partial void SetSyncPath(NSObject sender) { bool webSync = false; if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty (AppDelegate.settings.webSyncURL) || !String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace (AppDelegate.settings.webSyncURL)) { webSync = true; NSAlert syncWarning = new NSAlert() { MessageText = "Web Sync Found", InformativeText = "Setting the File System Sync Path will override the Web Sync Authorization", AlertStyle = NSAlertStyle.Informational }; syncWarning.AddButton ("OK"); syncWarning.BeginSheet (this.Window,this,null,IntPtr.Zero); } var openPanel = new NSOpenPanel(); openPanel.ReleasedWhenClosed = true; openPanel.CanChooseDirectories = true; openPanel.CanChooseFiles = false; openPanel.CanCreateDirectories = true; openPanel.Prompt = "Select Directory"; var result = openPanel.RunModal(); if (result == 1) { SyncPathTextField.Cell.Title = openPanel.DirectoryUrl.Path; //AppDelegate.FilesystemSyncPath = openPanel.DirectoryUrl.Path; AppDelegate.settings.syncURL = openPanel.DirectoryUrl.Path; NSAlert alert = new NSAlert () { MessageText = "File System Sync", InformativeText = "File System Sync path has been set at:\n"+AppDelegate.settings.syncURL, AlertStyle = NSAlertStyle.Warning }; alert.AddButton ("OK"); alert.BeginSheet (this.Window, this, null, IntPtr.Zero); if (webSync) { AppDelegate.settings.webSyncURL = String.Empty; AppDelegate.settings.token = String.Empty; AppDelegate.settings.secret = String.Empty; } try { if (AppDelegate.settings != null){ SettingsSync.Write(AppDelegate.settings); Console.WriteLine ("WRITTEN PROPERLY"); } } catch (NullReferenceException ex) { Console.WriteLine ("ERROR - "+ex.Message); } } }
private void MessageBox(string message, string title) { var alert = new NSAlert(); alert.AddButton ("OK"); alert.MessageText = title; alert.InformativeText = message; alert.BeginSheet(this, delegate { alert.Dispose(); }); }
partial void UpdateNotebook ( NSObject sender) { string updatedName = NotebookNameTextField.StringValue; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty (updatedName) || string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace (updatedName)) { NSAlert alert = new NSAlert () { MessageText = "Notebook Empty", InformativeText = "The Notebook name cannot be empty.", AlertStyle = NSAlertStyle.Warning }; alert.AddButton ("OK"); alert.BeginSheet (this.Window, this, null, IntPtr.Zero); NotebookNameTextField.SelectText(this); } else { if (AppDelegate.Notebooks.Contains(updatedName)) { NSAlert alert = new NSAlert () { MessageText = "Notebook Already Exists", InformativeText = "The Notebook " + updatedName+ " already exists.", AlertStyle = NSAlertStyle.Warning }; alert.AddButton ("OK"); alert.BeginSheet (this.Window, this, null, IntPtr.Zero); NotebookNameTextField.SelectText(this); } else { string oldName = AppDelegate.currentNotebook; AppDelegate.Notebooks.Remove (oldName); Dictionary<string, Note> allNotes = AppDelegate.NoteEngine.GetNotesForNotebook (oldName); foreach(KeyValuePair<string, Note> note in allNotes) { note.Value.Notebook = updatedName; AppDelegate.NoteEngine.SaveNote (note.Value); } AppDelegate.currentNotebook = updatedName; AppDelegate.Notebooks.Add (updatedName); AppDelegate.RefreshNotesWindowController (); this.Window.Close (); } } }
public static int Run (NSAlert view, Control parent) { int ret; if (parent != null) { var window = parent.ControlObject as NSWindow; if (window == null && parent.ControlObject is NSView) window = ((NSView)parent.ControlObject).Window; if (window == null || !view.RespondsToSelector (new Selector ("beginSheetModalForWindow:modalDelegate:didEndSelector:contextInfo:"))) ret = view.RunModal (); else { ret = 0; NSApplication.SharedApplication.InvokeOnMainThread (delegate { view.BeginSheet (window, new MacModal (), new Selector ("alertDidEnd:returnCode:contextInfo:"), IntPtr.Zero); ret = NSApplication.SharedApplication.RunModalForWindow (window); }); } } else ret = view.RunModal (); return ret; }
