		public BindingContext(object view, string title, Theme currentTheme)
			if (view == null)
				throw new ArgumentNullException("view");

			Root = new RootElement(title);
			Root.ViewBinding.DataContext = view;
			var themeable = Root as IThemeable;
			if (themeable != null)
				themeable.Theme = Theme.CreateTheme(currentTheme);
			Populate(view, Root);

			var viewContext = view as IBindingContext;
			if (viewContext != null)
				viewContext.BindingContext = this;
				var dataContext = view as IDataContext;
				if (dataContext != null)
					var vmContext = dataContext.DataContext as IBindingContext;
					if (vmContext != null)
						vmContext.BindingContext = this;
		public BindingContext(UIView view, string title, Theme currentTheme)
			if (view == null)
				throw new ArgumentNullException("view");
			var parser = new ViewParser();
			parser.Parse(view, title, currentTheme);
			Root = parser.Root;

			var viewContext = view as IBindingContext;
			if (viewContext != null)
				viewContext.BindingContext = this;
				var dataContext = view as IDataContext;
				if (dataContext != null)
					var vmContext = dataContext.DataContext as IBindingContext;
					if (vmContext != null)
						vmContext.BindingContext = this;

			if (view is IView)
				((IView)view).TableView = Root.TableView;
		public void Parse(UIView view, string caption, Theme theme)
			var vw = view as IView;
			if (vw != null)
				var captionAttribute = view.GetType().GetCustomAttribute<CaptionAttribute>();
				if (captionAttribute != null)
					caption = captionAttribute.Caption;

			Root = new RootElement(caption) { Opaque = false };
			Root.DataContext = view;

			var dataContext = view as IDataContext;
			if (dataContext != null)
				Root.DataContext = dataContext.DataContext;

			var themeable = Root as IThemeable;
			if (themeable != null)
				themeable.Theme = Theme.CreateTheme(theme);
			var searchbarAttribute = view.GetType().GetCustomAttribute<SearchbarAttribute>();
			var searchbar = Root as ISearchBar;
			if (searchbarAttribute != null && searchbar != null)
				searchbar.SearchPlaceholder = searchbarAttribute.Placeholder;
				searchbar.IncrementalSearch = searchbarAttribute.IncrementalSearch;
				searchbar.EnableSearch = true;
				searchbar.IsSearchbarHidden = false;
			var sectionList = CreateSectionList(view, Root);
			Root.ToolbarButtons = CheckForToolbarItems(view);
			Root.NavbarButtons = CheckForNavbarItems(view);

			var notifyDataContextChanged = view as INotifyDataContextChanged;
			if (notifyDataContextChanged != null)
				notifyDataContextChanged.DataContextChanged += HandleNotifyDataContextChangedDataContextChanged;
		public static void ApplyElementTheme(Theme theme, IThemeable element, MemberInfo member)
			if (theme != null)
				var newTheme = Theme.CreateTheme(theme);
				element.Theme = newTheme;
			if (member != null)
				ApplyMemberTheme(member, element);

			if (element is IRoot)
				foreach(var section in ((IRoot)element).Sections)
					foreach(var e in section.Elements)
						ApplyElementTheme(element.Theme, e, null);

			if (element is ISection)
				foreach(var e in ((ISection)element).Elements)
					ApplyElementTheme(element.Theme, e, null);
		private IRoot CreateEnumerableRoot(Theme theme, MemberInfo member, string caption, object view, List<Binding> bindings)
			var rootAttribute = member.GetCustomAttribute<RootAttribute>();
			var listAttribute = member.GetCustomAttribute<ListAttribute>();
			var viewAttribute = member.GetCustomAttribute<ViewAttribute>();

			Type elementType = listAttribute.ElementType;
			if (elementType == null)
				elementType = rootAttribute.ElementType;

			SetDefaultConverter(view, member, "DataContext", new EnumerableConverter(), null, bindings);
			var items = (IEnumerable)member.GetValue(view);
			if (items == null)
				throw new ArgumentNullException(member.Name, string.Format("Member of class {1} must have a value.", view.GetType().Name));

			var genericType = items.GetType().GetGenericArguments().SingleOrDefault();

			var isUIView = typeof(UIView).IsAssignableFrom(genericType);
			var section = CreateEnumSection(theme, member, items, null, true, bindings);

			var root = new RootElement(caption) { section };
			root.Opaque = false;
			root.ViewBinding.MemberInfo = member;
			root.DataContext = items;
			root.ViewBinding.DataContextCode = DataContextCode.Enumerable;

