		// Class(60) {
		//   OID(spnego),
		//   Class(A0) {
		//     Class(30) {
		//       Class(A0) {
		//         Class(30) { OID,OID,OID} },
		//       Class(A2) { OctetStream } } } }
		public byte [] ProcessSpnegoInitialContextTokenRequest ()
			Type1Message type1 = new Type1Message (NtlmVersion.Version3);
			type1.Flags = unchecked ((NtlmFlags) 0xE21882B7);
			type1.Domain = "WORKGROUP"; // FIXME: remove it

			ASN1 asn = new ASN1 (0x60);
			ASN1 asn2 = new ASN1 (0xA0);
			ASN1 asn21 = new ASN1 (0x30);
			ASN1 asn211 = new ASN1 (0xA0);
			ASN1 asn2111 = new ASN1 (0x30);
			asn211.Add (asn2111);
			asn2111.Add (ASN1Convert.FromOid (Constants.OidNtlmSsp));
			asn2111.Add (ASN1Convert.FromOid (Constants.OidKerberos5));
			asn2111.Add (ASN1Convert.FromOid (Constants.OidMIT));
			ASN1 asn212 = new ASN1 (0xA2);
			ASN1 asn2121 = new ASN1 (0x4);
			asn2121.Value = type1.GetBytes ();
			asn212.Add (asn2121);
			asn21.Add (asn211);
			asn21.Add (asn212);
			asn2.Add (asn21);
			asn.Add (ASN1Convert.FromOid (Constants.OidSpnego));
			asn.Add (asn2);
			return asn.GetBytes ();
		// Example from http://www.innovation.ch/java/ntlm.html
		public void Encode1 () 
			Type1Message msg = new Type1Message ();
			AssertEquals ("Type", 1, msg.Type);
			msg.Domain = "Ursa-Minor";
			msg.Host = "LightCity";
			AssertEquals ("GetBytes", "4E-54-4C-4D-53-53-50-00-01-00-00-00-07-B2-00-00-0A-00-0A-00-29-00-00-00-09-00-09-00-20-00-00-00-4C-49-47-48-54-43-49-54-59-55-52-53-41-2D-4D-49-4E-4F-52", BitConverter.ToString (msg.GetBytes ()));
		public override bool Connect (TdsConnectionParameters connectionParameters)
			if (IsConnected)
				throw new InvalidOperationException ("The connection is already open.");
			connectionParms = connectionParameters;

			SetLanguage (connectionParameters.Language);
			SetCharset ("utf-8");
			byte[] empty = new byte[0];
			short authLen = 0;
			byte pad = (byte) 0;
			byte[] domainMagic = { 6, 0x7d, 0x0f, 0xfd, 0xff, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0,
									0x0, 0xe0, 0x83, 0x0, 0x0,
									0x68, 0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0x09, 0x04, 0x00, 0x00 };
			byte[] sqlserverMagic = { 6, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0,
										0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0,
										0x0, 0xe0, 0x03, 0x0,
										0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 
										0x0, 0x0, 0x0 };
			byte[] magic = null;
			if (connectionParameters.DomainLogin)
				magic = domainMagic;
				magic = sqlserverMagic;
			string username = connectionParameters.User;
			string domain = null;

			int idx = username.IndexOf ("\\");
			if (idx != -1) {
				domain = username.Substring (0, idx);
				username = username.Substring (idx + 1);

				connectionParameters.DefaultDomain = domain;
				connectionParameters.User = username;
			} else {
				domain = Environment.UserDomainName;
				connectionParameters.DefaultDomain = domain;

			short partialPacketSize = (short) (86 + (
				connectionParameters.Hostname.Length +
				connectionParameters.ApplicationName.Length +
				DataSource.Length +
				connectionParameters.LibraryName.Length +
				Language.Length +
				connectionParameters.Database.Length +
				connectionParameters.AttachDBFileName.Length) * 2);

			if (connectionParameters.DomainLogin) {
				authLen = ((short) (32 + (connectionParameters.Hostname.Length +
				partialPacketSize += authLen;
			} else
				partialPacketSize += ((short) ((username.Length + connectionParameters.Password.Length) * 2));
			int totalPacketSize = partialPacketSize;
			Comm.StartPacket (TdsPacketType.Logon70);
			Comm.Append (totalPacketSize);

