public SocketThread(SocketThreadClosedEvent closedEvent, IDataLogger dataLogger, MessageLogger messageLogger, Socket inputSocket, Socket outputSocket, Int32 bufferSize) { if (inputSocket == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("inputStream"); } if (outputSocket == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("outputSocket"); } this.messageLoggerName = (messageLogger == null) ? String.Empty :; this.closedEvent = closedEvent; this.dataLogger = dataLogger; this.messageLogger = messageLogger; this.inputSocket = inputSocket; this.outputSocket = outputSocket; this.bufferSize = bufferSize; this.keepRunning = false; this.thread = null; }
public OneWaySocketTunnel(ITunnelCallback callback, Socket inputSocket, Socket outputSocket, Int32 readBufferSize, MessageLogger messageLogger, IDataLogger dataLogger) { this.callback = callback; this.inputSocket = inputSocket; this.outputSocket = outputSocket; this.readBufferSize = readBufferSize; this.messageLogger = messageLogger; this.dataLogger = dataLogger; this.keepRunning = false; }
public FtpHandler(IFtpCommandHandler handler, NetworkStream stream, MessageLogger messageLogger, IDataLogger dataLogger) { if (handler == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("handler"); } if (stream == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("null"); } this.handler = handler; = stream; this.messageLogger = (messageLogger == null) ? MessageLogger.NullMessageLogger : messageLogger; this.dataLogger = (dataLogger == null) ? DataLogger.Null : dataLogger; }
public HttpRequestHandler(IResourceHandler resourceHandler, NetworkStream stream, MessageLogger messageLogger, IConnectionDataLogger connectionDataLogger) { if (resourceHandler == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("resourceHandler"); } if (stream == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("null"); } this.resourceHandler = resourceHandler; = stream; this.messageLogger = (messageLogger == null) ? MessageLogger.NullMessageLogger : messageLogger; this.connectionDataLogger = (connectionDataLogger == null) ? ConnectionDataLogger.Null : connectionDataLogger; }
public ConnectionMessageLoggerSingleLog(MessageLogger messageLogger, String logNameAToB, String logNameBToA, String logPrefixFormatString) : base( { if (messageLogger == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("messageLogger"); } if (logPrefixFormatString == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("logPrefixFormatString"); } this.messageLogger = messageLogger; this.logNameAToB = logNameAToB; this.logNameBToA = logNameBToA; this.logPrefixFormatString = logPrefixFormatString; this.messageLoggerAToB = new CallbackMessageLogger(logNameAToB, Log); this.messageLoggerBToA = new CallbackMessageLogger(logNameBToA, Log); }
public ConsoleClient(Int32 sendFileBufferSize, Int32 recvBufferSize, InternetHost serverHost, MessageLogger messageLogger, IConnectionDataLogger connectionLogger) { this.sendFileBufferSize = sendFileBufferSize; this.recvBufferSize = recvBufferSize; this.serverHost = serverHost; this.messageLogger = messageLogger; this.connectionLogger = connectionLogger; commandDictionary = new Dictionary <String, CommandFunction>(); commandDictionary.Add("open", OpenCommand); commandDictionary.Add("close", CloseCommand); commandDictionary.Add("send", SendCommand); commandDictionary.Add("sendfile", SendFileCommand); commandDictionary.Add("proxy", ProxyCommand); commandDictionary.Add("help", HelpCommand); commandDictionary.Add("exit", ExitCommand); commandDictionary.Add("echo", EchoCommand); }
