControl(!vessel.Landed, !vessel.Landed, !vessel.Landed && vesselState.altitudeBottom > 50);

            if (autoThrottle)
                core.thrust.targetThrottle = 1.0F;

            if (!vessel.LiftedOff() || vessel.Landed)
                status = "Awaiting liftoff";
                status = "Vertical ascent";
 public double CircularOrbitSpeed()
     return(OrbitalManeuverCalculator.CircularOrbitSpeed(mainBody, vesselState.radius));