			if (isUIView)
				root.ViewBinding.ViewType = genericType;
				root.ViewBinding.DataContextCode = DataContextCode.ViewEnumerable;
			else if (viewAttribute != null && viewAttribute.ViewType != null)
				root.ViewBinding.ViewType = viewAttribute.ViewType;
				root.ViewBinding.DataContextCode = DataContextCode.ViewEnumerable;

			if (rootAttribute != null && rootAttribute.ViewType != null)
				root.ViewBinding.ViewType = rootAttribute.ViewType;
				root.ViewBinding.DataContextCode = DataContextCode.ViewEnumerable;

			if (listAttribute != null)
				root.ViewBinding.ViewType = listAttribute.ViewType ?? root.ViewBinding.ViewType;
			root.Theme.CellStyle = GetCellStyle(member, UITableViewCellStyle.Value1);
			return root;
		private ISection CreateEnumSection(Theme theme, MemberInfo member, IEnumerable values, object currentValue, bool popOnSelection, List<Binding> bindings)
			var csection = new Section() { Opaque = false };

			int index = 0;
			int selected = -1; 

			foreach(var value in values)
				if (currentValue != null && currentValue.Equals(value))
					selected = index;
				var description = value.ToString();
				if (value.GetType().IsEnum)
					description = ((Enum)value).GetDescription();
				var radioElement = new RadioElement(description) { Item = value };
				radioElement.Index = index;
				radioElement.PopOnSelect = popOnSelection;
				radioElement.DataContext = selected == index;
				radioElement.Opaque = false;


			csection.ViewBinding.DataContextCode = DataContextCode.Enum;

			return csection;
		private ISection GetSectionElementForMember(Theme theme, object view, MemberInfo member, List<Binding> bindings)
			var caption = GetCaption(member);
			Type memberType = GetTypeForMember(member);
			ISection section = null;
			var isMultiselect = member.GetCustomAttribute<MultiSelectionAttribute>() != null;
			var isSelect = member.GetCustomAttribute<SelectionAttribute>() != null;

			if (memberType.IsEnum)
				SetDefaultConverter(view, member, "DataContext", new EnumConverter(), memberType, bindings);
				var pop = member.GetCustomAttribute<PopOnSelectionAttribute>() != null;
				var currentValue = member.GetValue(view);
				var enumValues = Enum.GetValues(memberType);

				section = CreateEnumSection(theme, member, enumValues, currentValue, pop, bindings);
			else if (typeof(EnumCollection).IsAssignableFrom(memberType))
				section = CreateEnumCollectionSection(member, caption, view, bindings);
			else if (isMultiselect)
				section = CreateMultiselectCollectionSection(member, caption, view, bindings);
			else if (isSelect)
				section = CreateSelectCollectionSection(member, caption, view, bindings);

			return section;
		private IElement GetRootElementForMember(Theme theme, UIView view, MemberInfo member, List<Binding> bindings)
			var memberType = GetTypeForMember(member);
			var caption = GetCaption(member);
			IElement root = null;
			Type viewType = memberType;
			Type elementType = null;

			var genericType = memberType.GetGenericArguments().FirstOrDefault();
			if (genericType != null)
				viewType = genericType;
			var listAttribute = member.GetCustomAttribute<ListAttribute>();
			if (listAttribute != null && listAttribute.ViewType != null)
				viewType = listAttribute.ViewType;
				elementType = listAttribute.ElementType;

			var rootAttribute = member.GetCustomAttribute<RootAttribute>();
			if (rootAttribute != null && rootAttribute.ViewType != null)
				viewType = rootAttribute.ViewType;
				elementType = rootAttribute.ElementType;

			var isEnum = memberType.IsEnum;
			var isEnumCollection = typeof(EnumCollection).IsAssignableFrom(memberType);
			var isMultiselect = member.GetCustomAttribute<MultiSelectionAttribute>() != null;
			var isSelect = member.GetCustomAttribute<SelectionAttribute>() != null;
			var isView = typeof(IView).IsAssignableFrom(memberType) || typeof(IView).IsAssignableFrom(viewType);
			var isUIView = typeof(UIView).IsAssignableFrom(memberType) || typeof(UIView).IsAssignableFrom(viewType);

			var isEnumerable = typeof(IEnumerable).IsAssignableFrom(memberType) && !(isView || isUIView);
			var isList = member.GetCustomAttribute<ListAttribute>() != null;

