public override ColumnSchemaCollection GetTableColumns (TableSchema table) { ColumnSchemaCollection columns = new ColumnSchemaCollection (); IPooledDbConnection conn = connectionPool.Request (); IDbCommand command = conn.CreateCommand ( "PRAGMA table_info('" + table.Name + "')" ); try { using (command) { using (IDataReader r = command.ExecuteReader()) { while (r.Read ()) { ColumnSchema column = new ColumnSchema (this, table); column.Position = r.GetInt32 (0); column.Name = r.GetString (1); column.DataTypeName = r.GetString (2); column.IsNullable = r.GetInt32 (3) != 0; column.DefaultValue = r.IsDBNull (4) ? null : r.GetValue (4).ToString (); columns.Add (column); } r.Close (); }; } } catch (Exception e) { QueryService.RaiseException (e); } conn.Release (); return columns; }
public override TableSchemaCollection GetTables () { TableSchemaCollection tables = new TableSchemaCollection (); IPooledDbConnection conn = connectionPool.Request (); IDbCommand command = conn.CreateCommand ( "SELECT name, sql FROM sqlite_master WHERE type = 'table'" ); try { using (command) { using (IDataReader r = command.ExecuteReader()) { while (r.Read ()) { TableSchema table = new TableSchema (this); table.SchemaName = "main"; table.Name = r.GetString (0); table.IsSystemTable = table.Name.StartsWith ("sqlite_"); table.Definition = r.GetString (1); tables.Add (table); } r.Close (); } } } catch (Exception e) { QueryService.RaiseException (e); } conn.Release (); return tables; }
public TableSchemaContainer (TableSchema schema) { if (schema == null) throw new ArgumentNullException ("schema"); this.schema = schema; }
public override ICollection<TableSchema> GetTables () { CheckConnectionState (); List<TableSchema> tables = new List<TableSchema> (); IDbCommand command = connectionProvider.CreateCommand ( "SELECT AS owner, as table_name, as table_id, " + " so.crdate as created_date, so.type as table_type " + "FROM dbo.sysobjects so, dbo.sysusers su " + "WHERE type IN ('S','U') " + "AND su.uid = so.uid " + "ORDER BY 1, 2" ); using (command) { using (IDataReader r = command.ExecuteReader()) { while (r.Read ()) { TableSchema table = new TableSchema (this); table.Name = r.GetString(1); table.IsSystemTable = r.GetString (4) == "S" ? true : false; table.SchemaName = r.GetString (0); table.OwnerName = r.GetString (0); table.Comment = ""; StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.AppendFormat ("-- Table: {0}\n", table.Name); sb.AppendFormat ("-- DROP TABLE {0};\n\n", table.Name); sb.AppendFormat ("CREATE TABLE {0} (\n", table.Name); ICollection<ColumnSchema> columns = table.Columns; string[] parts = new string[columns.Count]; int i = 0; foreach (ColumnSchema col in columns) parts[i++] = col.Definition; sb.Append (String.Join (",\n", parts)); ICollection<ConstraintSchema> constraints = table.Constraints; parts = new string[constraints.Count]; if (constraints.Count > 0) sb.Append (",\n"); i = 0; foreach (ConstraintSchema constr in constraints) parts[i++] = "\t" + constr.Definition; sb.Append (String.Join (",\n", parts)); sb.Append ("\n);\n"); //sb.AppendFormat ("COMMENT ON TABLE {0} IS '{1}';", table.Name, table.Comment); table.Definition = sb.ToString(); tables.Add (table); } r.Close (); } connectionProvider.Close (command.Connection); } return tables;
public TableNode (DatabaseConnectionContext context, TableSchema table) : base (context) { if (table == null) throw new ArgumentNullException ("table"); this.table = table; }
public TableSchema (TableSchema table) : base (table) { isSystemTable = table.isSystemTable; tableSpaceName = table.tableSpaceName; columns = new ColumnSchemaCollection (table.columns); constraints = new ConstraintSchemaCollection (table.constraints); triggers = new TriggerSchemaCollection (table.triggers); }
