public InstructionList Parse (TokenList tokens) { TokenList partial = ParseForwards (tokens); partial = ParseInfix (partial); InstructionList tree = ParseBackwards (partial, false); if (to_parse != null) { // Null out the member before going re-entrant. // Otherwise we could go into an infinite loop. ArrayList parse_now = to_parse; to_parse = null; foreach (Function f in parse_now) { f.Parse (this); } } return tree; }
private void ParseForwards(TokenList partial, IEnumerator iterator, int parens) { while (iterator.MoveNext()) { Token token = (Token)iterator.Current; switch (token.Type) { case TokenType.OpenBracket: partial.Add(new Token(TokenType.PlaceholderElement, ParseList(iterator))); break; case TokenType.OpenParens: TokenList inner = new TokenList(); ParseForwards(inner, iterator, parens + 1); partial.Add(new Token(TokenType.PlaceholderGroup, inner)); break; case TokenType.CloseParens: return; case TokenType.Word: if (String.Compare((string)token.Val, "to", true) == 0) { // FIXME: Usual case is in void context // token = ParseTo (iterator); ParseTo(iterator); } else { partial.Add(token); } break; default: partial.Add(token); break; } } }
public InstructionList Parse(TokenList tokens) { TokenList partial = ParseForwards(tokens); partial = ParseInfix(partial); InstructionList tree = ParseBackwards(partial, false); if (to_parse != null) { // Null out the member before going re-entrant. // Otherwise we could go into an infinite loop. ArrayList parse_now = to_parse; to_parse = null; foreach (Function f in parse_now) { f.Parse(this); } } return(tree); }
private void ExtendList (TokenList list, Stack stack) { Array tokens = stack.ToArray (); Array.Reverse (tokens); list.Extend (tokens); }
private void ParseForwards (TokenList partial, IEnumerator iterator, int parens) { while (iterator.MoveNext ()) { Token token = (Token) iterator.Current; switch (token.Type) { case TokenType.OpenBracket: partial.Add (new Token (TokenType.PlaceholderElement, ParseList (iterator))); break; case TokenType.OpenParens: TokenList inner = new TokenList (); ParseForwards (inner, iterator, parens + 1); partial.Add (new Token (TokenType.PlaceholderGroup, inner)); break; case TokenType.CloseParens: return; case TokenType.Word: if (String.Compare ((string) token.Val, "to", true) == 0) { // FIXME: Usual case is in void context // token = ParseTo (iterator); ParseTo (iterator); } else { partial.Add (token); } break; default: partial.Add (token); break; } } }
private Token ParseTo (IEnumerator iterator) { ParseToState state = ParseToState.FunctionName; Token name = new Token (TokenType.Word, null); TokenList args = new TokenList (); TokenList def = new TokenList (); bool reading = true; bool prev_newline = false; while (reading && iterator.MoveNext ()) { Token token = (Token) iterator.Current; if (state != ParseToState.Content && token.Type == TokenType.Newline) { state = ParseToState.Content; prev_newline = true; continue; } switch (state) { case ParseToState.FunctionName: name = token; state = AdvanceState (state); break; case ParseToState.Argument: case ParseToState.ArgumentWithValue: case ParseToState.ArgumentCollector: if (token.Type == TokenType.OpenBracket) { TokenList arg = ParseBrackets (iterator); if (state == ParseToState.Argument || (state == ParseToState.ArgumentWithValue && arg.Count == 1)) { state = AdvanceState (state); } args.Add (new Token (TokenType.PlaceholderElement, new Element (ElementType.List, arg))); } else { args.Add (token); } break; case ParseToState.Content: if (prev_newline && token.Type == TokenType.Word && String.Compare ((string) token.Val, "end", true) == 0) { reading = false; } else { def.Add (token); prev_newline = (token.Type == TokenType.Newline); } break; } } TokenList func = new TokenList (); func.Add (name); func.Add (new Token (TokenType.PlaceholderGroup, args)); func.Add (new Token (TokenType.PlaceholderGroup, def)); Function func_obj = CreateFunction (func); funcs.AddMessage (func_obj); if (to_parse == null) to_parse = new ArrayList (); to_parse.Add (func_obj); return new Token (TokenType.PlaceholderElement, new Element (ElementType.Function, func_obj)); }
