        public static string ToStringDMS(double latitude, double longitude, bool newline = false)
            double clampedLongitude = MuUtils.ClampDegrees180(longitude);

            return(AngleToDMS(latitude) + (latitude > 0 ? " N" : " S") + (newline ? "\n" : ", ")
                   + AngleToDMS(clampedLongitude) + (clampedLongitude > 0 ? " E" : " W"));
        public override void Drive(FlightCtrlState s)
            if (controlHeading)
                if (heading != headingLast)
                    headingLast = heading;

                double instantaneousHeading = vesselState.rotationVesselSurface.eulerAngles.y;
                headingErr = MuUtils.ClampDegrees180(instantaneousHeading - heading);
                if (s.wheelSteer == s.wheelSteerTrim)
                    double act = headingPID.Compute(headingErr);
                    s.wheelSteer = Mathf.Clamp((float)act, -1, 1);
            if (controlSpeed)
                if (speed != speedLast)
                    speedLast = speed;

                speedErr = speed - Vector3d.Dot(vesselState.velocityVesselSurface, vesselState.forward);
                if (s.wheelThrottle == s.wheelThrottleTrim)
                    double act = speedPID.Compute(speedErr);
                    s.wheelThrottle = Mathf.Clamp((float)act, -1, 1);
        //Computes the dV of a Hohmann transfer burn at time UT that will put the apoapsis or periapsis
        //of the transfer orbit on top of the target orbit.
        //The output value apsisPhaseAngle is the phase angle between the transferring vessel and the
        //target object as the transferring vessel crosses the target orbit at the apoapsis or periapsis
        //of the transfer orbit.
        //Actually, it's not exactly the phase angle. It's a sort of mean anomaly phase angle. The
        //difference is not important for how this function is used by DeltaVAndTimeForHohmannTransfer.
        private static Vector3d DeltaVAndApsisPhaseAngleOfHohmannTransfer(Orbit o, Orbit target, double UT, out double apsisPhaseAngle)
            Vector3d apsisDirection = -o.SwappedRelativePositionAtUT(UT);
            double   desiredApsis   = target.RadiusAtTrueAnomaly(target.TrueAnomalyFromVector(apsisDirection));

            Vector3d dV;

            if (desiredApsis > o.ApR)
                dV = DeltaVToChangeApoapsis(o, UT, desiredApsis);
                Orbit    transferOrbit       = o.PerturbedOrbit(UT, dV);
                double   transferApTime      = transferOrbit.NextApoapsisTime(UT);
                Vector3d transferApDirection = transferOrbit.SwappedRelativePositionAtApoapsis();  // getRelativePositionAtUT was returning NaNs! :(((((
                double   targetTrueAnomaly   = target.TrueAnomalyFromVector(transferApDirection);
                double   meanAnomalyOffset   = 360 * (target.TimeOfTrueAnomaly(targetTrueAnomaly, UT) - transferApTime) / target.period;
                apsisPhaseAngle = meanAnomalyOffset;
                dV = DeltaVToChangePeriapsis(o, UT, desiredApsis);
                Orbit    transferOrbit       = o.PerturbedOrbit(UT, dV);
                double   transferPeTime      = transferOrbit.NextPeriapsisTime(UT);
                Vector3d transferPeDirection = transferOrbit.SwappedRelativePositionAtPeriapsis();  // getRelativePositionAtUT was returning NaNs! :(((((
                double   targetTrueAnomaly   = target.TrueAnomalyFromVector(transferPeDirection);
                double   meanAnomalyOffset   = 360 * (target.TimeOfTrueAnomaly(targetTrueAnomaly, UT) - transferPeTime) / target.period;
                apsisPhaseAngle = meanAnomalyOffset;

            apsisPhaseAngle = MuUtils.ClampDegrees180(apsisPhaseAngle);

        //Computes the heading of the ground track of an orbit with a given inclination at a given latitude.
        //Both inputs are in degrees.
        //Convention: At equator, inclination    0 => heading 90 (east)
        //                        inclination   90 => heading 0  (north)
        //                        inclination  -90 => heading 180 (south)
        //                        inclination ±180 => heading 270 (west)
        //Returned heading is in degrees and in the range 0 to 360.
        //If the given latitude is too large, so that an orbit with a given inclination never attains the
        //given latitude, then this function returns either 90 (if -90 < inclination < 90) or 270.
        public static double HeadingForInclination(double inclinationDegrees, double latitudeDegrees)
            double cosDesiredSurfaceAngle = Math.Cos(inclinationDegrees * Math.PI / 180) / Math.Cos(latitudeDegrees * Math.PI / 180);

            if (Math.Abs(cosDesiredSurfaceAngle) > 1.0)
                //If inclination < latitude, we get this case: the desired inclination is impossible
                if (Math.Abs(MuUtils.ClampDegrees180(inclinationDegrees)) < 90)
                double angleFromEast = (180 / Math.PI) * Math.Acos(cosDesiredSurfaceAngle); //an angle between 0 and 180
                if (inclinationDegrees < 0)
                    angleFromEast *= -1;
                //now angleFromEast is between -180 and 180

                return(MuUtils.ClampDegrees360(90 - angleFromEast));
        public static string ToStringDecimal(double latitude, double longitude, bool newline = false, int precision = 3)
            double clampedLongitude = MuUtils.ClampDegrees180(longitude);

            return(latitude.ToString("F" + precision) + "° " + (latitude > 0 ? "N" : "S") + (newline ? "\n" : ", ")
                   + clampedLongitude.ToString("F" + precision) + "° " + (clampedLongitude > 0 ? "E" : "W"));
        private double computeYaw()
            // probably not perfect, especially when the aircraft is turning
            double path  = vesselState.HeadingFromDirection(vesselState.surfaceVelocity);
            double nose  = vesselState.HeadingFromDirection(vesselState.forward);
            double angle = MuUtils.ClampDegrees180(nose - path);

        public EditableAngle(double angle)
            angle = MuUtils.ClampDegrees180(angle);

            negative = (angle < 0);
            angle    = Math.Abs(angle);
            degrees  = (int)angle;
            angle   -= degrees;
            minutes  = (int)(60 * angle);
            angle   -= minutes / 60;
            seconds  = Math.Round(3600 * angle);
        public static Coordinates GetMouseCoordinates(CelestialBody body)
            Ray mouseRay = PlanetariumCamera.Camera.ScreenPointToRay(Input.mousePosition);

            mouseRay.origin = ScaledSpace.ScaledToLocalSpace(mouseRay.origin);
            Vector3d relOrigin = mouseRay.origin - body.position;
            Vector3d relSurfacePosition;
            double   curRadius  = body.pqsController.radiusMax;
            double   lastRadius = 0;
            double   error      = 0;
            int      loops      = 0;
            float    st         = Time.time;

            while (loops < 50)
                if (PQS.LineSphereIntersection(relOrigin, mouseRay.direction, curRadius, out relSurfacePosition))
                    Vector3d surfacePoint = body.position + relSurfacePosition;
                    double   alt          = body.pqsController.GetSurfaceHeight(QuaternionD.AngleAxis(body.GetLongitude(surfacePoint), Vector3d.down) * QuaternionD.AngleAxis(body.GetLatitude(surfacePoint), Vector3d.forward) * Vector3d.right);
                    error = Math.Abs(curRadius - alt);
                    if (error < (body.pqsController.radiusMax - body.pqsController.radiusMin) / 100)
                        return(new Coordinates(body.GetLatitude(surfacePoint), MuUtils.ClampDegrees180(body.GetLongitude(surfacePoint))));
                        lastRadius = curRadius;
                        curRadius  = alt;
                    if (loops == 0)
                    { // Went too low, needs to try higher
                        curRadius = (lastRadius * 9 + curRadius) / 10;

        //Vector3d must be either a position RELATIVE to referenceBody, or a velocity
        public AbsoluteVector ToAbsolute(Vector3d vector3d, double UT)
            AbsoluteVector absolute = new AbsoluteVector();

            absolute.latitude = 180 / Math.PI * Math.Asin(Vector3d.Dot(vector3d.normalized, lat90AtStart));

            double longitude = 180 / Math.PI * Math.Atan2(Vector3d.Dot(vector3d.normalized, lat0lon90AtStart), Vector3d.Dot(vector3d.normalized, lat0lon0AtStart));

            longitude         -= 360 * (UT - epoch) / referenceBody.rotationPeriod;
            absolute.longitude = MuUtils.ClampDegrees180(longitude);

            absolute.radius = vector3d.magnitude;

            absolute.UT = UT;

        public static Coordinates GetMouseCoordinates(CelestialBody body)
            Ray mouseRay = PlanetariumCamera.Camera.ScreenPointToRay(Input.mousePosition);

            mouseRay.origin = ScaledSpace.ScaledToLocalSpace(mouseRay.origin);
            Vector3d relOrigin = mouseRay.origin - body.position;
            Vector3d relSurfacePosition;

            if (PQS.LineSphereIntersection(relOrigin, mouseRay.direction, body.Radius, out relSurfacePosition))
                Vector3d surfacePoint = body.position + relSurfacePosition;
                return(new Coordinates(body.GetLatitude(surfacePoint), MuUtils.ClampDegrees180(body.GetLongitude(surfacePoint))));
        //Computes the delta-V of the burn required to change an orbit's inclination to a given value
        //at a given UT. If the latitude at that time is too high, so that the desired inclination
        //cannot be attained, the burn returned will achieve as low an inclination as possible (namely, inclination = latitude).
        //The input inclination is in degrees.
        //Note that there are two orbits through each point with a given inclination. The convention used is:
        //   - first, clamp newInclination to the range -180, 180
        //   - if newInclination > 0, do the cheaper burn to set that inclination
        //   - if newInclination < 0, do the more expensive burn to set that inclination
        public static Vector3d DeltaVToChangeInclination(Orbit o, double UT, double newInclination)
            double   latitude                 = o.referenceBody.GetLatitude(o.SwappedAbsolutePositionAtUT(UT));
            double   desiredHeading           = HeadingForInclination(newInclination, latitude);
            Vector3d actualHorizontalVelocity = Vector3d.Exclude(o.Up(UT), o.SwappedOrbitalVelocityAtUT(UT));
            Vector3d eastComponent            = actualHorizontalVelocity.magnitude * Math.Sin(Math.PI / 180 * desiredHeading) * o.East(UT);
            Vector3d northComponent           = actualHorizontalVelocity.magnitude * Math.Cos(Math.PI / 180 * desiredHeading) * o.North(UT);

            if (Vector3d.Dot(actualHorizontalVelocity, northComponent) < 0)
                northComponent *= -1;
            if (MuUtils.ClampDegrees180(newInclination) < 0)
                northComponent *= -1;
            Vector3d desiredHorizontalVelocity = eastComponent + northComponent;

            return(desiredHorizontalVelocity - actualHorizontalVelocity);
        void AimVelocityVector(double desiredFpa, double desiredHeading)
            //horizontal control
            double velocityHeading = 180 / Math.PI * Math.Atan2(Vector3d.Dot(vesselState.surfaceVelocity, vesselState.east),
                                                                Vector3d.Dot(vesselState.surfaceVelocity, vesselState.north));
            double headingTurn = Mathf.Clamp((float)MuUtils.ClampDegrees180(desiredHeading - velocityHeading), -maxYaw, maxYaw);
            double noseHeading = velocityHeading + headingTurn;
            double noseRoll    = (maxRoll / maxYaw) * headingTurn;