public UniqueConstraintEditorWidget (ISchemaProvider schemaProvider, SchemaActions action, TableSchema table, ColumnSchemaCollection columns, ConstraintSchemaCollection constraints) { if (columns == null) throw new ArgumentNullException ("columns"); if (table == null) throw new ArgumentNullException ("table"); if (constraints == null) throw new ArgumentNullException ("constraints"); if (schemaProvider == null) throw new ArgumentNullException ("schemaProvider"); this.schemaProvider = schemaProvider; this.table = table; this.columns = columns; this.constraints = constraints; this.action = action; this.Build(); store = new ListStore (typeof (string), typeof (bool), typeof (string), typeof (object)); listUnique.Model = store; listUnique.Selection.Changed += new EventHandler (SelectionChanged); columnSelecter.ColumnToggled += new EventHandler (ColumnToggled); TreeViewColumn colName = new TreeViewColumn (); TreeViewColumn colIsColConstraint = new TreeViewColumn (); colName.Title = GettextCatalog.GetString ("Name"); colIsColConstraint.Title = GettextCatalog.GetString ("Column Constraint"); CellRendererText nameRenderer = new CellRendererText (); CellRendererToggle toggleRenderer = new CellRendererToggle (); nameRenderer.Editable = true; nameRenderer.Edited += new EditedHandler (NameEdited); toggleRenderer.Activatable = true; toggleRenderer.Toggled += new ToggledHandler (IsColumnConstraintToggled); colName.PackStart (nameRenderer, true); colIsColConstraint.PackStart (toggleRenderer, true); colName.AddAttribute (nameRenderer, "text", colNameIndex); colIsColConstraint.AddAttribute (toggleRenderer, "active", colIsColumnConstraintIndex); listUnique.AppendColumn (colName); listUnique.AppendColumn (colIsColConstraint); columnSelecter.Initialize (columns); foreach (UniqueConstraintSchema uni in constraints.GetConstraints (ConstraintType.Unique)) AddConstraint (uni); //TODO: also col constraints ShowAll (); }
public void Initialize (TableSchema table) { if (table == null) throw new ArgumentNullException ("table"); this.originalTable = table; this.table = table; SetWarning (null); columnEditor = new ColumnsEditorWidget (schemaProvider, action, settings.ColumnSettings); columnEditor.ContentChanged += new EventHandler (OnContentChanged); // When primary Key are selected on the "Column Editor", it has to refresh the "Primary Key" Widget. columnEditor.PrimaryKeyChanged += delegate(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (constraintEditor != null) constraintEditor.RefreshConstraints (); }; notebook.AppendPage (columnEditor, new Label (AddinCatalog.GetString ("Columns"))); if (settings.ShowConstraints) { constraintEditor = new ConstraintsEditorWidget (schemaProvider, action, settings.ConstraintSettings); constraintEditor.ContentChanged += new EventHandler (OnContentChanged); notebook.AppendPage (constraintEditor, new Label (AddinCatalog.GetString ("Constraints"))); // If Primary Key are changed on it has to refresh the "Column Editor" Widget to select the correct // columns constraintEditor.PrimaryKeyChanged += delegate(object sender, EventArgs e) { columnEditor.RefreshConstraints (); }; } //TODO: Implement Index /* if (settings.ShowIndices) { indexEditor = new IndicesEditorWidget (schemaProvider, action); indexEditor.ContentChanged += OnContentChanged; notebook.AppendPage (indexEditor, new Label (AddinCatalog.GetString ("Indexes"))); } */ if (settings.ShowTriggers) { triggerEditor = new TriggersEditorWidget (schemaProvider, action); triggerEditor.ContentChanged += new EventHandler (OnContentChanged); notebook.AppendPage (triggerEditor, new Label (AddinCatalog.GetString ("Triggers"))); } if (settings.ShowComment) { commentEditor = new CommentEditorWidget (); notebook.AppendPage (commentEditor, new Label (AddinCatalog.GetString ("Comment"))); } notebook.Page = 0; entryName.Text = originalTable.Name; WaitDialog.ShowDialog ("Loading table data ..."); }
public override ICollection<TableSchema> GetTables () { CheckConnectionState (); List<TableSchema> tables = new List<TableSchema> (); IDbCommand command = connectionProvider.CreateCommand ( "SELECT OWNER, TABLE_NAME, TABLESPACE_NAME " + "FROM ALL_TABLES " + "ORDER BY OWNER, TABLE_NAME" ); using (command) { using (IDataReader r = command.ExecuteReader()) { while (r.Read ()) { TableSchema table = new TableSchema (this); table.OwnerName = r.GetValue (0).ToString(); table.SchemaName = r.GetValue (0).ToString(); table.Name = r.GetString (1).ToString(); table.IsSystemTable = IsSystem (table.OwnerName); table.TableSpaceName = r.GetValue (2).ToString(); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.AppendFormat ("-- Table: {0}\n", table.Name); sb.AppendFormat ("-- DROP TABLE {0};\n\n", table.Name); sb.AppendFormat ("CREATE TABLE {0} (\n", table.Name); ICollection<ColumnSchema> columns = table.Columns; string[] parts = new string[columns.Count]; int i = 0; foreach (ColumnSchema col in columns) parts[i++] = col.Definition; sb.Append (String.Join (",\n", parts)); ICollection<ConstraintSchema> constraints = table.Constraints; parts = new string[constraints.Count]; if (constraints.Count > 0) sb.Append (",\n"); i = 0; foreach (ConstraintSchema constr in constraints) parts[i++] = "\t" + constr.Definition; sb.Append (String.Join (",\n", parts)); //sb.AppendFormat ("\n) COMMENT '{0}';", table.Comment); table.Definition = sb.ToString (); tables.Add (table); } r.Close (); } connectionProvider.Close (command.Connection); } return tables;
