public virtual ForeignKeyConstraintSchema GetNewForeignKeyConstraintSchema(string name) { ForeignKeyConstraintSchema schema = new ForeignKeyConstraintSchema(this); schema.Name = name; return(schema); }
public ForeignKeyConstraintSchema(ForeignKeyConstraintSchema constraint) : base(constraint) { referenceTable = constraint.referenceTable; referenceColumns = new ColumnSchemaCollection(constraint.referenceColumns); deleteAction = constraint.deleteAction; updateAction = constraint.updateAction; }
public ForeignKeyConstraintSchema (ForeignKeyConstraintSchema constraint) : base (constraint) { referenceTable = constraint.referenceTable; referenceColumns = new ColumnSchemaCollection (constraint.referenceColumns); deleteAction = constraint.deleteAction; updateAction = constraint.updateAction; }
protected virtual string GetConstraintString(ConstraintSchema constraint, bool isTableConstraint) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.Append("CONSTRAINT "); sb.Append(constraint.Name); sb.Append(' '); switch (constraint.ConstraintType) { case ConstraintType.PrimaryKey: sb.Append("PRIMARY KEY "); if (isTableConstraint) { sb.Append(GetColumnsString(constraint.Columns, true)); } break; case ConstraintType.Unique: sb.Append("UNIQUE "); if (isTableConstraint) { sb.Append(GetColumnsString(constraint.Columns, true)); } break; case ConstraintType.ForeignKey: sb.Append("FOREIGN KEY "); sb.Append(GetColumnsString(constraint.Columns, true)); sb.Append(" REFERENCES "); ForeignKeyConstraintSchema fk = constraint as ForeignKeyConstraintSchema; sb.Append(fk.ReferenceTable); sb.Append(' '); if (fk.ReferenceColumns != null) { sb.Append(GetColumnsString(fk.ReferenceColumns, true)); } break; case ConstraintType.Check: sb.Append("CHECK ("); sb.Append((constraint as CheckConstraintSchema).Source); sb.Append(")"); break; default: throw new NotImplementedException(); } return(sb.ToString()); }
public RelationshipFigure() : base() { notation = kindNotation.Barker; fkConstraint=null; StartTerminal = new RelationshipLineTerminal (this, 8.0, 22.0, kindRelationshipTerminal.OneOne, notation, false); EndTerminal = new RelationshipLineTerminal (this, 8.0, 22.0, kindRelationshipTerminal.OneMore, notation, false); start = StartTerminal as RelationshipLineTerminal; end = EndTerminal as RelationshipLineTerminal; identifyRelationship = false; optionalityRelationship = kindOptionality.optional; this.ConnectionChanged+=ConnectionChangedHandler; //blockUntilRelease=false; }
public override ConstraintSchemaCollection GetTableConstraints(TableSchema table) { ConstraintSchemaCollection constraints = new ConstraintSchemaCollection(); IPooledDbConnection conn = connectionPool.Request(); IDbCommand command = conn.CreateCommand("select name, xtype from sysobjects where xtype in ('F','PK','CK')"); //TODO: unique try { using (command) { using (IDataReader r = command.ExecuteReader()) { while (r.Read()) { ConstraintSchema constraint = null; switch (r.GetString(1)) { case "F": //foreign key constraint = new ForeignKeyConstraintSchema(this); break; case "PK": //primary key constraint = new PrimaryKeyConstraintSchema(this); break; case "CK": //check constraint constraint = new CheckConstraintSchema(this); break; default: break; } if (constraint != null) { constraint.Name = r.GetString(0); constraints.Add(constraint); } } r.Close(); } } } catch (Exception e) { QueryService.RaiseException(e); } conn.Release(); return(constraints); }
public override ConstraintSchemaCollection GetTableConstraints(TableSchema table) { ConstraintSchemaCollection constraints = new ConstraintSchemaCollection(); IPooledDbConnection conn = connectionPool.Request(); IDbCommand command = conn.CreateCommand("SHOW TABLE STATUS FROM `" + table.SchemaName + "`;"); try { using (command) { using (IDataReader r = command.ExecuteReader()) { while (r.Read()) { string[] chunks = ((string)r["Comment"]).Split(';'); //the values we are looking for are in the format (`table`) REFER `database\table2` (`table2`) foreach (string chunk in chunks) { if (constraintRegex.IsMatch(chunk)) { MatchCollection matches = constraintRegex.Matches(chunk); ForeignKeyConstraintSchema constraint = new ForeignKeyConstraintSchema(this); constraint.ReferenceTableName = matches[1].Groups[1].ToString(); constraint.Name = matches[0].Groups[1].ToString(); constraints.Add(constraint); } } } r.Close(); } } } catch (Exception e) { QueryService.RaiseException(e); } conn.Release(); return(constraints); }