            //vertical control
            double nosePitch = desiredFpa + stableAoA + pitchCorrection;

            core.attitude.attitudeTo(noseHeading, nosePitch, noseRoll, this);

            double flightPathAngle = 180 / Math.PI * Math.Atan2(vesselState.speedVertical, vesselState.speedSurfaceHorizontal);
            double AoA             = vesselState.vesselPitch - flightPathAngle;

            stableAoA = (AoAtimeConstant * stableAoA + vesselState.deltaT * AoA) / (AoAtimeConstant + vesselState.deltaT); //a sort of integral error

            pitchCorrection = (pitchCorrectionTimeConstant * pitchCorrection + vesselState.deltaT * (nosePitch - vesselState.vesselPitch)) / (pitchCorrectionTimeConstant + vesselState.deltaT);
            pitchCorrection = Mathf.Clamp((float)pitchCorrection, -maxPitchCorrection, maxPitchCorrection);
 //Returns whether a has a descending node with b. This can be false
 //if a is hyperbolic and the would-be descending node is within the opening
 //angle of the hyperbola.
 public static bool DescendingNodeExists(this Orbit a, Orbit b)
     return(Math.Abs(MuUtils.ClampDegrees180(a.DescendingNodeTrueAnomaly(b))) <= a.MaximumTrueAnomaly());
        public void Update(Vessel vessel)
            if (vessel.rigidbody == null)
                return;                           //if we try to update before rigidbodies exist we spam the console with NullPointerExceptions.
            //if (vessel.packed) return;

            time   = Planetarium.GetUniversalTime();
            deltaT = TimeWarp.fixedDeltaTime;

            CoM = vessel.findWorldCenterOfMass();
            up  = (CoM - vessel.mainBody.position).normalized;

            Rigidbody rigidBody = vessel.rootPart.rigidbody;

            if (rigidBody != null)
                rootPartPos = rigidBody.position;

            north                 = Vector3d.Exclude(up, (vessel.mainBody.position + vessel.mainBody.transform.up * (float)vessel.mainBody.Radius) - CoM).normalized;
            east                  = vessel.mainBody.getRFrmVel(CoM).normalized;
            forward               = vessel.GetTransform().up;
            rotationSurface       = Quaternion.LookRotation(north, up);
            rotationVesselSurface = Quaternion.Inverse(Quaternion.Euler(90, 0, 0) * Quaternion.Inverse(vessel.GetTransform().rotation) * rotationSurface);

            velocityVesselOrbit       = vessel.orbit.GetVel();
            velocityVesselOrbitUnit   = velocityVesselOrbit.normalized;
            velocityVesselSurface     = velocityVesselOrbit - vessel.mainBody.getRFrmVel(CoM);
            velocityVesselSurfaceUnit = velocityVesselSurface.normalized;
            velocityMainBodySurface   = rotationSurface * velocityVesselSurface;

            horizontalOrbit   = Vector3d.Exclude(up, velocityVesselOrbit).normalized;
            horizontalSurface = Vector3d.Exclude(up, velocityVesselSurface).normalized;

            angularVelocity = Quaternion.Inverse(vessel.GetTransform().rotation) * vessel.rigidbody.angularVelocity;

            radialPlusSurface = Vector3d.Exclude(velocityVesselSurface, up).normalized;
            radialPlus        = Vector3d.Exclude(velocityVesselOrbit, up).normalized;
            normalPlusSurface = -Vector3d.Cross(radialPlusSurface, velocityVesselSurfaceUnit);
            normalPlus        = -Vector3d.Cross(radialPlus, velocityVesselOrbitUnit);

            gravityForce = FlightGlobals.getGeeForceAtPosition(CoM);
            localg       = gravityForce.magnitude;

            speedOrbital.value           = velocityVesselOrbit.magnitude;
            speedSurface.value           = velocityVesselSurface.magnitude;
            speedVertical.value          = Vector3d.Dot(velocityVesselSurface, up);
            speedSurfaceHorizontal.value = (velocityVesselSurface - (speedVertical * up)).magnitude;
            speedOrbitHorizontal         = (velocityVesselOrbit - (speedVertical * up)).magnitude;

            vesselHeading.value = rotationVesselSurface.eulerAngles.y;
            vesselPitch.value   = (rotationVesselSurface.eulerAngles.x > 180) ? (360.0 - rotationVesselSurface.eulerAngles.x) : -rotationVesselSurface.eulerAngles.x;
            vesselRoll.value    = (rotationVesselSurface.eulerAngles.z > 180) ? (rotationVesselSurface.eulerAngles.z - 360.0) : rotationVesselSurface.eulerAngles.z;

            altitudeASL.value = vessel.mainBody.GetAltitude(CoM);
            RaycastHit sfc;

            if (Physics.Raycast(CoM, -up, out sfc, (float)altitudeASL + 10000.0F, 1 << 15))
                altitudeTrue.value = sfc.distance;
            else if (vessel.mainBody.pqsController != null)
                // from here: http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/forum/index.php?topic=10324.msg161923#msg161923
                altitudeTrue.value = vessel.mainBody.GetAltitude(CoM) - (vessel.mainBody.pqsController.GetSurfaceHeight(QuaternionD.AngleAxis(vessel.mainBody.GetLongitude(CoM), Vector3d.down) * QuaternionD.AngleAxis(vessel.mainBody.GetLatitude(CoM), Vector3d.forward) * Vector3d.right) - vessel.mainBody.pqsController.radius);
                altitudeTrue.value = vessel.mainBody.GetAltitude(CoM);

            double surfaceAltitudeASL = altitudeASL - altitudeTrue;

            altitudeBottom = altitudeTrue;
            foreach (Part p in vessel.parts)
                if (p.collider != null)
                    Vector3d bottomPoint   = p.collider.ClosestPointOnBounds(vessel.mainBody.position);
                    double   partBottomAlt = vessel.mainBody.GetAltitude(bottomPoint) - surfaceAltitudeASL;
                    altitudeBottom = Math.Max(0, Math.Min(altitudeBottom, partBottomAlt));

            double atmosphericPressure = FlightGlobals.getStaticPressure(altitudeASL, vessel.mainBody);

            if (atmosphericPressure < vessel.mainBody.atmosphereMultiplier * 1e-6)
                atmosphericPressure = 0;
            atmosphericDensity      = FlightGlobals.getAtmDensity(atmosphericPressure);
            atmosphericDensityGrams = atmosphericDensity * 1000;

            orbitApA.value      = vessel.orbit.ApA;
            orbitPeA.value      = vessel.orbit.PeA;
            orbitPeriod.value   = vessel.orbit.period;
            orbitTimeToAp.value = vessel.orbit.timeToAp;
            if (vessel.orbit.eccentricity < 1)
                orbitTimeToPe.value = vessel.orbit.timeToPe;
                orbitTimeToPe.value = -vessel.orbit.meanAnomaly / (2 * Math.PI / vessel.orbit.period);
            orbitLAN.value = vessel.orbit.LAN;
            orbitArgumentOfPeriapsis.value = vessel.orbit.argumentOfPeriapsis;
            orbitInclination.value         = vessel.orbit.inclination;
            orbitEccentricity.value        = vessel.orbit.eccentricity;
            orbitSemiMajorAxis.value       = vessel.orbit.semiMajorAxis;
            latitude.value  = vessel.mainBody.GetLatitude(CoM);
            longitude.value = MuUtils.ClampDegrees180(vessel.mainBody.GetLongitude(CoM));

            if (vessel.mainBody != Planetarium.fetch.Sun)
                Vector3d delta = vessel.mainBody.getPositionAtUT(Planetarium.GetUniversalTime() + 1) - vessel.mainBody.getPositionAtUT(Planetarium.GetUniversalTime() - 1);
                Vector3d plUp  = Vector3d.Cross(vessel.mainBody.getPositionAtUT(Planetarium.GetUniversalTime()) - vessel.mainBody.referenceBody.getPositionAtUT(Planetarium.GetUniversalTime()), vessel.mainBody.getPositionAtUT(Planetarium.GetUniversalTime() + vessel.mainBody.orbit.period / 4) - vessel.mainBody.referenceBody.getPositionAtUT(Planetarium.GetUniversalTime() + vessel.mainBody.orbit.period / 4)).normalized;
                angleToPrograde = MuUtils.ClampDegrees360((((vessel.orbit.inclination > 90) || (vessel.orbit.inclination < -90)) ? 1 : -1) * ((Vector3)up).AngleInPlane(plUp, delta));
                angleToPrograde = 0;

            mainBody = vessel.mainBody;

            radius = (CoM - vessel.mainBody.position).magnitude;

            mass = thrustAvailable = thrustMinimum = massDrag = torqueRAvailable = torquePYAvailable = torqueThrustPYAvailable = 0;
            rcsThrustAvailable = new Vector6();
            rcsTorqueAvailable = new Vector6();