			if (isEnum || isEnumCollection || isMultiselect || isSelect)
				ISection section = GetSectionElementForMember(theme, view, member, bindings);
				if (!isList && section != null)
					var rootElement = new RootElement() { section };
					rootElement.Caption = caption;
					rootElement.Opaque = false;
					rootElement.Theme = Theme.CreateTheme(Root.Theme); 
					rootElement.ViewBinding = section.ViewBinding;
					rootElement.Theme.CellStyle = GetCellStyle(member, UITableViewCellStyle.Value1);
					root = rootElement;
					root = section as IElement;
			else if (isEnumerable)
				var rootElement = CreateEnumerableRoot(theme, member, caption, view, bindings);
				if (isList)
					root = rootElement.Sections.FirstOrDefault() as IElement;
					root = rootElement as IElement;
			else if (isView || isUIView)
				object dataContext = view;
				MemberInfo dataContextMember = GetMemberFromDataContext(member, ref dataContext);
				var items = dataContextMember.GetValue(dataContext);

				var rootElement = new RootElement(caption) { Opaque = false };

				rootElement.Theme = Theme.CreateTheme(Root.Theme); 
				rootElement.ViewBinding.MemberInfo = dataContextMember;
				rootElement.ViewBinding.ElementType = elementType;
				rootElement.ViewBinding.ViewType = viewType;
				rootElement.ViewBinding.DataContextCode = DataContextCode.Object;
				rootElement.DataContext = dataContext;
				rootElement.Theme.CellStyle = GetCellStyle(member, UITableViewCellStyle.Default);

				if (items != null)
					if (items is UIView)
						rootElement.ViewBinding.View = items as UIView;
						rootElement.DataContext = items;

				if (genericType != null)
					SetDefaultConverter(view, member, "DataContext", new EnumerableConverter(), null, bindings);
					rootElement.ViewBinding.DataContextCode = DataContextCode.ViewEnumerable;
					rootElement.ViewBinding.ViewType = viewType;

				if (isList)
					var innerRoot = BindingContext.CreateRootedView(rootElement);
					root = innerRoot as IElement;
					root = rootElement;
				throw new Exception(string.Format("Unknown type ({0}). Are you missing a [Root] or [List] attribute?", memberType));
			SetDefaultConverter(view, member, "DataContext", new ViewConverter(), null, bindings);

			return root;
		private IElement GetElementForMember(Theme theme, UIView view, MemberInfo member, List<Binding> bindings)
			string caption = GetCaption(member);
			IElement element = null;

			var orderAttribute = member.GetCustomAttribute<OrderAttribute>();

			Type memberType = GetTypeForMember(member);

			if (!(member is MethodInfo))
				var defaultValue = member.GetCustomAttribute<DefaultValueAttribute>();
				if (defaultValue != null)
					var propertyInfo = member as PropertyInfo;
					var fieldInfo = member as FieldInfo;
					if (propertyInfo != null && propertyInfo.CanWrite)
						propertyInfo.SetValue(view, defaultValue.Value, null);
					if (fieldInfo != null)
						fieldInfo.SetValue(view, defaultValue.Value);

			// get a single element
				element = _ElementPropertyMap[memberType](member, caption, view, bindings);
			if (typeof(IElement).IsAssignableFrom(memberType))
				var memberValue = member.GetValue(view) as IElement;
				if (memberValue == null)
					memberValue = Activator.CreateInstance(memberType) as IElement;
				if (memberValue != null)
					memberValue.Caption = caption;

				element = memberValue;

			if (element == null)
				element = GetRootElementForMember(theme, view, member, bindings);
			if (orderAttribute != null && element != null)
				element.Order = orderAttribute.Order;
			var dataContext = view as IDataContext;
			if (dataContext != null && element.DataContext == null)
				element.DataContext = dataContext.DataContext;

			return element;
		public void MergeTheme(Theme theme)
			if (theme != null)
				Name = theme.Name;