private Function CreateFunction (TokenList func) { string name = (string) func[0].Val; ArrayList args_list = new ArrayList (); foreach (Token token in (TokenList) func[1].Val) { ArgumentInfo info = new ArgumentInfo (); if (token.Type == TokenType.Variable) info = new ArgumentInfo ((string) token.Val, null, false); else if (token.Type == TokenType.PlaceholderElement) { TokenList arg = (TokenList) ((Element) token.Val).Val; // FIXME: What if it is longer than 2 elements? if (arg.Count > 1) info = new ArgumentInfo ((string) arg[0].Val, arg[1].Val, false); else info = new ArgumentInfo ((string) arg[0].Val, null, true); } args_list.Add (info); } ArgumentInfo[] args = (ArgumentInfo[]) args_list.ToArray (typeof (ArgumentInfo)); TokenList tokens = (TokenList) func[2].Val; return new Function (name, tokens, args); }
private StringBuilder AddTokens (TokenList tokens, StringBuilder builder, int c_prev_int, int c_peek_int) { StringBuilder ret; string val = builder.ToString (); if (val.Length > 0) { ret = new StringBuilder (); } else { ret = builder; } double as_num; if (IsNumber (val, out as_num)) { Token token = new Token (TokenType.Number, as_num); if (tokens[tokens.Count - 1].Type == TokenType.Minus) { token.Val = -((double) token.Val); tokens[tokens.Count - 1] = token; } else { tokens.Add (token); } } else if (val.Length > 1) { Token token; string var_name, str_val; if (IsVariable (val, out var_name)) token = new Token (TokenType.Variable, var_name); else if (IsString (val, out str_val)) token = new Token (TokenType.String, str_val); else token = new Token (TokenType.Word, val); tokens.Add (token); } else if (val.Length == 1) { tokens.Add (TokenForChar (c_prev_int, c_peek_int, val[0])); } return ret; }
private TokenList ParseBrackets (IEnumerator iterator) { TokenList list = new TokenList (); while (iterator.MoveNext ()) { Token token = (Token) iterator.Current; if (token.Type == TokenType.CloseBracket) break; else list.Add (token); } return list; }
private TokenList ParseInfix(TokenList partial) { TokenList output = new TokenList(); Stack stack = new Stack(); bool last_was_operand = false; int length = partial.Count; for (int i = length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { Token token = partial[i]; if (token.Type == TokenType.Word) { ExtendList(output, stack); output.Add(token); stack.Clear(); } else if (token.Type == TokenType.Infix) { if (stack.Count == 0) { stack.Push(token); } else { Token prev = (Token)stack.Pop(); if (Weight(prev) <= Weight(token)) { stack.Push(token); stack.Push(prev); } else { output.Add(prev); stack.Push(token); } } last_was_operand = false; } else { if (token.Type == TokenType.PlaceholderGroup) { token.Val = ParseInfix((TokenList)token.Val); } if (i > 0) { Token peek = partial[i - 1]; if (peek.Type == TokenType.Minus) { output.Add(token); output.Add(peek); last_was_operand = true; i--; continue; } } if (last_was_operand) { ExtendList(output, stack); stack.Clear(); } output.Add(token); last_was_operand = true; } } ExtendList(output, stack); output.Reverse(); return(output); }
