public static void Error_UnknownLabel (Location loc, string label, Report Report)
			Report.Error(159, loc, "The label `{0}:' could not be found within the scope of the goto statement",
		public static void Error_GlobalNamespaceRedefined (Report report, Location loc)
			report.Error (1681, loc, "The global extern alias cannot be redefined");
		public CommandLineParser (TextWriter errorOutput, TextWriter messagesOutput)
			var rp = new StreamReportPrinter (errorOutput);

			parser_settings = new CompilerSettings ();
			report = new Report (new CompilerContext (parser_settings, rp), rp);
			this.output = messagesOutput;
        // Processes "include" element. Check included file and
        // embed the document content inside this documentation node.
        bool HandleInclude(MemberCore mc, XmlElement el)
            bool   keep_include_node = false;
            string file = el.GetAttribute("file");
            string path = el.GetAttribute("path");

            if (file == "")
                Report.Warning(1590, 1, mc.Location, "Invalid XML `include' element. Missing `file' attribute");
                el.ParentNode.InsertBefore(el.OwnerDocument.CreateComment(" Include tag is invalid "), el);
                keep_include_node = true;
            else if (path.Length == 0)
                Report.Warning(1590, 1, mc.Location, "Invalid XML `include' element. Missing `path' attribute");
                el.ParentNode.InsertBefore(el.OwnerDocument.CreateComment(" Include tag is invalid "), el);
                keep_include_node = true;
                XmlDocument doc;
                Exception   exception = null;
                var         full_path = Path.Combine(Path.GetDirectoryName(mc.Location.NameFullPath), file);

                if (!StoredDocuments.TryGetValue(full_path, out doc))
                    try {
                        doc = new XmlDocument();
                        StoredDocuments.Add(full_path, doc);
                    } catch (Exception e) {
                        exception = e;
                        el.ParentNode.InsertBefore(el.OwnerDocument.CreateComment(String.Format(" Badly formed XML in at comment file `{0}': cannot be included ", file)), el);

                if (doc != null)
                    try {
                        XmlNodeList nl = doc.SelectNodes(path);
                        if (nl.Count == 0)
                            el.ParentNode.InsertBefore(el.OwnerDocument.CreateComment(" No matching elements were found for the include tag embedded here. "), el);

                            keep_include_node = true;
                        foreach (XmlNode n in nl)
                            el.ParentNode.InsertBefore(el.OwnerDocument.ImportNode(n, true), el);
                    } catch (Exception ex) {
                        exception = ex;
                        el.ParentNode.InsertBefore(el.OwnerDocument.CreateComment(" Failed to insert some or all of included XML "), el);

                if (exception != null)
                    Report.Warning(1589, 1, mc.Location, "Unable to include XML fragment `{0}' of file `{1}'. {2}",
                                   path, file, exception.Message);

		CompiledMethod CompileBlock (Class host, Undo undo, Report Report)
			throw new NotSupportedException ();
			string current_debug_name = "eval-" + count + ".dll";

			AssemblyDefinitionDynamic assembly;
			AssemblyBuilderAccess access;

			if (Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable ("SAVE") != null) {
				access = AssemblyBuilderAccess.RunAndSave;
				assembly = new AssemblyDefinitionDynamic (module, current_debug_name, current_debug_name);
				assembly.Importer = importer;
			} else {
#if NET_4_0
				access = AssemblyBuilderAccess.RunAndCollect;
				access = AssemblyBuilderAccess.Run;
				assembly = new AssemblyDefinitionDynamic (module, current_debug_name);

			assembly.Create (AppDomain.CurrentDomain, access);

			Method expression_method;
			if (host != null) {
				var base_class_imported = importer.ImportType (base_class);
				var baseclass_list = new List<FullNamedExpression> (1) {
					new TypeExpression (base_class_imported, host.Location)

				host.AddBasesForPart (baseclass_list);

				host.CreateContainer ();
				host.DefineContainer ();
				host.Define ();

				expression_method = (Method) host.Members[0];
			} else {
				expression_method = null;

			module.CreateContainer ();

