public PinnedWatchWidget (TextEditor editor, PinnedWatch watch) { objectValue = watch.Value; Editor = editor; Watch = watch; valueTree = new ObjectValueTreeView (); valueTree.AllowAdding = false; valueTree.AllowEditing = true; valueTree.AllowPinning = true; valueTree.HeadersVisible = false; valueTree.CompactView = true; valueTree.PinnedWatch = watch; if (objectValue != null) valueTree.AddValue (objectValue); valueTree.ButtonPressEvent += HandleValueTreeButtonPressEvent; valueTree.ButtonReleaseEvent += HandleValueTreeButtonReleaseEvent; valueTree.MotionNotifyEvent += HandleValueTreeMotionNotifyEvent; Gtk.Frame fr = new Gtk.Frame (); fr.ShadowType = Gtk.ShadowType.Out; fr.Add (valueTree); Add (fr); HandleEditorOptionsChanged (null, null); ShowAll (); //unpin.Hide (); Editor.EditorOptionsChanged += HandleEditorOptionsChanged; DebuggingService.PausedEvent += HandleDebuggingServicePausedEvent; DebuggingService.ResumedEvent += HandleDebuggingServiceResumedEvent; }
public static void SetLiveUpdateMode(PinnedWatch watch, bool liveUpdate) { if (watch.LiveUpdate == liveUpdate) { return; } watch.LiveUpdate = liveUpdate; if (liveUpdate) { var bp = new Breakpoint(watch.File, watch.Line); bp.TraceExpression = "{" + watch.Expression + "}"; bp.HitAction = HitAction.PrintExpression; bp.NonUserBreakpoint = true; lock (breakpoints) breakpoints.Add(bp); pinnedWatches.Bind(watch, bp); } else { pinnedWatches.Bind(watch, null); lock (breakpoints) breakpoints.Remove(watch.BoundTracer); } }
void CreatePinnedWatch(TreeIter it) { string exp = GetFullExpression(it); PinnedWatch watch = new PinnedWatch(); if (PinnedWatch != null) { CollapseAll(); watch.File = PinnedWatch.File; watch.Line = PinnedWatch.Line; watch.OffsetX = PinnedWatch.OffsetX; watch.OffsetY = PinnedWatch.OffsetY + SizeRequest().Height + 5; } else { watch.File = PinnedWatchFile; watch.Line = PinnedWatchLine; watch.OffsetX = -1; // means that the watch should be placed at the line coordinates defined by watch.Line watch.OffsetY = -1; } watch.Expression = exp; DebuggingService.PinnedWatches.Add(watch); if (PinStatusChanged != null) { PinStatusChanged(this, EventArgs.Empty); } }
// PinWindow pinWindow; // TreeIter currentPinIter; public DebugValueWindow (Mono.TextEditor.TextEditor editor, int offset, StackFrame frame, ObjectValue value, PinnedWatch watch): base (Gtk.WindowType.Toplevel) { this.TypeHint = WindowTypeHint.PopupMenu; this.AllowShrink = false; this.AllowGrow = false; this.Decorated = false; TransientFor = (Gtk.Window) editor.Toplevel; // Avoid getting the focus when the window is shown. We'll get it when the mouse enters the window AcceptFocus = false; sw = new ScrolledWindow (); sw.HscrollbarPolicy = PolicyType.Never; sw.VscrollbarPolicy = PolicyType.Never; tree = new ObjectValueTreeView (); sw.Add (tree); ContentBox.Add (sw); tree.Frame = frame; tree.CompactView = true; tree.AllowAdding = false; tree.AllowEditing = true; tree.HeadersVisible = false; tree.AllowPinning = true; tree.RootPinAlwaysVisible = true; tree.PinnedWatch = watch; DocumentLocation location = editor.Document.OffsetToLocation (offset); tree.PinnedWatchLine = location.Line; tree.PinnedWatchFile = ((ExtensibleTextEditor)editor).View.ContentName; tree.AddValue (value); tree.Selection.UnselectAll (); tree.SizeAllocated += OnTreeSizeChanged; tree.PinStatusChanged += delegate { Destroy (); }; // tree.MotionNotifyEvent += HandleTreeMotionNotifyEvent; sw.ShowAll (); // pinWindow = new PinWindow (this); // pinWindow.SetPinned (false); // pinWindow.ButtonPressEvent += HandlePinWindowButtonPressEvent; tree.StartEditing += delegate { Modal = true; }; tree.EndEditing += delegate { Modal = false; }; ShowArrow = true; Theme.CornerRadius = 3; }
