public async Task AddAbilityMod(string ability, int mod, string source, [Remainder] string name = null) { DnDPlayerCharacter player = await GetPlayerOrCurrent(name); if (player != null) { DnDAbilityScores abilityScore = GetAbility(ability); if ((int)abilityScore == -1) { await ReplyAsync("Invalid ability score! Valid: STR, DEX, CON, INT, WIS, CHA"); return; } DnDBasicCharacterInfo basicInfo = player.BasicInfo; basicInfo.AbilityMods.Add(new DnDAbilityModDescriptor() { SourceDescription = source, AbilityMod = new DnDAbilityModifier() { Ability = abilityScore, Modifier = mod } }); player.BasicInfo = basicInfo; await ReplyAsync("Successfully added ability modifier."); } }
public async Task GivePlayer(IUser user, [Remainder] string name) { DnDPlayerCharacter player = CurrentGame.GetPlayer(Games.Storage, name); if (player == null) { await ReplyAsync("No player exists with that name!"); } else if (player.ControlledBy != 0UL && CurrentGame.GameData.DungeonMaster != Context.User.Id && player.ControlledBy != Context.User.Id) { await ReplyAsync("That player already has a controller!" + (player.ControlledBy == user.Id ? " (It's them.)" : "")); } else { DnDPlayerCharacter old = CurrentGame.GetPlayer(user.Id); string joining = "Joining"; if (old != null) { joining = "Replacing " + old.Name + " in"; CurrentGame.RemovePlayer(old); } player.ControlledBy = user.Id; await ReplyAsync(user.Mention + " now controls " + player.Name + ". " + joining + " current campaign " + CurrentGame.Data.Title + "."); CurrentGame.AddPlayer(player); CurrentGame.Save(Games.Storage); } }
public async Task DeleteSkillProficiency(string skillName, [Remainder] string name = null) { DnDPlayerCharacter player = await GetPlayerOrCurrent(name); if (player != null) { DnDCharacterSkills skill = GetSkill(skillName); if ((int)skill == -1) { await ReplyAsync("Invalid skill! Valid: athl, acro, slei, stea, arca, hist, inve, natu, reli, anim, insi, medi, perc, surv, dece, inti, perf, pers"); return; } DnDBasicCharacterInfo basicInfo = player.BasicInfo; if (!basicInfo.SkillProficiencies.Contains(skill)) { await ReplyAsync(player.Name + " does not have a proficiency in " + skill.ToString().ToLowerInvariant() + "!"); return; } basicInfo.SkillProficiencies.Remove(skill); player.BasicInfo = basicInfo; await ReplyAsync("Successfully deleted skill proficiency."); } }
public async Task TakePlayer([Remainder] string name) { DnDPlayerCharacter player = CurrentGame.GetPlayer(Games.Storage, name); if (player == null) { await ReplyAsync("No player exists with that name!"); } else if (player.ControlledBy != 0UL) { await ReplyAsync("That player already has a controller!" + (player.ControlledBy == Context.User.Id ? " (It's you.)" : "")); } else { DnDPlayerCharacter old = CurrentGame.GetPlayer(Context.User.Id); string joining = "Joining"; if (old != null) { joining = "Replacing " + old.Name + " in"; CurrentGame.RemovePlayer(old); } player.ControlledBy = Context.User.Id; await ReplyAsync("You now control " + player.Name + ". " + joining + " current campaign " + CurrentGame.Data.Title + "."); CurrentGame.AddPlayer(player); CurrentGame.Save(Games.Storage); } }
public async Task AddSkillMod(string skillName, int mod, string source, [Remainder] string name = null) { DnDPlayerCharacter player = await GetPlayerOrCurrent(name); if (player != null) { DnDCharacterSkills skill = GetSkill(skillName); if ((int)skill == -1) { await ReplyAsync("Invalid skill! Valid: athl, acro, slei, stea, arca, hist, inve, natu, reli, anim, insi, medi, perc, surv, dece, inti, perf, pers"); return; } DnDBasicCharacterInfo basicInfo = player.BasicInfo; basicInfo.SkillMods.Add(new DnDSkillModDescriptor() { SourceDescription = source, SkillMod = new DnDSkillModifier() { Skill = skill, Modifier = mod } }); player.BasicInfo = basicInfo; await ReplyAsync("Successfully added skill modifier."); } }