public PrimaryKeyConstraintEditorWidget (ISchemaProvider schemaProvider, SchemaActions action, TableSchema table, ColumnSchemaCollection columns, ConstraintSchemaCollection constraints) { if (columns == null) throw new ArgumentNullException ("columns"); if (table == null) throw new ArgumentNullException ("table"); if (constraints == null) throw new ArgumentNullException ("constraints"); if (schemaProvider == null) throw new ArgumentNullException ("schemaProvider"); this.schemaProvider = schemaProvider; this.table = table; this.columns = columns; this.constraints = constraints; this.action = action; this.Build(); store = new ListStore (typeof (string), typeof (string), typeof (object)); listPK.Model = store; TreeViewColumn colName = new TreeViewColumn (); colName.Title = GettextCatalog.GetString ("Name"); CellRendererText nameRenderer = new CellRendererText (); nameRenderer.Editable = true; nameRenderer.Edited += new EditedHandler (NameEdited); colName.PackStart (nameRenderer, true); colName.AddAttribute (nameRenderer, "text", colNameIndex); listPK.AppendColumn (colName); columnSelecter.Initialize (columns); listPK.Selection.Changed += new EventHandler (SelectionChanged); columnSelecter.ColumnToggled += new EventHandler (ColumnToggled); foreach (PrimaryKeyConstraintSchema pk in constraints.GetConstraints (ConstraintType.PrimaryKey)) AddConstraint (pk); ShowAll (); }
public void Initialize (TableSchemaCollection tables, TableSchema table, ColumnSchemaCollection columns, ConstraintSchemaCollection constraints, DataTypeSchemaCollection dataTypes) { if (columns == null) throw new ArgumentNullException ("columns"); if (constraints == null) throw new ArgumentNullException ("constraints"); if (table == null) throw new ArgumentNullException ("table"); if (tables == null) throw new ArgumentNullException ("tables"); IDbFactory fac = schemaProvider.ConnectionPool.DbFactory; if (fac.IsCapabilitySupported ("Table", action, TableCapabilities.PrimaryKeyConstraint)) { //not for column constraints, since they are already editable in the column editor pkEditor = new PrimaryKeyConstraintEditorWidget (schemaProvider, action, table, columns, constraints); pkEditor.ContentChanged += new EventHandler (OnContentChanged); notebook.AppendPage (pkEditor, new Label (GettextCatalog.GetString ("Primary Key"))); } if (fac.IsCapabilitySupported ("Table", action, TableCapabilities.ForeignKeyConstraint) || fac.IsCapabilitySupported ("TableColumn", action, TableCapabilities.ForeignKeyConstraint)) { fkEditor = new ForeignKeyConstraintEditorWidget (schemaProvider, action, tables, table, columns, constraints); fkEditor.ContentChanged += new EventHandler (OnContentChanged); notebook.AppendPage (fkEditor, new Label (GettextCatalog.GetString ("Foreign Key"))); } if (fac.IsCapabilitySupported ("Table", action, TableCapabilities.CheckConstraint) || fac.IsCapabilitySupported ("TableColumn", action, TableCapabilities.CheckConstraint)) { checkEditor = new CheckConstraintEditorWidget (schemaProvider, action, table, columns, constraints); checkEditor.ContentChanged += new EventHandler (OnContentChanged); notebook.AppendPage (checkEditor, new Label (GettextCatalog.GetString ("Check"))); } if (fac.IsCapabilitySupported ("Table", action, TableCapabilities.UniqueConstraint) || fac.IsCapabilitySupported ("TableColumn", action, TableCapabilities.CheckConstraint)) { uniqueEditor = new UniqueConstraintEditorWidget (schemaProvider, action, table, columns, constraints); uniqueEditor.ContentChanged += new EventHandler (OnContentChanged); notebook.AppendPage (uniqueEditor, new Label (GettextCatalog.GetString ("Unique"))); } ShowAll (); }
public virtual void RenameTable(TableSchema table, string name) { throw new NotImplementedException(); }
