文件: Living.cs 项目: God601/mooege
 public void Kill(PowerContext context = null, bool lootAndExp = false)
     var deathload = new DeathPayload(context, Powers.DamageType.Physical, this, lootAndExp);
        public void Apply()
            // play damage number message
            if (this.Context.User is Player)
                // TODO: handle player getting hit? maybe broadcast red message
                (this.Context.User as Player).InGameClient.SendMessage(new FloatingNumberMessage
                    ActorID = this.Target.DynamicID,
                    Number = this.TotalDamage,
                    Type = this.IsCriticalHit ? FloatingNumberMessage.FloatType.WhiteCritical : FloatingNumberMessage.FloatType.White

            if (this.AutomaticHitEffects)
                // play override hit effect it power context has one
                if (this.Context.EvalTag(PowerKeys.OverrideHitEffects) > 0)
                    int efg = this.Context.EvalTag(PowerKeys.HitEffect);
                    if (efg != -1)
                    this.Target.PlayHitEffect((int)this.DominantDamageType.HitEffect, this.Context.User);

                // TODO: sound effects
                // play hit animation if the actor has one
                int hitAni = this.Target.AnimationSet.GetAniSNO(Mooege.Common.MPQ.FileFormats.AnimationTags.GetHit);
                if (hitAni != -1)
                    this.Target.World.BroadcastIfRevealed(new PlayAnimationMessage()
                        ActorID = this.Target.DynamicID,
                        Field1 = 0x6,
                        Field2 = 0,
                        tAnim = new PlayAnimationMessageSpec[1]
                            new PlayAnimationMessageSpec()
                                Field0 = 40,  // HACK: harded animation length, we need to read these from .ani
                                Field1 = hitAni,
                                Field2 = 0x0,
                                Field3 = 1f  // TODO: vary this based on hit recovery
                    }, this.Target);

            // TODO: critical hit special element buff/effects

            // update hp
            float new_hp = Math.Max(this.Target.Attributes[GameAttribute.Hitpoints_Cur] - this.TotalDamage, 0f);
            this.Target.Attributes[GameAttribute.Hitpoints_Cur] = new_hp;

            // if hp=0 do death
            if (new_hp == 0f)
                var deathload = new DeathPayload(this.Context, this.DominantDamageType, this.Target);
                if (OnDeath != null)


            // TODO: if target survives and it's a AI monster, give it aggro
        public void Apply()
            if (this.Target.World != null)
                this.Target.World.BuffManager.SendTargetPayload(this.Target, this);

            // floating damage number
            if (this.Target.World != null)
                this.Target.World.BroadcastIfRevealed(new FloatingNumberMessage
                    ActorID = this.Target.DynamicID,
                    Number = this.TotalDamage,
                    // make player damage red, all other damage white
                    Type = this.IsCriticalHit ? 
                        (this.Target is Player) ? FloatingNumberMessage.FloatType.RedCritical : FloatingNumberMessage.FloatType.Golden
                        (this.Target is Player) ? FloatingNumberMessage.FloatType.Red : FloatingNumberMessage.FloatType.White
                }, this.Target);

            if (this.AutomaticHitEffects)
                // play override hit effect it power context has one
                if (this.Context.EvalTag(PowerKeys.OverrideHitEffects) > 0)
                    int efg = this.Context.EvalTag(PowerKeys.HitEffect);
                    if (efg != -1)
                    this.Target.PlayHitEffect((int)this.DominantDamageType.HitEffect, this.Context.User);

                if (this.TotalDamage > 0f)
                    // play override hitsound if any, otherwise just default to playing metal weapon hit for now
                    int overridenSound = this.Context.EvalTag(PowerKeys.HitsoundOverride);
                    int hitsound = overridenSound != -1 ? overridenSound : 1;
                    if (hitsound > 0)
                        this.Target.PlayEffect(Net.GS.Message.Definitions.Effect.Effect.Hit, hitsound);

            // TODO: critical hit special element buff/effects

            // update hp
            float new_hp = Math.Max(this.Target.Attributes[GameAttribute.Hitpoints_Cur] - this.TotalDamage, 0f);
            this.Target.Attributes[GameAttribute.Hitpoints_Cur] = new_hp;