private void AddConstraint (ForeignKeyConstraintSchema fk) { store.AppendValues (fk.Name, String.Empty, false, String.Empty, String.Empty, fk.DeleteAction.ToString (), fk.UpdateAction.ToString (), fk ); }
public virtual ForeignKeyConstraintSchema GetNewForeignKeyConstraintSchema (string name) { ForeignKeyConstraintSchema schema = new ForeignKeyConstraintSchema (this); schema.Name = name; return schema; }
// public virtual ConstraintSchemaCollection GetConstraints(TableSchema table, ColumnSchema column) { if (table == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("table"); } string columnName = column == null ? null : column.Name; ConstraintSchemaCollection constraints = new ConstraintSchemaCollection(); IPooledDbConnection conn = connectionPool.Request(); //fk and unique IDbCommand command = conn.CreateCommand("SELECT name, tbl_name FROM sqlite_master WHERE sql IS NULL AND type = 'index'"); try { using (command) { using (IDataReader r = command.ExecuteReader()) { while (r.Read()) { ConstraintSchema constraint = null; if (r.IsDBNull(1) || r.GetString(1) == null) { constraint = new UniqueConstraintSchema(this); } else { ForeignKeyConstraintSchema fkc = new ForeignKeyConstraintSchema(this); fkc.ReferenceTableName = r.GetString(1); constraint = fkc; } constraint.Name = r.GetString(0); constraints.Add(constraint); } r.Close(); } } //pk, column if (columnName != null) { command = conn.CreateCommand( "PRAGMA table_info('" + table.Name + "')" ); using (command) { using (IDataReader r = command.ExecuteReader()) { while (r.Read()) { if (r.GetInt32(5) == 1 && r.GetString(1) == columnName) { PrimaryKeyConstraintSchema constraint = new PrimaryKeyConstraintSchema(this); ColumnSchema priColumn = new ColumnSchema(this, table); priColumn.Name = r.GetString(1); constraint.Columns.Add(priColumn); constraint.IsColumnConstraint = true; constraint.Name = "pk_" + table.Name + "_" + priColumn.Name; constraints.Add(constraint); } } r.Close(); } } } } catch (Exception e) { QueryService.RaiseException(e); } conn.Release(); return(constraints); }
public override ConstraintSchemaCollection GetTableConstraints(TableSchema table) { ConstraintSchemaCollection constraints = new ConstraintSchemaCollection(); IPooledDbConnection conn = connectionPool.Request(); IDbCommand command = conn.CreateCommand(String.Format( "SELECT " + "pc.conname, " + "pg_catalog.pg_get_constraintdef(pc.oid, true) AS consrc, " + "pc.contype, " + "CASE WHEN pc.contype='u' OR pc.contype='p' THEN ( " + " SELECT " + " indisclustered " + " FROM " + " pg_catalog.pg_depend pd, " + " pg_catalog.pg_class pl, " + " pg_catalog.pg_index pi " + " WHERE " + " pd.refclassid=pc.tableoid " + " AND pd.refobjid=pc.oid " + " AND pd.objid=pl.oid " + " AND pl.oid=pi.indexrelid " + ") ELSE " + " NULL " + "END AS indisclustered " + "FROM " + "pg_catalog.pg_constraint pc " + "WHERE " + "pc.conrelid = (SELECT oid FROM pg_catalog.pg_class WHERE relname='{0}' " + " AND relnamespace = (SELECT oid FROM pg_catalog.pg_namespace " + " WHERE nspname='{1}')) " + "ORDER BY " + "1;", table.Name, table.SchemaName )); try { using (command) { using (IDataReader r = command.ExecuteReader()) { while (r.Read()) { ConstraintSchema constraint = null; //TODO: Add support for Check constraints. switch (r.GetString(2)) { case "f": string match = @".*REFERENCES (.+)\(.*\).