private void chooseMovie() { Movie selectedItem = (Movie)ListBox1.SelectedItem; var dirPath = selectedItem.originalFolder; var results = client.SearchMovie(selectedItem.displayName).Results; var possibles = new List<Movie>(); foreach (SearchMovie mov in results) { Movie m = new Movie(); m.movieObject = mov; m.displayName = mov.Title; m.movieId = mov.Id; possibles.Add(m); } // send all movies to the dialog listbox SelectMovie dialog; dialog = new SelectMovie(possibles.ToArray()); DialogResult res = dialog.ShowDialog(); if (res == DialogResult.OK) { // ask the dialog which item was selected Movie selectedMovieObject = dialog.GetSelectedItem(); if (selectedMovieObject == null) { MessageBox.Show("Please select a movie first.", "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); } else { ((Movie)ListBox1.SelectedItem).displayName = selectedMovieObject.displayName; searchMovieInfo((Movie)ListBox1.SelectedItem); } } }
public SelectMovie(Movie[] movies) { InitializeComponent(); LstBoxSelectedMovie.Items.AddRange(movies); }
private void startupCheck() { var dlg = new FolderBrowserDialog(); dlg.ShowDialog(); var folder = dlg.SelectedPath; var directories = Directory.GetDirectories(folder); Properties.Settings.Default.defaultFolder = String.Join(";", directories); Properties.Settings.Default.Save(); foreach (var dir in directories) { Movie m = new Movie(); m.originalFolder = dir; m.displayName = movieFilter.extractMovieName(extractLastPart(dir)); myMovies.Add(m); } ListBox1.Items.AddRange(myMovies.ToArray()); }
private string searchMovieInfo(Movie movie) { var dirPath = (movie.originalFolder); var getMovie = client.GetMovie(movie.movieId, movie.displayName); var movieArray = fileReader.readFromFile(dirPath); bool matchFound = false; string[] match = null; foreach (var m in movieArray) { if (movie.displayName == m[0]) { matchFound = true; match = m; break; } } if (matchFound) { MessageBox.Show(string.Format("The movie {0} has been published on {1} and has an average rating of {2}, and the popularity is {3}", match[0], match[1], match[2], match[3])); } else { var aboutMovie = string.Format("The movie {0} has been published on {1} and has an average rating of {2}, and the popularity is {3}", getMovie.Title, getMovie.ReleaseDate, getMovie.VoteAverage, getMovie.Popularity); MessageBox.Show(aboutMovie); var collecMoviedata = string.Format("{0},{1},{2},{3}", getMovie.Title, getMovie.ReleaseDate, getMovie.VoteAverage, getMovie.Popularity); fileWriter.writeToFile(collecMoviedata, dirPath.ToString()); } return null; }
//Select Movies and series directory and place it into the ListBox. private void openFilesToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { var dlg = new FolderBrowserDialog(); //Check if the user selected a directory and pressed the OK button. if (dlg.ShowDialog() != DialogResult.OK) { return; } var folder = dlg.SelectedPath; var directories = Directory.GetDirectories(folder); ListBox1.Items.Clear(); //Foreach through the gotton items and add them into the ListBox. foreach (var dir in directories) { Movie m = new Movie(); m.originalFolder = dir; m.displayName = movieFilter.extractMovieName(extractLastPart(dir)); ListBox1.Items.Add(m); } }
//On startup select the default movies and series directory and remember it. private void firstRun() { if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(baseFolder)) { foreach (var dir in baseFolder.Split(';')) { Movie m = new Movie(); m.originalFolder = dir; m.displayName = movieFilter.extractMovieName(extractLastPart(dir)); myMovies.Add(m); } ListBox1.Items.AddRange(myMovies.ToArray()); } else { startupCheck(); } }