            // if hp=0 do death
            if (new_hp == 0f)
                var deathload = new DeathPayload(this.Context, this.DominantDamageType, this.Target);
                if (OnDeath != null)

            else if (this.AutomaticHitEffects && this.Target.World != null)
                // HACK: reduce hit effect rate for Player to 10% so they don't get perma hit-sun locked.
                if (this.Target is Player && PowerContext.Rand.NextDouble() < 0.9)

                // target didn't die, so play hit animation if the actor has one
                if (this.Target.World.BuffManager.GetFirstBuff<Implementations.KnockbackBuff>(this.Target) == null &&
                    this.Target.AnimationSet != null)
                    if (this.Target.AnimationSet.TagMapAnimDefault.ContainsKey(AnimationSetKeys.GetHit))
                        int hitAni = this.Target.AnimationSet.TagMapAnimDefault[AnimationSetKeys.GetHit];
                        if (hitAni != -1)
                            // HACK: hardcoded animation speed/ticks, need to base those off hit recovery speed
                            this.Target.PlayAnimation(6, hitAni, 1.0f, 40);

            // TODO: if target survives and it's a AI monster, give it aggro
        public void Apply()
            if (this.Target.World != null)
                this.Target.World.BuffManager.SendTargetPayload(this.Target, this);

            // floating damage number
            if (this.Target.World != null)
                this.Target.World.BroadcastIfRevealed(new FloatingNumberMessage
                    ActorID = this.Target.DynamicID,
                    Number  = this.TotalDamage,
                    // make player damage red, all other damage white
                    Type = this.IsCriticalHit ?
                           (this.Target is Player) ? FloatingNumberMessage.FloatType.RedCritical : FloatingNumberMessage.FloatType.Golden
                           (this.Target is Player) ? FloatingNumberMessage.FloatType.Red : FloatingNumberMessage.FloatType.White
                }, this.Target);

            if (this.AutomaticHitEffects)
                // play override hit effect it power context has one
                if (this.Context.EvalTag(PowerKeys.OverrideHitEffects) > 0)
                    int efg = this.Context.EvalTag(PowerKeys.HitEffect);
                    if (efg != -1)
                    this.Target.PlayHitEffect((int)this.DominantDamageType.HitEffect, this.Context.User);

                if (this.TotalDamage > 0f)
                    // play override hitsound if any, otherwise just default to playing metal weapon hit for now
                    int overridenSound = this.Context.EvalTag(PowerKeys.HitsoundOverride);
                    int hitsound       = overridenSound != -1 ? overridenSound : 1;
                    if (hitsound > 0)
                        this.Target.PlayEffect(Net.GS.Message.Definitions.Effect.Effect.Hit, hitsound);

            // TODO: critical hit special element buff/effects

            // update hp
            float new_hp = Math.Max(this.Target.Attributes[GameAttribute.Hitpoints_Cur] - this.TotalDamage, 0f);

            this.Target.Attributes[GameAttribute.Hitpoints_Cur] = new_hp;

            // if hp=0 do death
            if (new_hp == 0f)
                var deathload = new DeathPayload(this.Context, this.DominantDamageType, this.Target);
                if (OnDeath != null)

            else if (this.AutomaticHitEffects && this.Target.World != null)
                // HACK: reduce hit effect rate for Player to 10% so they don't get perma hit-sun locked.
                if (this.Target is Player && PowerContext.Rand.NextDouble() < 0.9)

                // target didn't die, so play hit animation if the actor has one
                if (this.Target.World.BuffManager.GetFirstBuff <Implementations.KnockbackBuff>(this.Target) == null &&
                    this.Target.AnimationSet != null)
                    if (this.Target.AnimationSet.TagMapAnimDefault.ContainsKey(AnimationSetKeys.GetHit))
                        int hitAni = this.Target.AnimationSet.TagMapAnimDefault[AnimationSetKeys.GetHit];
                        if (hitAni != -1)
                            // HACK: hardcoded animation speed/ticks, need to base those off hit recovery speed
                            this.Target.PlayAnimation(6, hitAni, 1.0f, 40);

            // TODO: if target survives and it's a AI monster, give it aggro