        void SetupFoot(int leg)
            Clips[m_selectedPoseBase].Clip.SampleAnimation(m_controller.gameObject, Float.Zero);
            if (m_controller.Transform == null)
                m_controller.Transform = m_controller.gameObject.GetComponent <Transform>();
            // Calculate heel and toetip positions and alignments
            // (The vector from the ankle to the ankle projected onto the ground at the stance pose
            // in local coordinates relative to the ankle transform.
            // This essentially is the ankle moved to the bottom of the foot, approximating the heel.)

            // Get ankle position projected down onto the ground
            Matrix4x4 ankleMatrix   = Exts.RelativeMatrix(m_controller.Legs[leg].Ankle, m_controller.Transform);
            Vector3   anklePosition = ankleMatrix.MultiplyPoint(Vector3.zero);
            Vector3   heelPosition  = anklePosition;

            heelPosition.y = m_controller.GroundPlaneHeight;

            // Get toe position projected down onto the ground
            Matrix4x4 toeMatrix      = Exts.RelativeMatrix(m_controller.Legs[leg].Toe, m_controller.Transform);
            Vector3   toePosition    = toeMatrix.MultiplyPoint(Vector3.zero);
            Vector3   toetipPosition = toePosition;

            toetipPosition.y = m_controller.GroundPlaneHeight;

            // Calculate foot middle and vector
            Vector3 footMiddle = (heelPosition + toetipPosition) / Int.Two;
            Vector3 footVector;

            if (toePosition == anklePosition)
                footVector   = ankleMatrix.MultiplyVector(m_controller.Legs[leg].Ankle.localPosition);
                footVector.y = Float.Zero;
                footVector   = footVector.normalized;
                footVector = (toetipPosition - heelPosition).normalized;

            Vector3 footSideVector = Vector3.Cross(Vector3.up, footVector);

            m_controller.Legs[leg].AnkleHeelVector = (
                + (-m_controller.Legs[leg].FootLength / Float.Two + m_controller.Legs[leg].FootOffset.y) * footVector
                + m_controller.Legs[leg].FootOffset.x * footSideVector
            m_controller.Legs[leg].AnkleHeelVector = ankleMatrix.inverse.MultiplyVector(m_controller.Legs[leg].AnkleHeelVector - anklePosition);

            m_controller.Legs[leg].ToeToetipVector = (
                + (m_controller.Legs[leg].FootLength / Float.Two + m_controller.Legs[leg].FootOffset.y) * footVector
                + m_controller.Legs[leg].FootOffset.x * footSideVector
            m_controller.Legs[leg].ToeToetipVector = toeMatrix.inverse.MultiplyVector(m_controller.Legs[leg].ToeToetipVector - toePosition);

            MotionAsset.AnkleHeelVector[leg] = m_controller.Legs[leg].AnkleHeelVector;
            MotionAsset.ToeToetipVector[leg] = m_controller.Legs[leg].ToeToetipVector;
        public void Analyze()
            int legs = m_controller.Legs.Length;

            Cycles = new MotionLegCycle[legs];

            for (int leg = Int.Zero; leg < legs; leg++)
                Cycles[leg]         = new MotionLegCycle();
                Cycles[leg].Samples = new MotionLegSample[Samples + Int.One];
                for (int i = 0; i < Samples + Int.One; i++)
                    Cycles[leg].Samples[i] = new MotionLegSample();

            for (int leg = 0; leg < legs; leg++)
                // Sample ankle, heel, toe, and toetip positions over the length of the animation.
                Transform ankleT = m_controller.Legs[leg].Ankle;
                Transform toeT   = m_controller.Legs[leg].Toe;

                float rangeMax = 0;
                float ankleMin; float ankleMax; float toeMin; float toeMax;
                ankleMin = 1000;
                ankleMax = -1000;
                toeMin   = 1000;
                toeMax   = -1000;
                for (int i = Int.Zero; i < Samples + Int.One; i++)
                    var time = i * Float.One / Samples * Clip.length;
                    Clip.SampleAnimation(m_gameObject, time);
                    Cycles[leg].Samples[i].AnkleMatrix = Exts.RelativeMatrix(ankleT, m_reference);
                    Cycles[leg].Samples[i].ToeMatrix   = Exts.RelativeMatrix(toeT, m_reference);
                    Cycles[leg].Samples[i].Heel        = Cycles[leg].Samples[i].AnkleMatrix.MultiplyPoint(m_controller.Legs[leg].AnkleHeelVector);
                    Cycles[leg].Samples[i].Toetip      = Cycles[leg].Samples[i].ToeMatrix.MultiplyPoint(m_controller.Legs[leg].ToeToetipVector);
                    Cycles[leg].Samples[i].Middle      = (Cycles[leg].Samples[i].Heel + Cycles[leg].Samples[i].Toetip) / Float.Two;

