        //Begins an Asynchronous read from a specific client's network stream.  This function handles
        //reading in header information that defines the size of the object, and then invokes a callback
        //which will handle reading and deserializing the actual object.
        public void BeginRead(onReadEventHandler callback, int clientNumber)
            if (m_listener != null)
                    //Set a callback to notify the user of a succsesful read, once we've finished with
                    //our part.
                    onReadUserCallback = callback;

                    //ServerReadInfo will hold the id of the client who we're reading from, and an empty
                    //array to read into.
                    ServerReadInfo header = new ServerReadInfo();
                    header.Id   = clientNumber;
                    header.Data = new Byte[4];

                    //Set reading to true.  The caller has to use an if to check if we're reading before
                    //calling this function. Note:  Maybe the if can be done in this class?  I wasn't sure
                    //it as appropriate to take away that control.
                    m_clients[clientNumber].Reading = true;

                    //Read the data into our header object and send the instance of that object to the
                    //onRead header local callback.
                    m_clients[clientNumber].Stream.BeginRead(header.Data, 0, 4, onReadHeaderLocalCallback, header);
                catch (Exception e)
                    throw e;
        //This function is triggered by an event when a header is successfully read.
        private void onReadHeader(IAsyncResult ar)
                //Cast the object which we send from "BeginRead" (which is stored in the
                //IAsyncResult as "AsyncState", which I think is a stupid name because
                //the object is not a "state" at all)...whatever
                ServerReadInfo header = (ServerReadInfo)ar.AsyncState;

                int objectSize = BitConverter.ToInt32(header.Data, 0);

                //Got the objectSize stored in a new int, and the id is obviously the same,
                //so we set the byte array in "header" to a new Byte array with the size of
                //the object so we can basically reuse this object.
                header.Data = new Byte[objectSize];

                //End the current read

                //Begin a new Async read now that we know the size of the object.  Store it
                //again in the data field of "header" and send the "header" object to the
                //final callback.
                m_clients[header.Id].Stream.BeginRead(header.Data, 0, objectSize, onReadLocalCallback, header);
            catch (Exception e)
                throw e;
        //Begins an Asynchronous write to a specific client's network stream.  This function handles
        //writing of header information that defines the size of the object, and then invokes a callback
        //which will handle serializing and writing the actual object.
        public void BeginWrite(onWriteEventHandler callback, int clientNumber, object obj)
            if (m_listener != null)
                    //I resused the ServerReadInfo class which contains the client's id and a byte array
                    //containing data to be written or read to or from the server.  Here we will de-
                    //serialize the object that we want to write.
                    ServerReadInfo writeInfo = new ServerReadInfo();
                    writeInfo.Id   = clientNumber;
                    writeInfo.Data = Serializer.Serializer.SerializeObject(obj);

                    //Store the size of our object in a Byte array.
                    Byte[] array = BitConverter.GetBytes(writeInfo.Data.Length);

                    onWriteUserCallback = callback;

                    //Set writing to true.  The caller has to use an if to check if we're writing before
                    //calling this function.
                    m_clients[clientNumber].Writing = true;

                    //Write out the size of the object.  Send the actual object to the onWrite header local callback
                    m_clients[clientNumber].Stream.BeginWrite(array, 0, array.Length, onWriteHeaderLocalCallback, writeInfo);
                catch (Exception e)
                    throw e;
 private void onWriteHeader(IAsyncResult ar)
         //We've successfully written the size of the object.  Now simply write the object
         //which was passed to us in the AsyncState.
         ServerReadInfo writeInfo = (ServerReadInfo)ar.AsyncState;
         m_clients[writeInfo.Id].Stream.BeginWrite(writeInfo.Data, 0, writeInfo.Data.Length, onWriteLocalCallback, writeInfo.Id);
     catch (Exception e)
         throw e;
        private void onRead(IAsyncResult ar)
            //WTF: Okay, so this try and catch was falling into the catch and throwing an index
            //out of bounds exception WHICH IT'S CLEARLY NOT because the function works fine
            //without the try and catch, and it didn't even after I added the "if" statement
            //below (labeled by a comment saying "//TEST"), which clearly prevents ANY sort of
            //out of bounds id.

            //Cast ar.StupidName as our ReadInfo so we can get the idea and object data
            OnReadEventArgs eA         = new OnReadEventArgs();
            ServerReadInfo  readObject = (ServerReadInfo)ar.AsyncState;

            int id = readObject.Id;

            if (id > m_clients.Count - 1 || id < 0)

            //Deserialize the byte array to create an object.  We're gonna store the object
            //in our OnReadEventArgs along with the id to send back to the original caller.
            eA.Obj      = Serializer.Serializer.DeserializeByteArray(readObject.Data);
            eA.ClientID = id;

            //Done reading.  The position of this assignment is actually very important in
            //the async world, apparently.
            m_clients[id].Reading = false;

            //Invoke the User's callback
            onReadUserCallback.Invoke(this, eA);

            /*catch (Exception e)
             * {
             *  throw e;
             * }*/