			//Comm.Append (empty, 3, pad);
			//byte[] version = {0x00, 0x0, 0x0, 0x71};
			//Console.WriteLine ("Version: {0}", ClientVersion[3]);
			Comm.Append (ClientVersion); // TDS Version 7
			Comm.Append ((int)this.PacketSize); // Set the Block Size
			Comm.Append (empty, 3, pad);
			Comm.Append (magic);

			short curPos = 86;

			// Hostname
			Comm.Append (curPos);
			Comm.Append ((short) connectionParameters.Hostname.Length);
			curPos += (short) (connectionParameters.Hostname.Length * 2);

			if (connectionParameters.DomainLogin) {
			} else {
				// Username
				Comm.Append (curPos);
				Comm.Append ((short) username.Length);
				curPos += ((short) (username.Length * 2));

				// Password
				Comm.Append (curPos);
				Comm.Append ((short) connectionParameters.Password.Length);
				curPos += (short) (connectionParameters.Password.Length * 2);

			// AppName
			Comm.Append (curPos);
			Comm.Append ((short) connectionParameters.ApplicationName.Length);
			curPos += (short) (connectionParameters.ApplicationName.Length * 2);

			// Server Name
			Comm.Append (curPos);
			Comm.Append ((short) DataSource.Length);
			curPos += (short) (DataSource.Length * 2);

			// Unknown
			Comm.Append ((short) curPos);
			Comm.Append ((short) 0);

			// Library Name
			Comm.Append (curPos);
			Comm.Append ((short) connectionParameters.LibraryName.Length);
			curPos += (short) (connectionParameters.LibraryName.Length * 2);

			// Language
			Comm.Append (curPos);
			Comm.Append ((short) Language.Length);
			curPos += (short) (Language.Length * 2);

			// Database
			Comm.Append (curPos);
			Comm.Append ((short) connectionParameters.Database.Length);
			curPos += (short) (connectionParameters.Database.Length * 2);

			// MAC Address
			Comm.Append((byte) 0);
			Comm.Append((byte) 0);
			Comm.Append((byte) 0);
			Comm.Append((byte) 0);
			Comm.Append((byte) 0);
			Comm.Append((byte) 0);

			// Authentication Stuff
			Comm.Append ((short) curPos);
			if (connectionParameters.DomainLogin) {
				Comm.Append ((short) authLen);
				curPos += (short) authLen;
			} else
				Comm.Append ((short) 0);
			// Unknown
			Comm.Append (curPos);
			Comm.Append ((short)( connectionParameters.AttachDBFileName.Length));
			curPos += (short)(connectionParameters.AttachDBFileName.Length*2);
			// Connection Parameters
			Comm.Append (connectionParameters.Hostname);
			if (!connectionParameters.DomainLogin) {
				// SQL Server Authentication
				Comm.Append (connectionParameters.User);
				string scrambledPwd = EncryptPassword (connectionParameters.Password);
				Comm.Append (scrambledPwd);
			Comm.Append (connectionParameters.ApplicationName);
			Comm.Append (DataSource);
			Comm.Append (connectionParameters.LibraryName);
			Comm.Append (Language);
			Comm.Append (connectionParameters.Database);

			if (connectionParameters.DomainLogin) {
				// the rest of the packet is NTLMSSP authentication
				Type1Message msg = new Type1Message ();
				msg.Domain = domain;
				msg.Host = connectionParameters.Hostname;
				msg.Flags = NtlmFlags.NegotiateUnicode |
					NtlmFlags.NegotiateNtlm |
					NtlmFlags.NegotiateDomainSupplied |
					NtlmFlags.NegotiateWorkstationSupplied |
					NtlmFlags.NegotiateAlwaysSign; // 0xb201
				Comm.Append (msg.GetBytes ());

