        //public void SetSlope(ref List <CEdge > CEdgeLt)
        //    CGeoFunc.SetSlope(ref CEdgeLt);

        /// <summary>Detect the intesection between two edges</summary>
        /// <returns >the intersection point</returns>
        /// <remarks>the edges have to be set slope before using this function
        ///                  If the two edges overlap, then the IntersectCpt is the point with larger XY coordinate of the two ends of the overlap line segment
        /// </remarks>
        public void DetectIntersection()
            CEdge cedge1 = _CEdge1;
            CEdge cedge2 = _CEdge2;


            CPoint IntersectCpt = null;
            CEdge  overlapcedge = null;
            CEnumIntersectionType penumIntersectionType = CEnumIntersectionType.NoNo;

            if (cedge1.blnHasSlope == true && cedge2.blnHasSlope == true)   //this is the normal case
                //if (CCmpMethods.Cmp(cedge1.dblSlope, cedge2.dblSlope)==0)  //parallel
                if (CCmpMethods.CmpDbl_ConstVerySmall(cedge1.dblSlope, cedge2.dblSlope) == 0)               //parallel
                    if (CCmpMethods.CmpDbl_CoordVerySmall(cedge1.dblYIntercept, cedge2.dblYIntercept) == 0) //parallel and with the same YIntercept
                        penumIntersectionType = DetectIntersectionParralel(cedge1, cedge2, out IntersectCpt, out overlapcedge);
                    else    //parallel but not with the same YIntercept
                        penumIntersectionType = CEnumIntersectionType.NoNo;
                else  //not parallel
                    penumIntersectionType = DetectIntersectionNormal(cedge1, cedge2, out IntersectCpt);
            else if (cedge1.blnHasSlope == true && cedge2.blnHasSlope == false)
                penumIntersectionType = DetectIntersectionOneNoSlope(cedge1, cedge2, out IntersectCpt);
            else if (cedge1.blnHasSlope == false && cedge2.blnHasSlope == true)
                penumIntersectionType = DetectIntersectionOneNoSlope(cedge2, cedge1, out IntersectCpt);
                penumIntersectionType = ReverseIntersectionType(penumIntersectionType);
            else if (cedge1.blnHasSlope == false && cedge2.blnHasSlope == false)
                if (CCmpMethods.CmpDbl_CoordVerySmall(cedge1.FrCpt.X, cedge2.FrCpt.X) == 0)   //parallel and with the same X Coordinate
                    penumIntersectionType = DetectIntersectionParralel(cedge1, cedge2, out IntersectCpt, out overlapcedge);
                else    //parallel but not with the same X Coordinate
                    penumIntersectionType = CEnumIntersectionType.NoNo;

            _enumIntersectionType = penumIntersectionType;
            _IntersectCpt         = IntersectCpt;
            _OverlapCEdge         = overlapcedge;
 public CIntersection(CEdge cedge1, CEdge cedge2, CPoint pIntersectCpt, CEdge pOverlapCEdge,
                      CEnumIntersectionType penumIntersectionType)
     _CEdge1               = cedge1;
     _CEdge2               = cedge2;
     _IntersectCpt         = pIntersectCpt;
     _OverlapCEdge         = pOverlapCEdge;
     _enumIntersectionType = penumIntersectionType;
        /// <summary>
        /// QueryMovedPt
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="dblRatioforMovePt">the ratio of length1 (start point to target point) to length2 (start point to end point) on a base line</param>
        /// <param name="dblLengthforMovePt">the distance of the original point (on the polyline) to the targest point (on the base line)</param>
        /// <param name="dblAngleDiffforMovePt">the angle difference of segment1 (target point to original point) and segment2 (target point to end point)</param>
        ///  <param name="dblProp">t</param>
        ///  <param name="intID">ID of the original point</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public CPoint QueryMovedPt(double dblRatioforMovePt, double dblLengthforMovePt, double dblAngleDiffforMovePt, double dblProp, int intID)
            double dblAngle        = _dblAxisAngle - dblAngleDiffforMovePt;
            CPoint targetcpt       = CGeoFunc.GetInbetweenCpt(_FrCpt, _ToCpt, dblRatioforMovePt);
            double dblresultLength = (1 - dblProp) * dblLengthforMovePt;
            double dblresultX      = targetcpt.X + dblresultLength * Math.Cos(dblAngle);
            double dblresultY      = targetcpt.Y + dblresultLength * Math.Sin(dblAngle);