			// Disable module and source file re-definition checks
			module.EnableRedefinition ();
			source_file.EnableRedefinition ();

			module.Define ();

			if (Report.Errors != 0){
				if (undo != null)
					undo.ExecuteUndo ();

				return null;

			if (host != null){
				host.EmitContainer ();
			module.EmitContainer ();
			if (Report.Errors != 0){
				if (undo != null)
					undo.ExecuteUndo ();
				return null;

			module.CloseContainer ();
			if (host != null)
				host.CloseContainer ();

			if (access == AssemblyBuilderAccess.RunAndSave)
				assembly.Save ();

			if (host == null)
				return null;
			// Unlike Mono, .NET requires that the MethodInfo is fetched, it cant
			// work from MethodBuilders.   Retarded, I know.
			var tt = assembly.Builder.GetType (host.TypeBuilder.Name);
			var mi = tt.GetMethod (expression_method.MemberName.Name);

			// We need to then go from FieldBuilder to FieldInfo
			// or reflection gets confused (it basically gets confused, and variables override each
			// other).
			foreach (var member in host.Members) {
				var field = member as Field;
				if (field == null)

				var fi = tt.GetField (field.Name);

				Tuple<FieldSpec, FieldInfo> old;

				// If a previous value was set, nullify it, so that we do
				// not leak memory
				if (fields.TryGetValue (field.Name, out old)) {
					if (old.Item1.MemberType.IsStruct) {
						// TODO: Clear fields for structs
					} else {
						try {
							old.Item2.SetValue (null, null);
						} catch {

				fields[field.Name] = Tuple.Create (field.Spec, fi);
			return (CompiledMethod) System.Delegate.CreateDelegate (typeof (CompiledMethod), mi);
		SyntaxTree Parse(ITextSource program, string fileName, int initialLine, int initialColumn)
			lock (parseLock) {
				errorReportPrinter = new ErrorReportPrinter ("");
				var ctx = new CompilerContext (compilerSettings.ToMono(), errorReportPrinter);
				ctx.Settings.TabSize = 1;
				var reader = new SeekableStreamReader (program);
				var file = new SourceFile (fileName, fileName, 0);
				Location.Initialize (new List<SourceFile> (new [] { file }));
				var module = new ModuleContainer (ctx);
				var session = new ParserSession ();
				session.LocationsBag = new LocationsBag ();
				var report = new Report (ctx, errorReportPrinter);
				CompilerCompilationUnit top;
				if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(fileName) || fileName.EndsWith(".play") || fileName.EndsWith(".as")) {
					if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(fileName) || fileName.EndsWith(".play"))
						file.PsExtended = true; // Assume playscript unless we have an actual file ext.
					var parser = (Mono.PlayScript.PlayScriptParser)Driver.Parse(reader, file, module, session, report, initialLine - 1, initialColumn - 1);
					top = new CompilerCompilationUnit() {
						ModuleCompiled = module,
						LocationsBag = session.LocationsBag,
						SpecialsBag = parser.Lexer.sbag,
						Conditionals = parser.Lexer.SourceFile.Conditionals
				} else {
					var parser = (Mono.CSharpPs.CSharpParser)Driver.Parse(reader, file, module, session, report, initialLine - 1, initialColumn - 1);
					top = new CompilerCompilationUnit() {
						ModuleCompiled = module,
						LocationsBag = session.LocationsBag,
						SpecialsBag = parser.Lexer.sbag,
						Conditionals = parser.Lexer.SourceFile.Conditionals
				var unit = Parse (top, fileName);
				unit.Errors.AddRange (errorReportPrinter.Errors);
				CompilerCallableEntryPoint.Reset ();
				return unit;
		public void Error_DuplicateName (Report r)
			r.Error (100, Location, "The parameter name `{0}' is a duplicate", Name);
		public void Parse (SourceFile file, ModuleContainer module, ParserSession session, Report report)
			Stream input;

			try {
				input = File.OpenRead (file.Name);
			} catch {
				report.Error (2001, "Source file `{0}' could not be found", file.Name);