public ParsedHttpRequest(NetworkStream stream, MessageLogger messageLogger, IDataLogger dataLogger) { int bytesRead; byte[] readBuffer = new byte[2048]; parserState = RequestParserState.Method; StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder(InitialCapacityForMethod); String hValue = String.Empty; String hKey = String.Empty; String temp; Int32 bodyIndex = 0; do { switch (parserState) { case RequestParserState.Method: messageLogger.Log("Reading Request"); break; case RequestParserState.Body: messageLogger.Log("Waiting for {0} bytes for the body", body.Length - bodyIndex); break; default: messageLogger.Log("Waiting for more data (ParserState={0})...", parserState); break; } bytesRead = stream.Read(readBuffer, 0, readBuffer.Length); if (bytesRead <= 0) { break; } if (dataLogger != null) { dataLogger.LogData(readBuffer, 0, bytesRead); } int offset = 0; do { switch (parserState) { case RequestParserState.Method: if (readBuffer[offset] != ' ') { stringBuilder.Append((char)readBuffer[offset]); } else { method = stringBuilder.ToString(); stringBuilder = new StringBuilder(InitialCapacityForUrl); parserState = RequestParserState.Url; } offset++; break; case RequestParserState.Url: if (readBuffer[offset] == '?') { url = Http.UrlDecode(stringBuilder.ToString()); hKey = String.Empty; urlArguments = new Dictionary <String, String>(); parserState = RequestParserState.UrlParam; } else if (readBuffer[offset] != ' ') { stringBuilder.Append((char)readBuffer[offset]); } else { url = Http.UrlDecode(stringBuilder.ToString()); parserState = RequestParserState.Version; } offset++; break; case RequestParserState.UrlParam: if (readBuffer[offset] == '=') { offset++; hValue = String.Empty; parserState = RequestParserState.UrlParamValue; } else if (readBuffer[offset] == ' ') { offset++; url = Http.UrlDecode(url); parserState = RequestParserState.Version; } else { hKey += (char)readBuffer[offset++]; } break; case RequestParserState.UrlParamValue: if (readBuffer[offset] == '&') { offset++; hKey = Http.UrlDecode(hKey); hValue = Http.UrlDecode(hValue); if (urlArguments.TryGetValue(hKey, out temp)) { urlArguments[hKey] = String.Format("{0},{1}", temp, hValue); } else { urlArguments[hKey] = hValue; } hKey = String.Empty; parserState = RequestParserState.UrlParam; } else if (readBuffer[offset] == ' ') { offset++; hKey = Http.UrlDecode(hKey); hValue = Http.UrlDecode(hValue); if (urlArguments.TryGetValue(hKey, out temp)) { urlArguments[hKey] = String.Format("{0},{1}", temp, hValue); } else { urlArguments[hKey] = hValue; } parserState = RequestParserState.Version; } else { hValue += (char)readBuffer[offset++]; } break; case RequestParserState.Version: if (readBuffer[offset] == '\r') { offset++; } if (readBuffer[offset] != '\n') { httpVersion += (char)readBuffer[offset++]; } else { offset++; hKey = String.Empty; headers = new Dictionary <String, String>(); parserState = RequestParserState.HeaderKey; } break; case RequestParserState.HeaderKey: if (readBuffer[offset] == '\r') { offset++; } if (readBuffer[offset] == '\n') { offset++; if (headers.TryGetValue("Content-Length", out temp)) { body = new byte[Int32.Parse(temp)]; parserState = RequestParserState.Body; } else { parserState = RequestParserState.Done; } } else if (readBuffer[offset] == ':') { offset++; } else if (readBuffer[offset] != ' ') { hKey += (char)readBuffer[offset++]; } else { offset++; hValue = ""; parserState = RequestParserState.HeaderValue; } break; case RequestParserState.HeaderValue: if (readBuffer[offset] == '\r') { offset++; } if (readBuffer[offset] == '\n') { offset++; headers.Add(hKey, hValue); hKey = String.Empty; parserState = RequestParserState.HeaderKey; } else { hValue += (char)readBuffer[offset++]; } break; case RequestParserState.Body: // Append to request BodyData Array.Copy(readBuffer, offset, body, bodyIndex, bytesRead - offset); bodyIndex += bytesRead - offset; offset = bytesRead; if (bodyIndex >= ((body == null) ? 0 : body.Length)) { parserState = RequestParserState.Done; } break; default: throw new InvalidOperationException(String.Format("Unrecognized Parser State '{0}' ({1})", parserState, (int)parserState)); } }while (offset < bytesRead); } while ((parserState != RequestParserState.Done) && stream.DataAvailable); }
public ProxyHandler(MessageLogger logger, NetworkStream stream) { this.logger = logger; = stream; }
public ConnectionMessageLoggerSingleLog(MessageLogger messageLogger, String logNameAToB, String logNameBToA) : this(messageLogger, logNameAToB, logNameBToA, "[{0} to {1} Time: {2}]") { }