*"; constraint = new ForeignKeyConstraintSchema(this); if (Regex.IsMatch(r.GetString(1), match)) { (constraint as ForeignKeyConstraintSchema).ReferenceTableName = Regex.Match(r.GetString(1), match).Groups[0].Captures[0].Value; } break; case "u": constraint = new UniqueConstraintSchema(this); break; case "p": default: constraint = new PrimaryKeyConstraintSchema(this); break; } constraint.Name = r.GetString(0); constraint.Definition = r.GetString(1); int parenOpen = constraint.Definition.IndexOf('('); if (parenOpen > 0) { int parenClose = constraint.Definition.IndexOf(')'); string colstr = constraint.Definition.Substring(parenOpen + 1, parenClose - parenOpen - 1); foreach (string col in colstr.Split(',')) { ColumnSchema column = new ColumnSchema(this, table); column.Name = col.Trim(); constraint.Columns.Add(column); } } constraints.Add(constraint); } r.Close(); } } } catch (Exception e) { QueryService.RaiseException(e); } conn.Release(); return(constraints); }
public AbstractColumnFigure addFkConstraintColumn(ColumnSchema sourceCol, kindOptionality optionality) { if(sourceCol.Parent is TableSchema){ ForeignKeyConstraintSchema fkc = null; //Add this column to a constraint or create a new one foreach(ConstraintSchema cs in TableSchema.Constraints){ if(cs is ForeignKeyConstraintSchema && (cs as ForeignKeyConstraintSchema).ReferenceTableName==(sourceCol.Parent as TableSchema).Name){ fkc = (cs as ForeignKeyConstraintSchema); } } if(fkc==null){ fkc = new ForeignKeyConstraintSchema ((sourceCol.Parent as TableSchema).SchemaProvider); fkc.ReferenceTableName = (sourceCol.Parent as TableSchema).Name; fkc.ReferenceTable = (sourceCol.Parent as TableSchema); fkc.Name = (sourceCol.Parent as TableSchema).Name + "_" + TableSchema.Name + "_fk"; TableSchema.Constraints.Add(fkc); } ColumnSchema fkCol = new ColumnSchema(sourceCol); if(optionality==kindOptionality.optional) fkCol.IsNullable=false; else fkCol.IsNullable=true; //Remove column level pk if any ConstraintSchema tmp=null; foreach(ConstraintSchema cs in fkCol.Constraints) if(cs is PrimaryKeyConstraintSchema) tmp=cs; if(tmp!=null) fkCol.Constraints.Remove(tmp); fkCol.Name = fkCol.Name + "_" + (sourceCol.Parent as TableSchema).Name + "_fk"; //TODO: should be checked that this name doesn't exists at table yet fkCol.Parent = TableSchema; fkc.Columns.Add (fkCol); TableSchema.Columns.Add (fkCol); fkc.ReferenceColumns.Add (sourceCol); ColumnFkFigure fk = new ColumnFkFigure (fkCol, FigureOwner, sourceCol.Name, (sourceCol.Parent as TableSchema).Name); this.columns.Add (fk); return fk; } return null; }
//TODO: change for IEnumerable? public List<ColumnFkFigure> addFkConstraint(TableModel source, kindOptionality optionality) { List<ColumnFkFigure> items = new List<ColumnFkFigure> (); ForeignKeyConstraintSchema fkc = new ForeignKeyConstraintSchema (source.TableSchema.SchemaProvider); fkc.ReferenceTableName = source.Name; fkc.ReferenceTable = source.TableSchema; fkc.Name = source.Name + "_" + TableSchema.Name + "_fk"; foreach (ColumnFigure col in source.columns) { if (col.PrimaryKey) { ColumnSchema fkCol = new ColumnSchema (col.ColumnModel); //Remove column level pk if any ConstraintSchema tmp=null; foreach(ConstraintSchema cs in fkCol.Constraints) if(cs is PrimaryKeyConstraintSchema) tmp=cs; if(tmp!=null) fkCol.Constraints.Remove(tmp); //TODO: create a function that just get three letters from table name using a standard fkCol.Name = fkCol.Name + "_" + (col.ColumnModel.Parent as TableSchema).Name + "_fk"; //TODO: should be checked that this name doesn't exists at table yet fkCol.Parent = TableSchema; if(optionality==kindOptionality.optional) fkCol.IsNullable=false; else fkCol.IsNullable=true; fkc.Columns.Add (fkCol); TableSchema.Columns.Add (fkCol); fkc.ReferenceColumns.Add (col.ColumnModel); Console.WriteLine("NO JODA 555 666 CREE Fk figure con:" + " Tabla: "+(col.ColumnModel.Parent as TableSchema).Name +"." +col.ColumnModel.Name); ColumnFkFigure fk = new ColumnFkFigure (fkCol, FigureOwner, col.ColumnModel.Name , (col.ColumnModel.Parent as TableSchema).Name); this.columns.Add (fk); items.Add (fk); } } if(fkc.Columns.Count > 0){ TableSchema.Constraints.Add (fkc); return items; }else return null; }