            EngineInfo einfo = new EngineInfo(forward, CoM);
            IntakeInfo iinfo = new IntakeInfo();

            var rcsbal = vessel.GetMasterMechJeb().rcsbal;

            if (vessel.ActionGroups[KSPActionGroup.RCS] && rcsbal.enabled)
                Vector3d rot = Vector3d.zero;
                foreach (Vector6.Direction dir6 in Enum.GetValues(typeof(Vector6.Direction)))
                    Vector3d dir = Vector6.directions[dir6];
                    double[] throttles;
                    List <RCSSolver.Thruster> thrusters;
                    rcsbal.GetThrottles(dir, out throttles, out thrusters);
                    if (throttles != null)
                        for (int i = 0; i < throttles.Length; i++)
                            if (throttles[i] > 0)
                                Vector3d force = thrusters[i].GetThrust(dir, rot);
                                rcsThrustAvailable.Add(dir * Vector3d.Dot(force * throttles[i], dir));

            foreach (Part p in vessel.parts)
                if (p.physicalSignificance != Part.PhysicalSignificance.NONE)
                    double partMass = p.TotalMass();
                    mass     += partMass;
                    massDrag += partMass * p.maximum_drag;

                if (vessel.ActionGroups[KSPActionGroup.RCS] && !rcsbal.enabled)
                    foreach (ModuleRCS pm in p.Modules.OfType <ModuleRCS>())
                        double maxT = pm.thrusterPower;

                        if ((pm.isEnabled) && (!pm.isJustForShow))
                            torqueRAvailable += maxT;
                            if (p.Rigidbody != null)
                                torquePYAvailable += maxT * (p.Rigidbody.worldCenterOfMass - CoM).magnitude;

                            foreach (Transform t in pm.thrusterTransforms)
                                rcsThrustAvailable.Add(-t.up * pm.thrusterPower);
                if (p is CommandPod)
                    torqueRAvailable  += Math.Abs(((CommandPod)p).rotPower);
                    torquePYAvailable += Math.Abs(((CommandPod)p).rotPower);

                foreach (PartModule pm in p.Modules)
                    if (!pm.isEnabled)

                    if (pm is ModuleEngines)
                        einfo.AddNewEngine(pm as ModuleEngines);
                    else if (pm is ModuleResourceIntake)
                        iinfo.addIntake(pm as ModuleResourceIntake);

            thrustAvailable         += einfo.thrustAvailable;
            thrustMinimum           += einfo.thrustMinimum;
            torqueThrustPYAvailable += einfo.torqueThrustPYAvailable;

            // Convert the resource information from the einfo and iinfo format
            // to the more useful ResourceInfo format.
            resources = new Dictionary <int, ResourceInfo>();
            foreach (var info in einfo.resourceRequired)
                int id  = info.Key;
                var req = info.Value;
                resources[id] = new ResourceInfo(

            int intakeAirId = PartResourceLibrary.Instance.GetDefinition("IntakeAir").id;

            intakeAir       = 0;
            intakeAirNeeded = 0;
            intakeAirAtMax  = 0;
            if (resources.ContainsKey(intakeAirId))
                intakeAir       = resources[intakeAirId].intakeProvided;
                intakeAirNeeded = resources[intakeAirId].required;
                intakeAirAtMax  = resources[intakeAirId].requiredAtMaxThrottle;

            angularMomentum = new Vector3d(angularVelocity.x * MoI.x, angularVelocity.y * MoI.y, angularVelocity.z * MoI.z);

            maxThrustAccel = thrustAvailable / mass;
            minThrustAccel = thrustMinimum / mass;

            inertiaTensor = new Matrix3x3();
            foreach (Part p in vessel.parts)
                if (p.Rigidbody == null)

                //Compute the contributions to the vessel inertia tensor due to the part inertia tensor
                Vector3d   principalMoments = p.Rigidbody.inertiaTensor;
                Quaternion princAxesRot     = Quaternion.Inverse(vessel.GetTransform().rotation) * p.transform.rotation * p.Rigidbody.inertiaTensorRotation;
                Quaternion invPrincAxesRot  = Quaternion.Inverse(princAxesRot);

                for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
                    Vector3d iHat = Vector3d.zero;
                    iHat[i] = 1;
                    for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++)
                        Vector3d jHat = Vector3d.zero;
                        jHat[j]              = 1;
                        inertiaTensor[i, j] += Vector3d.Dot(iHat, princAxesRot * Vector3d.Scale(principalMoments, invPrincAxesRot * jHat));

                //Compute the contributions to the vessel inertia tensor due to the part mass and position
                double  partMass     = p.TotalMass();
                Vector3 partPosition = vessel.transform.InverseTransformDirection(p.Rigidbody.worldCenterOfMass - CoM);

                for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
                    inertiaTensor[i, i] += partMass * partPosition.sqrMagnitude;

                    for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++)
                        inertiaTensor[i, j] += -partMass * partPosition[i] * partPosition[j];

            MoI             = new Vector3d(inertiaTensor[0, 0], inertiaTensor[1, 1], inertiaTensor[2, 2]);
            angularMomentum = inertiaTensor * angularVelocity;
        public void Update(Vessel vessel)
            if (vessel.rigidbody == null)
                return;                           //if we try to update before rigidbodies exist we spam the console with NullPointerExceptions.
            //if (vessel.packed) return;

            // To investigate some strange error
            if ((vessel.mainBody == null || (object)(vessel.mainBody) == null) && counter == 0)
                if ((object)(vessel.mainBody) == null)
                    MechJebCore.print("vessel.mainBody is proper null");
                    MechJebCore.print("vessel.mainBody is Unity null");

                counter = counter++ % 100;

            time   = Planetarium.GetUniversalTime();
            deltaT = TimeWarp.fixedDeltaTime;

            CoM = vessel.findWorldCenterOfMass();
            up  = (CoM - vessel.mainBody.position).normalized;

            Rigidbody rigidBody = vessel.rootPart.rigidbody;

            if (rigidBody != null)
                rootPartPos = rigidBody.position;

            north                 = Vector3d.Exclude(up, (vessel.mainBody.position + vessel.mainBody.transform.up * (float)vessel.mainBody.Radius) - CoM).normalized;
            east                  = vessel.mainBody.getRFrmVel(CoM).normalized;
            forward               = vessel.GetTransform().up;
            rotationSurface       = Quaternion.LookRotation(north, up);
            rotationVesselSurface = Quaternion.Inverse(Quaternion.Euler(90, 0, 0) * Quaternion.Inverse(vessel.GetTransform().rotation) * rotationSurface);

//            velocityVesselOrbit = vessel.orbit.GetVel();
//            velocityVesselOrbitUnit = velocityVesselOrbit.normalized;
//            velocityVesselSurface = velocityVesselOrbit - vessel.mainBody.getRFrmVel(CoM);
//            velocityVesselSurfaceUnit = velocityVesselSurface.normalized;
            velocityMainBodySurface = rotationSurface * vessel.srf_velocity;

            horizontalOrbit   = Vector3d.Exclude(up, vessel.obt_velocity).normalized;
            horizontalSurface = Vector3d.Exclude(up, vessel.srf_velocity).normalized;

            angularVelocity = Quaternion.Inverse(vessel.GetTransform().rotation) * vessel.rigidbody.angularVelocity;

            radialPlusSurface = Vector3d.Exclude(vessel.srf_velocity, up).normalized;
            radialPlus        = Vector3d.Exclude(vessel.obt_velocity, up).normalized;
            normalPlusSurface = -Vector3d.Cross(radialPlusSurface, vessel.srf_velocity.normalized);
            normalPlus        = -Vector3d.Cross(radialPlus, vessel.obt_velocity.normalized);

            gravityForce = FlightGlobals.getGeeForceAtPosition(CoM);
            localg       = gravityForce.magnitude;

            speedOrbital.value           = vessel.obt_velocity.magnitude;
            speedSurface.value           = vessel.srf_velocity.magnitude;
            speedVertical.value          = Vector3d.Dot(vessel.srf_velocity, up);
            speedSurfaceHorizontal.value = Vector3d.Exclude(up, vessel.srf_velocity).magnitude; //(velocityVesselSurface - (speedVertical * up)).magnitude;
            speedOrbitHorizontal         = (vessel.obt_velocity - (speedVertical * up)).magnitude;

            vesselHeading.value = rotationVesselSurface.eulerAngles.y;
            vesselPitch.value   = (rotationVesselSurface.eulerAngles.x > 180) ? (360.0 - rotationVesselSurface.eulerAngles.x) : -rotationVesselSurface.eulerAngles.x;
            vesselRoll.value    = (rotationVesselSurface.eulerAngles.z > 180) ? (rotationVesselSurface.eulerAngles.z - 360.0) : rotationVesselSurface.eulerAngles.z;

            altitudeASL.value = vessel.mainBody.GetAltitude(CoM);
            //RaycastHit sfc;
            //if (Physics.Raycast(CoM, -up, out sfc, (float)altitudeASL + 10000.0F, 1 << 15))
            //    altitudeTrue.value = sfc.distance;
            //else if (vessel.mainBody.pqsController != null)
            //    // from here: http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/forum/index.php?topic=10324.msg161923#msg161923
            //    altitudeTrue.value = vessel.mainBody.GetAltitude(CoM) - (vessel.mainBody.pqsController.GetSurfaceHeight(QuaternionD.AngleAxis(vessel.mainBody.GetLongitude(CoM), Vector3d.down) * QuaternionD.AngleAxis(vessel.mainBody.GetLatitude(CoM), Vector3d.forward) * Vector3d.right) - vessel.mainBody.pqsController.radius);
            //    altitudeTrue.value = vessel.mainBody.GetAltitude(CoM);

