private void OnGUI() { RightMenuGUI(); MoveViewGUI(); MorphEditorTool.SetGUIEnabled(!_isPreview); MorphEditorTool.SetGUIBackgroundColor(_isRecord ? : Color.white); TitleGUI(); MorphEditorTool.SetGUIBackgroundColor(Color.white); KeyframeGUI(); GUILayout.FlexibleSpace(); ClipsGUI(); ClipPropertyGUI(); KeyframePropertyGUI(); }
private void GenerateGUI() { GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); MorphEditorTool.SetGUIBackgroundColor(Color.cyan); if (GUILayout.Button("Generate Morph Controller")) { GenerateMorphController(); } MorphEditorTool.SetGUIBackgroundColor(Color.white); GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); if (_meshFilter && _meshFilter.sharedMesh) { if (_meshFilter.sharedMesh.vertexCount > 1000) { EditorGUILayout.HelpBox("This mesh's vertices number is too much! Generate will be very slow!", MessageType.Warning); } } GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); }
private void KeyframePropertyGUI() { if (_currentKeyframe != null) { Rect viewRect = new Rect(_keyframePropertyViewWidth, 85, 200, position.height - 70); Rect maxRect = new Rect(_keyframePropertyViewWidth, 85, 200, _keyframePropertyViewHeight); _keyframePropertyView = GUI.BeginScrollView(viewRect, _keyframePropertyView, maxRect); GUI.BeginGroup(maxRect, new GUIStyle("box")); _keyframePropertyViewWidth = 4; _keyframePropertyViewHeight = 4; GUI.Label(new Rect(_keyframePropertyViewWidth, _keyframePropertyViewHeight, 35, 16), "Time:"); _currentKeyframe.Time = EditorGUI.FloatField(new Rect(43, _keyframePropertyViewHeight, 153, 16), _currentKeyframe.Time); _keyframePropertyViewHeight += 20; MorphEditorTool.SetGUIColor(_currentKeyframe.EventCallBack.CallTarget ? Color.white : Color.gray); GUI.Label(new Rect(_keyframePropertyViewWidth, _keyframePropertyViewHeight, 85, 16), "Event Target:"); _currentKeyframe.EventCallBack.CallTarget = EditorGUI.ObjectField(new Rect(93, _keyframePropertyViewHeight, 103, 16), _currentKeyframe.EventCallBack.CallTarget, typeof(GameObject), true) as GameObject; _keyframePropertyViewHeight += 20; GUI.Label(new Rect(_keyframePropertyViewWidth, _keyframePropertyViewHeight, 85, 16), "Event Method:"); if (GUI.Button(new Rect(93, _keyframePropertyViewHeight, 103, 16), _currentKeyframe.EventCallBack.CallMethod, "MiniPopup")) { if (_currentKeyframe.EventCallBack.CallTarget) { GenericMenu gm = new GenericMenu(); Component[] cps = _currentKeyframe.EventCallBack.CallTarget.GetComponents <Component>(); for (int j = 0; j < cps.Length; j++) { Type type = cps[j].GetType(); MethodInfo[] mis = type.GetMethods(BindingFlags.DeclaredOnly | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance); for (int n = 0; n < mis.Length; n++) { string methodName = mis[n].Name; if (!methodName.StartsWith("set_") && !methodName.StartsWith("get_")) { gm.AddItem(new GUIContent(type.Name + "/" + methodName), methodName == _currentKeyframe.EventCallBack.CallMethod, () => { _currentKeyframe.EventCallBack.CallMethod = methodName; }); } } } gm.ShowAsContext(); } } _keyframePropertyViewHeight += 20; MorphEditorTool.SetGUIColor(Color.white); GUI.Label(new Rect(_keyframePropertyViewWidth, _keyframePropertyViewHeight, 192, 16), "Bone List", "PreLabel"); _keyframePropertyViewHeight += 20; GUI.Label(new Rect(_keyframePropertyViewWidth, _keyframePropertyViewHeight, 35, 16), "Find:"); _boneNameFiltrate = GUI.TextField(new Rect(43, _keyframePropertyViewHeight, 137, 16), _boneNameFiltrate, "SearchTextField"); if (GUI.Button(new Rect(180, _keyframePropertyViewHeight, 16, 16), "", _boneNameFiltrate == "" ? "SearchCancelButtonEmpty" : "SearchCancelButton")) { _boneNameFiltrate = ""; } _keyframePropertyViewHeight += 20; for (int i = 0; i < _skinnedMeshRenderer.bones.Length; i++) { if (_skinnedMeshRenderer.bones[i].name.Contains(_boneNameFiltrate)) { bool value = (_currentBone == _skinnedMeshRenderer.bones[i]); if (GUI.Toggle(new Rect(_keyframePropertyViewWidth, _keyframePropertyViewHeight, 