            return(new CPoint(intID, dblresultX, dblresultY));
 public static bool IsVertexIntersection(CPoint cpt)
     if (cpt.IncidentCEdge.indexID == cpt.IncidentCEdge.GetLargerAxisAngleCEdge().GetLargerAxisAngleCEdge().indexID)
        ///// <summary>
        ///// 指定点沿着曲线到起点的距离
        ///// </summary>
        ///// <param name="pPoint">待计算的点</param>
        ///// <param name="pPolyline">点所在的曲线</param>
        ///// <param name="blnasRatio">指定计算相对距离还是绝对距离</param>
        ///// <returns></returns>
        //public double CalDistanceFromStartPoint(IPoint pPoint, bool blnasRatio)
        //    IPoint outPoint = new PointClass();
        //    double distanceAlongCurve = 0;//该点在曲线上最近的点距曲线起点的距离
        //    double distanceFromCurve = 0;//该点到曲线的直线距离
        //    bool bRightSide = false;
        //    this.QueryPointAndDistance(esriSegmentExtension.esriNoExtension, pPoint, blnasRatio, outPoint, ref distanceAlongCurve, ref distanceFromCurve, ref bRightSide);
        //    return distanceAlongCurve;

        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="distanceAlongCurve"></param>
        /// <param name="distanceFromCurve"></param>
        /// <param name="bRightSide"></param>
        /// <returns>the point</returns>
        //public CPoint QueryPointByDistances(double distanceAlongCurve, bool basRatioAlong, double distanceFromCurve, bool bRightSide)
        //    ILine pNomalLine = new LineClass();
        //    this._pLine.QueryNormal(esriSegmentExtension.esriExtendEmbedded,
        //distanceAlongCurve, basRatioAlong, distanceFromCurve, pNomalLine);
        //    //this.SetEmpty();
        //    IPoint outpoint = new PointClass();
        //    if (bRightSide == true)
        //    {
        //        pNomalLine.QueryPoint(esriSegmentExtension.esriNoExtension, 1, true, outpoint);
        //    }
        //    else
        //    {
        //        pNomalLine.QueryPoint(esriSegmentExtension.esriExtendAtFrom, -1, true, outpoint);
        //    }

        //    CPoint cpt = new CPoint(0, outpoint);
        //    return cpt;

        /// <summary>
        /// you must setlength before using this function
        /// </summary>
        public double QueryPtHeight(CPoint querycpt)
            if (this.blnHasSlope == true)
                return(Math.Abs(this.dblYIntercept + this.dblSlope * querycpt.X - querycpt.Y) * this.dblValueForDis);
                return(Math.Abs(querycpt.X - this.FrCpt.X));
        /// <summary>
        /// 通过折线上两节点获取该折线的子折线
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="cpt1">需获取的子折线上的终点之一</param>
        /// <param name="cpt2">需获取的子折线上的终点之一 2</param>
        public CPolyline GetSubPolyline(CPoint cpt1, CPoint cpt2)
            CPolyline subcpl = GetSubPolyline(cpt1.ID, cpt2.ID);

            if (subcpl.FrCpt.Equals2D(cpt1) == false || subcpl.ToCpt.Equals2D(cpt2) == false)
                MessageBox.Show("there is a problem in GetSubPolyline!");

