		public override Assembly LoadAssemblyFile (string fileName, bool isImplicitReference)
			bool? has_extension = null;
			foreach (var path in paths) {
				var file = Path.Combine (path, fileName);
				if (compiler.Settings.DebugFlags > 0)
					Console.WriteLine ("Probing assembly location `{0}'", file);

				if (!File.Exists (file)) {
					if (!has_extension.HasValue)
						has_extension = fileName.EndsWith (".dll", StringComparison.Ordinal) || fileName.EndsWith (".exe", StringComparison.Ordinal);

					if (has_extension.Value)

					file += ".dll";
					if (!File.Exists (file))

				try {
					using (RawModule module = domain.OpenRawModule (file)) {
						if (!module.IsManifestModule) {
							Error_AssemblyIsModule (fileName);
							return null;

						// check whether the assembly can be actually imported without
						// collision
						var an = module.GetAssemblyName ();
						foreach (var entry in loaded_names) {
							var loaded_name = entry.Item1;
							if (an.Name != loaded_name.Name)

							if (module.ModuleVersionId == entry.Item3.ManifestModule.ModuleVersionId)
								return entry.Item3;
							if (((an.Flags | loaded_name.Flags) & AssemblyNameFlags.PublicKey) == 0) {
								compiler.Report.SymbolRelatedToPreviousError (entry.Item2);
								compiler.Report.SymbolRelatedToPreviousError (fileName);
								compiler.Report.Error (1704,
									"An assembly with the same name `{0}' has already been imported. Consider removing one of the references or sign the assembly",
								return null;

							if ((an.Flags & AssemblyNameFlags.PublicKey) == (loaded_name.Flags & AssemblyNameFlags.PublicKey) && an.Version.Equals (loaded_name.Version)) {
								compiler.Report.SymbolRelatedToPreviousError (entry.Item2);
								compiler.Report.SymbolRelatedToPreviousError (fileName);
								compiler.Report.Error (1703,
									"An assembly with the same identity `{0}' has already been imported. Consider removing one of the references",
								return null;

						if (compiler.Settings.DebugFlags > 0)
							Console.WriteLine ("Loading assembly `{0}'", fileName);

						var assembly = domain.LoadAssembly (module);
						if (assembly != null)
							loaded_names.Add (Tuple.Create (an, fileName, assembly));

						return assembly;
				} catch {
					if (!isImplicitReference)
						Error_FileCorrupted (file);

					return null;

			if (!isImplicitReference)
				Error_FileNotFound (fileName);

			return null;