public override ICollection<ColumnSchema> GetTableColumns (TableSchema table) { CheckConnectionState (); List<ColumnSchema> columns = new List<ColumnSchema> (); IDbCommand command = connectionProvider.CreateCommand ( "SELECT OWNER, TABLE_NAME, COLUMN_NAME, " + " DATA_TYPE, DATA_LENGTH, DATA_PRECISION, DATA_SCALE, " + " NULLABLE, COLUMN_ID, DEFAULT_LENGTH, DATA_DEFAULT " + "FROM ALL_TAB_COLUMNS " + "WHERE OWNER = '" + table.OwnerName + "' " + "AND TABLE_NAME = '" + table.Name + "' " + "ORDER BY OWNER, TABLE_NAME, COLUMN_ID" ); using (command) { using (IDataReader r = command.ExecuteReader()) { while (r.Read ()) { ColumnSchema column = new ColumnSchema (this); column.Name = GetCheckedString (r, 2); column.DataTypeName = GetCheckedString (r, 3); column.OwnerName = table.OwnerName; column.SchemaName = table.OwnerName; column.NotNull = GetCheckedString (r, 7) == "Y"; column.Length = GetCheckedInt32 (r, 4); column.Precision = GetCheckedInt32 (r, 5); column.Scale = GetCheckedInt32 (r, 6); column.ColumnID = GetCheckedInt32 (r, 8); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.AppendFormat("{0} {1}{2}", column.Name, column.DataTypeName, (column.Length > 0) ? ("(" + column.Length + ")") : ""); sb.AppendFormat(" {0}", column.NotNull ? "NOT NULL" : "NULL"); //if (column.Default.Length > 0) // sb.AppendFormat(" DEFAULT {0}", column.Default); column.Definition = sb.ToString(); columns.Add (column); } r.Close (); }; connectionProvider.Close (command.Connection); } return columns;
protected virtual IndexSchema GetTableIndex(DataRow row, TableSchema table) { IndexSchema schema = new IndexSchema(this); return(schema); }
//TODO: public override ICollection<ConstraintSchema> GetTableConstraints (TableSchema table) { CheckConnectionState (); List<ConstraintSchema> constraints = new List<ConstraintSchema> (); IDbCommand command = connectionProvider.CreateCommand ("SHOW TABLE STATUS FROM `" + table.OwnerName + "`;"); using (command) { using (IDataReader r = command.ExecuteReader()) { // ConstraintSchema constraint = new ConstraintSchema (this); // constraint.PrimaryKey = pkColumn; // constraint.ForeignKey = fkColumn; // // constraints.Add (constraint); r.Close (); } connectionProvider.Close (command.Connection); } return constraints;
public TableContainer (TableSchema table) { if (table == null) throw new ArgumentNullException ("table"); this.table = table; }
public TableEditorDialog (ISchemaProvider schemaProvider, TableSchema table, bool create) { if (schemaProvider == null) throw new ArgumentNullException ("schemaProvider"); if (table == null) throw new ArgumentNullException ("table"); this.schemaProvider = schemaProvider; this.originalTable = table; this.table = table; this.action = create ? SchemaActions.Create : SchemaActions.Alter; this.Build(); if (create) Title = GettextCatalog.GetString ("Create Table"); else Title = GettextCatalog.GetString ("Alter Table"); notebook = new Notebook (); vboxContent.PackStart (notebook, true, true, 0); columnEditor = new ColumnsEditorWidget (schemaProvider, action); columnEditor.ContentChanged += new EventHandler (OnContentChanged); notebook.AppendPage (columnEditor, new Label (GettextCatalog.GetString ("Columns"))); //TODO: there is a diff between col and table constraints IDbFactory fac = schemaProvider.ConnectionPool.DbFactory; if (fac.IsCapabilitySupported ("Table", action, TableCapabilities.Constraints)) { constraintEditor = new ConstraintsEditorWidget (schemaProvider, action); constraintEditor.ContentChanged += new EventHandler (OnContentChanged); notebook.AppendPage (constraintEditor, new Label (GettextCatalog.GetString ("Constraints"))); } //TODO: //indexEditor = new IndicesEditorWidget (schemaProvider); //notebook.AppendPage (indexEditor, new Label (GettextCatalog.GetString ("Indexes"))); if (fac.IsCapabilitySupported ("Table", action, TableCapabilities.Trigger)) { triggerEditor = new TriggersEditorWidget (schemaProvider, action); triggerEditor.ContentChanged += new EventHandler (OnContentChanged); notebook.AppendPage (triggerEditor, new Label (GettextCatalog.GetString ("Triggers"))); } if (fac.IsCapabilitySupported ("Table", action, TableCapabilities.Comment)) { commentEditor = new CommentEditorWidget (); notebook.AppendPage (commentEditor, new Label (GettextCatalog.GetString ("Comment"))); } notebook.Page = 0; entryName.Text = originalTable.Name; WaitDialog.ShowDialog ("Loading table data ..."); notebook.Sensitive = false; ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem (new WaitCallback (InitializeThreaded)); vboxContent.ShowAll (); SetWarning (null); }