				if (theme.CellStyle != UITableViewCellStyle.Default && CellStyle != theme.CellStyle)
					CellStyle = theme.CellStyle;
				if (theme.Accessory != Accessory)
					Accessory = theme.Accessory;
//				if (theme.CellImageIcon != null)
//					CellImageIcon = theme.CellImageIcon;
//				if (theme.CellImageIconUri != null)
//					CellImageIconUri = theme.CellImageIconUri;
				if (theme.CellBackgroundColor != null)
					CellBackgroundColor = theme.CellBackgroundColor;
				if (theme.CellBackgroundUri != null)
					CellBackgroundUri = theme.CellBackgroundUri;
				if (theme.CellBackgroundImage != null)
					CellBackgroundImage = theme.CellBackgroundImage;
				if (theme.TextLabel != null)
					TextLabel = theme.TextLabel;
				if (theme.TextFont != null)
					TextFont = theme.TextFont;
				if (theme.TextColor != null)
					TextColor = theme.TextColor;
				if (theme.TextShadowOffset != SizeF.Empty)
					TextShadowOffset = theme.TextShadowOffset;
				if (theme.TextShadowColor != null)
					TextShadowColor = theme.TextShadowColor;
				if (theme.TextHighlightColor != null)
					TextHighlightColor = theme.TextHighlightColor;

				TextAlignment = theme.TextAlignment;

				if (theme.DetailTextLabel != null)
					DetailTextLabel = theme.DetailTextLabel;

				if (theme.DetailTextFont != null)
					DetailTextFont = theme.DetailTextFont;
				if (theme.DetailTextColor != null)
					DetailTextColor = theme.DetailTextColor;
				if (theme.DetailTextShadowOffset != SizeF.Empty)
					TextShadowOffset = theme.DetailTextShadowOffset;
				if (theme.DetailTextShadowColor != null)
					TextShadowColor = theme.DetailTextShadowColor;

				if (theme.DetailTextHighlightColor != null)
					DetailTextHighlightColor = theme.DetailTextHighlightColor;

				DetailTextAlignment = theme.DetailTextAlignment;
				if (theme.PlaceholderColor != null)
					PlaceholderColor = theme.PlaceholderColor;
				if (theme.PlaceholderAlignment != UITextAlignment.Right)
					PlaceholderAlignment = theme.PlaceholderAlignment;

				if (theme.SeparatorColor != null)
					SeparatorColor = theme.SeparatorColor;

				if (theme.SeparatorStyle.HasValue)
					SeparatorStyle = theme.SeparatorStyle;

				if (theme.TableViewStyle.HasValue)
					TableViewStyle = theme.TableViewStyle;				

				if (theme.BarStyle.HasValue)
					BarStyle = theme.BarStyle;

				if (theme.BarTintColor != null)
					BarTintColor = theme.BarTintColor;
				if (theme.BarImage != null)
					BarImage = theme.BarImage;
				if (theme.BarTranslucent)
					BarTranslucent = theme.BarTranslucent;

				HeaderTextAlignment = theme.HeaderTextAlignment;
				if (theme.HeaderTextFont != null)
					HeaderTextFont = theme.HeaderTextFont;
				if (theme.HeaderTextColor != null)
					HeaderTextColor = theme.HeaderTextColor;
				if (theme.HeaderTextShadowOffset != SizeF.Empty)
					HeaderTextShadowOffset = theme.HeaderTextShadowOffset;
				if (theme.HeaderTextShadowColor != null)
					HeaderTextShadowColor = theme.HeaderTextShadowColor;

				FooterTextAlignment = theme.FooterTextAlignment;
				if (theme.FooterTextFont != null)
					FooterTextFont = theme.FooterTextFont;
				if (theme.FooterTextColor != null)
					FooterTextColor = theme.FooterTextColor;
				if (theme.FooterTextShadowOffset != SizeF.Empty)
					FooterTextShadowOffset = theme.FooterTextShadowOffset;
				if (theme.FooterTextShadowColor != null)
					FooterTextShadowColor = theme.FooterTextShadowColor;

				if (theme.DrawContentViewAction != null)
					DrawContentViewAction = theme.DrawContentViewAction;

				if (theme.BackgroundColor != null)
					BackgroundColor = theme.BackgroundColor;
				if (theme.BackgroundUri != null)
					BackgroundUri = theme.BackgroundUri;
				if (theme.BackgroundImage != null)
					BackgroundImage = theme.BackgroundImage;
		public static Theme CreateTheme(Theme theme)
			var newTheme = new Theme();


			return newTheme;
        public void MergeTheme(Theme theme)
            if (theme != null)
                Name = theme.Name;

                if (theme.CellStyle != UITableViewCellStyle.Default && CellStyle != theme.CellStyle)
                    CellStyle = theme.CellStyle;

                if (theme.Accessory != Accessory)
                    Accessory = theme.Accessory;