            //double surfaceAltitudeASL = altitudeASL - altitudeTrue;

            double surfaceAltitudeASL = vessel.mainBody.pqsController != null ? vessel.pqsAltitude : 0d;

            altitudeTrue.value = altitudeASL - surfaceAltitudeASL;

            altitudeBottom = altitudeTrue;
            foreach (Part p in vessel.parts)
                if (p.collider != null)
                    Vector3d bottomPoint   = p.collider.ClosestPointOnBounds(vessel.mainBody.position);
                    double   partBottomAlt = vessel.mainBody.GetAltitude(bottomPoint) - surfaceAltitudeASL;
                    altitudeBottom = Math.Max(0, Math.Min(altitudeBottom, partBottomAlt));

            double atmosphericPressure = FlightGlobals.getStaticPressure(altitudeASL, vessel.mainBody);

            if (atmosphericPressure < vessel.mainBody.atmosphereMultiplier * 1e-6)
                atmosphericPressure = 0;
            atmosphericDensity      = FlightGlobals.getAtmDensity(atmosphericPressure);
            atmosphericDensityGrams = atmosphericDensity * 1000;

            orbitApA.value      = vessel.orbit.ApA;
            orbitPeA.value      = vessel.orbit.PeA;
            orbitPeriod.value   = vessel.orbit.period;
            orbitTimeToAp.value = vessel.orbit.timeToAp;
            if (vessel.orbit.eccentricity < 1)
                orbitTimeToPe.value = vessel.orbit.timeToPe;
                orbitTimeToPe.value = -vessel.orbit.meanAnomaly / (2 * Math.PI / vessel.orbit.period);
            orbitLAN.value = vessel.orbit.LAN;
            orbitArgumentOfPeriapsis.value = vessel.orbit.argumentOfPeriapsis;
            orbitInclination.value         = vessel.orbit.inclination;
            orbitEccentricity.value        = vessel.orbit.eccentricity;
            orbitSemiMajorAxis.value       = vessel.orbit.semiMajorAxis;
            latitude.value  = vessel.mainBody.GetLatitude(CoM);
            longitude.value = MuUtils.ClampDegrees180(vessel.mainBody.GetLongitude(CoM));

            if (vessel.mainBody != Planetarium.fetch.Sun)
                Vector3d delta = vessel.mainBody.getPositionAtUT(Planetarium.GetUniversalTime() + 1) - vessel.mainBody.getPositionAtUT(Planetarium.GetUniversalTime() - 1);
                Vector3d plUp  = Vector3d.Cross(vessel.mainBody.getPositionAtUT(Planetarium.GetUniversalTime()) - vessel.mainBody.referenceBody.getPositionAtUT(Planetarium.GetUniversalTime()), vessel.mainBody.getPositionAtUT(Planetarium.GetUniversalTime() + vessel.mainBody.orbit.period / 4) - vessel.mainBody.referenceBody.getPositionAtUT(Planetarium.GetUniversalTime() + vessel.mainBody.orbit.period / 4)).normalized;
                angleToPrograde = MuUtils.ClampDegrees360((((vessel.orbit.inclination > 90) || (vessel.orbit.inclination < -90)) ? 1 : -1) * ((Vector3)up).AngleInPlane(plUp, delta));
                angleToPrograde = 0;

            mainBody = vessel.mainBody;

            radius = (CoM - vessel.mainBody.position).magnitude;

            mass = massDrag = torqueThrustPYAvailable = 0;
            thrustVectorLastFrame   = new Vector3d();
            thrustVectorMaxThrottle = new Vector3d();
            thrustVectorMinThrottle = new Vector3d();
            torqueAvailable         = new Vector3d();
            rcsThrustAvailable      = new Vector6();
            rcsTorqueAvailable      = new Vector6();
            ctrlTorqueAvailable     = new Vector6();

            EngineInfo einfo = new EngineInfo(CoM);
            IntakeInfo iinfo = new IntakeInfo();

            parachutes = new List <ModuleParachute>();

            var rcsbal = vessel.GetMasterMechJeb().rcsbal;

            if (vessel.ActionGroups[KSPActionGroup.RCS] && rcsbal.enabled)
                Vector3d rot = Vector3d.zero;
                foreach (Vector6.Direction dir6 in Enum.GetValues(typeof(Vector6.Direction)))
                    Vector3d dir = Vector6.directions[dir6];
                    double[] throttles;
                    List <RCSSolver.Thruster> thrusters;
                    rcsbal.GetThrottles(dir, out throttles, out thrusters);
                    if (throttles != null)
                        for (int i = 0; i < throttles.Length; i++)
                            if (throttles[i] > 0)
                                Vector3d force = thrusters[i].GetThrust(dir, rot);
                                rcsThrustAvailable.Add(vessel.GetTransform().InverseTransformDirection(dir * Vector3d.Dot(force * throttles[i], dir)));

            hasMFE = false;

            foreach (Part p in vessel.parts)
                if (p.IsPhysicallySignificant())
                    double partMass = p.TotalMass();
                    mass     += partMass;
                    massDrag += partMass * p.maximum_drag;

                if (vessel.ActionGroups[KSPActionGroup.RCS] && !rcsbal.enabled)
                    foreach (ModuleRCS pm in p.Modules.OfType <ModuleRCS>())
                        double   maxT         = pm.thrusterPower;
                        Vector3d partPosition = p.Rigidbody.worldCenterOfMass - CoM;

                        if ((pm.isEnabled) && (!pm.isJustForShow))
                            foreach (Transform t in pm.thrusterTransforms)
                                Vector3d thrusterThrust = vessel.GetTransform().InverseTransformDirection(-t.up.normalized) * pm.thrusterPower;
                                Vector3d thrusterTorque = Vector3.Cross(vessel.GetTransform().InverseTransformDirection(partPosition), thrusterThrust);

                if (p is ControlSurface)
                    Vector3d       partPosition = p.Rigidbody.worldCenterOfMass - CoM;
                    ControlSurface cs           = (p as ControlSurface);
                    Vector3d       airSpeed     = vessel.srf_velocity + Vector3.Cross(cs.Rigidbody.angularVelocity, cs.transform.position - cs.Rigidbody.position);
                    // Air Speed is velocityVesselSurface
                    // AddForceAtPosition seems to need the airspeed vector rotated with the flap rotation x its surface
                    Quaternion airSpeedRot   = Quaternion.AngleAxis(cs.ctrlSurfaceRange * cs.ctrlSurfaceArea, cs.transform.rotation * cs.pivotAxis);
                    Vector3    ctrlTroquePos = vessel.GetTransform().InverseTransformDirection(Vector3.Cross(partPosition, cs.getLiftVector(airSpeedRot * airSpeed)));
                    Vector3    ctrlTroqueNeg = vessel.GetTransform().InverseTransformDirection(Vector3.Cross(partPosition, cs.getLiftVector(Quaternion.Inverse(airSpeedRot) * airSpeed)));

                if (p is CommandPod)
                    torqueAvailable += Vector3d.one * Math.Abs(((CommandPod)p).rotPower);

                foreach (VesselStatePartExtension vspe in vesselStatePartExtensions)

                foreach (PartModule pm in p.Modules)
                    if (!pm.isEnabled)

                    if (pm is ModuleReactionWheel)
                        ModuleReactionWheel rw = (ModuleReactionWheel)pm;
                        // I had to remove the test for active in .23 since the new ressource system reply to the RW that
                        // there is no energy available when the RW do tiny adjustement.
                        // I replaceed it with a test that check if there is electricity anywhere on the ship.
                        // Let's hope we don't get reaction wheel that use something else
                        //if (rw.wheelState == ModuleReactionWheel.WheelState.Active && !rw.stateString.Contains("Not enough"))
                        if (rw.wheelState == ModuleReactionWheel.WheelState.Active && vessel.HasElectricCharge())
                            torqueAvailable += new Vector3d(rw.PitchTorque, rw.RollTorque, rw.YawTorque);
                    else if (pm is ModuleEngines)
                        einfo.AddNewEngine(pm as ModuleEngines);
                    else if (pm is ModuleEnginesFX)
                        einfo.AddNewEngine(pm as ModuleEnginesFX);
                    else if (pm is ModuleResourceIntake)
                        iinfo.addIntake(pm as ModuleResourceIntake);
                    else if (pm is ModuleParachute)
                        parachutes.Add(pm as ModuleParachute);
                    else if (pm is ModuleControlSurface)
                        // TODO : Tweakable for ignorePitch / ignoreYaw  / ignoreRoll
                        ModuleControlSurface cs           = (pm as ModuleControlSurface);
                        Vector3d             partPosition = p.Rigidbody.worldCenterOfMass - CoM;

                        Vector3d airSpeed = vessel.srf_velocity + Vector3.Cross(cs.part.Rigidbody.angularVelocity, cs.transform.position - cs.part.Rigidbody.position);

                        Quaternion airSpeedRot = Quaternion.AngleAxis(cs.ctrlSurfaceRange * cs.ctrlSurfaceArea, cs.transform.rotation * Vector3.right);

                        Vector3 ctrlTroquePos = vessel.GetTransform().InverseTransformDirection(Vector3.Cross(partPosition, cs.getLiftVector(airSpeedRot * airSpeed)));
                        Vector3 ctrlTroqueNeg = vessel.GetTransform().InverseTransformDirection(Vector3.Cross(partPosition, cs.getLiftVector(Quaternion.Inverse(airSpeedRot) * airSpeed)));

                    if (pm.ClassName == "ModuleEngineConfigs" || pm.ClassName == "ModuleHybridEngine" || pm.ClassName == "ModuleHybridEngines")
                        hasMFE = true;

                    foreach (VesselStatePartModuleExtension vspme in vesselStatePartModuleExtensions)

            // Consider all the parachutes
                bool tempParachuteDeployed = false;
                foreach (ModuleParachute p in parachutes)
                    if (p.deploymentState == ModuleParachute.deploymentStates.DEPLOYED || p.deploymentState == ModuleParachute.deploymentStates.SEMIDEPLOYED)
                        tempParachuteDeployed = true;
                this.parachuteDeployed = tempParachuteDeployed;

            torqueAvailable += Vector3d.Max(rcsTorqueAvailable.positive, rcsTorqueAvailable.negative);   // Should we use Max or Min ?
            torqueAvailable += Vector3d.Max(ctrlTorqueAvailable.positive, ctrlTorqueAvailable.negative); // Should we use Max or Min ?