                    // For each sample in time we want to know if the heel or toetip is closer to the ground.
                    // We need a smooth curve with 0 = ankle is closer and 1 = toe is closer.
                    Cycles[leg].Samples[i].Balance = Exts.GetFootBalance(Cycles[leg].Samples[i].Heel.y, Cycles[leg].Samples[i].Toetip.y, m_controller.Legs[leg].FootLength);

                    // Find the minimum and maximum extends on all axes of the ankle and toe positions.
                    ankleMin = Mathf.Min(ankleMin, Cycles[leg].Samples[i].Heel.y);
                    toeMin   = Mathf.Min(toeMin, Cycles[leg].Samples[i].Toetip.y);
                    ankleMax = Mathf.Max(ankleMax, Cycles[leg].Samples[i].Heel.y);
                    toeMax   = Mathf.Max(toeMax, Cycles[leg].Samples[i].Toetip.y);
                rangeMax = Mathf.Max(ankleMax - ankleMin, toeMax - toeMin);

                if (!Stationary)

                    // Foot stance time
                    // Find the time when the foot stands most firmly on the ground.
                    float stanceValue = Mathf.Infinity;
                    for (int i = Int.Zero; i < Samples + Int.One; i++)
                        //var s = Cycles[leg].Samples[i];
                        float sampleValue =
                            // We want the point in time when the max of the heel height and the toe height is lowest
                            Mathf.Max(Cycles[leg].Samples[i].Heel.y, Cycles[leg].Samples[i].Toetip.y) / rangeMax
                            // Add some bias to poses where the leg is in the middle of the swing
                            // i.e. the foot position is close to the middle of the foot curve
                            + Mathf.Abs(
                                Exts.ProjectOntoPlane(Cycles[leg].Samples[i].Middle - Cycles[leg].CycleCenter, Vector3.up).magnitude
                                ) / Cycles[leg].CycleScaling;

                        // Use the new value if it is lower (better).
                        if (sampleValue < stanceValue)
                            Cycles[leg].StanceIndex = i;
                            stanceValue             = sampleValue;
                    Cycles[leg].CycleDirection = Vector3.forward;
                    Cycles[leg].CycleScaling   = Float.Zero;
                    Cycles[leg].StanceIndex    = Int.Zero;
                // The stance time
                Cycles[leg].StanceTime = GetTimeFromIndex(Cycles[leg].StanceIndex);

                // The stance index sample
                var ss = Cycles[leg].Samples[Cycles[leg].StanceIndex];
                // Sample the animation at stance time
                //await Task.Delay(100);
                Clip.SampleAnimation(m_gameObject, Cycles[leg].StanceTime * Clip.length);
                // Using the stance sample as reference we can now determine:

                // The vector from heel to toetip at the stance pose
                Cycles[leg].HeelToetipVector = (
                    - Cycles[leg].Samples[Cycles[leg].StanceIndex].AnkleMatrix.MultiplyPoint(m_controller.Legs[leg].AnkleHeelVector)
                Cycles[leg].HeelToetipVector = Exts.ProjectOntoPlane(Cycles[leg].HeelToetipVector, Vector3.up);
                Cycles[leg].HeelToetipVector = Cycles[leg].HeelToetipVector.normalized * m_controller.Legs[leg].FootLength;

                // Calculate foot flight path based on weighted average between ankle flight path and toe flight path,
                // using foot balance as weight.
                // The distance between ankle and toe is accounted for, using the stance pose for reference.
                for (int i = 0; i < Samples + 1; i++)
                    //var s = Cycles[leg].Samples[i];
                    Cycles[leg].Samples[i].FootBase = (
                        (Cycles[leg].Samples[i].Heel) * (Float.One - Cycles[leg].Samples[i].Balance)
                        + (Cycles[leg].Samples[i].Toetip - Cycles[leg].HeelToetipVector) * (Cycles[leg].Samples[i].Balance)