internal Breakpoint CreateLiveUpdateBreakpoint(PinnedWatch watch) { var bp = new Breakpoint(watch.File, watch.Line); bp.TraceExpression = "{" + watch.Expression + "}"; bp.HitAction = HitAction.PrintExpression; bp.NonUserBreakpoint = true; return(bp); }
public void Remove (PinnedWatch watch) { lock (watches) { if (watch.Store != this) return; watch.Store = null; watches.Remove (watch); } OnWatchRemoved (watch); OnChanged (); }
public void Add (PinnedWatch watch) { lock (watches) { if (watch.Store != null) throw new InvalidOperationException ("Watch already belongs to another store"); watch.Store = this; watches.Add (watch); } OnWatchAdded (watch); OnChanged (); }
public void Add(PinnedWatch watch) { lock (watches) { if (watch.Store != null) { throw new InvalidOperationException("Watch already belongs to another store"); } watch.Store = this; watches.Add(watch); } OnWatchAdded(watch); OnChanged(); }
public void Remove(PinnedWatch watch) { lock (watches) { if (watch.Store != this) { return; } watch.Store = null; watches.Remove(watch); } OnWatchRemoved(watch); OnChanged(); }
internal void Bind (PinnedWatch watch, Breakpoint be) { lock (watches) { if (be == null) { if (watch.BoundTracer != null) liveWatches.Remove (watch.BoundTracer); watch.LiveUpdate = false; } else { watch.BoundTracer = be; liveWatches [be] = watch; watch.LiveUpdate = true; } } }
public DebugValueWindow (TextEditor editor, int offset, StackFrame frame, ObjectValue value, PinnedWatch watch) : base (Gtk.WindowType.Toplevel) { this.TypeHint = WindowTypeHint.PopupMenu; this.AllowShrink = false; this.AllowGrow = false; this.Decorated = false; TransientFor = (Gtk.Window) ((Gtk.Widget)editor).Toplevel; // Avoid getting the focus when the window is shown. We'll get it when the mouse enters the window AcceptFocus = false; sw = new ScrolledWindow (); sw.HscrollbarPolicy = PolicyType.Never; sw.VscrollbarPolicy = PolicyType.Never; tree = new ObjectValueTreeView (); sw.Add (tree); ContentBox.Add (sw); tree.Frame = frame; tree.CompactView = true; tree.AllowAdding = false; tree.AllowEditing = true; tree.HeadersVisible = false; tree.AllowPinning = true; tree.RootPinAlwaysVisible = true; tree.PinnedWatch = watch; var location = editor.OffsetToLocation (offset); tree.PinnedWatchLine = location.Line; tree.PinnedWatchFile = editor.FileName; tree.AddValue (value); tree.Selection.UnselectAll (); tree.SizeAllocated += OnTreeSizeChanged; tree.PinStatusChanged += OnPinStatusChanged; sw.ShowAll (); tree.StartEditing += OnStartEditing; tree.EndEditing += OnEndEditing; ShowArrow = true; Theme.CornerRadius = 3; }
