        public DebugValueWindow(Mono.TextEditor.TextEditor editor, int offset, StackFrame frame, ObjectValue value, PinnedWatch watch)
            TransientFor = (Gtk.Window)editor.Toplevel;

            // Avoid getting the focus when the window is shown. We'll get it when the mouse enters the window
            AcceptFocus = false;

            sw = new ScrolledWindow();
            sw.HscrollbarPolicy = PolicyType.Never;
            sw.VscrollbarPolicy = PolicyType.Never;

            tree = new ObjectValueTreeView();

            tree.Frame          = frame;
            tree.CompactView    = true;
            tree.AllowAdding    = false;
            tree.AllowEditing   = true;
            tree.HeadersVisible = false;
            tree.AllowPinning   = false;
            tree.PinnedWatch    = watch;
            DocumentLocation location = editor.Document.OffsetToLocation(offset);

            tree.PinnedWatchLine = location.Line + 1;
            tree.PinnedWatchFile = ((ExtensibleTextEditor)editor).View.ContentName;

            tree.SizeAllocated    += OnTreeSizeChanged;
            tree.PinStatusChanged += delegate {

            tree.MotionNotifyEvent += HandleTreeMotionNotifyEvent;


            pinWindow = new PinWindow(this);
            pinWindow.ButtonPressEvent += HandlePinWindowButtonPressEvent;

            tree.StartEditing += delegate {
                Modal = true;

            tree.EndEditing += delegate {
                Modal = false;
		public DebugValueWindow (Mono.TextEditor.TextEditor editor, int offset, StackFrame frame, ObjectValue value, PinnedWatch watch)
			TransientFor = (Gtk.Window) editor.Toplevel;
			// Avoid getting the focus when the window is shown. We'll get it when the mouse enters the window
			AcceptFocus = false;
			sw = new ScrolledWindow ();
			sw.HscrollbarPolicy = PolicyType.Never;
			sw.VscrollbarPolicy = PolicyType.Never;
			tree = new ObjectValueTreeView ();
			sw.Add (tree);
			Add (sw);
			tree.Frame = frame;
			tree.CompactView = true;
			tree.AllowAdding = false;
			tree.AllowEditing = true;
			tree.HeadersVisible = false;
			tree.AllowPinning = false;
			tree.PinnedWatch = watch;
			DocumentLocation location = editor.Document.OffsetToLocation (offset);
			tree.PinnedWatchLine = location.Line + 1;
			tree.PinnedWatchFile = ((ExtensibleTextEditor)editor).View.ContentName;
			tree.AddValue (value);
			tree.Selection.UnselectAll ();
			tree.SizeAllocated += OnTreeSizeChanged;
			tree.PinStatusChanged += delegate {
				Destroy ();
			tree.MotionNotifyEvent += HandleTreeMotionNotifyEvent;
			sw.ShowAll ();
			pinWindow = new PinWindow (this);
			pinWindow.SetPinned (false);
			pinWindow.ButtonPressEvent += HandlePinWindowButtonPressEvent;
			tree.StartEditing += delegate {
				Modal = true;
			tree.EndEditing += delegate {
				Modal = false;