partial void AddNotebook (NSObject sender) { string notebook = NotebookName.StringValue; if (AppDelegate.Notebooks.Contains(notebook, StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { //The notebook already exists, hence should not be added again NSAlert alert = new NSAlert () { MessageText = "Notebook Already Exists", InformativeText = "The Notebook " + notebook + " already exists.", AlertStyle = NSAlertStyle.Warning }; alert.AddButton ("OK"); alert.BeginSheet (this.Window, this, null, IntPtr.Zero); NotebookName.SelectText(this); } else if (string.IsNullOrEmpty (notebook) || string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace (notebook)) { NSAlert alert = new NSAlert () { MessageText = "Notebook Empty", InformativeText = "The Notebook name cannot be empty.", AlertStyle = NSAlertStyle.Warning }; alert.AddButton ("OK"); alert.BeginSheet (this.Window, this, null, IntPtr.Zero); NotebookName.SelectText(this); } else { AppDelegate.Notebooks.Add (notebook); AppDelegate.currentNotebook = notebook; Window.PerformClose (this); AppDelegate.RefreshNotesWindowController (); } }
partial void DeleteNote(NSObject sender) { NSAlert alert = new NSAlert () { MessageText = "Really delete this note?", InformativeText = "You are about to delete this note, this operation cannot be undone", AlertStyle = NSAlertStyle.Warning }; alert.AddButton ("OK"); alert.AddButton ("Cancel"); alert.BeginSheet (WindowForSheet, this, new MonoMac.ObjCRuntime.Selector ("alertDidEnd:returnCode:contextInfo:"), IntPtr.Zero); }
/// <summary> /// Syncs the notes. /// </summary> /// <param name="sender">Sender.</param> partial void SyncNotes(NSObject sender) { bool success = false; if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty (settings.syncURL) || !String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace (settings.syncURL)) { var dest_manifest_path = Path.Combine (settings.syncURL, "manifest.xml"); SyncManifest dest_manifest; if (!File.Exists (dest_manifest_path)) { using (var output = new FileStream (dest_manifest_path, FileMode.Create)) { SyncManifest.Write (new SyncManifest (), output); } } using (var input = new FileStream (dest_manifest_path, FileMode.Open)) { dest_manifest = SyncManifest.Read (input); } var dest_storage = new DiskStorage (settings.syncURL); var dest_engine = new Engine (dest_storage); var client = new FilesystemSyncClient (NoteEngine, manifestTracker.Manifest); var server = new FilesystemSyncServer (dest_engine, dest_manifest); new SyncManager(client, server).DoSync (); // write back the dest manifest using (var output = new FileStream (dest_manifest_path, FileMode.Create)) { SyncManifest.Write (dest_manifest, output); } PopulateNotebookList (false); RefreshNotesWindowController (); success = true; } else if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty (settings.webSyncURL) ||!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace (settings.webSyncURL)) { ServicePointManager.CertificatePolicy = new DummyCertificateManager(); OAuthToken reused_token = new OAuthToken { Token = settings.token, Secret = settings.secret }; ISyncClient client = new FilesystemSyncClient (NoteEngine, manifestTracker.Manifest); ISyncServer server = new WebSyncServer (settings.webSyncURL, reused_token); new SyncManager (client, server).DoSync (); PopulateNotebookList (false); RefreshNotesWindowController (); success = true; } if (success) { NSAlert alert = new NSAlert () { MessageText = "Sync Successful", InformativeText = "The sync was successful", AlertStyle = NSAlertStyle.Warning }; alert.AddButton ("OK"); alert.BeginSheet (null); alert.Window.Title = "Sync Successful"; } else { NSAlert alert = new NSAlert () { MessageText = "Sync Failed", InformativeText = "The sync was not successful. Please check the Sync Settings.", AlertStyle = NSAlertStyle.Warning }; alert.AddButton ("OK"); alert.BeginSheet (null); alert.Window.Title = "Sync Failed"; } }