 private bool DetermineIsTouch(CEdge cedge1, CEdge cedge2, ref CPoint IntersectCpt)
     if (IsOnCEdge(IntersectCpt, cedge1) == false || IsOnCEdge(IntersectCpt, cedge2) == false)
 private static bool IsOnCEdge(CPoint cpt, CEdge cedge)
     if (CCmpMethods.IsInbetween(cpt.X, cedge.FrCpt.X, cedge.ToCpt.X) == false ||
         CCmpMethods.IsInbetween(cpt.Y, cedge.FrCpt.Y, cedge.ToCpt.Y) == false)
        //public CptEdgeDis()


        public CptEdgeDis(double dbldis = 0, double dblt      = -1, CPoint frcpt     = null, CEdge frcedge = null,
                          CPoint tocpt  = null, CEdge tocedge = null, bool blnheight = false)
            this.GID       = _intStaticGID++;
            this.dblDis    = dbldis;
            this.t         = dblt;
            this.FrCpt     = frcpt;
            this.FrCEdge   = frcedge;
            this.ToCpt     = tocpt;
            this.ToCEdge   = tocedge;
            this.blnHeight = blnheight;
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes a new cedge instance
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="eFrCpt">Start cedge vertex index</param>
        /// <param name="eToCpt">End cedge vertex index</param>
        public CEdge(CPoint eFrCpt, CPoint eToCpt, bool isSetLength = false)
            this.GID = _intStaticGID++;
            _FrCpt   = eFrCpt;
            _ToCpt   = eToCpt;

            _intIncrease = eToCpt.Compare(eFrCpt);

            if (isSetLength == true)
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes a new instance of a triangle
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="point1">Vertex 1</param>
        /// <param name="point2">Vertex 2</param>
        /// <param name="point3">Vertex 3</param>
        public CTriangle(int intTID, CPoint point1, CPoint point2, CPoint point3)
            List <CPoint> cptlt = new List <CPoint>(3);

            _CptLt = cptlt;

            _intTID = intTID;
        public static void ShowEdgeRelationshipAroundCpt(CPoint cpt)
            CEdge IncidentCEdge = cpt.IncidentCEdge;
            CEdge currentcedge  = IncidentCEdge;

            Console.WriteLine("-------------------------------start Around Cpt------------------------------");

                currentcedge = currentcedge.GetLargerAxisAngleCEdge();
            } while (IncidentCEdge.dblAxisAngle != currentcedge.dblAxisAngle);
            Console.WriteLine("-------------------------------end Around Cpt------------------------------");
 private CEnumIntersectionType DetectIntersectionParralelIncrease(CEdge cedge1, CEdge cedge2,
                                                                  out CPoint IntersectCpt, out CEdge overlapcedge)
     if (CCmpMethods.CmpCptXY(cedge1.ToCpt, cedge2.ToCpt) <= 0)   //we compare both x and y so that we can handle two edges which have no slope
         return(DetectIntersectionParralelIncreaseCEdge2Righter(cedge1, cedge2, out IntersectCpt, out overlapcedge));
         CEnumIntersectionType enumIntersectionType =
             DetectIntersectionParralelIncreaseCEdge2Righter(cedge2, cedge1, out IntersectCpt, out overlapcedge);
        private CEnumIntersectionType DetectIntersectionParralel(CEdge cedge1, CEdge cedge2,
                                                                 out CPoint IntersectCpt, out CEdge overlapcedge)
            CEdge auxCEdge1    = cedge1;
            bool  blnReversed1 = false;

            if (CCmpMethods.CmpCptXY(cedge1.FrCpt, cedge1.ToCpt) == 1)
                auxCEdge1    = new CEdge(cedge1.ToCpt, cedge1.FrCpt);
                blnReversed1 = true;

            CEdge auxCEdge2    = cedge2;
            bool  blnReversed2 = false;

            if (CCmpMethods.CmpCptXY(cedge2.FrCpt, cedge2.ToCpt) == 1)
                auxCEdge2    = new CEdge(cedge2.ToCpt, cedge2.FrCpt);
                blnReversed2 = true;