public async Task DeleteSkillMod(string skillName, int num, [Remainder] string name = null) { DnDPlayerCharacter player = await GetPlayerOrCurrent(name); if (player != null) { DnDCharacterSkills skill = GetSkill(skillName); if ((int)skill == -1) { await ReplyAsync("Invalid skill! Valid: athl, acro, slei, stea, arca, hist, inve, natu, reli, anim, insi, medi, perc, surv, dece, inti, perf, pers"); return; } DnDBasicCharacterInfo basicInfo = player.BasicInfo; DnDSkillModDescriptor match = basicInfo.SkillMods.Where((smd) => smd.SkillMod.Skill == skill).ElementAtOrDefault(num - 1); if (match.Equals(default(DnDSkillModDescriptor))) { await ReplyAsync("No valid modifier found. Must be a number from .listsmods " + skillName); return; } basicInfo.SkillMods.Remove(match); player.BasicInfo = basicInfo; await ReplyAsync("Successfully deleted skill modifier."); } }
public async Task DeleteAbilityMod(string ability, int num, [Remainder] string name = null) { DnDPlayerCharacter player = await GetPlayerOrCurrent(name); if (player != null) { DnDAbilityScores abilityScore = GetAbility(ability); if ((int)abilityScore == -1) { await ReplyAsync("Invalid ability score! Valid: STR, DEX, CON, INT, WIS, CHA"); return; } DnDBasicCharacterInfo basicInfo = player.BasicInfo; DnDAbilityModDescriptor match = basicInfo.AbilityMods.Where((amd) => amd.AbilityMod.Ability == abilityScore).ElementAtOrDefault(num - 1); if (match.Equals(default(DnDAbilityModDescriptor))) { await ReplyAsync("No valid modifier found. Must be a number from .listamods " + ability); return; } basicInfo.AbilityMods.Remove(match); player.BasicInfo = basicInfo; await ReplyAsync("Successfully deleted ability modifier."); } }
public override string SpecialRoll(ulong userId, string input) { input = Regex.Replace(input, "adv" + IgnoreMath, "2d20d1"); input = Regex.Replace(input, "dis" + IgnoreMath, "2d20k1"); DnDPlayerCharacter player = GetPlayer(userId); if (player != null) { foreach (DnDAbilityScores ability in Utilities.GetEnumValues <DnDAbilityScores>()) { // first 3 letters... str, dex, con, int, wis, cha string name = ability.ToString().Substring(0, 3).ToLowerInvariant() + IgnoreMath; // only an ability score -> roll d20 + mod input = Regex.Replace(input, "^" + name + "$", "1d20" + GetModString(player, ability)); // somewhere in a string -> assume it can be replaced with the mod input = Regex.Replace(input, name, "(" + player.BasicInfo.GetAbilityMod(ability) + ")"); } foreach (DnDCharacterSkills skill in Utilities.GetEnumValues <DnDCharacterSkills>()) { // first 4 letters... athl, acro, slei, stea, arca, hist, inve, natu, reli, anim, insi, medi, perc, surv, dece, inti, perf, pers string name = skill.ToString().Substring(0, 4).ToLowerInvariant() + IgnoreMath; // only a skill -> roll d20 + mod input = Regex.Replace(input, "^" + name + "$", "1d20" + GetModString(player, skill)); // somewhere in a string -> assume it can be replaced with the mod input = Regex.Replace(input, name, "(" + player.GetSkillMod(skill) + ")"); } } return(input); }
public async Task PlayerInfo([Remainder] string name = null) { DnDPlayerCharacter player = await GetPlayerOrCurrent(name, false); if (player != null) { await ReplyAsync(embed : player.CreateInfoEmbed()); } }