private Token ParseTo(IEnumerator iterator) { ParseToState state = ParseToState.FunctionName; Token name = new Token(TokenType.Word, null); TokenList args = new TokenList(); TokenList def = new TokenList(); bool reading = true; bool prev_newline = false; while (reading && iterator.MoveNext()) { Token token = (Token)iterator.Current; if (state != ParseToState.Content && token.Type == TokenType.Newline) { state = ParseToState.Content; prev_newline = true; continue; } switch (state) { case ParseToState.FunctionName: name = token; state = AdvanceState(state); break; case ParseToState.Argument: case ParseToState.ArgumentWithValue: case ParseToState.ArgumentCollector: if (token.Type == TokenType.OpenBracket) { TokenList arg = ParseBrackets(iterator); if (state == ParseToState.Argument || (state == ParseToState.ArgumentWithValue && arg.Count == 1)) { state = AdvanceState(state); } args.Add(new Token(TokenType.PlaceholderElement, new Element(ElementType.List, arg))); } else { args.Add(token); } break; case ParseToState.Content: if (prev_newline && token.Type == TokenType.Word && String.Compare((string)token.Val, "end", true) == 0) { reading = false; } else { def.Add(token); prev_newline = (token.Type == TokenType.Newline); } break; } } TokenList func = new TokenList(); func.Add(name); func.Add(new Token(TokenType.PlaceholderGroup, args)); func.Add(new Token(TokenType.PlaceholderGroup, def)); Function func_obj = CreateFunction(func); funcs.AddMessage(func_obj); if (to_parse == null) { to_parse = new ArrayList(); } to_parse.Add(func_obj); return(new Token(TokenType.PlaceholderElement, new Element(ElementType.Function, func_obj))); }
private void PrintFunction(TokenList func) { Console.Write("function {0}", (string)func[0].Val); foreach (Token token in (TokenList)func[1].Val) { if (token.Type == TokenType.Variable) { Console.Write(" :{0}", token.Val); } else if (token.Type == TokenType.PlaceholderElement) { TokenList arg = (TokenList)((Element)token.Val).Val; Console.Write(" ["); int j = 0; foreach (Token t in arg) { if (j == 0) { Console.Write(":"); } Console.Write(t.Val); if (j < (arg.Count - 1)) { Console.Write(" "); } j++; } Console.Write("]"); } } Console.WriteLine(); bool print_space = false; bool print_tab = true; foreach (Token token in (TokenList)func[2].Val) { if (print_space && token.Type != TokenType.Newline) { Console.Write(" "); } else { print_space = true; } if (print_tab) { Console.Write("\t"); print_tab = false; } if (token.Type == TokenType.Newline) { print_tab = true; print_space = false; } Console.Write("{0}", token.Val); } Console.WriteLine(); }
public TokenList Parse (TextReader reader) { TokenList tokens = new TokenList (); StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder (); int c_int, c_prev_int = -1; bool inside_bars = false; bool ignore_bar = false; bool inside_comment = false; for (c_int = reader.Read (); c_int != -1; c_prev_int = c_int, c_int = reader.Read ()) { char c = (char) c_int; if (inside_comment) { if (IsNewline (c)) { inside_comment = false; } else { continue; } } if (c == '|') { if (ignore_bar) { ignore_bar = false; continue; } if (inside_bars && reader.Peek () == (int) '|') { ignore_bar = true; builder.Append ('|'); continue; } inside_bars = !inside_bars; continue; } if (inside_bars) { builder.Append (c); continue; } if (c == '_' && tokens.Count > 0 && tokens[tokens.Count - 1].Type == TokenType.Newline) { tokens.RemoveAt (tokens.Count - 1); continue; } else if (c == ';') { inside_comment = true; continue; } else if (!IsDelimiter (c) || c_prev_int == (int) '"') { builder.Append (c); continue; } builder = AddTokens (tokens, builder, c_prev_int, reader.Peek (), c); } builder = AddTokens (tokens, builder, c_prev_int, reader.Peek ()); return tokens; }