            CEnumIntersectionType penumIntersectionType =
                DetectIntersectionParralelIncrease(auxCEdge1, auxCEdge2, out IntersectCpt, out overlapcedge);

            if (penumIntersectionType == CEnumIntersectionType.FrTo || penumIntersectionType == CEnumIntersectionType.ToFr)   //besides, penumIntersectionType coud be CEnumIntersectionType.NoNo or CEnumIntersectionType.Overlap
                string substr1 = penumIntersectionType.ToString().Substring(0, 2);
                string substr2 = penumIntersectionType.ToString().Substring(2, 2);
                if (blnReversed1 == true)
                    substr1 = ReverseEnd(substr1);
                if (blnReversed2 == true)
                    substr2 = ReverseEnd(substr2);

                string strIntersectionType = substr1 + substr2;
                return((CEnumIntersectionType)Enum.Parse(typeof(CEnumIntersectionType), strIntersectionType));
        private bool FindCorrCptInSDByTinNode(ITinNode pTinNode, SortedDictionary <CPoint, CPoint> CptSD, out CPoint outcpt)
            CPoint tincpt  = new CPoint(pTinNode);
            bool   isFound = CptSD.TryGetValue(tincpt, out outcpt);

            if (isFound == false)
                Console.WriteLine("cannot find a point" + tincpt.X + "  " + tincpt.Y
                                  + "   " + " of a TinNode in: " + this.ToString() + ".cs   ");
                double dblOriginaldblVerySmall = CConstants.dblVerySmallCoord;

                    CConstants.dblVerySmallCoord = CConstants.dblVerySmallCoord * 10;
                    isFound = CptSD.TryGetValue(tincpt, out outcpt);
                } while (isFound == false);
                CConstants.dblVerySmallCoord = dblOriginaldblVerySmall;

 /// <summary>
 /// Makes a planar checks for if the points is spatially equal to another point.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="other">Point to check against</param>
 /// <returns>True if X and Y values are the same</returns>
 public bool Equals2D(CPoint other)
     return(CCmpMethods.ConvertCmpToBool(CCmpMethods.CmpCptYX(this, other)));
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="cpt"></param>
        /// <param name="newcedge">newcedge should have a twin edge</param>
        public static void InsertCEdgeAtCpt(CPoint cpt, CEdge newcedge)
            var SmallerAxisAngleCEdge = FindSmallerAxisAngleCEdgebyCEdge(cpt, newcedge, false);

            InsertCEdgeBySmaller(SmallerAxisAngleCEdge, newcedge);
 public CPolyline(int intID, CPoint cpt1, CPoint cpt2, bool blnSetPolyline = false)
     : this(intID, CHelpFunc.MakeLt <CPoint>(cpt1, cpt2), blnSetPolyline)
 /// <summary>
 /// Makes a planar checks for if the points is spatially equal to another point.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="other">Point to check against</param>
 /// <returns>True if X and Y values are the same</returns>
 public bool Equals2D(CPoint other, double dblVerySmall)
     return(CCmpMethods.ConvertCmpToBool(CCmpMethods.CmpCptYX(this, other)));
        private CEnumIntersectionType DetectIntersectionParralelIncreaseCEdge2Righter(CEdge cedge1, CEdge cedge2,
                                                                                      out CPoint IntersectCpt, out CEdge overlapcedge)
            IntersectCpt = null;
            overlapcedge = null;