                // The position of the footbase in the stance pose
                Cycles[leg].StancePosition   = Cycles[leg].Samples[Cycles[leg].StanceIndex].FootBase;
                Cycles[leg].StancePosition.y = m_controller.GroundPlaneHeight;

                if (!Stationary)
                    // Find contact times:
                    // Strike time: foot first touches the ground (0% grounding)
                    // Down time: all of the foot touches the ground (100% grounding)
                    // Lift time: all of the foot still touches the ground but begins to lift (100% grounding)
                    // Liftoff time: last part of the foot leaves the ground (0% grounding)
                    float timeA;
                    float timeB;

                    // Find upwards contact times for projected ankle and toe
                    // Use the first occurance as lift time and the second as liftoff time
                    timeA = FindContactTime(Cycles[leg], false, +Int.One, rangeMax, Float.DotOne);
                    //Cycles[leg].DebugInfo.AnkleLiftTime = timeA;
                    timeB = FindContactTime(Cycles[leg], true, +Int.One, rangeMax, Float.DotOne);
                    //Cycles[leg].DebugInfo.ToeLiftTime = timeB;
                    if (timeA < timeB)
                        Cycles[leg].LiftTime    = timeA;
                        Cycles[leg].LiftoffTime = timeB;
                        Cycles[leg].LiftTime    = timeB;
                        Cycles[leg].LiftoffTime = timeA;

                    // Find time where swing direction and speed changes significantly.
                    // If this happens sooner than the found liftoff time,
                    // then the liftoff time must be overwritten with this value.
                    timeA = FindSwingChangeTime(Cycles[leg], +1, 0.5f);
                    //Cycles[leg].DebugInfo.FootLiftTime = timeA;
                    if (Cycles[leg].LiftoffTime > timeA)
                        Cycles[leg].LiftoffTime = timeA;
                        if (Cycles[leg].LiftTime > Cycles[leg].LiftoffTime)
                            Cycles[leg].LiftTime = Cycles[leg].LiftoffTime;

                    // Find downwards contact times for projected ankle and toe
                    // Use the first occurance as strike time and the second as down time
                    timeA = FindContactTime(Cycles[leg], false, -1, rangeMax, Float.DotOne);
                    timeB = FindContactTime(Cycles[leg], true, -1, rangeMax, Float.DotOne);
                    if (timeA < timeB)
                        Cycles[leg].StrikeTime = timeA;
                        Cycles[leg].LandTime   = timeB;
                        Cycles[leg].StrikeTime = timeB;
                        Cycles[leg].LandTime   = timeA;

                    // Find time where swing direction and speed changes significantly.
                    // If this happens later than the found strike time,
                    // then the strike time must be overwritten with this value.
                    timeA = FindSwingChangeTime(Cycles[leg], -1, Float.Half);
                    //Cycles[leg].DebugInfo.FootLandTime = timeA;
                    if (Cycles[leg].StrikeTime < timeA)
                        Cycles[leg].StrikeTime = timeA;
                        if (Cycles[leg].LandTime < Cycles[leg].StrikeTime)
                            Cycles[leg].LandTime = Cycles[leg].StrikeTime;

                    // Set postliftTime and prelandTime
                    float softening = 0.2f;

                    Cycles[leg].PostliftTime = Cycles[leg].LiftoffTime;
                    if (Cycles[leg].PostliftTime < Cycles[leg].LiftTime + softening)
                        Cycles[leg].PostliftTime = Cycles[leg].LiftTime + softening;

                    Cycles[leg].PrelandTime = Cycles[leg].StrikeTime;
                    if (Cycles[leg].PrelandTime > Cycles[leg].LandTime - softening)
                        Cycles[leg].PrelandTime = Cycles[leg].LandTime - softening;

                    // Calculate the distance traveled during one cycle (for this foot).
                    Vector3 stanceSlideVector = (
                        Cycles[leg].Samples[GetIndexFromTime(Exts.Mod(Cycles[leg].LiftoffTime + Cycles[leg].StanceTime))].FootBase
                        - Cycles[leg].Samples[GetIndexFromTime(Exts.Mod(Cycles[leg].StrikeTime + Cycles[leg].StanceTime))].FootBase
                    // FIXME: Assumes horizontal ground plane
                    stanceSlideVector.y        = 0;
                    Cycles[leg].CycleDistance  = stanceSlideVector.magnitude / (Cycles[leg].LiftoffTime - Cycles[leg].StrikeTime + Float.One);
                    Cycles[leg].CycleDirection = -(stanceSlideVector.normalized);
                    Cycles[leg].CycleDirection = Vector3.zero;
                    Cycles[leg].CycleDistance  = Float.Zero;