private StringBuilder AddTokens (TokenList tokens, StringBuilder builder, int c_prev_int, int c_peek_int, char c) { StringBuilder ret = AddTokens (tokens, builder, c_prev_int, c_peek_int); if (!(IsWhitespace (c) || IsSpecial (c))) tokens.Add (TokenForChar (c_prev_int, c_peek_int, c)); return ret; }
private TokenList ParseInfix (TokenList partial) { TokenList output = new TokenList (); Stack stack = new Stack (); bool last_was_operand = false; int length = partial.Count; for (int i = length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { Token token = partial[i]; if (token.Type == TokenType.Word) { ExtendList (output, stack); output.Add (token); stack.Clear (); } else if (token.Type == TokenType.Infix) { if (stack.Count == 0) { stack.Push (token); } else { Token prev = (Token) stack.Pop (); if (Weight (prev) <= Weight (token)) { stack.Push (token); stack.Push (prev); } else { output.Add (prev); stack.Push (token); } } last_was_operand = false; } else { if (token.Type == TokenType.PlaceholderGroup) { token.Val = ParseInfix ((TokenList) token.Val); } if (i > 0) { Token peek = partial[i - 1]; if (peek.Type == TokenType.Minus) { output.Add (token); output.Add (peek); last_was_operand = true; i--; continue; } } if (last_was_operand) { ExtendList (output, stack); stack.Clear (); } output.Add (token); last_was_operand = true; } } ExtendList (output, stack); output.Reverse (); return output; }
private InstructionList ParseBackwards(TokenList tokens, bool grouped) { Stack stack = new Stack(); for (int i = tokens.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--) { Token token = tokens[i]; switch (token.Type) { case TokenType.Number: case TokenType.String: stack.Push(new Element(ElementType.Literal, token.Val)); break; case TokenType.PlaceholderElement: stack.Push(token.Val); break; case TokenType.PlaceholderGroup: InstructionList group = ParseBackwards((TokenList)token.Val, true); if (group.Count == 1) { stack.Push(group[0]); } else if (group.Count == 0) { } else { throw new Exception("Unexpected grouping"); } break; case TokenType.Word: case TokenType.Infix: case TokenType.Minus: InstructionList inner = new InstructionList(); int count; ElementType etype; if (token.Type == TokenType.Word) { count = CountArgs((string)token.Val, grouped && i == 0); if (count == -1) { count = stack.Count; } etype = ElementType.Statement; } else if (token.Type == TokenType.Minus) { count = 1; etype = ElementType.Statement; token.Val = "Minus"; } else { count = 2; etype = ElementType.Infix; } for (int j = 0; j < count; j++) { inner.Add((Element)stack.Pop()); } stack.Push(new Element(etype, token.Val, inner)); break; case TokenType.Newline: break; case TokenType.Variable: stack.Push(new Element(ElementType.Variable, token.Val)); break; case TokenType.QuestionMark: // Don't need to check AllowQuestionMark here as the // tokenizer checks already, stack.Push(new Element(ElementType.QuestionMark, token.Val)); break; case TokenType.PlaceholderFunction: default: throw new Exception("Unexpected token: " + token.Type + "<" + token.Val + ">"); } } InstructionList tree = new InstructionList(); object[] toplevel = stack.ToArray(); foreach (object o in toplevel) { tree.Add((Element)o); } return(tree); }
private InstructionList ParseBackwards (TokenList tokens, bool grouped) { Stack stack = new Stack (); for (int i = tokens.