public DebugValueWindow (Mono.TextEditor.TextEditor editor, int offset, StackFrame frame, ObjectValue value, PinnedWatch watch) { TransientFor = (Gtk.Window) editor.Toplevel; // Avoid getting the focus when the window is shown. We'll get it when the mouse enters the window AcceptFocus = false; sw = new ScrolledWindow (); sw.HscrollbarPolicy = PolicyType.Never; sw.VscrollbarPolicy = PolicyType.Never; tree = new ObjectValueTreeView (); sw.Add (tree); Add (sw); tree.Frame = frame; tree.CompactView = true; tree.AllowAdding = false; tree.AllowEditing = true; tree.HeadersVisible = false; tree.AllowPinning = true; tree.PinnedWatch = watch; DocumentLocation location = editor.Document.OffsetToLocation (offset); tree.PinnedWatchLine = location.Line + 1; tree.PinnedWatchFile = ((ExtensibleTextEditor)editor).View.ContentName; tree.AddValue (value); tree.Selection.UnselectAll (); tree.SizeAllocated += OnTreeSizeChanged; tree.PinStatusChanged += delegate { Destroy (); }; sw.ShowAll (); tree.StartEditing += delegate { Modal = true; }; tree.EndEditing += delegate { Modal = false; }; }
internal void Bind(PinnedWatch watch, Breakpoint be) { lock (watches) { if (be == null) { if (watch.BoundTracer != null) { liveWatches.Remove(watch.BoundTracer); } watch.LiveUpdate = false; } else { watch.BoundTracer = be; liveWatches [be] = watch; watch.LiveUpdate = true; } } }
void OnWatchRemoved(PinnedWatch watch) { if (batchUpdate > 0) { if (batchRemoved == null) { batchRemoved = new List <PinnedWatch> (); } if (!batchRemoved.Contains(watch)) { batchRemoved.Add(watch); } return; } if (WatchRemoved != null) { WatchRemoved(this, new PinnedWatchEventArgs(watch)); } }
void OnWatchChanged(PinnedWatch watch) { if (batchUpdate > 0) { if (batchChanged == null) { batchChanged = new List <PinnedWatch> (); } if (!batchChanged.Contains(watch)) { batchChanged.Add(watch); } return; } Runtime.RunInMainThread(() => { if (WatchChanged != null) { WatchChanged(this, new PinnedWatchEventArgs(watch)); } }); }
void OnWatchChanged(PinnedWatch watch) { if (batchUpdate > 0) { if (batchChanged == null) { batchChanged = new List <PinnedWatch> (); } if (!batchChanged.Contains(watch)) { batchChanged.Add(watch); } return; } DispatchService.GuiDispatch(() => { if (WatchChanged != null) { WatchChanged(this, new PinnedWatchEventArgs(watch)); } }); }
public PinnedWatchWidget (TextEditor editor, PinnedWatch watch) { objectValue = watch.Value; Editor = editor; Watch = watch; valueTree = new ObjectValueTreeView (); valueTree.AllowAdding = false; valueTree.AllowEditing = true; valueTree.AllowPinning = true; valueTree.HeadersVisible = false; valueTree.CompactView = true; valueTree.PinnedWatch = watch; if (objectValue != null) valueTree.AddValue (objectValue); valueTree.ButtonPressEvent += HandleValueTreeButtonPressEvent; valueTree.ButtonReleaseEvent += HandleValueTreeButtonReleaseEvent; valueTree.MotionNotifyEvent += HandleValueTreeMotionNotifyEvent; valueTree.SizeAllocated += OnTreeSizeChanged; sw = new ScrolledWindow (); sw.HscrollbarPolicy = PolicyType.Never; sw.VscrollbarPolicy = PolicyType.Never; sw.Add (valueTree); Frame fr = new Frame (); fr.ShadowType = ShadowType.Out; fr.Add (sw); Add (fr); ShowAll (); DebuggingService.PausedEvent += HandleDebuggingServicePausedEvent; DebuggingService.ResumedEvent += HandleDebuggingServiceResumedEvent; }
public PinnedWatchEventArgs (PinnedWatch watch) { = watch; }
void OnWatchChanged (PinnedWatch watch) { if (batchUpdate > 0) { if (batchChanged == null) batchChanged = new List<PinnedWatch> (); if (!batchChanged.Contains (watch)) batchChanged.Add (watch); return; } Runtime.RunInMainThread (() => { if (WatchChanged != null) WatchChanged (this, new PinnedWatchEventArgs (watch)); }); }