/// <summary> /// Log Exception/Error. To display alert requires source NSWindow /// </summary> /// <param name="exception">Exception.</param> /// <param name="message">Message.</param> /// <param name="displayAlert">If set to <c>true</c> display alert.</param> /// <param name="source">Source.</param> public static void AQ_Exception(AQ_EXCEPTION_CODE exception, string message, bool displayAlert = true, NSWindow source = null) { // build entry string sExceptionEntry = string.Format ("{0} {1}{2}Exception: {3}{2}{4}" , DateTime.Now.ToShortDateString() , DateTime.Now.ToShortTimeString() , Environment.NewLine , exception , message); // add to log m_sLog += sExceptionEntry + Environment.NewLine; // display alert if (displayAlert) { // create and display alert NSAlert alert = new NSAlert (); alert.AlertStyle = NSAlertStyle.Warning; alert.MessageText = sExceptionEntry; alert.BeginSheet (source); } }
public static void AuthorizeAction (NSWindow window, String serverURL) { if (String.IsNullOrEmpty (serverURL) || String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace (serverURL)) { NSAlert alert = new NSAlert () { MessageText = "Incorrect URL", InformativeText = "The Sync URL cannot be empty", AlertStyle = NSAlertStyle.Warning }; alert.AddButton ("OK"); alert.BeginSheet (window, null, null, IntPtr.Zero); //SyncURL.StringValue = ""; return; } else { if (!serverURL.EndsWith ("/")) serverURL += "/"; } HttpListener listener = new HttpListener (); string callbackURL = "http://localhost:9001/"; listener.Prefixes.Add (callbackURL); listener.Start (); var callback_delegate = new OAuthAuthorizationCallback ( url => { Process.Start (url); // wait (block) until the HttpListener has received a request var context = listener.GetContext (); // if we reach here the authentication has most likely been successfull and we have the // oauth_identifier in the request url query as a query parameter var request_url = context.Request.Url; string oauth_verifier = System.Web.HttpUtility.ParseQueryString (request_url.Query).Get("oauth_verifier"); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty (oauth_verifier)) { // authentication failed or error context.Response.StatusCode = 500; context.Response.StatusDescription = "Error"; context.Response.Close(); throw new ArgumentException ("oauth_verifier"); } else { // authentication successfull context.Response.StatusCode = 200; using (var writer = new StreamWriter (context.Response.OutputStream)) { writer.WriteLine("<h1>Authorization successfull!</h1>Go back to the Tomboy application window."); } context.Response.Close(); return oauth_verifier; } }); try{ //FIXME: see for SSL warning ServicePointManager.CertificatePolicy = new DummyCertificateManager (); IOAuthToken access_token = WebSyncServer.PerformTokenExchange (serverURL, callbackURL, callback_delegate); AppDelegate.settings.webSyncURL = serverURL; AppDelegate.settings.token = access_token.Token; AppDelegate.settings.secret = access_token.Secret; SettingsSync.Write (AppDelegate.settings); Console.WriteLine ("Received token {0} with secret key {1}",access_token.Token, access_token.Secret); listener.Stop (); NSAlert success = new NSAlert () { MessageText = "Authentication Successful", InformativeText = "The authentication with the server has been successful. You can sync with the web server now.", AlertStyle = NSAlertStyle.Informational }; success.AddButton ("OK"); success.BeginSheet (window, window, null, IntPtr.Zero); return; } catch (Exception ex) { if (ex is WebException || ex is System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationException) { NSAlert alert = new NSAlert () { MessageText = "Incorrect URL", InformativeText = "The URL entered " + serverURL + " is not valid for syncing", AlertStyle = NSAlertStyle.Warning }; alert.AddButton ("OK"); alert.BeginSheet (window, null, null, IntPtr.Zero); listener.Abort (); return; } else { NSAlert alert = new NSAlert () { MessageText = "Some Issue has occured", InformativeText = "Something does not seem right!", AlertStyle = NSAlertStyle.Warning }; alert.AddButton ("OK"); alert.BeginSheet (window, null, null, IntPtr.Zero); listener.Abort (); } } }
partial void ExportNotesAction(NSObject sender) { if (ExportPathTextField.StringValue != null){ string rootDirectory = ExportPathTextField.StringValue; ExportNotes.Export(rootDirectory, AppDelegate.NoteEngine); NSAlert alert = new NSAlert () { MessageText = "Note Imported", InformativeText = "All the notes have been imported to local storage. Please restart the Tomboy to see your old notes", AlertStyle = NSAlertStyle.Warning }; alert.AddButton ("OK"); alert.BeginSheet (this.Window, this, null, IntPtr.Zero); } }
partial void EditNotebook (NSObject sender) { if (_notebooksTableView.SelectedRow == 0) { NSAlert alert = new NSAlert () { MessageText = "Notebook Cannot Be Edited", InformativeText = "You cannot edit 'All Notebooks' selection.", AlertStyle = NSAlertStyle.Warning }; alert.AddButton ("OK"); alert.BeginSheet (this.Window, this, null, IntPtr.Zero); } else { notebookEditPrompt = new NotebookEditPromptController (); notebookEditPrompt.Window.MakeKeyAndOrderFront (this); } }
partial void RemoveNotebook (NSObject sender) { int selectedRow = _notebooksTableView.SelectedRow; if(selectedRow == 0) { //Cannot delete the All Notebooks Row NSAlert alert = new NSAlert () { MessageText = "Notebook Cannot Be Deleted", InformativeText = "You cannot delete 'All Notebooks' selection.", AlertStyle = NSAlertStyle.Warning }; alert.AddButton ("OK"); alert.BeginSheet (this.Window, this, null, IntPtr.Zero); } else if(selectedRow != -1) { NSAlert alert = new NSAlert () { MessageText = "Really delete notebook?", InformativeText = "You are about to delete Notebook " + AppDelegate.Notebooks.ElementAt(selectedRow) + ". This operation could not be un-done.", AlertStyle = NSAlertStyle.Warning }; alert.AddButton ("OK"); alert.AddButton ("Cancel"); alert.BeginSheet (this.Window, this, new MonoMac.ObjCRuntime.Selector ("alertDidEnd:returnCode:contextInfo:"), IntPtr.Zero); } }
void HandleNotebookDoubleClick (object sender, EventArgs e) { if (e == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("e"); if (sender == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("sender"); if (_notebooksTableView.SelectedRow == 0) { NSAlert alert = new NSAlert () { MessageText = "Notebook Cannot Be Edited", InformativeText = "You cannot edit 'All Notebooks' selection.", AlertStyle = NSAlertStyle.Warning }; alert.AddButton ("OK"); alert.BeginSheet (this.Window, this, null, IntPtr.Zero); } else if (_notebooksTableView.SelectedRow == -1) { //The empty region is double clicked, hence do nothing return; } else { notebookEditPrompt = new NotebookEditPromptController (); notebookEditPrompt.Window.MakeKeyAndOrderFront (this); } }