public async Task ListSkillProficiencies([Remainder] string name = null) { DnDPlayerCharacter player = await GetPlayerOrCurrent(name, false); if (player != null) { string skills = Utilities.Join(player.BasicInfo.SkillProficiencies.Select((skill) => skill.ToString().ToLowerInvariant()).ToArray(), ", "); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(skills)) { skills = "None"; } await ReplyAsync(player.Name + " is proficient in the following skills: " + skills); } }
public async Task SetStats(int strength, int dexterity, int constitution, int intelligence, int wisdom, int charisma, [Remainder] string name = null) { DnDPlayerCharacter player = await GetPlayerOrCurrent(name); if (player != null) { DnDBasicCharacterInfo basicInfo = player.BasicInfo; basicInfo.Strength = strength; basicInfo.Dexterity = dexterity; basicInfo.Constitution = constitution; basicInfo.Intelligence = intelligence; basicInfo.Wisdom = wisdom; basicInfo.Charisma = charisma; player.BasicInfo = basicInfo; await ReplyAsync("Successfully modified stats."); } }
public async Task ListAbilityMod(string ability = null, [Remainder] string name = null) { DnDPlayerCharacter player = await GetPlayerOrCurrent(name, false); if (player != null) { EmbedBuilder builder = new EmbedBuilder(); DnDAbilityScores abilityScore = GetAbility(ability); if ((int)abilityScore == -1) { builder.WithTitle("List of all active ability modifiers"); int i = 0; DnDAbilityScores lastAbility = DnDAbilityScores.Strength; foreach (DnDAbilityModDescriptor descriptor in player.BasicInfo.AbilityMods.OrderBy((amd) => amd.AbilityMod.Ability)) { if (descriptor.AbilityMod.Ability != lastAbility) { i = 0; lastAbility = descriptor.AbilityMod.Ability; } builder.Description += lastAbility.ToString().ToUpper().Substring(0, 3) + " " + (i + 1) + ": " + descriptor.SourceDescription + " (" + descriptor.AbilityMod.Modifier.ShowSign() + ")\n"; i++; } } else { builder.WithTitle("List of active " + abilityScore.ToString().ToLowerInvariant() + " modifiers"); int i = 0; foreach (DnDAbilityModDescriptor descriptor in player.BasicInfo.AbilityMods.Where((amd) => amd.AbilityMod.Ability == abilityScore)) { builder.Description += (i + 1) + ": " + descriptor.SourceDescription + " (" + descriptor.AbilityMod.Modifier.ShowSign() + ")\n"; i++; } } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(builder.Description)) { builder.Description = "None"; } await ReplyAsync(embed : builder.Build()); } }
public async Task ListSkillMod(string skillName = null, [Remainder] string name = null) { DnDPlayerCharacter player = await GetPlayerOrCurrent(name, false); if (player != null) { EmbedBuilder builder = new EmbedBuilder(); DnDCharacterSkills skill = GetSkill(skillName); if ((int)skill == -1) { builder.WithTitle("List of all active skill modifiers"); int i = 0; DnDCharacterSkills lastSkill = DnDCharacterSkills.Athletics; foreach (DnDSkillModDescriptor descriptor in player.BasicInfo.SkillMods.OrderBy((smd) => smd.SkillMod.Skill)) { if (descriptor.SkillMod.Skill != lastSkill) { i = 0; lastSkill = descriptor.SkillMod.Skill; } builder.Description += lastSkill.ToString().ToUpper().Substring(0, 4) + " " + (i + 1) + ": " + descriptor.SourceDescription + " (" + descriptor.SkillMod.Modifier.ShowSign() + ")\n"; i++; } } else { builder.WithTitle("List of active " + skill.ToString().ToLowerInvariant() + " modifiers"); int i = 0; foreach (DnDSkillModDescriptor descriptor in player.BasicInfo.SkillMods.Where((smd) => smd.SkillMod.Skill == skill)) { builder.Description += (i + 1) + ": " + descriptor.SourceDescription + " (" + descriptor.SkillMod.Modifier.ShowSign() + ")\n"; i++; } } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(builder.Description)) { builder.Description = "None"; } await ReplyAsync(embed : builder.Build()); } }