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--) { Token token = tokens[i]; switch (token.Type) { case TokenType.Number: case TokenType.String: stack.Push (new Element (ElementType.Literal, token.Val)); break; case TokenType.PlaceholderElement: stack.Push (token.Val); break; case TokenType.PlaceholderGroup: InstructionList group = ParseBackwards ((TokenList) token.Val, true); if (group.Count == 1) { stack.Push (group[0]); } else if (group.Count == 0) { } else { throw new Exception ("Unexpected grouping"); } break; case TokenType.Word: case TokenType.Infix: case TokenType.Minus: InstructionList inner = new InstructionList (); int count; ElementType etype; if (token.Type == TokenType.Word) { count = CountArgs ((string) token.Val, grouped && i == 0); if (count == -1) count = stack.Count; etype = ElementType.Statement; } else if (token.Type == TokenType.Minus) { count = 1; etype = ElementType.Statement; token.Val = "Minus"; } else { count = 2; etype = ElementType.Infix; } for (int j = 0; j < count; j++) inner.Add ((Element) stack.Pop ()); stack.Push (new Element (etype, token.Val, inner)); break; case TokenType.Newline: break; case TokenType.Variable: stack.Push (new Element (ElementType.Variable, token.Val)); break; case TokenType.QuestionMark: // Don't need to check AllowQuestionMark here as the // tokenizer checks already, stack.Push (new Element (ElementType.QuestionMark, token.Val)); break; case TokenType.PlaceholderFunction: default: throw new Exception ("Unexpected token: " + token.Type + "<" + token.Val + ">"); } } InstructionList tree = new InstructionList (); object[] toplevel = stack.ToArray (); foreach (object o in toplevel) { tree.Add ((Element) o); } return tree; }
public TokenList Parse(TextReader reader) { TokenList tokens = new TokenList(); StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); int c_int, c_prev_int = -1; bool inside_bars = false; bool ignore_bar = false; bool inside_comment = false; for (c_int = reader.Read(); c_int != -1; c_prev_int = c_int, c_int = reader.Read()) { char c = (char)c_int; if (inside_comment) { if (IsNewline(c)) { inside_comment = false; } else { continue; } } if (c == '|') { if (ignore_bar) { ignore_bar = false; continue; } if (inside_bars && reader.Peek() == (int)'|') { ignore_bar = true; builder.Append('|'); continue; } inside_bars = !inside_bars; continue; } if (inside_bars) { builder.Append(c); continue; } if (c == '_' && tokens.Count > 0 && tokens[tokens.Count - 1].Type == TokenType.Newline) { tokens.RemoveAt(tokens.Count - 1); continue; } else if (c == ';') { inside_comment = true; continue; } else if (!IsDelimiter(c) || c_prev_int == (int)'"') { builder.Append(c); continue; } builder = AddTokens(tokens, builder, c_prev_int, reader.Peek(), c); } builder = AddTokens(tokens, builder, c_prev_int, reader.Peek()); return(tokens); }
private TokenList ParseForwards (TokenList tokens) { TokenList partial = new TokenList (); ParseForwards (partial, tokens.GetEnumerator (), 0); return partial; }
private void PrintFunction (TokenList func) { Console.Write ("function {0}", (string) func[0].Val); foreach (Token token in (TokenList) func[1].Val) { if (token.Type == TokenType.Variable) Console.Write (" :{0}", token.Val); else if (token.Type == TokenType.PlaceholderElement) { TokenList arg = (TokenList) ((Element) token.Val).Val; Console.Write (" ["); int j = 0; foreach (Token t in arg) { if (j == 0) Console.Write (":"); Console.Write (t.Val); if (j < (arg.Count - 1)) Console.Write (" "); j++; } Console.Write ("]"); } } Console.WriteLine (); bool print_space = false; bool print_tab = true; foreach (Token token in (TokenList) func[2].Val) { if (print_space && token.Type != TokenType.Newline) Console.Write (" "); else print_space = true; if (print_tab) { Console.Write ("\t"); print_tab = false; } if (token.Type == TokenType.Newline) { print_tab = true; print_space = false; } Console.Write ("{0}", token.Val); } Console.WriteLine (); }
public Function (string name, TokenList tokens, ArgumentInfo[] args) { = name; this.tokens = tokens; this.args = args; }
public Function(string name, TokenList tokens, ArgumentInfo[] args) { = name; this.tokens = tokens; this.args = args; }