public void Initialize (TableSchema table, ColumnSchemaCollection columns, ConstraintSchemaCollection constraints) { if (columns == null) throw new ArgumentNullException ("columns"); if (table == null) throw new ArgumentNullException ("table"); if (constraints == null) throw new ArgumentNullException ("constraints"); this.table = table; this.columns = columns; this.constraints = constraints; columnSelecter.Initialize (columns); RefreshConstraints (); }
// public override void RenameTable(TableSchema table, string name) { ExecuteNonQuery("RENAME TABLE " + table.Name + " TO " + name + ";"); table.Name = name; }
public bool ShowTableEditorDialog(ISchemaProvider schemaProvider, TableSchema table, bool create) { return(RunDialog(new TableEditorDialog(schemaProvider, table, create))); }
// public override void AlterTable(TableSchema table) { throw new NotImplementedException(); }
// public override void DropTable(TableSchema table) { ExecuteNonQuery("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS " + table.Name + ";"); }
// see: // // see: public override TableSchemaCollection GetTables() { TableSchemaCollection tables = new TableSchemaCollection(); IPooledDbConnection conn = connectionPool.Request(); IDbCommand command = conn.CreateCommand("SHOW TABLES;"); try { using (command) { if (GetMainVersion(command) >= 5) { //in mysql 5.x we can use an sql query to provide the comment command.CommandText = "SELECT TABLE_NAME, TABLE_SCHEMA, TABLE_TYPE, TABLE_COMMENT FROM `information_schema`.`TABLES` " + "WHERE TABLE_TYPE='BASE TABLE' AND TABLE_SCHEMA='" + command.Connection.Database + "' ORDER BY TABLE_NAME;"; using (IDataReader r = command.ExecuteReader()) { while (r.Read()) { TableSchema table = new TableSchema(this); table.Name = r.GetString(0); table.SchemaName = r.GetString(1); table.Comment = r.IsDBNull(3) ? null : r.GetString(3); IPooledDbConnection conn2 = connectionPool.Request(); IDbCommand command2 = conn2.CreateCommand("SHOW CREATE TABLE `" + table.Name + "`;"); using (IDataReader r2 = command2.ExecuteReader()) { r2.Read(); table.Definition = r2.GetString(1); } conn2.Release(); tables.Add(table); } r.Close(); } } else { //use the default command for mysql 4.x and 3.23 using (IDataReader r = command.ExecuteReader()) { while (r.Read()) { TableSchema table = new TableSchema(this); table.Name = r.GetString(0); table.SchemaName = command.Connection.Database; IPooledDbConnection conn2 = connectionPool.Request(); IDbCommand command2 = conn2.CreateCommand("SHOW CREATE TABLE `" + table.Name + "`;"); using (IDataReader r2 = command2.ExecuteReader()) { r2.Read(); table.Definition = r2.GetString(1); } conn2.Release(); tables.Add(table); } r.Close(); } } } } catch (Exception e) { QueryService.RaiseException(e); } conn.Release(); return(tables); }
// public override string GetTableCreateStatement(TableSchema table) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.Append("CREATE TABLE "); sb.Append(table.Name); sb.Append(" ("); bool first = true; foreach (ColumnSchema column in table.Columns) { if (first) { first = false; } else { sb.Append("," + Environment.NewLine); } sb.Append(column.Name); sb.Append(' '); sb.Append(column.DataType.GetCreateString(column)); if (!column.IsNullable) { sb.Append(" NOT NULL"); } if (column.HasDefaultValue) { sb.Append(" DEFAULT "); if (column.DefaultValue == null) { sb.Append("NULL"); } else { sb.Append(column.DefaultValue); } } //TODO: AUTO_INCREMENT foreach (ConstraintSchema constraint in column.Constraints) { switch (constraint.ConstraintType) { case ConstraintType.Unique: sb.Append(" UNIQUE"); break; case ConstraintType.PrimaryKey: sb.Append(" PRIMARY KEY"); break; default: throw new NotImplementedException(); } } if (column.Comment != null) { sb.Append(" COMMENT '"); sb.Append(column.Comment); sb.Append("'"); } } //TODO: table comment foreach (ConstraintSchema constraint in table.Constraints) { sb.Append("," + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(GetConstraintString(constraint)); } sb.Append(")"); if (table.TableSpaceName != null) { sb.Append(", TABLESPACE "); sb.Append(table.TableSpaceName); sb.Append(" STORAGE DISK"); } sb.Append(";"); foreach (TriggerSchema trigger in table.Triggers) { sb.Append(Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(GetTriggerCreateStatement(trigger)); } return(sb.ToString()); }