void Run (NSAlert alert) { switch (AlertOptions.SelectedTag) { case 0: alert.BeginSheet (Window, response => ShowResponse (alert, response)); break; case 1: ShowResponse (alert, alert.RunSheetModal (Window)); break; case 2: ShowResponse (alert, alert.RunModal ()); break; default: ResultLabel.StringValue = "Unknown Alert Option"; break; } }
private void SaveData () { if (noteWebView == null) return; Logger.Info ("Saving Note ID {0}", currentNoteID); try { string results = translator.To (noteWebView.MainFrame.DomDocument); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(noteTitleField.Title)) { /* * We save the Empty Content as pointed out by David * in the discussion -> * * The note must only be discarded when requested by the user. * * Hence giving out an Alert when the Title is Empty for the user to * enter Title. * -Rashid May,2014 */ NSAlert alert = new NSAlert () { MessageText = "Note Title Cannot be Empty", InformativeText = "Note title is empty and this operation is not permitted.", AlertStyle = NSAlertStyle.Warning }; alert.AddButton ("OK"); alert.BeginSheet (WindowForSheet, this, null, IntPtr.Zero); Logger.Debug("note content empty or null. Nothing to save for {0}", currentNoteID); return; } currentNote.Title = noteTitleField.Title; currentNote.Text = noteTitleField.Title;//FIXME Need to see if we should actually add the title to the contents. currentNote.Text += Environment.NewLine; currentNote.Text += results; AppDelegate.NoteEngine.SaveNote (currentNote); if (!currentNote.Title.Equals (DisplayName)) SetDisplayName (currentNote.Title); UpdateLinks(); /* * Very important piece of code.(UpdateChangeCount) * This allows us to trick NSDOcument into believing that we have saved the document */ UpdateChangeCount (NSDocumentChangeType.Cleared); //LoadNote(); } catch (Exception e) { Logger.Error ("Failed to Save Note {0}", e); } }
partial void Authenticate (NSObject sender) { if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty (AppDelegate.settings.syncURL) || !String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace (AppDelegate.settings.syncURL)) { NSAlert alert = new NSAlert () { MessageText = "File System Sync Found", InformativeText = "The File System Sync option would be overriden with Rainy Web Sync.", AlertStyle = NSAlertStyle.Warning }; alert.AddButton ("Override File System Sync"); alert.AddButton ("Cancel"); alert.BeginSheet (this.Window, this, new MonoMac.ObjCRuntime.Selector ("alertDidEnd:returnCode:contextInfo:"), IntPtr.Zero); AppDelegate.settings.syncURL = ""; SettingsSync.Write (AppDelegate.settings); } else { SyncPrefDialogController.AuthorizeAction (this.Window, SyncURL.StringValue); } }
public void SyncCompleted() { InvokeOnMainThread(delegate { lblStatus.StringValue = "Sync completed"; using(NSAlert alert = new NSAlert()) { alert.MessageText = "Sync completed"; alert.InformativeText = "The sync has completed successfully."; alert.AlertStyle = NSAlertStyle.Informational; alert.BeginSheet(this.Window, () => { this.Window.Close(); }); } }); }
partial void SetSyncPath(NSObject sender) { var openPanel = new NSOpenPanel(); openPanel.ReleasedWhenClosed = true; openPanel.CanChooseDirectories = true; openPanel.CanChooseFiles = false; openPanel.CanCreateDirectories = true; openPanel.Prompt = "Select Directory"; var result = openPanel.RunModal(); if (result == 1) { SyncPathTextField.Cell.Title = openPanel.DirectoryUrl.Path; //AppDelegate.FilesystemSyncPath = openPanel.DirectoryUrl.Path; AppDelegate.settings.syncURL = openPanel.DirectoryUrl.Path; SettingsSync.Write(AppDelegate.settings); NSAlert alert = new NSAlert () { MessageText = "File System Sync", InformativeText = "File System Sync path has been set at:\n"+AppDelegate.settings.syncURL, AlertStyle = NSAlertStyle.Warning }; alert.AddButton ("OK"); alert.BeginSheet (this.Window, this, null, IntPtr.Zero); } }