192, 16), value, _skinnedMeshRenderer.bones[i].name, "PreButton") != value) { _currentBone = _skinnedMeshRenderer.bones[i]; _currentBoneParent = null; Selection.activeGameObject = _currentBone.gameObject; Tools.current = Tool.Move; if (_currentBone != _skinnedMeshRenderer.rootBone && _currentBone.parent && _currentBone.parent != _skinnedMeshRenderer.rootBone) { _currentBoneParent = _currentBone.parent; _keepingDistance = Vector3.Distance(_currentBone.position, _currentBoneParent.position); } } _keyframePropertyViewHeight += 20; } } GUI.EndGroup(); GUI.EndScrollView(); } }
private void ClipPropertyGUI() { if (_currentClip != null) { _clipPropertyViewWidth = (int)position.width - 204; Rect rect = new Rect(_clipPropertyViewWidth, 85, 200, _clipPropertyViewHeight); GUI.BeginGroup(rect, new GUIStyle("box")); _clipPropertyViewHeight = 4; if (_isRenameClip) { _newNameClip = GUI.TextField(new Rect(4, _clipPropertyViewHeight, 100, 16), _newNameClip); if (GUI.Button(new Rect(108, _clipPropertyViewHeight, 40, 16), "Sure", "MiniButtonLeft")) { if (MorphEditorTool.ClipNameIsAllow(_morphAnimator.Clips, _newNameClip)) { _currentClip.Name = _newNameClip; _newNameClip = ""; _isRenameClip = false; } else { MorphDebug.LogError("输入的剪辑名字不符合规定或者存在重名!", _skinnedMeshRenderer.gameObject); } } if (GUI.Button(new Rect(148, _clipPropertyViewHeight, 48, 16), "Cancel", "MiniButtonRight")) { _isRenameClip = false; } _clipPropertyViewHeight += 20; } GUI.Label(new Rect(4, _clipPropertyViewHeight, 192, 16), _currentClip.Name, "PreLabel"); _clipPropertyViewHeight += 20; if (GUI.Button(new Rect(4, _clipPropertyViewHeight, 192, 16), "Set Default Clip")) { int index = _morphAnimator.Clips.IndexOf(_currentClip); _morphAnimator.DefaultClipIndex = index; } _clipPropertyViewHeight += 20; GUI.Label(new Rect(4, _clipPropertyViewHeight, 192, 16), "Transition: " + (_currentClip.TransitionClip != -1 ? _morphAnimator.Clips[_currentClip.TransitionClip].Name : "<None>")); _clipPropertyViewHeight += 20; if (GUI.Button(new Rect(4, _clipPropertyViewHeight, 192, 16), "Make Transition")) { GenericMenu gm = new GenericMenu(); for (int i = 0; i < _morphAnimator.Clips.Count; i++) { if (_morphAnimator.Clips[i] != _currentClip) { int si = i; gm.AddItem(new GUIContent(_morphAnimator.Clips[si].Name), si == _currentClip.TransitionClip, () => { _currentClip.TransitionClip = si; }); } } gm.ShowAsContext(); } _clipPropertyViewHeight += 20; GUI.EndGroup(); } }
private void ClipsGUI() { string currentStyle = ""; string otherStyle = ""; for (int i = 0; i < _morphAnimator.Clips.Count; i++) { if (_currentClip != _morphAnimator.Clips[i]) { MorphAnimationClip clip = _morphAnimator.Clips[i]; if (!_isPreview) { MorphEditorTool.SetGUIEnabled(clip.Valid); } Rect rect = new Rect(clip.Anchor, new Vector2(_clipSizeWidth, _clipSizeHeight)); otherStyle = ((_morphAnimator.DefaultClipIndex == i) ? "flow node 5" : "flow node 0"); if (GUI.Button(rect, clip.Name, otherStyle)) { SelectClip(clip); currentStyle = otherStyle + " on"; } } else { currentStyle = ((_morphAnimator.DefaultClipIndex == i) ? "flow node 5 on" : "flow node 0 on"); } } if (_currentClip != null) { if (!_isPreview) { MorphEditorTool.SetGUIEnabled(_currentClip.Valid); } Rect rect = new Rect(_currentClip.Anchor, new Vector2(_clipSizeWidth, _clipSizeHeight)); if (GUI.RepeatButton(rect, _currentClip.Name, currentStyle)) { _currentClip.Anchor = Event.current.mousePosition - new Vector2(_clipSizeWidth / 2, _clipSizeHeight / 2); Repaint(); } } if (!_isPreview) { MorphEditorTool.SetGUIEnabled(true); } for (int i = 0; i < _morphAnimator.Clips.Count; i++) { if (_morphAnimator.Clips[i].TransitionClip != -1) { MorphAnimationClip clip = _morphAnimator.Clips[i]; Vector2 clipVec = new Vector2(clip.Anchor.x + _clipSizeWidth, clip.Anchor.y + _clipSizeHeight / 2); MorphAnimationClip transitionClip = _morphAnimator.Clips[clip.TransitionClip]; Vector2 transitionVec = new Vector2(transitionClip.Anchor.x, transitionClip.Anchor.y + _clipSizeHeight / 2); MorphHandles.DrawTransition(clipVec, transitionVec); } } }