            thrustVectorMaxThrottle += einfo.thrustMax;
            thrustVectorMinThrottle += einfo.thrustMin;
            thrustVectorLastFrame   += einfo.thrustCurrent;
            torqueThrustPYAvailable += einfo.torqueThrustPYAvailable;

            if (thrustVectorMaxThrottle.magnitude == 0 && vessel.ActionGroups[KSPActionGroup.RCS])
                rcsThrust = true;
                thrustVectorMaxThrottle += (Vector3d)(vessel.transform.up) * rcsThrustAvailable.down;
                rcsThrust = false;

            // Convert the resource information from the einfo and iinfo format
            // to the more useful ResourceInfo format.
            resources = new Dictionary <int, ResourceInfo>();
            foreach (var info in einfo.resourceRequired)
                int id  = info.Key;
                var req = info.Value;
                resources[id] = new ResourceInfo(

            int intakeAirId = PartResourceLibrary.Instance.GetDefinition("IntakeAir").id;

            intakeAir           = 0;
            intakeAirNeeded     = 0;
            intakeAirAtMax      = 0;
            intakeAirAllIntakes = 0;
            if (resources.ContainsKey(intakeAirId))
                intakeAir           = resources[intakeAirId].intakeProvided;
                intakeAirAllIntakes = resources[intakeAirId].intakeAvailable;
                intakeAirNeeded     = resources[intakeAirId].required;
                intakeAirAtMax      = resources[intakeAirId].requiredAtMaxThrottle;

            angularMomentum = new Vector3d(angularVelocity.x * MoI.x, angularVelocity.y * MoI.y, angularVelocity.z * MoI.z);

            inertiaTensor = new Matrix3x3();
            foreach (Part p in vessel.parts)
                if (p.Rigidbody == null)

                //Compute the contributions to the vessel inertia tensor due to the part inertia tensor
                Vector3d   principalMoments = p.Rigidbody.inertiaTensor;
                Quaternion princAxesRot     = Quaternion.Inverse(vessel.GetTransform().rotation) * p.transform.rotation * p.Rigidbody.inertiaTensorRotation;
                Quaternion invPrincAxesRot  = Quaternion.Inverse(princAxesRot);

                for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
                    Vector3d iHat = Vector3d.zero;
                    iHat[i] = 1;
                    for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++)
                        Vector3d jHat = Vector3d.zero;
                        jHat[j]              = 1;
                        inertiaTensor[i, j] += Vector3d.Dot(iHat, princAxesRot * Vector3d.Scale(principalMoments, invPrincAxesRot * jHat));

                //Compute the contributions to the vessel inertia tensor due to the part mass and position
                double  partMass     = p.TotalMass();
                Vector3 partPosition = vessel.GetTransform().InverseTransformDirection(p.Rigidbody.worldCenterOfMass - CoM);

                for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
                    inertiaTensor[i, i] += partMass * partPosition.sqrMagnitude;

                    for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++)
                        inertiaTensor[i, j] += -partMass * partPosition[i] * partPosition[j];

            MoI             = new Vector3d(inertiaTensor[0, 0], inertiaTensor[1, 1], inertiaTensor[2, 2]);
            angularMomentum = inertiaTensor * angularVelocity;
        public override void Drive(FlightCtrlState s)

            //SpeedHold (set AccelerationTarget automatically to hold speed)
            if (SpeedHoldEnabled)
                double spd = vesselState.speedSurface;
                cur_acc = (spd - _spd) / Time.fixedDeltaTime;
                _spd    = spd;
                RealAccelerationTarget = (SpeedTarget - spd) / 4;
                a_err = (RealAccelerationTarget - cur_acc);
                AccelerationPIDController.intAccum = MuUtils.Clamp(AccelerationPIDController.intAccum, -1 / AccKi, 1 / AccKi);
                double t_act = AccelerationPIDController.Compute(a_err);
                if (!double.IsNaN(t_act))
                    core.thrust.targetThrottle = (float)MuUtils.Clamp(t_act, 0, 1);
                    core.thrust.targetThrottle = 0.0f;

            //AltitudeHold (set VertSpeed automatically to hold altitude)
            if (AltitudeHoldEnabled)
                RealVertSpeedTarget = MuUtils.Clamp(fixVertSpeed(AltitudeTarget - vesselState.altitudeASL), -VertSpeedMax, VertSpeedMax);
                RealVertSpeedTarget = VertSpeedTarget;

            if (VertSpeedHoldEnabled)
                double vertspd = vesselState.speedVertical;
                v_err = RealVertSpeedTarget - vertspd;
                VertSpeedPIDController.intAccum = MuUtils.Clamp(VertSpeedPIDController.intAccum, -1 / (VerKi * VerPIDScale), 1 / (VerKi * VerPIDScale));
                double p_act = VertSpeedPIDController.Compute(v_err);
                if (double.IsNaN(p_act))
                    s.pitch = Mathf.Clamp((float)p_act, -1, 1);

            double curHeading = vesselState.HeadingFromDirection(vesselState.forward);

            if (HeadingHoldEnabled)
                double toturn = MuUtils.ClampDegrees180(HeadingTarget - curHeading);
                RealRollTarget = MuUtils.Clamp(toturn * 2, -RollMax, RollMax);
                RealRollTarget = RollTarget;

            if (RollHoldEnabled)
                double roll_err = MuUtils.ClampDegrees180(vesselState.vesselRoll + RealRollTarget);
                RollPIDController.intAccum = MuUtils.Clamp(RollPIDController.intAccum, -100 / AccKi, 100 / AccKi);
                double roll_act = RollPIDController.Compute(roll_err);
                s.roll = Mathf.Clamp((float)roll_act / 100, -1, 1);

            if (HeadingHoldEnabled)
                double yaw_err = MuUtils.ClampDegrees180(HeadingTarget - curHeading);
                YawPIDController.intAccum = MuUtils.Clamp(YawPIDController.intAccum, -YawLimit * 100 / AccKi, YawLimit * 100 / AccKi);
                double yaw_act = YawPIDController.Compute(yaw_err);
                s.yaw = (float)MuUtils.Clamp(yaw_act / 100, -YawLimit, +YawLimit);
 //Returns whether o has a descending node with the equator. This can be false
 //if o is hyperbolic and the would-be descending node is within the opening
 //angle of the hyperbola.
 public static bool DescendingNodeEquatorialExists(this Orbit o)
     return(Math.Abs(MuUtils.ClampDegrees180(o.DescendingNodeEquatorialTrueAnomaly())) <= o.MaximumTrueAnomaly());
        public override void Drive(FlightCtrlState s) // TODO put the brake in when running out of power to prevent nighttime solar failures on hills, or atleast try to
        {                                             // TODO make distance calculation for 'reached' determination consider the rover and waypoint on sealevel to prevent height differences from messing it up
            if (orbit.referenceBody != lastBody)
                WaypointIndex = -1; Waypoints.Clear();
            MechJebRoverWaypoint wp = (WaypointIndex > -1 && WaypointIndex < Waypoints.Count ? Waypoints[WaypointIndex] : null);

            var curSpeed = vesselState.speedSurface;

            etaSpeed.value = curSpeed;

            if (wp != null && wp.Body == orbit.referenceBody)
                if (controlHeading)
                    heading = Math.Round(HeadingToPos(vessel.CoM, wp.Position), 1);
                if (controlSpeed)
                    var nextWP   = (WaypointIndex < Waypoints.Count - 1 ? Waypoints[WaypointIndex + 1] : (LoopWaypoints ? Waypoints[0] : null));
                    var distance = Vector3.Distance(vessel.CoM, wp.Position);
                    //var maxSpeed = (wp.MaxSpeed > 0 ? Math.Min((float)speed, wp.MaxSpeed) : speed); // use waypoints maxSpeed if set and smaller than set the speed or just stick with the set speed
                    var maxSpeed = (wp.MaxSpeed > 0 ? wp.MaxSpeed : speed);                     // speed used to go towards the waypoint, using the waypoints maxSpeed if set or just stick with the set speed
                    var minSpeed = (wp.MinSpeed > 0 ? wp.MinSpeed :
                                    (nextWP != null ? TurningSpeed((nextWP.MaxSpeed > 0 ? nextWP.MaxSpeed : speed), heading - HeadingToPos(wp.Position, nextWP.Position)) :
                                     (distance - wp.Radius > 50 ? turnSpeed.val : 1)));
                    minSpeed = (wp.Quicksave ? 0 : minSpeed);
                    // ^ speed used to go through the waypoint, using half the set speed or maxSpeed as minSpeed for routing waypoints (all except the last)
                    var brakeFactor = Math.Max((curSpeed - minSpeed) * 1, 3);
                    var newSpeed    = Math.Min(maxSpeed, Math.Max((distance - wp.Radius) / brakeFactor, minSpeed)); // brake when getting closer
                    newSpeed = (newSpeed > turnSpeed ? TurningSpeed(newSpeed, headingErr) : newSpeed);              // reduce speed when turning a lot
                    var radius = Math.Max(wp.Radius, 10 / 0.8);                                                     // alternative radius so negative radii can still make it go full speed through waypoints for navigation reasons
                    if (distance < radius)
                        if (WaypointIndex + 1 >= Waypoints.Count)                           // last waypoint
                            newSpeed = new [] { newSpeed, (distance < radius * 0.8 ? 0 : 1) }.Min();
                            // ^ limit speed so it'll only go from 1m/s to full stop when braking to prevent accidents on moons
                            if (LoopWaypoints)
                                WaypointIndex = 0;
                                newSpeed = -0.25;
                                if (curSpeed < 0.85)
                                    if (wp.Quicksave)
                                        if (FlightGlobals.ClearToSave() == ClearToSaveStatus.CLEAR)
                                            WaypointIndex  = -1;
                                            controlHeading = controlSpeed = false;
                                        WaypointIndex  = -1;
                                        controlHeading = controlSpeed = false;
//								else {
//									Debug.Log("Is this even getting called?");
//									WaypointIndex++;
//								}
                            if (wp.Quicksave)
                                newSpeed = -0.25;
                                if (curSpeed < 0.85)
                                    if (FlightGlobals.ClearToSave() == ClearToSaveStatus.CLEAR)
                    vessel.ActionGroups.SetGroup(KSPActionGroup.Brakes, (GameSettings.BRAKES.GetKey() && vessel.isActiveVessel) || ((s.wheelThrottle == 0 || !vessel.isActiveVessel) && curSpeed < 0.85 && newSpeed < 0.85));
                    // ^ brake if needed to prevent rolling, hopefully
                    tgtSpeed.value = Math.Round(newSpeed, 1);

