private void CreateNativeFont(FontFamily familyName, float emSize, FontStyle style,
			GraphicsUnit unit, byte gdiCharSet, bool  gdiVerticalFont )
            // convert to 96 Dpi to be consistent with Windows
            var dpiSize = emSize * dpiScale;

                nativeFont = new CTFont(familyName.NativeDescriptor,dpiSize);
                nativeFont = new CTFont("Helvetica",dpiSize);

            CTFontSymbolicTraits tMask = CTFontSymbolicTraits.None;

            if ((style & FontStyle.Bold) == FontStyle.Bold)
                tMask |= CTFontSymbolicTraits.Bold;
            if ((style & FontStyle.Italic) == FontStyle.Italic)
                tMask |= CTFontSymbolicTraits.Italic;
            strikeThrough = (style & FontStyle.Strikeout) == FontStyle.Strikeout;
            underLine = (style & FontStyle.Underline) == FontStyle.Underline;

            var nativeFont2 = nativeFont.WithSymbolicTraits(dpiSize,tMask,tMask);

            if (nativeFont2 != null)
                nativeFont = nativeFont2;

            bold = (nativeFont.SymbolicTraits & CTFontSymbolicTraits.Bold) == CTFontSymbolicTraits.Bold;
            italic = (nativeFont.SymbolicTraits & CTFontSymbolicTraits.Italic) == CTFontSymbolicTraits.Italic;
            sizeInPoints = emSize;
            this.unit = unit;

            // FIXME
            // I do not like the hard coded 72 but am just trying to boot strap the Font class right now
            size = ConversionHelpers.GraphicsUnitConversion(GraphicsUnit.Point, unit, 72.0f, sizeInPoints);
		static internal CTFont CreateFont (string familyName, float emSize, FontStyle style,
		                                   byte gdiCharSet, bool  gdiVerticalFont )
			if (emSize <= 0)
				throw new ArgumentException("emSize is less than or equal to 0, evaluates to infinity, or is not a valid number.","emSize");

			CTFont nativeFont;

			// convert to 96 Dpi to be consistent with Windows
			var dpiSize = emSize * dpiScale;

			try {
				nativeFont = new CTFont(familyName,dpiSize);
				nativeFont = new CTFont("Helvetica",dpiSize);

			CTFontSymbolicTraits tMask = CTFontSymbolicTraits.None;

			if ((style & FontStyle.Bold) == FontStyle.Bold)
				tMask |= CTFontSymbolicTraits.Bold;
			if ((style & FontStyle.Italic) == FontStyle.Italic)
				tMask |= CTFontSymbolicTraits.Italic;
			strikeThrough = (style & FontStyle.Strikeout) == FontStyle.Strikeout;
			underLine = (style & FontStyle.Underline) == FontStyle.Underline;

			var nativeFont2 = nativeFont.WithSymbolicTraits(dpiSize,tMask,tMask);

			if (nativeFont2 != null)
				nativeFont = nativeFont2;

			return nativeFont;
        private int GetNativeMetric(Metric metric, FontStyle style)
            // we are going to actually have to create a font object here
            // will not create an actual variable for this yet.  We may
            // want to do this in the future so that we do not have to keep
            // creating it over and over again.
            CTFontSymbolicTraits tMask = CTFontSymbolicTraits.None;

            if ((style & FontStyle.Bold) == FontStyle.Bold)
                tMask |= CTFontSymbolicTraits.Bold;
            if ((style & FontStyle.Italic) == FontStyle.Italic)
                tMask |= CTFontSymbolicTraits.Italic;

            var font = new CTFont (nativeFontDescriptor,0);
            font = font.WithSymbolicTraits (0, tMask, tMask);

