public void OnDisconnect() { // This method is called as Minitab is closing your add-in. GC.Collect(); GC.WaitForPendingFinalizers(); try { Marshal.FinalReleaseComObject(AddIn.gMtbApp); AddIn.gMtbApp = null; } catch { } return; }
public void OnConnect(Int32 iHwnd, Object pApp, ref Int32 iFlags) { // This method is called as Minitab is initializing your add-in. // The “iHwnd” parameter is the handle to the main Minitab window. // The “pApp” parameter is a reference to the “Minitab Automation object.” // You can hold onto either of these for use in your add-in. // “iFlags” is used to tell Minitab if your add-in has dynamic menus (i.e. should be reloaded each time // Minitab starts up). Set Flags to 1 for dynamic menus and 0 for static. AddIn.gMtbApp = pApp as Mtb.Application; // This forces Minitab to retain all commands (even those run by the interactive user): AddIn.gMtbApp.Options.SaveCommands = true; // Static menus: iFlags = 0; return; }