public PinnedWatchEventArgs(PinnedWatch watch) { = watch; }
internal void NotifyWatchChanged(PinnedWatch watch) { OnWatchChanged(watch); OnChanged(); }
public DebugValueWindow(Gtk.Window transientFor, PinnedWatchLocation location, StackFrame frame, ObjectValue value, PinnedWatch watch) : base(Gtk.WindowType.Toplevel) { TypeHint = WindowTypeHint.PopupMenu; AllowShrink = false; AllowGrow = false; Decorated = false; TransientFor = transientFor; // Avoid getting the focus when the window is shown. We'll get it when the mouse enters the window AcceptFocus = false; sw = new ScrolledWindow { HscrollbarPolicy = PolicyType.Never, VscrollbarPolicy = PolicyType.Never }; UpdateTreeStyle(Theme.BackgroundColor); if (useNewTreeView) { controller = new ObjectValueTreeViewController(); controller.SetStackFrame(frame); controller.AllowEditing = true; controller.PinnedWatch = watch; controller.PinnedWatchLocation = location; treeView = controller.GetGtkControl(headersVisible: false, allowPinning: true, compactView: true, rootPinVisible: true); if (treeView is IObjectValueTreeView ovtv) { ovtv.StartEditing += OnStartEditing; ovtv.EndEditing += OnEndEditing; ovtv.NodePinned += OnPinStatusChanged; } controller.AddValue(value); } else { objValueTreeView = new ObjectValueTreeView(); objValueTreeView.RootPinAlwaysVisible = true; objValueTreeView.HeadersVisible = false; objValueTreeView.AllowEditing = true; objValueTreeView.AllowPinning = true; objValueTreeView.CompactView = true; objValueTreeView.PinnedWatch = watch; objValueTreeView.PinnedWatchLocation = location; objValueTreeView.Frame = frame; objValueTreeView.AddValue(value); objValueTreeView.PinStatusChanged += OnPinStatusChanged; objValueTreeView.StartEditing += OnStartEditing; objValueTreeView.EndEditing += OnEndEditing; treeView = objValueTreeView; } treeView.Name = innerTreeName; treeView.Selection.UnselectAll(); treeView.SizeAllocated += OnTreeSizeChanged; sw.Add(treeView); ContentBox.Add(sw); sw.ShowAll(); ShowArrow = true; Theme.CornerRadius = 3; PreviewWindowManager.WindowClosed += PreviewWindowManager_WindowClosed; }
public MacDebuggerTooltipWindow(PinnedWatchLocation location, StackFrame frame, ObjectValue value, PinnedWatch watch) { Animates = false; Behavior = NSPopoverBehavior.Semitransient; controller = new ObjectValueTreeViewController(); controller.SetStackFrame(frame); controller.AllowEditing = true; controller.PinnedWatch = watch; controller.PinnedWatchLocation = location; treeView = controller.GetMacControl(ObjectValueTreeViewFlags.TooltipFlags); treeView.UIElementName = "Tooltip"; treeView.NodePinned += OnPinStatusChanged; treeView.StartEditing += OnStartEditing; treeView.EndEditing += OnEndEditing; controller.AddValue(value); scrollView = new NSScrollView { HasVerticalScroller = true, AutohidesScrollers = true, DocumentView = treeView, Frame = treeView.Frame }; ContentViewController = new NSViewController { View = scrollView }; widthConstraint = scrollView.WidthAnchor.ConstraintEqualToConstant(treeView.Frame.Width); widthConstraint.Active = true; heightConstraint = scrollView.HeightAnchor.ConstraintEqualToConstant(treeView.Frame.Height); heightConstraint.Active = true; treeView.Resized += OnTreeViewResized; }