            if (CCmpMethods.CmpCptXY(cedge1.ToCpt, cedge2.FrCpt) == -1)   //we compare both x and y so that we can handle two edges haveing no slope
            else if (CCmpMethods.CmpCptXY(cedge1.ToCpt, cedge2.FrCpt) == 0)   //we compare both x and y so that we can handle two edges haveing no slope
                IntersectCpt = cedge1.ToCpt;
            else // if (CCmpMethods.CmpXY(cedge1.ToCpt, cedge2.FrCpt) == 1)   //we compare both x and y so that we can handle two edges haveing no slope
                CPoint frcpt = null;
                if (CCmpMethods.CmpCptXY(cedge1.FrCpt, cedge2.FrCpt) == 1)   //we compare both x and y so that we can handle two edges haveing no slope
                    frcpt = cedge1.FrCpt;
                    frcpt = cedge2.FrCpt;
                //overlapcedge = new CEdge(frcpt, cedge1.ToCpt);  //to save memory, we don't record the overlapcedge
                IntersectCpt = cedge1.ToCpt;
        ///// <summary>whether a point is in cedge (we already know that the point is on the line that goes through the cedge)</summary>
        ///// <returns> -1, nonsense,
        /////                   1, this point is not on the Edge
        /////                   2, this point is the FrCpt
        /////                   3, this point is in the Edge
        /////                   4, this point is the ToCpt</returns>
        /////                   <remarks></remarks>
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="cpt"></param>
        /// <param name="cedge"></param>
        /// <returns> "No", "Fr", "In", "To"</returns>
        public static string InCEdge(CPoint cpt, CEdge cedge)
            //we test both x and y. if we only test one coordinate, we may get wrong result.
            //      for example, there is an intersection that is actually in an edge, and this edge is almost vertical.
            //      if we only test the x coordinate, then we will get that the intersection is the end (on the boundary) of this edge
            //         because we use dblVerysmall to judge

            int intCompareX = CCmpMethods.CmpThreeCoord(cpt.X, cedge.FrCpt.X, cedge.ToCpt.X);
            int intCompareY = CCmpMethods.CmpThreeCoord(cpt.Y, cedge.FrCpt.Y, cedge.ToCpt.Y);

            //the result is a result of a 6*6 matrix
            string strInCEdge = "";

            if (intCompareX == 1 || intCompareX == 5 || intCompareY == 1 || intCompareY == 5)   //this point is not on the Edge
                strInCEdge = "No";
            else if (intCompareX == 3 || intCompareY == 3)   //this point is in the Edge
                strInCEdge = "In";
            else // if (intCompareX, intCompareY = 0, 2, 4),    //this point is one of the ends of the Edge
                if (intCompareX == 0)
                    if (intCompareY == 0 || intCompareY == 2)
                        strInCEdge = "Fr";
                    else  //if  (intCompareY==4)
                        strInCEdge = "To";
                else if (intCompareX == 2)
                    if (intCompareY == 0 || intCompareY == 2)
                        strInCEdge = "Fr";
                    else  //if  (intCompareY==4)    //unfortunately, this can happen!!!
                        //MessageBox.Show("This cannot happen! InCEdge!");  //
                        strInCEdge = "In";
                else //if (intCompareX == 4)
                    if (intCompareY == 0 || intCompareY == 4)
                        strInCEdge = "To";
                    else  //if  (intCompareY==2)
                        //MessageBox.Show("This cannot happen! InCEdge!");
                        strInCEdge = "In";

        //public CEdge GetEdgeIncrease()
        //    int intCompare = CCmpMethods.Cmp(_FrCpt, _ToCpt);
        //    if (intCompare<=0)
        //    {
        //        return this;
        //    }
        //    else
        //    {
        //        return new CEdge (_ToCpt,_FrCpt);
        //    }

        public double CalInbetweenCptProportion(CPoint cpt)
            return(CGeoFunc.CalInbetweenCptProportion(cpt, _FrCpt, _ToCpt));
 public CPolyline(int intID, CPoint cpt, bool blnSetPolyline = false)
     : this(intID, CHelpFunc.MakeLt(cpt), blnSetPolyline)
        /// <summary>
        ///the intersection of two line segments. The two segments both have slope and not parrallel
        /// </summary>
        private CEnumIntersectionType DetectIntersectionNormal(CEdge cedge1, CEdge cedge2, out CPoint IntersectCpt)
            IntersectCpt   = new CPoint(-1); //the intersection of the two lines, not the two line segments
            IntersectCpt.X = (cedge2.dblYIntercept - cedge1.dblYIntercept) / (cedge1.dblSlope - cedge2.dblSlope);
            IntersectCpt.Y = IntersectCpt.X * cedge1.dblSlope + cedge1.dblYIntercept;

            return(DetermineIntersectCase(cedge1, cedge2, ref IntersectCpt));
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="cedge1"></param>
        /// <param name="cedge2"></param>
        /// <param name="IntersectCpt"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private CEnumIntersectionType DetermineIntersectCase(CEdge cedge1, CEdge cedge2, ref CPoint IntersectCpt)
            string strInCEdge1 = InCEdge(IntersectCpt, cedge1);
            string strInCEdge2 = InCEdge(IntersectCpt, cedge2);