            if (controlHeading)
                if (heading != headingLast)
                    headingLast = heading;

                double instantaneousHeading = vesselState.rotationVesselSurface.eulerAngles.y;
                headingErr = MuUtils.ClampDegrees180(instantaneousHeading - heading);
                if (s.wheelSteer == s.wheelSteerTrim || FlightGlobals.ActiveVessel != vessel)
                    float  spd   = Mathf.Min((float)speed, (float)turnSpeed);                  // if a slower speed than the turnspeed is used also be more careful with the steering
                    float  limit = (curSpeed <= turnSpeed ? 1 : Mathf.Clamp((float)((spd * spd) / (curSpeed * curSpeed)), 0.2f, 1f));
                    double act   = headingPID.Compute(headingErr);
                    s.wheelSteer = Mathf.Clamp((float)act, -limit, limit);
            // Brake if there is no controler (Pilot eject from seat)
            if (brakeOnEject && vessel.GetReferenceTransformPart() == null)
                s.wheelThrottle = 0;
                vessel.ActionGroups.SetGroup(KSPActionGroup.Brakes, true);
            else if (controlSpeed)
                if (speed != speedLast)
                    speedLast = speed;

                speedErr = (WaypointIndex == -1 ? speed.val : tgtSpeed.value) - Vector3d.Dot(vesselState.velocityVesselSurface, vesselState.forward);
                if (s.wheelThrottle == s.wheelThrottleTrim || FlightGlobals.ActiveVessel != vessel)
                    double act = speedPID.Compute(speedErr);
                    s.wheelThrottle = Mathf.Clamp((float)act, -1, 1);
        public override void Drive(FlightCtrlState s) // TODO put the brake in when running out of power to prevent nighttime solar failures on hills, or atleast try to
        {                                             // TODO make distance calculation for 'reached' determination consider the rover and waypoint on sealevel to prevent height differences from messing it up -- should be done now?
            if (orbit.referenceBody != lastBody)
                WaypointIndex = -1; Waypoints.Clear();
            MechJebWaypoint wp = (WaypointIndex > -1 && WaypointIndex < Waypoints.Count ? Waypoints[WaypointIndex] : null);

            var brake = vessel.ActionGroups[KSPActionGroup.Brakes];             // keep brakes locked if they are

            curSpeed = Vector3d.Dot(vesselState.surfaceVelocity, vesselState.forward);

            speedIntAcc = speedPID.intAccum;

            if (wp != null && wp.Body == orbit.referenceBody)
                if (ControlHeading)
                    heading.val = Math.Round(HeadingToPos(vessel.CoM, wp.Position), 1);
                if (ControlSpeed)
                    var nextWP   = (WaypointIndex < Waypoints.Count - 1 ? Waypoints[WaypointIndex + 1] : (LoopWaypoints ? Waypoints[0] : null));
                    var distance = Vector3.Distance(vessel.CoM, wp.Position);
                    if (wp.Target != null)
                        distance += (float)(wp.Target.srfSpeed * curSpeed) / 2;
                    // var maxSpeed = (wp.MaxSpeed > 0 ? Math.Min((float)speed, wp.MaxSpeed) : speed); // use waypoints maxSpeed if set and smaller than set the speed or just stick with the set speed
                    var maxSpeed = (wp.MaxSpeed > 0 ? wp.MaxSpeed : speed);                     // speed used to go towards the waypoint, using the waypoints maxSpeed if set or just stick with the set speed
                    var minSpeed = (wp.MinSpeed > 0 ? wp.MinSpeed :
                                    (nextWP != null ? TurningSpeed((nextWP.MaxSpeed > 0 ? nextWP.MaxSpeed : speed), heading - HeadingToPos(wp.Position, nextWP.Position)) :
                                     (distance - wp.Radius > 50 ? turnSpeed.val : 1)));
                    minSpeed = (wp.Quicksave ? 1 : minSpeed);
                    // ^ speed used to go through the waypoint, using half the set speed or maxSpeed as minSpeed for routing waypoints (all except the last)
                    var newSpeed = Math.Min(maxSpeed, Math.Max((distance - wp.Radius) / curSpeed, minSpeed));              // brake when getting closer
                    newSpeed = (newSpeed > turnSpeed ? TurningSpeed(newSpeed, headingErr) : newSpeed);                     // reduce speed when turning a lot
                    var radius = Math.Max(wp.Radius, 10);
                    if (distance < radius)
                        if (WaypointIndex + 1 >= Waypoints.Count)                         // last waypoint
                            newSpeed = new [] { newSpeed, (distance < radius * 0.8 ? 0 : 1) }.Min();
                            // ^ limit speed so it'll only go from 1m/s to full stop when braking to prevent accidents on moons
                            if (LoopWaypoints)
                                WaypointIndex = 0;
                                newSpeed = 0;
                                brake    = true;
                                if (curSpeed < brakeSpeedLimit)
                                    if (wp.Quicksave)
                                        if (FlightGlobals.ClearToSave() == ClearToSaveStatus.CLEAR)
                                            WaypointIndex  = -1;
                                            ControlHeading = ControlSpeed = false;
                                        WaypointIndex  = -1;
                                        ControlHeading = ControlSpeed = false;
                            if (wp.Quicksave)
                                newSpeed = 0;
                                if (curSpeed < brakeSpeedLimit)
                                    if (FlightGlobals.ClearToSave() == ClearToSaveStatus.CLEAR)
                    brake = brake || ((s.wheelThrottle == 0 || !vessel.isActiveVessel) && curSpeed < brakeSpeedLimit && newSpeed < brakeSpeedLimit);
                    // ^ brake if needed to prevent rolling, hopefully
                    tgtSpeed = (newSpeed >= 0 ? newSpeed : 0);

            if (ControlHeading)
                headingPID.intAccum = Mathf.Clamp((float)headingPID.intAccum, -1, 1);

                double instantaneousHeading = vesselState.rotationVesselSurface.eulerAngles.y;
                headingErr = MuUtils.ClampDegrees180(instantaneousHeading - heading);
                if (s.wheelSteer == s.wheelSteerTrim || FlightGlobals.ActiveVessel != vessel)
                    float limit = (Math.Abs(curSpeed) > turnSpeed ? Mathf.Clamp((float)((turnSpeed + 6) / Square(curSpeed)), 0.1f, 1f) : 1f);
                    // turnSpeed needs to be higher than curSpeed or it will never steer as much as it could even at 0.2m/s above it
                    double act = headingPID.Compute(headingErr);
                    if (traction >= tractionLimit)
                        s.wheelSteer = Mathf.Clamp((float)act, -limit, limit);
                        // prevents it from flying above a waypoint and landing with steering at max while still going fast

            // Brake if there is no controler (Pilot eject from seat)
            if (BrakeOnEject && vessel.GetReferenceTransformPart() == null)
                s.wheelThrottle = 0;
                brake           = true;
            else if (ControlSpeed)
                speedPID.intAccum = Mathf.Clamp((float)speedPID.intAccum, -5, 5);

                speedErr = (WaypointIndex == -1 ? speed.val : tgtSpeed) - Vector3d.Dot(vesselState.surfaceVelocity, vesselState.forward);
                if (s.wheelThrottle == s.wheelThrottleTrim || FlightGlobals.ActiveVessel != vessel)
                    float act = (float)speedPID.Compute(speedErr);
                    s.wheelThrottle = Mathf.Clamp(act, -1f, 1f);
                    if (curSpeed < 0 & s.wheelThrottle < 0)
                        s.wheelThrottle = 0;
                    }                                                                                    // don't go backwards
                    if (Mathf.Sign(act) + Mathf.Sign(s.wheelThrottle) == 0)
                        s.wheelThrottle = Mathf.Clamp(act, -1f, 1f);
                    if (speedErr < -1 && StabilityControl && Mathf.Sign(s.wheelThrottle) + Math.Sign(curSpeed) == 0)
                        brake = true;
                    lastThrottle = Mathf.Clamp(s.wheelThrottle, -1, 1);

            if (StabilityControl)
                if (!core.attitude.users.Contains(this))
                var     fSpeed = (float)curSpeed;
                Vector3 fwd    = (Vector3)(traction > 0 ?                                                                         // V when the speed is low go for the vessels forward, else with a bit of velocity
                                           vesselState.forward * 4 - vessel.transform.right * s.wheelSteer * Mathf.Sign(fSpeed) : // and then add the steering
                                           vesselState.surfaceVelocity);                                                          // in the air so follow velocity
                Vector3.OrthoNormalize(ref norm, ref fwd);
                var quat = Quaternion.LookRotation(fwd, norm);

                if (vesselState.torqueAvailable.sqrMagnitude > 0)
                    core.attitude.attitudeTo(quat, AttitudeReference.INERTIAL, this);

            if (BrakeOnEnergyDepletion)
                var batteries  = vessel.Parts.FindAll(p => p.Resources.Contains(PartResourceLibrary.ElectricityHashcode) && p.Resources.Get(PartResourceLibrary.ElectricityHashcode).flowState);
                var energyLeft = batteries.Sum(p => p.Resources.Get(PartResourceLibrary.ElectricityHashcode).amount) / batteries.Sum(p => p.Resources.Get(PartResourceLibrary.ElectricityHashcode).maxAmount);
                var openSolars = vessel.mainBody.atmosphere &&                 // true if in atmosphere and there are breakable solarpanels that aren't broken nor retracted
                                 vessel.FindPartModulesImplementing <ModuleDeployableSolarPanel>().FindAll(p => p.isBreakable && p.deployState != ModuleDeployablePart.DeployState.BROKEN &&
                                                                                                           p.deployState != ModuleDeployablePart.DeployState.RETRACTED).Count > 0;