// public virtual ConstraintSchemaCollection GetConstraints (TableSchema table, ColumnSchema column) { if (table == null) throw new ArgumentNullException ("table"); string columnName = column == null ? null : column.Name; ConstraintSchemaCollection constraints = new ConstraintSchemaCollection (); IPooledDbConnection conn = connectionPool.Request (); //fk and unique IDbCommand command = conn.CreateCommand ("SELECT name, tbl_name FROM sqlite_master WHERE sql IS NULL AND type = 'index'"); try { using (command) { using (IDataReader r = command.ExecuteReader()) { while (r.Read ()) { ConstraintSchema constraint = null; if (r.IsDBNull (1) || r.GetString (1) == null) { constraint = new UniqueConstraintSchema (this); } else { ForeignKeyConstraintSchema fkc = new ForeignKeyConstraintSchema (this); fkc.ReferenceTableName = r.GetString (1); constraint = fkc; } constraint.Name = r.GetString (0); constraints.Add (constraint); } r.Close (); } } //pk, column if (columnName != null) { command = conn.CreateCommand ( "PRAGMA table_info('" + table.Name + "')" ); using (command) { using (IDataReader r = command.ExecuteReader()) { while (r.Read ()) { if (r.GetInt32 (5) == 1 && r.GetString (1) == columnName) { PrimaryKeyConstraintSchema constraint = new PrimaryKeyConstraintSchema (this); ColumnSchema priColumn = new ColumnSchema (this, table); priColumn.Name = r.GetString (1); constraint.Columns.Add (priColumn); constraint.IsColumnConstraint = true; constraint.Name = "pk_" + table.Name + "_" + priColumn.Name; constraints.Add (constraint); } } r.Close (); } } } } catch (Exception e) { QueryService.RaiseException (e); } conn.Release (); return constraints; }
public override ConstraintSchemaCollection GetTableConstraints (TableSchema table) { ConstraintSchemaCollection constraints = new ConstraintSchemaCollection (); IPooledDbConnection conn = connectionPool.Request (); IDbCommand command = conn.CreateCommand (String.Format ( "SELECT " + "pc.conname, " + "pg_catalog.pg_get_constraintdef(pc.oid, true) AS consrc, " + "pc.contype, " + "CASE WHEN pc.contype='u' OR pc.contype='p' THEN ( " + " SELECT " + " indisclustered " + " FROM " + " pg_catalog.pg_depend pd, " + " pg_catalog.pg_class pl, " + " pg_catalog.pg_index pi " + " WHERE " + " pd.refclassid=pc.tableoid " + " AND pd.refobjid=pc.oid " + " AND pd.objid=pl.oid " + " AND pl.oid=pi.indexrelid " + ") ELSE " + " NULL " + "END AS indisclustered " + "FROM " + "pg_catalog.pg_constraint pc " + "WHERE " + "pc.conrelid = (SELECT oid FROM pg_catalog.pg_class WHERE relname='{0}' " + " AND relnamespace = (SELECT oid FROM pg_catalog.pg_namespace " + " WHERE nspname='{1}')) " + "ORDER BY " + "1;", table.Name, table.SchemaName )); try { using (command) { using (IDataReader r = command.ExecuteReader()) { while (r.Read ()) { ConstraintSchema constraint = null; //TODO: Add support for Check constraints. switch (r.GetString (2)) { case "f": string match = @".*REFERENCES (.+)\(.*\).*"; constraint = new ForeignKeyConstraintSchema (this); if (Regex.IsMatch (r.GetString (1), match)) (constraint as ForeignKeyConstraintSchema).ReferenceTableName = Regex.Match (r.GetString (1), match).Groups[0].Captures[0].Value; break; case "u": constraint = new UniqueConstraintSchema (this); break; case "p": default: constraint = new PrimaryKeyConstraintSchema (this); break; } constraint.Name = r.GetString (0); constraint.Definition = r.GetString (1); int parenOpen = constraint.Definition.IndexOf ('('); if (parenOpen > 0) { int parenClose = constraint.Definition.IndexOf (')'); string colstr = constraint.Definition.Substring (parenOpen + 1, parenClose - parenOpen - 1); foreach (string col in colstr.Split (',')) { ColumnSchema column = new ColumnSchema (this, table); column.Name = col.Trim (); constraint.Columns.Add (column); } } constraints.Add (constraint); } r.Close (); } } } catch (Exception e) { QueryService.RaiseException (e); } conn.Release (); return constraints;