            switch (metric)
            case Metric.EMHeight:
                return (int)font.UnitsPerEmMetric;
            case Metric.CellAscent:
                return (int)Math.Round(font.AscentMetric / font.Size * font.UnitsPerEmMetric);
            case Metric.CellDescent:
                return (int)Math.Round(font.DescentMetric / font.Size * font.UnitsPerEmMetric);
            case  Metric.LineSpacing:
                float lineHeight = 0;
                lineHeight += font.AscentMetric;
                lineHeight += font.DescentMetric;
                lineHeight += font.LeadingMetric;
                return (int)Math.Round(lineHeight / font.Size * font.UnitsPerEmMetric);

            return 0;
        private bool NativeStyleAvailable(FontStyle style)
            // we are going to actually have to create a font object here
            // will not create an actual variable for this yet.  We may
            // want to do this in the future so that we do not have to keep
            // creating it over and over again.
            var font = new CTFont (nativeFontDescriptor,0);

            switch (style)
            case FontStyle.Bold:
                var tMaskBold = CTFontSymbolicTraits.None;
                tMaskBold |= CTFontSymbolicTraits.Bold;
                var bFont = font.WithSymbolicTraits (0, tMaskBold, tMaskBold);
                if (bFont == null)
                    return false;
                var bold = (bFont.SymbolicTraits & CTFontSymbolicTraits.Bold) == CTFontSymbolicTraits.Bold;
                return bold;

            case FontStyle.Italic:
                //return (font.SymbolicTraits & CTFontSymbolicTraits.Italic) == CTFontSymbolicTraits.Italic;
                var tMaskItalic = CTFontSymbolicTraits.None;
                tMaskItalic |= CTFontSymbolicTraits.Italic;
                var iFont = font.WithSymbolicTraits (0, tMaskItalic, tMaskItalic);
                if (iFont == null)
                    return false;
                var italic = (iFont.SymbolicTraits & CTFontSymbolicTraits.Italic) == CTFontSymbolicTraits.Italic;
                return italic;

            case FontStyle.Regular:

                // Verify if this is correct somehow - we may need to add Bold here as well not sure
                if ((font.SymbolicTraits & CTFontSymbolicTraits.Condensed) == CTFontSymbolicTraits.Condensed
                    ||  (font.SymbolicTraits & CTFontSymbolicTraits.Expanded) == CTFontSymbolicTraits.Expanded)
                    return false;
                    return true;
            case FontStyle.Underline:
                return font.UnderlineThickness > 0;
            case FontStyle.Strikeout:
                // not implemented yet
                return false;

            return false;
        public Font(string familyName, float emSize, FontStyle style,
		             GraphicsUnit unit, byte gdiCharSet, bool  gdiVerticalFont )
            if (emSize <= 0)
                throw new ArgumentException("emSize is less than or equal to 0, evaluates to infinity, or is not a valid number.","emSize");

            // convert to 96 Dpi to be consistent with Windows
            var dpiSize = emSize * dpiScale;

            try {
                nativeFont = new CTFont(familyName,dpiSize);
                //nativeFont = new CTFont("Lucida Grande",emSize);
                nativeFont = new CTFont("Helvetica",dpiSize);

            CTFontSymbolicTraits tMask = CTFontSymbolicTraits.None;

            if ((style & FontStyle.Bold) == FontStyle.Bold)
                tMask |= CTFontSymbolicTraits.Bold;
            if ((style & FontStyle.Italic) == FontStyle.Italic)
                tMask |= CTFontSymbolicTraits.Italic;
            strikeThrough = (style & FontStyle.Strikeout) == FontStyle.Strikeout;
            underLine = (style & FontStyle.Underline) == FontStyle.Underline;

            var nativeFont2 = nativeFont.WithSymbolicTraits(dpiSize,tMask,tMask);

            if (nativeFont2 != null)
                nativeFont = nativeFont2;

            sizeInPoints = emSize;
            this.unit = unit;

            // FIXME
            // I do not like the hard coded 72 but am just trying to boot strap the Font class right now
            size = ConversionHelpers.GraphicsUnitConversion(GraphicsUnit.Point, unit, 72.0f, sizeInPoints);