//				if (theme.CellImageIcon != null)
//					CellImageIcon = theme.CellImageIcon;
//				if (theme.CellImageIconUri != null)
//					CellImageIconUri = theme.CellImageIconUri;

                if (theme.CellBackgroundColor != null)
                    CellBackgroundColor = theme.CellBackgroundColor;

                if (theme.CellBackgroundUri != null)
                    CellBackgroundUri = theme.CellBackgroundUri;

                if (theme.CellBackgroundImage != null)
                    CellBackgroundImage = theme.CellBackgroundImage;

                if (theme.TextLabel != null)
                    TextLabel = theme.TextLabel;

                if (theme.TextFont != null)
                    TextFont = theme.TextFont;

                if (theme.TextColor != null)
                    TextColor = theme.TextColor;

                if (theme.TextShadowOffset != SizeF.Empty)
                    TextShadowOffset = theme.TextShadowOffset;

                if (theme.TextShadowColor != null)
                    TextShadowColor = theme.TextShadowColor;

                if (theme.TextHighlightColor != null)
                    TextHighlightColor = theme.TextHighlightColor;

                TextAlignment = theme.TextAlignment;

                if (theme.DetailTextLabel != null)
                    DetailTextLabel = theme.DetailTextLabel;

                if (theme.DetailTextFont != null)
                    DetailTextFont = theme.DetailTextFont;

                if (theme.DetailTextColor != null)
                    DetailTextColor = theme.DetailTextColor;

                if (theme.DetailTextShadowOffset != SizeF.Empty)
                    TextShadowOffset = theme.DetailTextShadowOffset;

                if (theme.DetailTextShadowColor != null)
                    TextShadowColor = theme.DetailTextShadowColor;

                if (theme.DetailTextHighlightColor != null)
                    DetailTextHighlightColor = theme.DetailTextHighlightColor;

                DetailTextAlignment = theme.DetailTextAlignment;

                if (theme.PlaceholderColor != null)
                    PlaceholderColor = theme.PlaceholderColor;

                if (theme.PlaceholderAlignment != UITextAlignment.Right)
                    PlaceholderAlignment = theme.PlaceholderAlignment;

                if (theme.SeparatorColor != null)
                    SeparatorColor = theme.SeparatorColor;

                if (theme.SeparatorStyle.HasValue)
                    SeparatorStyle = theme.SeparatorStyle;

                if (theme.TableViewStyle.HasValue)
                    TableViewStyle = theme.TableViewStyle;

                if (theme.BarStyle.HasValue)
                    BarStyle = theme.BarStyle;

                if (theme.BarTintColor != null)
                    BarTintColor = theme.BarTintColor;

                if (theme.BarImage != null)
                    BarImage = theme.BarImage;

                if (theme.BarTranslucent)
                    BarTranslucent = theme.BarTranslucent;

                HeaderTextAlignment = theme.HeaderTextAlignment;

                if (theme.HeaderTextFont != null)
                    HeaderTextFont = theme.HeaderTextFont;

                if (theme.HeaderTextColor != null)
                    HeaderTextColor = theme.HeaderTextColor;

                if (theme.HeaderTextShadowOffset != SizeF.Empty)
                    HeaderTextShadowOffset = theme.HeaderTextShadowOffset;

                if (theme.HeaderTextShadowColor != null)
                    HeaderTextShadowColor = theme.HeaderTextShadowColor;

                FooterTextAlignment = theme.FooterTextAlignment;

                if (theme.FooterTextFont != null)
                    FooterTextFont = theme.FooterTextFont;

                if (theme.FooterTextColor != null)
                    FooterTextColor = theme.FooterTextColor;

                if (theme.FooterTextShadowOffset != SizeF.Empty)
                    FooterTextShadowOffset = theme.FooterTextShadowOffset;

                if (theme.FooterTextShadowColor != null)
                    FooterTextShadowColor = theme.FooterTextShadowColor;

                if (theme.DrawContentViewAction != null)
                    DrawContentViewAction = theme.DrawContentViewAction;

                if (theme.BackgroundColor != null)
                    BackgroundColor = theme.BackgroundColor;

                if (theme.BackgroundUri != null)
                    BackgroundUri = theme.BackgroundUri;

                if (theme.BackgroundImage != null)
                    BackgroundImage = theme.BackgroundImage;
		private static void ApplyElementTheme(Theme theme, IThemeable element, MemberInfo member)
			if (theme != null)
				var newTheme = Theme.CreateTheme(theme);

				element.Theme = newTheme;

			if (member != null)
				ApplyMemberTheme(member, element);