			// Check 'MZ' header
			if (input.ReadByte () == 77 && input.ReadByte () == 90) {

				report.Error (2015, "Source file `{0}' is a binary file and not a text file", file.Name);
				input.Close ();

			input.Position = 0;
			SeekableStreamReader reader = new SeekableStreamReader (input, ctx.Settings.Encoding, session.StreamReaderBuffer);

			Parse (reader, file, module, session, report);

			if (ctx.Settings.GenerateDebugInfo && report.Errors == 0 && !file.HasChecksum) {
				input.Position = 0;
				var checksum = session.GetChecksumAlgorithm ();
				file.SetChecksum (checksum.ComputeHash (input));

			reader.Dispose ();
			input.Close ();
		public static object Parse (SeekableStreamReader reader, SourceFile sourceFile, ModuleContainer module, ParserSession session, Report report, int lineModifier = 0, int colModifier = 0)
			var file = new CompilationSourceFile (module, sourceFile);

			object parser = null;
			if (sourceFile.FileType == SourceFileType.CSharp) {
				CSharpParser csParser = new CSharpParser (reader, file, report, session);
				csParser.Lexer.Line += lineModifier;
				csParser.Lexer.Column += colModifier;
				csParser.Lexer.sbag = new SpecialsBag ();
				csParser.parse ();
				parser = csParser;
			} else {
				PlayScriptParser psParser = new PlayScriptParser (reader, file, report, session);
				psParser.parsing_playscript = sourceFile.PsExtended;
				psParser.Lexer.Line += lineModifier;
				psParser.Lexer.Column += colModifier;
				psParser.Lexer.sbag = new SpecialsBag ();
				psParser.parse ();
				parser = psParser;
			return parser;
public CSharpParser (SeekableStreamReader reader, CompilationSourceFile file, Report report, ParserSession session)
	this.file = file;
	current_container = current_namespace = file;
	this.module = file.Module;
	this.compiler = file.Compiler;
	this.settings = compiler.Settings; = report;
	lang_version = settings.Version;
	yacc_verbose_flag = settings.VerboseParserFlag;
	doc_support = settings.DocumentationFile != null;
	lexer = new Tokenizer (reader, file, session);
	oob_stack = new Stack<object> ();
	lbag = session.LocationsBag;
	use_global_stacks = session.UseJayGlobalArrays;
	parameters_bucket = session.ParametersStack;
		void ParseParallel (ModuleContainer module)
			var sources = module.Compiler.SourceFiles;

			Location.Initialize (sources);

			var pcount = Environment.ProcessorCount;
			var threads = new Thread[System.Math.Max (2, pcount - 1)];

			for (int i = 0; i < threads.Length; ++i) {
				var t = new Thread (l => {
					var session = new ParserSession () {
						//UseJayGlobalArrays = true,

					var report = new Report (ctx, Report.Printer); // TODO: Implement flush at once printer

					for (int ii = (int) l; ii < sources.Count; ii += threads.Length) {
						Parse (sources[ii], module, session, report);

					// TODO: Merge warning regions

				t.Start (i);
				threads[i] = t;

			for (int t = 0; t < threads.Length; ++t) {
				threads[t].Join ();
		public static void Error_1008 (Location loc, Report Report)
			Report.Error (1008, loc,
				"Type byte, sbyte, short, ushort, int, uint, long or ulong expected");
		public static void Error_InvalidConstantType (TypeSpec t, Location loc, Report Report)
			if (t.IsGenericParameter) {
				Report.Error (1959, loc,
					"Type parameter `{0}' cannot be declared const", TypeManager.CSharpName (t));
			} else {
				Report.Error (283, loc,
					"The type `{0}' cannot be declared const", TypeManager.CSharpName (t));
        // Processes "see" or "seealso" elements from cref attribute.
        void HandleXrefCommon(MemberCore mc, TypeContainer ds, XmlElement xref)
            string cref = xref.GetAttribute("cref");