            //to save memory, we always use the original points if the intersection overlaps an original point
            //we set the intersection to null if there is no intersection
            if (strInCEdge1 == "No" || strInCEdge2 == "No")
                IntersectCpt = null;
            else if (strInCEdge1 == "Fr")
                IntersectCpt = cedge1.FrCpt;
            else if (strInCEdge1 == "To")
                IntersectCpt = cedge1.ToCpt;
            else //if(strInCEdge1 == "In")
                if (strInCEdge2 == "Fr")
                    IntersectCpt = cedge2.FrCpt;
                else if (strInCEdge2 == "To")
                    IntersectCpt = cedge2.ToCpt;
                else //if(strInCEdge2 == "In")
                    //IntersectCpt = IntersectCpt;

            if (strInCEdge1 == "No" || strInCEdge2 == "No")
                return(CEnumIntersectionType.NoNo);  //do we really need do this seperately?
                string strIntersectionType = strInCEdge1 + strInCEdge2;
                return((CEnumIntersectionType)Enum.Parse(typeof(CEnumIntersectionType), strIntersectionType));
        /// <summary>Detect the intesection between two edges</summary>
        private CEnumIntersectionType DetectIntersectionOneNoSlope(CEdge cedge, CEdge cedgeNoSlope, out CPoint IntersectCpt)
            IntersectCpt   = new CPoint(-1); //the intersection of the two lines, not the two line segments
            IntersectCpt.X = cedgeNoSlope.FrCpt.X;
            IntersectCpt.Y = IntersectCpt.X * cedge.dblSlope + cedge.dblYIntercept;

            return(DetermineIntersectCase(cedge, cedgeNoSlope, ref IntersectCpt));
 public void SetOuterFaceCptlt(bool clockwise = true, bool blnIdentical = true, CPoint StartPositionCpt = null)
     this.CptLt = GetOuterCptEb(clockwise, blnIdentical, StartPositionCpt).ToList();
        public IEnumerable <CPoint> GetOuterCptEb(bool clockwise = true, bool blnIdentical = true, CPoint StartPositionCpt = null)
            var pOuterCmptCEdge = _OuterCmptCEdge;

            if (pOuterCmptCEdge == null)
                throw new ArgumentException("Super face does not have an outer ring!");

            if (StartPositionCpt != null)
                pOuterCmptCEdge = TraverseToGetCorrectCEdgeComponent(pOuterCmptCEdge, StartPositionCpt);

            if (clockwise == true)   //for an outer path, the edges are stored counter-clockwise in DCEL
                foreach (var cpt in TraverseToGetCptEb(pOuterCmptCEdge, false))
                    yield return(cpt);
                foreach (var cpt in TraverseToGetCptEb(pOuterCmptCEdge, true))
                    yield return(cpt);

            if (blnIdentical == true)
                yield return(pOuterCmptCEdge.FrCpt);
 public CEdge DetectCloestLeftCorrectCEdge(CPoint cpt)
     CGeoFunc.DetectCloestLeftCEdge(cpt, _pEdgeGrid);
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="cedgeComponent"></param>
        /// <param name="blnNext"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private static CEdge TraverseToGetCorrectCEdgeComponent(CEdge cedgeComponent, CPoint cpt)
            var currentcedge = cedgeComponent;

                if (CCmpMethods.CmpCptYX(currentcedge.FrCpt, cpt) == 0)

                currentcedge = currentcedge.cedgeNext;
            } while (currentcedge.GID != cedgeComponent.GID);
            throw new ArgumentException("we cannot find an appropriate edge!");