            // Find the overall speed and direction traveled during one cycle,
            // based on average of speed values for each individual foot.
            // (They should be very close, but animations are often imperfect,
            // leading to different speeds for different legs.)
            CycleDistance  = 0;
            CycleDirection = Vector3.zero;
            for (int leg = 0; leg < legs; leg++)
                CycleDistance  += Cycles[leg].CycleDistance;
                CycleDirection += Cycles[leg].CycleDirection;
                //Debug.Log("Cycle direction of leg " + leg + " is " + Cycles[leg].CycleDirection + " with step distance " + Cycles[leg].CycleDistance);
            CycleDistance  /= legs;
            CycleDirection /= legs;
            CycleDuration   = Clip.length;
            CycleSpeed      = CycleDistance / CycleDuration;
            //Debug.Log("Overall cycle direction is " + CycleDirection + " with step distance " + CycleDistance + " and speed " + CycleSpeed);
            NativeSpeed = CycleSpeed * m_gameObject.transform.localScale.x;

            // Calculate normalized foot flight path
            for (int leg = 0; leg < m_controller.Legs.Length; leg++)
                if (!Stationary)
                    for (int j = 0; j < Samples; j++)
                        int i = Exts.Mod(j + Cycles[leg].StanceIndex, Samples);
                        //var s = Cycles[leg].Samples[i];
                        float time = GetTimeFromIndex(j);
                        Cycles[leg].Samples[i].FootBaseNormalized = Cycles[leg].Samples[i].FootBase;

                        if (FixFootSkating)
                            // Calculate normalized foot flight path
                            // based on the calculated cycle distance of each individual foot
                            Vector3 reference = (
                                -Cycles[leg].CycleDistance * Cycles[leg].CycleDirection * (time - Cycles[leg].LiftoffTime)
                                + Cycles[leg].Samples[
                                    GetIndexFromTime(Cycles[leg].LiftoffTime + Cycles[leg].StanceTime)

                            Cycles[leg].Samples[i].FootBaseNormalized = (Cycles[leg].Samples[i].FootBaseNormalized - reference);
                            if (Cycles[leg].CycleDirection != Vector3.zero)
                                Cycles[leg].Samples[i].FootBaseNormalized = Quaternion.Inverse(
                                    ) * Cycles[leg].Samples[i].FootBaseNormalized;

                            Cycles[leg].Samples[i].FootBaseNormalized.z /= Cycles[leg].CycleDistance;
                            if (time <= Cycles[leg].LiftoffTime)
                                Cycles[leg].Samples[i].FootBaseNormalized.z = Float.Zero;
                            if (time >= Cycles[leg].StrikeTime)
                                Cycles[leg].Samples[i].FootBaseNormalized.z = Float.One;

                            Cycles[leg].Samples[i].FootBaseNormalized.y = Cycles[leg].Samples[i].FootBase.y - m_controller.GroundPlaneHeight;
                            // Calculate normalized foot flight path
                            // based on the cycle distance of the whole motion
                            // (the calculated average cycle distance)
                            Vector3 reference = (
                                -CycleDistance * CycleDirection * (time - Cycles[leg].LiftoffTime * Float.Zero)
                                // FIXME: Is same as stance position:
                                + Cycles[leg].Samples[
                                    GetIndexFromTime(Cycles[leg].LiftoffTime * Float.Zero + Cycles[leg].StanceTime)

                            Cycles[leg].Samples[i].FootBaseNormalized = (Cycles[leg].Samples[i].FootBaseNormalized - reference);
                            if (Cycles[leg].CycleDirection != Vector3.zero)
                                Cycles[leg].Samples[i].FootBaseNormalized = Quaternion.Inverse(
                                    ) * Cycles[leg].Samples[i].FootBaseNormalized;

                            Cycles[leg].Samples[i].FootBaseNormalized.z /= CycleDistance;

                            Cycles[leg].Samples[i].FootBaseNormalized.y = Cycles[leg].Samples[i].FootBase.y - m_controller.GroundPlaneHeight;
                    Cycles[leg].Samples[Samples] = Cycles[leg].Samples[Int.Zero];
                    for (int j = 0; j < Samples; j++)
                        int i = Exts.Mod(j + Cycles[leg].StanceIndex, Samples);
                        Cycles[leg].Samples[i].FootBaseNormalized = Cycles[leg].Samples[i].FootBase - Cycles[leg].StancePosition;