                if (openSolars && energyLeft > 0.99)
                    vessel.FindPartModulesImplementing <ModuleDeployableSolarPanel>().FindAll(p => p.isBreakable &&
                                                                                              p.deployState == ModuleDeployablePart.DeployState.EXTENDED).ForEach(p => p.Retract());

                if (energyLeft < 0.05 && Math.Sign(s.wheelThrottle) + Math.Sign(curSpeed) != 0)
                    s.wheelThrottle = 0;
                }                                                                                                                        // save remaining energy by not using it for acceleration
                if (openSolars || energyLeft < 0.03)
                    tgtSpeed = 0;

                if (curSpeed < brakeSpeedLimit && (energyLeft < 0.05 || openSolars))
                    brake = true;

                if (curSpeed < 0.1 && energyLeft < 0.05 && !waitingForDaylight &&
                    vessel.FindPartModulesImplementing <ModuleDeployableSolarPanel>().FindAll(p => p.deployState == ModuleDeployablePart.DeployState.EXTENDED).Count > 0)
                    waitingForDaylight = true;

            if (s.wheelThrottle != 0 && (Math.Sign(s.wheelThrottle) + Math.Sign(curSpeed) != 0 || curSpeed < 1))
                brake = false;                 // the AP or user want to drive into the direction of momentum so release the brake

            if (vessel.isActiveVessel)
                if (GameSettings.BRAKES.GetKeyUp())
                    brake = false;                     // release the brakes if the user lets go of them
                if (GameSettings.BRAKES.GetKey())
                    brake = true;                     // brake if the user brakes and we aren't about to flip

            tractionLimit = (double)Mathf.Clamp((float)tractionLimit, 0, 100);
            vessel.ActionGroups.SetGroup(KSPActionGroup.Brakes, brake && (StabilityControl && (ControlHeading || ControlSpeed) ? traction >= tractionLimit : true));
            // only let go of the brake when losing traction if the AP is driving, otherwise assume the player knows when to let go of it
            // also to not constantly turn off the parking brake from going over a small bump
            if (brake && curSpeed < 0.1)
                s.wheelThrottle = 0;
        public override void Drive(FlightCtrlState s) // TODO put the brake in when running out of power to prevent nighttime solar failures on hills, or atleast try to
        {                                             // TODO make distance calculation for 'reached' determination consider the rover and waypoint on sealevel to prevent height differences from messing it up -- should be done now?
            if (orbit.referenceBody != lastBody)
                WaypointIndex = -1; Waypoints.Clear();
            MechJebWaypoint wp = (WaypointIndex > -1 && WaypointIndex < Waypoints.Count ? Waypoints[WaypointIndex] : null);

            var brake = vessel.ActionGroups[KSPActionGroup.Brakes];             // keep brakes locked if they are

            curSpeed = Vector3d.Dot(vessel.srf_velocity, vesselState.forward);

            speedIntAcc = speedPID.intAccum;

            if (wp != null && wp.Body == orbit.referenceBody)
                if (ControlHeading)
                    heading = Math.Round(HeadingToPos(vessel.CoM, wp.Position), 1);
                if (ControlSpeed)
                    var nextWP   = (WaypointIndex < Waypoints.Count - 1 ? Waypoints[WaypointIndex + 1] : (LoopWaypoints ? Waypoints[0] : null));
                    var distance = Vector3.Distance(vessel.CoM, wp.Position);
                    if (wp.Target != null)
                        distance += (float)(wp.Target.srfSpeed * curSpeed) / 2;
                    //var maxSpeed = (wp.MaxSpeed > 0 ? Math.Min((float)speed, wp.MaxSpeed) : speed); // use waypoints maxSpeed if set and smaller than set the speed or just stick with the set speed
                    var maxSpeed = (wp.MaxSpeed > 0 ? wp.MaxSpeed : speed);                     // speed used to go towards the waypoint, using the waypoints maxSpeed if set or just stick with the set speed
                    var minSpeed = (wp.MinSpeed > 0 ? wp.MinSpeed :
                                    (nextWP != null ? TurningSpeed((nextWP.MaxSpeed > 0 ? nextWP.MaxSpeed : speed), heading - HeadingToPos(wp.Position, nextWP.Position)) :
                                     (distance - wp.Radius > 50 ? turnSpeed.val : 1)));
                    minSpeed = (wp.Quicksave ? 1 : minSpeed);
                    // ^ speed used to go through the waypoint, using half the set speed or maxSpeed as minSpeed for routing waypoints (all except the last)
                    var brakeFactor = Math.Max((curSpeed - minSpeed) * 1, 3);
                    var newSpeed    = Math.Min(maxSpeed, Math.Max((distance - wp.Radius) / brakeFactor, minSpeed));        // brake when getting closer
                    newSpeed = (newSpeed > turnSpeed ? TurningSpeed(newSpeed, headingErr) : newSpeed);                     // reduce speed when turning a lot
                    if (LimitAcceleration)
                        newSpeed = curSpeed + Mathf.Clamp((float)(newSpeed - curSpeed), -1.5f, 0.5f);
//					newSpeed = tgtSpeed + Mathf.Clamp((float)(newSpeed - tgtSpeed), -Time.deltaTime * 8f, Time.deltaTime * 2f);
                    var radius = Math.Max(wp.Radius, 10);
                    if (distance < radius)
                        if (WaypointIndex + 1 >= Waypoints.Count)                         // last waypoint
                            newSpeed = new [] { newSpeed, (distance < radius * 0.8 ? 0 : 1) }.Min();
                            // ^ limit speed so it'll only go from 1m/s to full stop when braking to prevent accidents on moons
                            if (LoopWaypoints)
                                WaypointIndex = 0;
                                newSpeed = 0;
//								tgtSpeed.force(newSpeed);
                                if (curSpeed < brakeSpeedLimit)
                                    if (wp.Quicksave)
                                        //if (s.mainThrottle > 0) { s.mainThrottle = 0; }
                                        if (FlightGlobals.ClearToSave() == ClearToSaveStatus.CLEAR)
                                            WaypointIndex  = -1;
                                            ControlHeading = ControlSpeed = false;
                                        WaypointIndex  = -1;
                                        ControlHeading = ControlSpeed = false;
//								else {
//									Debug.Log("Is this even getting called?");
//									WaypointIndex++;
//								}
                            if (wp.Quicksave)
                                //if (s.mainThrottle > 0) { s.mainThrottle = 0; }
                                newSpeed = 0;
//								tgtSpeed.force(newSpeed);
                                if (curSpeed < brakeSpeedLimit)
                                    if (FlightGlobals.ClearToSave() == ClearToSaveStatus.CLEAR)
                    brake = brake || ((s.wheelThrottle == 0 || !vessel.isActiveVessel) && curSpeed < brakeSpeedLimit && newSpeed < brakeSpeedLimit);
                    // ^ brake if needed to prevent rolling, hopefully
                    tgtSpeed = (newSpeed >= 0 ? newSpeed : 0);

            if (ControlHeading)
                headingPID.intAccum = Mathf.Clamp((float)headingPID.intAccum, -1, 1);

                double instantaneousHeading = vesselState.rotationVesselSurface.eulerAngles.y;
                headingErr = MuUtils.ClampDegrees180(instantaneousHeading - heading);
                if (s.wheelSteer == s.wheelSteerTrim || FlightGlobals.ActiveVessel != vessel)
                    float  spd   = Mathf.Min((float)speed, (float)turnSpeed);                  // if a slower speed than the turnspeed is used also be more careful with the steering
                    float  limit = (Mathf.Abs((float)curSpeed) <= turnSpeed ? 1 : Mathf.Clamp((float)(spd / Mathf.Abs((float)curSpeed)), 0.35f, 1f));
                    double act   = headingPID.Compute(headingErr);
                    s.wheelSteer = Mathf.Clamp((float)act, -limit, limit);

            // Brake if there is no controler (Pilot eject from seat)
            if (BrakeOnEject && vessel.GetReferenceTransformPart() == null)
                s.wheelThrottle = 0;
//				vessel.ActionGroups.SetGroup(KSPActionGroup.Brakes, true);
                brake = true;
            else if (ControlSpeed)
                speedPID.intAccum = Mathf.Clamp((float)speedPID.intAccum, -5, 5);

                speedErr = (WaypointIndex == -1 ? speed.val : tgtSpeed) - Vector3d.Dot(vessel.srf_velocity, vesselState.forward);
                if (s.wheelThrottle == s.wheelThrottleTrim || FlightGlobals.ActiveVessel != vessel)
                    float act = (float)speedPID.Compute(speedErr);
                    s.wheelThrottle = !LimitAcceleration?Mathf.Clamp((float)act, -1, 1) :                       // I think I'm using these ( ? : ) a bit too much
                                          (traction == 0 ? 0 : (act < 0 ? Mathf.Clamp(act, -1f, 1f) : (lastThrottle + Mathf.Clamp(act - lastThrottle, -0.005f, 0.005f)) * (traction < tractionLimit ? -1 : 1)));

                    if (curSpeed < 0 & s.wheelThrottle < 0)
                        s.wheelThrottle = 0;
                    }                                                                                                        // don't go backwards
//					if (Mathf.Sign(act) + Mathf.Sign(s.wheelThrottle) == 0) { s.wheelThrottle = Mathf.Clamp(act, -1f, 1f); }
                    if (speedErr < -1 && StabilityControl && Mathf.Sign(s.wheelThrottle) + Mathf.Sign((float)curSpeed) == 0) // StabilityControl && traction > 50 &&
//						vessel.ActionGroups.SetGroup(KSPActionGroup.Brakes, true);
                        brake = true;
//					else if (!stabilityControl || traction <= 50 || speedErr > -0.2 || Mathf.Sign(s.wheelThrottle) + Mathf.Sign((float)curSpeed) != 0) {
//						vessel.ActionGroups.SetGroup(KSPActionGroup.Brakes, (GameSettings.BRAKES.GetKey() && vessel.isActiveVessel));
//					}
                    lastThrottle = s.wheelThrottle;

            if (StabilityControl)
                if (!core.attitude.users.Contains(this))
//					line.enabled = true;
//				float scale = Vector3.Distance(FlightCamera.fetch.mainCamera.transform.position, vessel.CoM) / 900f;
//				line.SetPosition(0, vessel.CoM);
//				line.SetPosition(1, vessel.CoM + hit.normal * 5);
//				line.SetWidth(0, scale + 0.1f);
                var fSpeed = (float)curSpeed;
//				if (Mathf.Abs(fSpeed) >= turnSpeed * 0.75) {
                Vector3 fwd = (Vector3)(traction > 0 ?                 // V when the speed is low go for the vessels forward, else with a bit of velocity
//				                        ((Mathf.Abs(fSpeed) <= turnSpeed ? vesselState.forward : vessel.srf_velocity / 4) - vessel.transform.right * s.wheelSteer) * Mathf.Sign(fSpeed) :
//				                        // ^ and then add the steering
                                        vesselState.forward * 4 - vessel.transform.right * s.wheelSteer * Mathf.Sign(fSpeed) : // and then add the steering
                                        vessel.srf_velocity);                                                                  // in the air so follow velocity
                Vector3.OrthoNormalize(ref norm, ref fwd);
                var quat = Quaternion.LookRotation(fwd, norm);

