private void button6_AddItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            string brand_name      = comboBox_BrandName.Text;
            string model_name      = comboBox2_model.Text;
            string fuel_type       = comboBox3_fuel.Text;
            string engine_capacity = comboBox4_engine.Text;
            string year            = comboBox5_year.Text;
            string cat_name        = comboBox6_category.Text;
            string part_name       = comboBox7_part.Text;

            string Inventory_ItemCode;

            if (brand_name != "" && model_name != "" && fuel_type != "" && engine_capacity != "" && year != "" && cat_name != "" && part_name != "")
                String[]            ar = new String[4];
                DatabaseConnections db = new DatabaseConnections();

                string Brand_id  = db.GetId(brand_name, "Brand");
                string Model_id  = db.GetId(model_name, "Model");
                string Fuel_id   = db.GetId(fuel_type, "Fuel");
                string Engine_Id = db.GetId(engine_capacity, "Engine");
                string Year_id   = db.GetId(year, "Yearr");
                string Cat_id    = db.GetId(cat_name, "Category");
                string Part_id   = db.GetId(part_name, "SparePart");
                Inventory_ItemCode = Brand_id + Model_id + Fuel_id + Engine_Id + Year_id + Cat_id + Part_id;
                ar[0] = Inventory_ItemCode;
                ar[1] = db.getItemDetails_String(Inventory_ItemCode);
                ar[2] = db.get_unit_price("100" + Inventory_ItemCode);
                long QuantityHand = db.CheckQuantity(Inventory_ItemCode);

                if (QuantityHand >= 0)
                    int quantity = Convert.ToInt32(quantity_box.Text);
                    ar[3] = quantity.ToString();

                    int total   = Convert.ToInt32(total_box.Text);
                    int unit_pr = Convert.ToInt32(ar[2]);
                    // to get the sum

                    total = total + unit_pr * quantity;

                    //set total
                    total_box.Text = total.ToString();

                    // things to do :deduct from stock/print bill/record to log/ clear row etc.

                    ListViewItem itm = new ListViewItem(ar);

                    comboBox_BrandName.Text = null;
                    comboBox2_model.Text    = null;
                    comboBox3_fuel.Text     = null;
                    comboBox4_engine.Text   = null;
                    comboBox5_year.Text     = null;
                    comboBox6_category.Text = null;
                    comboBox7_part.Text     = null;
                    quantity_box.Text       = null;
                    MessageBox.Show("Check all the fiels. Invalid Itemcode.", "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);
                MessageBox.Show("Can't keep empty fields", "Warinning", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Warning);
        private void pictureBoxDeleteButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            String itemCode       = textBox_ItemCode_DeleteStock.Text;
            String repeatitemCode = textBox_RepeatItemCode_DeleteStock.Text;
            string description    = textBoxDescription_DeleteItem.Text;
            string date           = dateTimePicker_DeleteItem.Value.ToString();

            if (itemCode == repeatitemCode && (itemCode != "" || repeatitemCode != ""))
                DatabaseConnections db = new DatabaseConnections();
                long QuantityHand      = db.CheckQuantity(itemCode);

                DialogResult result1 = MessageBox.Show("ItemCode : " + itemCode + "\n Item Name : " + db.getItemDetails_String(itemCode), "Warning", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Warning);
                if (result1 == DialogResult.Yes && QuantityHand == 0)
                    DatabaseConnections db1 = new DatabaseConnections();
                    textBox_ItemCode_DeleteStock.Text       = null;
                    textBox_RepeatItemCode_DeleteStock.Text = null;
                    textBoxDescription_DeleteItem.Text      = null;
                    db1.Delete_Clear_Details(itemCode, description, date, "Delete");
                else if (result1 == DialogResult.Yes && QuantityHand > 0)
                    DialogResult result = MessageBox.Show("Item Quantity is  " + QuantityHand + " Please clear the stock before delete the Item.", "Warnning", MessageBoxButtons.OKCancel, MessageBoxIcon.Warning);
                    if (result == DialogResult.OK)
                        Stock_Control stock = new Stock_Control(4);

                        textBox_ItemCode_DeleteStock.Text       = null;
                        textBox_RepeatItemCode_DeleteStock.Text = null;
                        textBoxDescription_DeleteItem.Text      = null;

                else if (result1 == DialogResult.Yes && QuantityHand == -1)
                    MessageBox.Show("Invalid ItemCode", "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);
                    textBox_ItemCode_DeleteStock.Text       = null;
                    textBox_RepeatItemCode_DeleteStock.Text = null;
                    textBoxDescription_DeleteItem.Text      = null;

                    textBox_ItemCode_DeleteStock.Text       = null;
                    textBox_RepeatItemCode_DeleteStock.Text = null;
                    textBoxDescription_DeleteItem.Text      = null;

                MessageBox.Show("Check Item Code", "", MessageBoxButtons.RetryCancel, MessageBoxIcon.Error);