private void KeyframeGUI() { if (_currentClip != null) { GUILayout.BeginHorizontal("Toolbar"); if (GUILayout.Button(_currentClip.Name, "ToolbarPopup", GUILayout.Width(100))) { GenericMenu gm = new GenericMenu(); for (int i = 0; i < _morphAnimator.Clips.Count; i++) { MorphAnimationClip clip = _morphAnimator.Clips[i]; if (clip.Valid) { gm.AddItem(new GUIContent(clip.Name), _currentClip == clip, () => { SelectClip(clip); }); } } gm.ShowAsContext(); } GUILayout.FlexibleSpace(); if (GUILayout.Button("Add Keyframe", "Toolbarbutton")) { CreateKeyframe(); } if (_currentKeyframe != null) { if (GUILayout.Button("Clone Keyframe", "Toolbarbutton")) { CloneKeyframe(); } if (GUILayout.Button("Delete Keyframe", "Toolbarbutton")) { if (EditorUtility.DisplayDialog("Prompt", "Whether to delete current keyframe?This is unrecoverable.", "Sure", "Cancel")) { DeleteKeyframe(); } } } GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); _keyframeView = GUILayout.BeginScrollView(_keyframeView); GUILayout.BeginHorizontal("Box"); GUILayout.Label("Keyframes:"); if (_currentClip.Keyframes.Count <= 0) { GUILayout.Label("Please add a keyframe!"); } else { for (int i = 0; i < _currentClip.Keyframes.Count; i++) { bool value = (_currentKeyframe == _currentClip.Keyframes[i]); MorphEditorTool.SetGUIColor(_currentClip.Keyframes[i].EventCallBack.CallTarget ? Color.cyan : Color.white); if (GUILayout.Toggle(value, (i + 1).ToString(), "PreButton") != value) { SelectKeyframe(_currentClip.Keyframes[i]); } } MorphEditorTool.SetGUIColor(Color.white); } GUILayout.FlexibleSpace(); GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); GUILayout.EndScrollView(); } else { GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); GUILayout.Label("Please select a clip!"); GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); } }
private void TitleGUI() { GUILayout.BeginHorizontal("Toolbar"); if (GUILayout.Button(, "Toolbarbutton", GUILayout.Width(100))) { Selection.activeGameObject = _skinnedMeshRenderer.gameObject; } if (GUILayout.Button(MorphStyle.IconGUIContent("Animation.Record"), "Toolbarbutton")) { _isRecord = !_isRecord; } if (GUILayout.Button(MorphStyle.IconGUIContent("Animation.PrevKey"), "Toolbarbutton")) { if (_currentKeyframe != null) { int index = _currentClip.Keyframes.IndexOf(_currentKeyframe); index -= 1; if (index < 0) { index = _currentClip.Keyframes.Count - 1; } SelectKeyframe(_currentClip.Keyframes[index]); } } MorphEditorTool.SetGUIEnabled(true); if (GUILayout.Toggle(_isPreview, MorphStyle.IconGUIContent("Animation.Play"), "Toolbarbutton") != _isPreview) { _isPreview = !_isPreview; if (_isPreview) { _previewIndex = 0; _previewLocation = 0; if (_currentClip == null || !_currentClip.Eligible) { MorphDebug.LogError("无法预览动画!当前未选中动画剪辑或选中的剪辑关键帧数小于2!", _skinnedMeshRenderer.gameObject); _isPreview = false; } } } MorphEditorTool.SetGUIEnabled(!_isPreview); if (GUILayout.Button(MorphStyle.IconGUIContent("Animation.NextKey"), "Toolbarbutton")) { if (_currentKeyframe != null) { int index = _currentClip.Keyframes.IndexOf(_currentKeyframe); index += 1; if (index >= _currentClip.Keyframes.Count) { index = 0; } SelectKeyframe(_currentClip.Keyframes[index]); } } GUILayout.FlexibleSpace(); if (GUILayout.Button("Create Clip", "Toolbarbutton")) { CreateClip(new Vector2(position.width / 2, position.height / 2)); } if (_currentClip != null) { if (GUILayout.Button("Rename Clip", "Toolbarbutton")) { _isRenameClip = !_isRenameClip; if (_isRenameClip) { _newNameClip = _currentClip.Name; } } if (GUILayout.Button("Delete Clip", "Toolbarbutton")) { if (EditorUtility.DisplayDialog("Prompt", "Whether to delete clip '" + _currentClip.Name + "'?This is unrecoverable.", "Sure", "Cancel")) { DeleteClip(_currentClip); } } } GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); }