public static void DumpNewTiles() { Dictionary<int, TileInfo> tiles = Global.Instance.Info.Tiles; TileInfo ti; Map useMap = new Map();; String tileXML; FileStream stream = new FileStream("newTileXML.txt", FileMode.Create); StreamWriter writer = new StreamWriter(stream); string[] tileNames = null;// Enum.GetNames(typeof(MoreTerra.Enums.TileEnum)); for (int i = 0; i < 420; i++) { if (!tiles.TryGetValue(i, out ti)) { ti = new TileInfo(); = tileNames[i]; ti.tileImage = i; ti.colorName = "Unknown"; } useMap.type = (ushort)i; tileXML = " <tile "; if ( != null) tileXML = tileXML + "name=\"" + + "\" "; tileXML = tileXML + "tileImage=\"" + i + "\" "; if (ti.important) tileXML = tileXML + "important=\"true\" "; if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(ti.colorName)) tileXML = tileXML + "color=\"" + ti.colorName + "\" "; else tileXML = tileXML + String.Format("color=\"#{0:X2}{1:X2}{2:X2}\" ", ti.color.R, ti.color.G, ti.color.B); OfficialColor c = useMap.tileColor(0); if (c == null) c = new OfficialColor(ti.officialColor); tileXML = tileXML + String.Format("officialColor=\"#{0:X2}{1:X2}{2:X2}\" ", c.R, c.G, c.B); if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(ti.markerName)) tileXML = tileXML + "marker=\"" + ti.markerName + "\" "; tileXML = tileXML + "/>"; writer.WriteLine(tileXML); } writer.Close(); }
private void LoadTiles(XmlNodeList tileNodes) { Int32 count = -1; if ((tileNodes == null) || (tileNodes.Count == 0)) { errorLog.AppendLine("There are no Tile items to load."); return; } foreach (XmlNode tileNode in tileNodes) { String name = String.Empty; String color = String.Empty; String officialColor = String.Empty; String marker = String.Empty; Color useColor; Color useOfficialColor; Boolean important = false; Int32 tileImage = -1; count++; foreach (XmlAttribute att in tileNode.Attributes) { switch (att.Name) { case "name": name = att.Value; break; case "tileImage": if (Int32.TryParse(att.Value, out tileImage) == false) { errorLog.AppendLine(String.Format("Tile #{0} has an invalid tileImage attribute. Value = \"{1}\"", count, att.Value)); continue; } if ((tileImage < 0) || (tileImage >= TileProperties.TYPES)) { errorLog.AppendLine(String.Format("Tile #{0} had a out of range numMade attribute. Value=\"{1}\"", count, tileImage)); continue; } break; case "important": if (!Boolean.TryParse(att.Value, out important)) { errorLog.AppendLine(String.Format("Tile #{0} had an invalid important attribute. Value=\"{1}\"", count, att.Value)); continue; } break; case "color": color = att.Value; break; case "officialColor": officialColor = att.Value; break; case "marker": marker = att.Value; break; default: errorLog.AppendLine(String.Format("Tile #{0} has unknown attribute \"{1}\" has value \"{2}\"", count, att.Name, att.Value)); break; } } if (name == String.Empty) { errorLog.AppendLine(String.Format("Tile #{0} had no name attribute.", count)); continue; } if (tileImage == -1) { errorLog.AppendLine(String.Format("Tile #{0} had no tileImage attribute.", count)); continue; } if (tiles.ContainsKey(tileImage)) { errorLog.AppendLine(String.Format("Tile #{0} had a duplicate tileImage value to \"{1}\"", count, tileImage)); continue; } if (color == String.Empty) { errorLog.AppendLine(String.Format("Tile #{0} had no color attribute.", count)); continue; } if (Global.TryParseColor(color, out useColor) == false) { if (!colors.ContainsKey(color)) { errorLog.AppendLine(String.Format("Tile #{0} had a color attribute that was not a color or a color lookup name. Value=\"{1}\"", count, color)); continue; } else { useColor = colors[color].color; } } else { color = String.Empty; } if (officialColor == String.Empty) { //errorLog.AppendLine(String.Format("Tile #{0} had no officialColor attribute.", count)); officialColor = "#FF00FF"; // continue; } if (Global.TryParseColor(officialColor, out useOfficialColor) == false) { errorLog.AppendLine(String.Format("Tile #{0} had an officialColor attribute that was not a color. Value=\"{1}\"", count, officialColor)); continue; } else { officialColor = String.Empty; } TileInfo tile = new TileInfo(); = name; tile.colorName = color; tile.color = useColor; tile.important = important; tile.officialColor = useOfficialColor; tile.markerName = marker; tile.tileImage = tileImage; tiles.Add(tileImage, tile); } }