public virtual void CreateTable(TableSchema table) { string sql = GetTableCreateStatement(table); ExecuteNonQuery(sql); }
private void FillReferenceColumnSelector (TreeIter iter, string table) { if (tables.Contains (table)) { refTable = tables.Search (table); if (refTable != null) { referenceColumnSelecter.Initialize (refTable.Columns); referenceColumnSelecter.Sensitive = true; store.SetValue (iter, colReferenceTableIndex, table); SetSelectionFromIter (iter); } else { referenceColumnSelecter.Sensitive = false; referenceColumnSelecter.Clear (); } EmitContentChanged (); } }
protected virtual ColumnSchema GetTableIndexColumn(DataRow row, TableSchema table, IndexSchema index) { ColumnSchema schema = new ColumnSchema(this, table); return(schema); }
private void InitializeThreaded (object state) { tables = schemaProvider.GetTables (); dataTypes = schemaProvider.GetDataTypes (); columns = originalTable.Columns; constraints = originalTable.Constraints; triggers = originalTable.Triggers; //TODO: indices indexes = new IndexSchemaCollection (); Runtime.LoggingService.Error ("TABLE " + originalTable.Name); Runtime.LoggingService.Error (" columns = " + columns.Count); Runtime.LoggingService.Error (" constraints = " + constraints.Count); try { foreach (ColumnSchema col in columns) { int dummy = col.Constraints.Count; //get column constraints Runtime.LoggingService.Error ("CONSTRAINTS " + col.Name + " " + dummy); } } catch (Exception ee) { Runtime.LoggingService.Error (ee); Runtime.LoggingService.Error (ee.StackTrace); } if (action == SchemaActions.Alter) //make a duplicate if we are going to alter the table this.table = originalTable.Clone () as TableSchema; DispatchService.GuiDispatch (delegate () { InitializeGui (); }); }
public void Initialize (TableSchema table, ColumnSchemaCollection columns, ConstraintSchemaCollection constraints) { if (columns == null) throw new ArgumentNullException ("columns"); if (table == null) throw new ArgumentNullException ("table"); if (constraints == null) throw new ArgumentNullException ("constraints"); this.table = table; this.columns = columns; this.constraints = constraints; columnSelecter.Initialize (columns); foreach (UniqueConstraintSchema uni in constraints.GetConstraints (ConstraintType.Unique)) AddConstraint (uni); //TODO: also col constraints }
public bool ShowTableEditorDialog (ISchemaProvider schemaProvider, TableSchema table, bool create) { return RunDialog (new TableEditorDialog (schemaProvider, table, create));
protected virtual ConstraintSchema GetTableConstraint(DataRow row, TableSchema table) { return(null); }
public override ICollection<ColumnSchema> GetTableColumns (TableSchema table) { return GetTableOrViewColumns (table.Name);
public void Initialize (TableSchemaCollection tables, TableSchema table, ColumnSchemaCollection columns, ConstraintSchemaCollection constraints, DataTypeSchemaCollection dataTypes) { if (columns == null) throw new ArgumentNullException ("columns"); if (constraints == null) throw new ArgumentNullException ("constraints"); if (table == null) throw new ArgumentNullException ("table"); if (tables == null) throw new ArgumentNullException ("tables"); if (pkEditor != null) pkEditor.Initialize (table, columns, constraints); if (fkEditor != null) fkEditor.Initialize (tables, table, columns, constraints); if (checkEditor != null) checkEditor.Initialize (table, columns, constraints); if (uniqueEditor != null) uniqueEditor.Initialize (table, columns, constraints); }
public override ICollection<TableSchema> GetTables () { CheckConnectionState (); List<TableSchema> tables = new List<TableSchema> (); IDbCommand command = connectionProvider.CreateCommand ( "SELECT RDB$RELATION_NAME, RDB$SYSTEM_FLAG, RDB$OWNER_NAME, RDB$DESCRIPTION FROM RDB$RELATIONS "+ "WHERE RDB$VIEW_BLR IS NULL;" ); using (command) { using (IDataReader r = command.ExecuteReader()) { while (r.Read ()) { TableSchema table = new TableSchema (this); table.Name = r.GetString (0); table.IsSystemTable = (!r.IsDBNull (1) && r.GetInt32 (1) != 0); table.OwnerName = r.GetString (2); table.Comment = r.GetString (3); tables.Add (table); } r.Close (); } connectionProvider.Close (command.Connection); } return tables;