			Comm.Append (connectionParameters.AttachDBFileName);
			Comm.SendPacket ();
			MoreResults = true;
			SkipToEnd ();
			return IsConnected;
		public byte [] ProcessMessageType1 ()
			Type1Message type1 = new Type1Message (NtlmVersion.Version3);
			type1.Flags = unchecked ((NtlmFlags) 0xE21882B7);
			return type1.GetBytes ();
        public void Run(string username, string password)
            Console.WriteLine ("=========");

            helper.StandardInput.WriteLine ("SF NTLMSSP_FEATURE_SESSION_KEY");
            var sf_response = helper.StandardOutput.ReadLine ();
            Console.WriteLine (sf_response);
            if (sf_response != "OK")
                throw new InvalidDataException (sf_response);

            var pw_bytes = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes (password);
            helper.StandardInput.WriteLine ("PW " + Convert.ToBase64String (pw_bytes));
            var pw_result = helper.StandardOutput.ReadLine ();
            if (pw_result != "OK")
                throw new InvalidDataException (pw_result);

            var type1 = new Type1Message ();
            type1.Flags |= NtlmFlags.NegotiateNtlm2Key;
            helper.StandardInput.WriteLine ("KK " + Convert.ToBase64String (type1.GetBytes ()));
            var type1_res = helper.StandardOutput.ReadLine ();
            if (!type1_res.StartsWith ("TT "))
                throw new InvalidDataException ();

            var type2 = new Type2Message (Convert.FromBase64String (type1_res.Substring (3)));
            Console.WriteLine ("TYPE2: {0:x} {1}", type2.Flags, type2.Flags);

            var type3 = new Type3Message (type2);
            type3.Domain = "SOL";
            type3.Host = "PROVCON-FAUST";
            type3.Username = username;
            type3.Password = password;

            var bytes = type3.GetBytes ();

            helper.StandardInput.WriteLine ("KK {0}", Convert.ToBase64String (bytes));

            var response2 = helper.StandardOutput.ReadLine ();
            Console.WriteLine (response2);
            if (!response2.StartsWith ("AF "))
                throw new InvalidDataException (response2);
        protected override SaslExchangeStatus Exchange(ByteString serverChallenge, out ByteString clientResponse)
            if (Credential == null)
            throw new SaslException("Credential property must be set");

              clientResponse = null;

              switch (step) {
            case 0: { // send NTLM negotiate message (Type 1)
              const NtlmFlags type1Flags =
            NtlmFlags.RequestTarget |
            NtlmFlags.NegotiateNtlm |
            NtlmFlags.NegotiateUnicode |
            NtlmFlags.NegotiateOem |
            NtlmFlags.NegotiateDomainSupplied |

              var type1 = new Type1Message();

              type1.Flags = type1Flags;
              type1.Host = TargetHost ?? string.Empty; // ?
              type1.Domain = Credential.Domain ?? string.Empty;

              clientResponse = new ByteString(type1.GetBytes());


              return SaslExchangeStatus.Continuing;

            case 1: { // receive NTLM challenge message (Type 2) and send NTLM authenticate message (Type 3)
              if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Credential.UserName) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(Credential.Password))
            return SaslExchangeStatus.Failed;

              var type2 = new Type2Message(serverChallenge.ByteArray);
              var type3 = new Type3Message();

              type3.Flags = NtlmFlags.NegotiateNtlm | NtlmFlags.NegotiateUnicode; // XXX
              type3.Host = TargetHost ?? string.Empty; // ?
              type3.Domain = Credential.Domain ?? string.Empty;

              type3.Challenge = type2.Nonce;
              type3.Password = Credential.Password;
              type3.Username = Credential.UserName;

              clientResponse = new ByteString(type3.GetBytes());


              return SaslExchangeStatus.Succeeded;

              clientResponse = null;
              return SaslExchangeStatus.Failed; // unexpected server challenge