            // when, XmlReader, "if (cref == null)"
            if (!xref.HasAttribute("cref"))

            // Nothing to be resolved the reference is marked explicitly
            if (cref.Length > 2 && cref [1] == ':')

            // Additional symbols for < and > are allowed for easier XML typing
            cref = cref.Replace('{', '<').Replace('}', '>');

            var encoding = module.Compiler.Settings.Encoding;
            var s        = new MemoryStream(encoding.GetBytes(cref));

            var source_file = new CompilationSourceFile(doc_module, mc.Location.SourceFile);
            var report      = new Report(doc_module.Compiler, new NullReportPrinter());

            if (session == null)
                session = new ParserSession()
                    UseJayGlobalArrays = true

            SeekableStreamReader seekable = new SeekableStreamReader(s, encoding, session.StreamReaderBuffer);

            var parser = new CSharpParser(seekable, source_file, report, session);

            ParsedParameters          = null;
            ParsedName                = null;
            ParsedBuiltinType         = null;
            ParsedOperator            = null;
            parser.Lexer.putback_char = Tokenizer.DocumentationXref;
            parser.Lexer.parsing_generic_declaration_doc = true;
            if (report.Errors > 0)
                Report.Warning(1584, 1, mc.Location, "XML comment on `{0}' has syntactically incorrect cref attribute `{1}'",
                               mc.GetSignatureForError(), cref);

                xref.SetAttribute("cref", "!:" + cref);

            MemberSpec          member;
            string              prefix = null;
            FullNamedExpression fne    = null;

            // Try built-in type first because we are using ParsedName as identifier of
            // member names on built-in types
            if (ParsedBuiltinType != null && (ParsedParameters == null || ParsedName != null))
                member = ParsedBuiltinType.Type;
                member = null;

            if (ParsedName != null || ParsedOperator.HasValue)
                TypeSpec type        = null;
                string   member_name = null;

                if (member == null)
                    if (ParsedOperator.HasValue)
                        type = mc.CurrentType;
                    else if (ParsedName.Left != null)
                        fne = ResolveMemberName(mc, ParsedName.Left);
                        if (fne != null)
                            var ns = fne as Namespace;
                            if (ns != null)
                                fne = ns.LookupTypeOrNamespace(mc, ParsedName.Name, ParsedName.Arity, LookupMode.Probing, Location.Null);
                                if (fne != null)
                                    member = fne.Type;
                                type = fne.Type;
                        fne = ResolveMemberName(mc, ParsedName);
                        if (fne == null)
                            type = mc.CurrentType;
                        else if (ParsedParameters == null)
                            member = fne.Type;
                        else if (fne.Type.MemberDefinition == mc.CurrentType.MemberDefinition)
                            member_name = Constructor.ConstructorName;
                            type        = fne.Type;
                    type   = (TypeSpec)member;
                    member = null;

                if (ParsedParameters != null)
                    var old_printer = mc.Module.Compiler.Report.SetPrinter(new NullReportPrinter());
                    try {
                        var context = new DocumentationMemberContext(mc, ParsedName ?? MemberName.Null);

                        foreach (var pp in ParsedParameters)
                    } finally {

                if (type != null)
                    if (member_name == null)
                        member_name = ParsedOperator.HasValue ?
                                      Operator.GetMetadataName(ParsedOperator.Value) : ParsedName.Name;

                    int parsed_param_count;
                    if (ParsedOperator == Operator.OpType.Explicit || ParsedOperator == Operator.OpType.Implicit)
                        parsed_param_count = ParsedParameters.Count - 1;
                    else if (ParsedParameters != null)
                        parsed_param_count = ParsedParameters.Count;
                        parsed_param_count = 0;

                    int parameters_match = -1;
                        var members = MemberCache.FindMembers(type, member_name, true);
                        if (members != null)
                            foreach (var m in members)
                                if (ParsedName != null && m.Arity != ParsedName.Arity)