private void InitializeThreaded (object state) { tables = schemaProvider.GetTables (); dataTypes = schemaProvider.GetDataTypes (); columns = originalTable.Columns; constraints = originalTable.Constraints; triggers = originalTable.Triggers; //TODO: indices indexes = new IndexSchemaCollection (); System.Text.StringBuilder builder = new System.Text.StringBuilder (); builder.Append ("Loading editor for TABLE "); builder.Append (originalTable.Name); builder.AppendLine (); builder.Append (" columns = "); builder.Append (columns.Count); builder.AppendLine (); builder.Append ("constraints = "); builder.Append (constraints.Count); builder.AppendLine (); try { foreach (ColumnSchema col in columns) { int dummy = col.Constraints.Count; //get column constraints builder.Append ("CONSTRAINTS "); builder.Append (col.Name); builder.Append (" "); builder.Append (dummy); builder.AppendLine (); } LoggingService.LogDebug (builder.ToString ()); } catch (Exception ee) { LoggingService.LogDebug (builder.ToString ()); LoggingService.LogError (ee.ToString ()); } if (action == SchemaActions.Alter) //make a duplicate if we are going to alter the table this.table = originalTable.Clone () as TableSchema; DispatchService.GuiDispatch (delegate () { InitializeGui (); }); }
public virtual string GetDeleteQuery(TableSchema table) { return(string.Concat("DELETE FROM ", table.Name, Environment.NewLine, "WHERE")); }
public virtual string GetTableCreateStatement(TableSchema table) { throw new NotImplementedException(); }
public override ICollection<ConstraintSchema> GetTableConstraints (TableSchema table) { CheckConnectionState (); List<ConstraintSchema> constraints = new List<ConstraintSchema> (); IDbCommand command = connectionProvider.CreateCommand ( "SELECT k.owner, k.table_name, k.constraint_name, " + " k.constraint_type, k.status, k.validated " + "FROM all_constraints k " + "WHERE k.owner = '" + table.OwnerName + "' " + "AND k.table_name = '" + table.Name + "' " + "and k.constraint_type = 'P'" ); using (command) { using (IDataReader r = command.ExecuteReader()) { while (r.Read ()) { ConstraintSchema constraint = null; switch (r.GetString(4)) { case "P": default: constraint = new PrimaryKeyConstraintSchema (this); break; } constraint.Name = r.GetString (3); constraint.Definition = ""; constraints.Add (constraint); } r.Close (); } connectionProvider.Close (command.Connection); } return constraints;
public void Initialize (TableSchemaCollection tables, TableSchema table, ColumnSchemaCollection columns, ConstraintSchemaCollection constraints) { if (columns == null) throw new ArgumentNullException ("columns"); if (table == null) throw new ArgumentNullException ("table"); if (constraints == null) throw new ArgumentNullException ("constraints"); if (tables == null) throw new ArgumentNullException ("tables"); this.table = table; this.tables = tables; this.columns = columns; this.constraints = constraints; columnSelecter.Initialize (columns); foreach (TableSchema tbl in tables) if (tbl.Name != table.Name) storeTables.AppendValues (tbl.Name, tbl); }
public void Select (TableSchema table) { store.Select (table); }
public virtual void DropTable(TableSchema table) { throw new NotImplementedException(); }
public void Initialize (TableSchema table, TriggerSchemaCollection triggers) { if (table == null) throw new ArgumentNullException ("table"); if (triggers == null) throw new ArgumentNullException ("triggers"); this.table = table; this.triggers = triggers; if (action == SchemaActions.Alter) foreach (TriggerSchema trigger in triggers) AddTrigger (trigger); }
public virtual ConstraintSchemaCollection GetColumnConstraints(TableSchema table, ColumnSchema column) { throw new NotImplementedException(); }
//TODO: difference between columns and reference columns + combo events public ForeignKeyConstraintEditorWidget (ISchemaProvider schemaProvider, SchemaActions action, TableSchemaCollection tables, TableSchema table, ColumnSchemaCollection columns, ConstraintSchemaCollection constraints) { if (columns == null) throw new ArgumentNullException ("columns"); if (table == null) throw new ArgumentNullException ("table"); if (constraints == null) throw new ArgumentNullException ("constraints"); if (schemaProvider == null) throw new ArgumentNullException ("schemaProvider"); if (tables == null) throw new ArgumentNullException ("tables"); this.schemaProvider = schemaProvider; this.table = table; this.tables = tables; this.columns = columns; this.constraints = constraints; this.action = action; this.Build(); store = new ListStore (typeof (string), typeof (string), typeof (bool), typeof (string), typeof (string), typeof (string), typeof (string), typeof (object)); listFK.Model = store; storeActions = new ListStore (typeof (string), typeof (int)); storeTables = new ListStore (typeof (string)); IDbFactory fac = schemaProvider.ConnectionPool.DbFactory; if (fac.IsCapabilitySupported ("ForeignKeyConstraint", action, ForeignKeyConstraintCapabilities.Cascade)) storeActions.AppendValues ("Cascade", ForeignKeyAction.Cascade); if (fac.IsCapabilitySupported ("ForeignKeyConstraint", action, ForeignKeyConstraintCapabilities.Restrict)) storeActions.AppendValues ("Restrict", ForeignKeyAction.Restrict); if (fac.IsCapabilitySupported ("ForeignKeyConstraint", action, ForeignKeyConstraintCapabilities.NoAction)) storeActions.AppendValues ("No Action", ForeignKeyAction.NoAction); if (fac.IsCapabilitySupported ("ForeignKeyConstraint", action, ForeignKeyConstraintCapabilities.SetNull)) storeActions.AppendValues ("Set Null", ForeignKeyAction.SetNull); if (fac.IsCapabilitySupported ("ForeignKeyConstraint", action, ForeignKeyConstraintCapabilities.SetDefault)) storeActions.AppendValues ("Set Default", ForeignKeyAction.SetDefault); foreach (TableSchema tbl in tables) if (tbl.Name != table.Name) storeTables.AppendValues (tbl.Name); TreeViewColumn colName = new TreeViewColumn (); TreeViewColumn colRefTable = new TreeViewColumn (); TreeViewColumn colIsColumnConstraint = new TreeViewColumn (); TreeViewColumn colDeleteAction = new TreeViewColumn (); TreeViewColumn colUpdateAction = new TreeViewColumn (); colName.Title = GettextCatalog.GetString ("Name"); colRefTable.Title = GettextCatalog.GetString ("Reference Table"); colIsColumnConstraint.Title = GettextCatalog.GetString ("Column Constraint"); colDeleteAction.Title = GettextCatalog.GetString ("Delete Action"); colUpdateAction.Title = GettextCatalog.GetString ("Update Action"); colRefTable.MinWidth = 120; CellRendererText nameRenderer = new CellRendererText (); CellRendererCombo refTableRenderer = new CellRendererCombo (); CellRendererToggle isColumnConstraintRenderer = new CellRendererToggle (); CellRendererCombo deleteActionRenderer = new CellRendererCombo (); CellRendererCombo updateActionRenderer = new CellRendererCombo (); nameRenderer.Editable = true; nameRenderer.Edited += new EditedHandler (NameEdited); refTableRenderer.Model = storeTables; refTableRenderer.TextColumn = 0; refTableRenderer.Editable = true; refTableRenderer.Edited += new EditedHandler (RefTableEdited); isColumnConstraintRenderer.Activatable = true; isColumnConstraintRenderer.Toggled += new ToggledHandler (IsColumnConstraintToggled); deleteActionRenderer.Model = storeActions; deleteActionRenderer.TextColumn = 0; deleteActionRenderer.Editable = true; deleteActionRenderer.Edited += new EditedHandler (DeleteActionEdited); updateActionRenderer.Model = storeActions; updateActionRenderer.TextColumn = 0; updateActionRenderer.Editable = true; updateActionRenderer.Edited += new EditedHandler (UpdateActionEdited); colName.PackStart (nameRenderer, true); colRefTable.PackStart (refTableRenderer, true); colIsColumnConstraint.PackStart (isColumnConstraintRenderer, true); colDeleteAction.PackStart (deleteActionRenderer, true); colUpdateAction.PackStart (updateActionRenderer, true); colName.AddAttribute (nameRenderer, "text", colNameIndex); colRefTable.AddAttribute (refTableRenderer, "text", colReferenceTableIndex); colIsColumnConstraint.AddAttribute (isColumnConstraintRenderer, "active", colIsColumnConstraintIndex); colDeleteAction.AddAttribute (deleteActionRenderer, "text", colDeleteActionIndex); colUpdateAction.AddAttribute (updateActionRenderer, "text", colUpdateActionIndex); listFK.AppendColumn (colName); listFK.AppendColumn (colRefTable); listFK.AppendColumn (colIsColumnConstraint); listFK.AppendColumn (colDeleteAction); listFK.AppendColumn (colUpdateAction); columnSelecter.ColumnToggled += new EventHandler (ColumnToggled); referenceColumnSelecter.ColumnToggled += new EventHandler (ReferenceColumnToggled); listFK.Selection.Changed += new EventHandler (SelectionChanged); ShowAll (); }
public virtual string GetTableAlterStatement (TableSchema table) { throw new NotImplementedException (); }