//				if (traction > 0 || speed <= turnSpeed) {
//					var u = new Vector3(0, 1, 0);
//					var q = FlightGlobals.ship_rotation;
//					var q_s = quat;
//					var q_u = new Quaternion(u.x, u.y, u.z, 0);
//					var a = Quaternion.Dot(q, q_s * q_u);
//					var q_qs = Quaternion.Dot(q, q_s);
//					var b = (a == 0) ? Math.Sign(q_qs) : (q_qs / a);
//					var g = b / Mathf.Sqrt((b * b) + 1);
//					var gu = Mathf.Sqrt(1 - (g * g)) * u;
//					var q_d = new Quaternion() { w = g, x = gu.x, y = gu.y, z = gu.z };
//					var n = q_s * q_d;
//					quat = n;
//				}

                core.attitude.attitudeTo(quat, AttitudeReference.INERTIAL, this);
//				}

            if (BrakeOnEnergyDepletion)
                var batteries  = vessel.Parts.FindAll(p => p.Resources.Contains("ElectricCharge") && p.Resources["ElectricCharge"].flowState);
                var energyLeft = batteries.Sum(p => p.Resources["ElectricCharge"].amount) / batteries.Sum(p => p.Resources["ElectricCharge"].maxAmount);
                var openSolars = vessel.mainBody.atmosphere &&                 // true if in atmosphere and there are breakable solarpanels that aren't broken nor retracted
                                 vessel.FindPartModulesImplementing <ModuleDeployableSolarPanel>().FindAll(p => p.isBreakable && p.panelState != ModuleDeployableSolarPanel.panelStates.BROKEN &&
                                                                                                           p.panelState != ModuleDeployableSolarPanel.panelStates.RETRACTED).Count > 0;

                if (openSolars && energyLeft > 0.99)
                    vessel.FindPartModulesImplementing <ModuleDeployableSolarPanel>().FindAll(p => p.isBreakable &&
                                                                                              p.panelState == ModuleDeployableSolarPanel.panelStates.EXTENDED).ForEach(p => p.Retract());

                if (energyLeft < 0.05 && Mathf.Sign(s.wheelThrottle) + Mathf.Sign((float)curSpeed) != 0)
                    s.wheelThrottle = 0;
                }                                                                                                                                 // save remaining energy by not using it for acceleration
                if (openSolars || energyLeft < 0.03)
                    tgtSpeed = 0;

                if (curSpeed < brakeSpeedLimit && (energyLeft < 0.05 || openSolars))
                    brake = true;

                if (curSpeed < 0.1 && energyLeft < 0.05 && !waitingForDaylight &&
                    vessel.FindPartModulesImplementing <ModuleDeployableSolarPanel>().FindAll(p => p.panelState == ModuleDeployableSolarPanel.panelStates.EXTENDED).Count > 0)
                    waitingForDaylight = true;

//			brake = brake && (s.wheelThrottle == 0); // release brake if the user or AP want to drive
            if (s.wheelThrottle != 0 && Mathf.Sign(s.wheelThrottle) + Mathf.Sign((float)curSpeed) != 0)
                brake = false;                 // the AP or user want to drive into the direction of momentum so release the brake

            if (vessel.isActiveVessel)
                if (GameSettings.BRAKES.GetKeyUp())
                    brake = false;                     // release the brakes if the user lets go of them
                if (GameSettings.BRAKES.GetKey())
                    brake = true;                     // brake if the user brakes and we aren't about to flip

            tractionLimit = (double)Mathf.Clamp((float)tractionLimit, 0, 100);
            vessel.ActionGroups.SetGroup(KSPActionGroup.Brakes, brake && (StabilityControl && curSpeed > brakeSpeedLimit ? traction >= tractionLimit : true));
            // ^ brake but hopefully prevent flipping over, assuming the user set up the limit right
            if (brake && curSpeed < 0.1)
                s.wheelThrottle = 0;
        public override void Drive(FlightCtrlState s)

            //SpeedHold (set AccelerationTarget automatically to hold speed)
            if (SpeedHoldEnabled)
                double spd = vesselState.speedSurface;
                cur_acc = (spd - _spd) / Time.fixedDeltaTime;
                _spd    = spd;
                RealAccelerationTarget = (SpeedTarget - spd) / 4;
                a_err = (RealAccelerationTarget - cur_acc);
                AccelerationPIDController.intAccum = MuUtils.Clamp(AccelerationPIDController.intAccum, -1 / AccKi, 1 / AccKi);
                double t_act = AccelerationPIDController.Compute(a_err);
                if (!double.IsNaN(t_act))
                    core.thrust.targetThrottle = (float)MuUtils.Clamp(t_act, 0, 1);
                    core.thrust.targetThrottle = 0.0f;

            //AltitudeHold (set VertSpeed automatically to hold altitude)
            if (AltitudeHoldEnabled)
                RealVertSpeedTarget = convertAltitudeToVerticalSpeed(AltitudeTarget - vesselState.altitudeASL);
                RealVertSpeedTarget = UtilMath.Clamp(RealVertSpeedTarget, -VertSpeedTarget, VertSpeedTarget);
                RealVertSpeedTarget = VertSpeedTarget;

            pitch_err = roll_err = yaw_err = 0;
            pitch_act = roll_act = yaw_act = 0;

            if (VertSpeedHoldEnabled)
                // NOTE: 60-to-1 rule:
                // deltaAltitude = 2 * PI * r * deltaPitch / 360
                // Vvertical = 2 * PI * TAS * deltaPitch / 360
                // deltaPitch = Vvertical / Vhorizontal * 180 / PI
                double deltaVertSpeed = RealVertSpeedTarget - vesselState.speedVertical;
                double adjustment     = 180 / vesselState.speedSurface * deltaVertSpeed / Math.PI;
                RealPitchTarget = vesselState.vesselPitch + adjustment;

                RealPitchTarget = UtilMath.Clamp(RealPitchTarget, -PitchDownLimit, PitchUpLimit);
                pitch_err       = MuUtils.ClampDegrees180(RealPitchTarget - vesselState.vesselPitch);

                PitchPIDController.intAccum = UtilMath.Clamp(PitchPIDController.intAccum, -100 / PitKi, 100 / PitKi);
                pitch_act = PitchPIDController.Compute(pitch_err) / 100;

                //Debug.Log (p_act);
                if (double.IsNaN(pitch_act))
                    s.pitch = Mathf.Clamp((float)pitch_act, -1, 1);

            double curFlightPath = vesselState.HeadingFromDirection(vesselState.forward);

            // NOTE: we can not use vesselState.vesselHeading here because it interpolates headings internally
            //       i.e. turning from 1° to 359° will end up as (1+359)/2 = 180°
            //       see class MovingAverage for more details
            curr_yaw = vesselState.currentHeading - curFlightPath;

            if (HeadingHoldEnabled)
                double toturn = MuUtils.ClampDegrees180(HeadingTarget - curFlightPath);

                if (Math.Abs(toturn) < 0.2)
                    // yaw for small adjustments
                    RealYawTarget  = MuUtils.Clamp(toturn * 2, -YawLimit, YawLimit);
                    RealRollTarget = 0;
                    // roll for large adjustments
                    RealYawTarget  = 0;
                    RealRollTarget = MuUtils.Clamp(toturn * 2, -RollLimit, RollLimit);
                RealRollTarget = RollTarget;
                RealYawTarget  = 0;

            if (RollHoldEnabled)
                RealRollTarget = UtilMath.Clamp(RealRollTarget, -BankAngle, BankAngle);
                RealRollTarget = UtilMath.Clamp(RealRollTarget, -RollLimit, RollLimit);
                roll_err       = MuUtils.ClampDegrees180(RealRollTarget - -vesselState.currentRoll);

                RollPIDController.intAccum = MuUtils.Clamp(RollPIDController.intAccum, -100 / RolKi, 100 / RolKi);
                roll_act = RollPIDController.Compute(roll_err) / 100;

                if (double.IsNaN(roll_act))
                    s.roll = Mathf.Clamp((float)roll_act, -1, 1);

            if (HeadingHoldEnabled)
                RealYawTarget = UtilMath.Clamp(RealYawTarget, -YawLimit, YawLimit);
                yaw_err       = MuUtils.ClampDegrees180(RealYawTarget - curr_yaw);

                YawPIDController.intAccum = MuUtils.Clamp(YawPIDController.intAccum, -100 / YawKi, 100 / YawKi);
                yaw_act = YawPIDController.Compute(yaw_err) / 100;

                if (double.IsNaN(yaw_act))
                    s.yaw = Mathf.Clamp((float)yaw_act, -1, 1);