public static DnDPlayerCharacter Migrate(DnDPlayerCharacter player) { if (player == null || player.Migrated) { return(player); } DnDBasicCharacterInfo basicInfo = player.BasicInfo; if (basicInfo.AbilityMods == null) { basicInfo.AbilityMods = new List <DnDAbilityModDescriptor>(); } if (basicInfo.SkillMods == null) { basicInfo.SkillMods = new List <DnDSkillModDescriptor>(); } player.BasicInfo = basicInfo; player.Migrated = true; return(player); }
public async Task NewPlayer(string race, [Remainder] string name) { if (CurrentGame.GetPlayer(Games.Storage, name) != null) { await ReplyAsync("A player already exists with that name!"); return; } DnDPlayerCharacter currentPC = CurrentGame.GetPlayer(Context.User.Id); DnDPlayerCharacter newPC = CurrentGame.CreatePlayer(race, name); if (currentPC == null) { newPC.ControlledBy = Context.User.Id; await ReplyAsync("Player created and is now controlled by you, as you have no active character. Joining current campaign " + CurrentGame.Data.Title + "."); CurrentGame.AddPlayer(newPC); CurrentGame.Save(Games.Storage); } else if (!currentPC.Alive) { currentPC.ControlledBy = 0UL; newPC.ControlledBy = Context.User.Id; await ReplyAsync("Player created and is now controlled by you, as your old one is dead. Nice going! Replacing " + currentPC.Name + " in current campaign " + CurrentGame.Data.Title + "."); CurrentGame.RemovePlayer(currentPC); CurrentGame.AddPlayer(newPC); CurrentGame.Save(Games.Storage); } else { CurrentGame.AddPlayer(newPC); CurrentGame.Save(Games.Storage); CurrentGame.RemovePlayer(newPC); await ReplyAsync("Player created. It has no active controller because you have an active character. To take control, use /takepc " + name + "\n" + "You can also use /takepc " + name.ToLowerInvariant().StripNonAlphaNumeric()); } }
public async Task ImportPlayer([Remainder] string url) { Match match = Regex.Match(url, @".*\d+)"); if (!match.Success) { await ReplyAsync("Provided URL is not a MythWeavers sheet."); return; } DnDMythWeavers mw; WebRequest wr = WebRequest.Create("" + match.Groups[1].Value); using (WebResponse response = wr.GetResponse()) using (Stream stream = response.GetResponseStream()) { mw = Games.Storage.Load <DnDMythWeavers>(stream); } if (mw.Error || mw.Sheetdata.Private == 1) { await ReplyAsync("Error retrieving data. Is the sheet private?"); return; } string name = mw.Sheetdata.Data.Name; string internalName = name.ToLowerInvariant().StripNonAlphaNumeric(); Games.Storage.Write("data/mythweavers/" + internalName, mw); DnDPlayerCharacter newPC = DnDConvert.ConvertPlayer(mw.Sheetdata.Data); CurrentGame.AddPlayer(newPC); CurrentGame.Save(Games.Storage); CurrentGame.RemovePlayer(newPC); CurrentGame.Save(Games.Storage); await ReplyAsync("Player imported. It has no active controller because it might contain flaws and should be manually edited before taking control. " + "To take control, use /takepc " + name + "\nYou can also use /takepc " + name.ToLowerInvariant().StripNonAlphaNumeric()); }
private static string GetModString(DnDPlayerCharacter player, DnDCharacterSkills skill) { int mod = player.GetSkillMod(skill); return((mod < 0 ? " - " : " + ") + Math.Abs(mod)); }
public void RemovePlayer(DnDPlayerCharacter character) { character.ControlledBy = 0UL; character.LastKnownCampaign = null; GameData.Players.Remove(character); }
private static string GetModString(DnDPlayerCharacter player, DnDAbilityScores ability) { int mod = player.BasicInfo.GetAbilityMod(ability); return((mod < 0 ? " - " : " + ") + Math.Abs(mod)); }
public void AddPlayer(DnDPlayerCharacter character) { GameData.Players.Add(character); character.LastKnownCampaign = InternalTitle; }