        public override bool Define()
            if (!base.Define())

            if (!BuiltinTypeSpec.IsPrimitiveType(MemberType))
                Report.Error(1663, Location,
                             "`{0}': Fixed size buffers type must be one of the following: bool, byte, short, int, long, char, sbyte, ushort, uint, ulong, float or double",
            else if (declarators != null)
                var t = new TypeExpression(MemberType, TypeExpression.Location);
                foreach (var d in declarators)
                    var f = new FixedField(Parent, t, ModFlags, new MemberName(d.Name.Value, d.Name.Location), OptAttributes);
                    f.initializer = d.Initializer;
                    ((ConstInitializer)f.initializer).Name = d.Name.Value;

            // Create nested fixed buffer container
            string name = String.Format("<{0}>__FixedBuffer{1}", Name, GlobalCounter++);

            fixed_buffer_type = Parent.TypeBuilder.DefineNestedType(name,
                                                                    TypeAttributes.NestedPublic | TypeAttributes.Sealed | TypeAttributes.BeforeFieldInit,

            var ffield = fixed_buffer_type.DefineField(FixedElementName, MemberType.GetMetaInfo(), FieldAttributes.Public);

            FieldBuilder = Parent.TypeBuilder.DefineField(Name, fixed_buffer_type, ModifiersExtensions.FieldAttr(ModFlags));

            var element_spec = new FieldSpec(null, this, MemberType, ffield, ModFlags);

            spec = new FixedFieldSpec(Module, Parent.Definition, this, FieldBuilder, element_spec, ModFlags);

			public override void Visit (FixedField f)
				var location = LocationsBag.GetMemberLocation (f);
				int locationIdx = 0;
				var newField = new FixedFieldDeclaration ();
				AddAttributeSection (newField, f);
				AddModifiers (newField, location);
				if (location != null && location.Count > 0)
					newField.AddChild (new CSharpTokenNode (Convert (location [locationIdx++]), FixedFieldDeclaration.FixedKeywordRole), FixedFieldDeclaration.FixedKeywordRole);

				if (f.TypeExpression != null)
					newField.AddChild (ConvertToType (f.TypeExpression), Roles.Type);
				var variable = new FixedVariableInitializer ();
				variable.AddChild (Identifier.Create (f.MemberName.Name, Convert (f.MemberName.Location)), Roles.Identifier);
				if (f.Initializer != null && !f.Initializer.IsNull) {
					var bracketLocations = LocationsBag.GetLocations (f.Initializer);
					if (bracketLocations != null && bracketLocations.Count > 1)
						variable.AddChild (new CSharpTokenNode (Convert (bracketLocations [0]), Roles.LBracket), Roles.LBracket);
					variable.AddChild ((Expression)f.Initializer.Accept (this), Roles.Expression);
					if (bracketLocations != null && bracketLocations.Count > 1)
						variable.AddChild (new CSharpTokenNode (Convert (bracketLocations [0]), Roles.RBracket), Roles.RBracket);
				newField.AddChild (variable, FixedFieldDeclaration.VariableRole);
				if (f.Declarators != null) {
					foreach (var decl in f.Declarators) {
						var declLoc = LocationsBag.GetLocations (decl);
						if (declLoc != null)
							newField.AddChild (new CSharpTokenNode (Convert (declLoc [0]), Roles.Comma), Roles.Comma);
						variable = new FixedVariableInitializer ();
						variable.AddChild (Identifier.Create (decl.Name.Value, Convert (decl.Name.Location)), Roles.Identifier);
						if (!decl.Initializer.IsNull) {
							var bracketLocations = LocationsBag.GetLocations (f.Initializer);
							if (bracketLocations != null && bracketLocations.Count > 1)
								variable.AddChild (new CSharpTokenNode (Convert (bracketLocations [0]), Roles.LBracket), Roles.LBracket);
							variable.AddChild ((Expression)decl.Initializer.Accept (this), Roles.Expression);
							if (bracketLocations != null && bracketLocations.Count > 1)
								variable.AddChild (new CSharpTokenNode (Convert (bracketLocations [0]), Roles.RBracket), Roles.RBracket);
						newField.AddChild (variable, FixedFieldDeclaration.VariableRole);
				if (location != null && location.Count > locationIdx)
					newField.AddChild (new CSharpTokenNode (Convert (location [locationIdx]), Roles.Semicolon), Roles.Semicolon);
				typeStack.Peek ().AddChild (newField, Roles.TypeMemberRole);
		public override bool Define ()
			if (!base.Define ())
				return false;

			if (!BuiltinTypeSpec.IsPrimitiveType (MemberType)) {
				Report.Error (1663, Location,
					"`{0}': Fixed size buffers type must be one of the following: bool, byte, short, int, long, char, sbyte, ushort, uint, ulong, float or double",
					GetSignatureForError ());
			} else if (declarators != null) {
				var t = new TypeExpression (MemberType, TypeExpression.Location);
				foreach (var d in declarators) {
					var f = new FixedField (Parent, t, ModFlags, new MemberName (d.Name.Value, d.Name.Location), OptAttributes);
					f.initializer = d.Initializer;
					((ConstInitializer) f.initializer).Name = d.Name.Value;
					f.Define ();
					Parent.PartialContainer.Members.Add (f);
			// Create nested fixed buffer container
			string name = String.Format ("<{0}>__FixedBuffer{1}", Name, GlobalCounter++);
			fixed_buffer_type = Parent.TypeBuilder.DefineNestedType (name,
				TypeAttributes.NestedPublic | TypeAttributes.Sealed | TypeAttributes.BeforeFieldInit,
				Compiler.BuiltinTypes.ValueType.GetMetaInfo ());

			var ffield = fixed_buffer_type.DefineField (FixedElementName, MemberType.GetMetaInfo (), FieldAttributes.Public);
			FieldBuilder = Parent.TypeBuilder.DefineField (Name, fixed_buffer_type, ModifiersExtensions.FieldAttr (ModFlags));

			var element_spec = new FieldSpec (null, this, MemberType, ffield, ModFlags);
			spec = new FixedFieldSpec (Parent.Definition, this, FieldBuilder, element_spec, ModFlags);

			Parent.MemberCache.AddMember (spec);
			return true;
		public virtual void Visit (FixedField f)
 public virtual void Visit(FixedField f)