                                if (ParsedParameters != null)
                                    IParametersMember pm = m as IParametersMember;
                                    if (pm == null)

                                    if (m.Kind == MemberKind.Operator && !ParsedOperator.HasValue)

                                    var pm_params = pm.Parameters;

                                    int i;
                                    for (i = 0; i < parsed_param_count; ++i)
                                        var pparam = ParsedParameters[i];

                                        if (i >= pm_params.Count || pparam == null || pparam.TypeSpec == null ||
                                            !TypeSpecComparer.Override.IsEqual(pparam.TypeSpec, pm_params.Types[i]) ||
                                            (pparam.Modifier & Parameter.Modifier.RefOutMask) != (pm_params.FixedParameters[i].ModFlags & Parameter.Modifier.RefOutMask))
                                            if (i > parameters_match)
                                                parameters_match = i;

                                            i = -1;

                                    if (i < 0)

                                    if (ParsedOperator == Operator.OpType.Explicit || ParsedOperator == Operator.OpType.Implicit)
                                        if (pm.MemberType != ParsedParameters[parsed_param_count].TypeSpec)
                                            parameters_match = parsed_param_count + 1;
                                        if (parsed_param_count != pm_params.Count)

                                if (member != null)
                                    Report.Warning(419, 3, mc.Location,
                                                   "Ambiguous reference in cref attribute `{0}'. Assuming `{1}' but other overloads including `{2}' have also matched",
                                                   cref, member.GetSignatureForError(), m.GetSignatureForError());


                                member = m;

                        // Continue with parent type for nested types
                        if (member == null)
                            type = type.DeclaringType;
                            type = null;
                    } while (type != null);

                    if (member == null && parameters_match >= 0)
                        for (int i = parameters_match; i < parsed_param_count; ++i)
                            Report.Warning(1580, 1, mc.Location, "Invalid type for parameter `{0}' in XML comment cref attribute `{1}'",
                                           (i + 1).ToString(), cref);

                        if (parameters_match == parsed_param_count + 1)
                            Report.Warning(1581, 1, mc.Location, "Invalid return type in XML comment cref attribute `{0}'", cref);

            if (member == null)
                Report.Warning(1574, 1, mc.Location, "XML comment on `{0}' has cref attribute `{1}' that could not be resolved",
                               mc.GetSignatureForError(), cref);
                cref = "!:" + cref;
            else if (member == InternalType.Namespace)
                cref = "N:" + fne.GetSignatureForError();
                prefix = GetMemberDocHead(member);
                cref   = prefix + member.GetSignatureForDocumentation();

            xref.SetAttribute("cref", cref);
		// <summary>
		//   Checks the object @mod modifiers to be in @allowed.
		//   Returns the new mask.  Side effect: reports any
		//   incorrect attributes. 
		// </summary>
		public static Modifiers Check (Modifiers allowed, Modifiers mod, Modifiers def_access, Location l, Report Report)
			int invalid_flags = (~(int) allowed) & ((int) mod & ((int) Modifiers.TOP - 1));
			int i;

			if (invalid_flags == 0){
				// If no accessibility bits provided
				// then provide the defaults.
				if ((mod & Modifiers.AccessibilityMask) == 0) {
					mod |= def_access;
					if (def_access != 0)
						mod |= Modifiers.DEFAULT_ACCESS_MODIFER;
					return mod;

				return mod;

			for (i = 1; i <= (int) Modifiers.TOP; i <<= 1) {
				if ((i & invalid_flags) == 0)

