        internal LocalsInfo Method_GetLocalsInfo(long id)
            var res = SendReceive (CommandSet.METHOD, (int)CmdMethod.GET_LOCALS_INFO, new PacketWriter ().WriteId (id));

            LocalsInfo info = new LocalsInfo ();
            int nlocals = res.ReadInt ();
            info.types = new long [nlocals];
            for (int i = 0; i < nlocals; ++i)
                info.types [i] = res.ReadId ();
            info.names = new string [nlocals];
            for (int i = 0; i < nlocals; ++i)
                info.names [i] = res.ReadString ();
            info.live_range_start = new int [nlocals];
            info.live_range_end = new int [nlocals];
            for (int i = 0; i < nlocals; ++i) {
                info.live_range_start [i] = res.ReadInt ();
                info.live_range_end [i] = res.ReadInt ();

            return info;
		public LocalVariable[] GetLocals () {
			if (locals == null) {

				LocalsInfo li = new LocalsInfo ();
				try {
					li = vm.conn.Method_GetLocalsInfo (id);
				} catch (CommandException) {
					throw new ArgumentException ("Method doesn't have a body.");
				// Add the arguments as well
				var pi = vm.conn.Method_GetParamInfo (id);

				locals = new LocalVariable [pi.param_count + li.names.Length];

				for (int i = 0; i < pi.param_count; ++i)
					locals [i] = new LocalVariable (vm, this, i, pi.param_types [i], pi.param_names [i], -1, -1, true);

				for (int i = 0; i < li.names.Length; ++i)
					locals [i + pi.param_count] = new LocalVariable (vm, this, i, li.types [i], li.names [i], li.live_range_start [i], li.live_range_end [i], false);
			return locals;
		public LocalVariable[] GetLocals () {
			if (locals == null) {
				LocalsInfo li = new LocalsInfo ();
				try {
					li = vm.conn.Method_GetLocalsInfo (id);
				} catch (CommandException) {
					throw new AbsentInformationException ();

				// Add the arguments as well
				var pi = GetParameters ();

				locals = new LocalVariable [pi.Length + li.names.Length];

				for (int i = 0; i < pi.Length; ++i)
					locals [i] = new LocalVariable (vm, this, i, pi[i].ParameterType.Id, pi[i].Name, -1, -1, true);

				for (int i = 0; i < li.names.Length; ++i)
					locals [i + pi.Length] = new LocalVariable (vm, this, i, li.types [i], li.names [i], li.live_range_start [i], li.live_range_end [i], false);

				if (vm.Version.AtLeast (2, 43)) {
					scopes = new LocalScope [li.scopes_start.Length];
					for (int i = 0; i < scopes.Length; ++i)
						scopes [i] = new LocalScope (vm, this, li.scopes_start [i], li.scopes_end [i]);
			return locals;