void OnWatchRemoved (PinnedWatch watch) { if (batchUpdate > 0) { if (batchRemoved == null) batchRemoved = new List<PinnedWatch> (); if (!batchRemoved.Contains (watch)) batchRemoved.Add (watch); return; } if (WatchRemoved != null) WatchRemoved (this, new PinnedWatchEventArgs (watch)); }
void OnWatchChanged (PinnedWatch watch) { if (batchUpdate > 0) { if (batchChanged == null) batchChanged = new List<PinnedWatch> (); if (!batchChanged.Contains (watch)) batchChanged.Add (watch); return; } DispatchService.GuiDispatch (() => { if (WatchChanged != null) WatchChanged (this, new PinnedWatchEventArgs (watch)); }); }
internal void NotifyWatchChanged (PinnedWatch watch) { OnWatchChanged (watch); OnChanged (); }
void AddWatch (PinnedWatch w) { DocumentLine line = widget.TextEditor.Document.GetLine (w.Line); if (line == null) return; PinnedWatchInfo wi = new PinnedWatchInfo (); wi.Line = line; if (w.OffsetX < 0) { w.OffsetY = (int)widget.TextEditor.LineToY (w.Line); int lw, lh; widget.TextEditor.TextViewMargin.GetLayout (line).Layout.GetPixelSize (out lw, out lh); w.OffsetX = (int)widget.TextEditor.TextViewMargin.XOffset + lw + 4; } wi.Widget = new PinnedWatchWidget (widget.TextEditorContainer, w); // wi.Marker = new DebugValueMarker (widget.TextEditor, line, w); wi.Watch = w; pinnedWatches.Add (wi); // if (w.Value != null) // wi.Marker.AddValue (w.Value); widget.TextEditorContainer.AddTopLevelWidget (wi.Widget, w.OffsetX, w.OffsetY); // widget.TextEditor.QueueDraw (); }
public static void SetLiveUpdateMode (PinnedWatch watch, bool liveUpdate) { if (watch.LiveUpdate == liveUpdate) return; watch.LiveUpdate = liveUpdate; if (liveUpdate) { Breakpoint bp = new Breakpoint (watch.File, watch.Line); bp.TraceExpression = "{" + watch.Expression + "}"; bp.HitAction = HitAction.PrintExpression; breakpoints.Add (bp); pinnedWatches.Bind (watch, bp); } else { pinnedWatches.Bind (watch, null); breakpoints.Remove (watch.BoundTracer); } }
public DebugValueWindow(Gtk.Window transientFor, string pinnedWatchFileName, int pinnedWatchLine, StackFrame frame, ObjectValue value, PinnedWatch watch) : base(Gtk.WindowType.Toplevel) { this.TypeHint = WindowTypeHint.PopupMenu; this.AllowShrink = false; this.AllowGrow = false; this.Decorated = false; TransientFor = transientFor; // Avoid getting the focus when the window is shown. We'll get it when the mouse enters the window AcceptFocus = false; sw = new ScrolledWindow(); sw.HscrollbarPolicy = PolicyType.Never; sw.VscrollbarPolicy = PolicyType.Never; UpdateTreeStyle(Theme.BackgroundColor); Tree = new ObjectValueTreeView(); Tree.Name = innerTreeName; sw.Add(Tree); ContentBox.Add(sw); Tree.Frame = frame; Tree.CompactView = true; Tree.AllowAdding = false; Tree.AllowEditing = true; Tree.HeadersVisible = false; Tree.AllowPinning = true; Tree.RootPinAlwaysVisible = true; Tree.PinnedWatch = watch; Tree.PinnedWatchLine = pinnedWatchLine; Tree.PinnedWatchFile = pinnedWatchFileName; Tree.AddValue(value); Tree.Selection.UnselectAll(); Tree.SizeAllocated += OnTreeSizeChanged; Tree.PinStatusChanged += OnPinStatusChanged; sw.ShowAll(); Tree.StartEditing += OnStartEditing; Tree.EndEditing += OnEndEditing; ShowArrow = true; Theme.CornerRadius = 3; PreviewWindowManager.WindowClosed += PreviewWindowManager_WindowClosed; }