				Error_InvalidModifier ((Modifiers)i, l, Report);

			return allowed & mod;
		public static string GetPackageFlags (string packages, Report report)
			ProcessStartInfo pi = new ProcessStartInfo ();
			pi.FileName = "pkg-config";
			pi.RedirectStandardOutput = true;
			pi.UseShellExecute = false;
			pi.Arguments = "--libs " + packages;
			Process p = null;
			try {
				p = Process.Start (pi);
			} catch (Exception e) {
				if (report == null)

				report.Error (-27, "Couldn't run pkg-config: " + e.Message);
				return null;
			if (p.StandardOutput == null) {
				if (report == null)
					throw new ApplicationException ("Specified package did not return any information");

				report.Warning (-27, 1, "Specified package did not return any information");
				p.Close ();
				return null;

			string pkgout = p.StandardOutput.ReadToEnd ();
			p.WaitForExit ();
			if (p.ExitCode != 0) {
				if (report == null)
					throw new ApplicationException (pkgout);

				report.Error (-27, "Error running pkg-config. Check the above output.");
				p.Close ();
				return null;

			p.Close ();
			return pkgout;
		static void Error_InvalidModifier (Modifiers mod, Location l, Report Report)
			Report.Error (106, l, "The modifier `{0}' is not valid for this item",
				Name (mod));
		public static void Error_VariableOfStaticClass (Location loc, string variable_name, TypeSpec static_class, Report Report)
			Report.SymbolRelatedToPreviousError (static_class);
			Report.Error (723, loc, "`{0}': cannot declare variables of static types",
		/// <summary>
		/// Parses a file snippet; guessing what the code snippet represents (whole file, type members, block, type reference, expression).
		/// </summary>
		public AstNode ParseSnippet (string code)
			// TODO: add support for parsing a part of a file
			throw new NotImplementedException ();
		public DocumentationReference ParseDocumentationReference (string cref)
			// see Mono.CSharpPs.DocumentationBuilder.HandleXrefCommon
			if (cref == null)
				throw new ArgumentNullException ("cref");
			// Additional symbols for < and > are allowed for easier XML typing
			cref = cref.Replace ('{', '<').Replace ('}', '>');
			lock (parseLock) {
				errorReportPrinter = new ErrorReportPrinter("");
				var ctx = new CompilerContext(compilerSettings.ToMono(), errorReportPrinter);
				ctx.Settings.TabSize = 1;
				var reader = new SeekableStreamReader(new StringTextSource (cref));
				var file = new SourceFile("", "", 0);
				Location.Initialize(new List<SourceFile> (new [] { file }));
				var module = new ModuleContainer(ctx);
				module.DocumentationBuilder = new DocumentationBuilder(module);
				var source_file = new CompilationSourceFile (module);
				var report = new Report (ctx, errorReportPrinter);
				ParserSession session = new ParserSession ();
				session.LocationsBag = new LocationsBag ();
				var parser = new Mono.PlayScript.PlayScriptParser (reader, source_file, report, session);
				parser.parsing_playscript = (source_file.SourceFile != null) ? source_file.SourceFile.PsExtended : true;
				parser.Lexer.Line += initialLocation.Line - 1;
				parser.Lexer.Column += initialLocation.Column - 1;
				parser.Lexer.putback_char = Mono.PlayScript.Tokenizer.DocumentationXref;
				parser.Lexer.parsing_generic_declaration_doc = true;
				parser.parse ();
				if (report.Errors > 0) {
//					Report.Warning (1584, 1, mc.Location, "XML comment on `{0}' has syntactically incorrect cref attribute `{1}'",
//					                mc.GetSignatureForError (), cref);
				ConversionVisitor conversionVisitor = new ConversionVisitor (false, session.LocationsBag);
				DocumentationReference docRef = conversionVisitor.ConvertXmlDoc(module.DocumentationBuilder);
				return docRef;
		public static void Error1599 (Location loc, TypeSpec t, Report Report)
			Report.Error (1599, loc, "Method or delegate cannot return type `{0}'", TypeManager.CSharpName (t));
		public void Warning_UselessOptionalParameter (Report Report)
			Report.Warning (1066, 1, Location,
				"The default value specified for optional parameter `{0}' will never be used",
		public void WarningDisable (Location location, int code, Report Report)
			if (Report.CheckWarningCode (code, location))
				regions.Add (new Disable (location.Row, code));