public NodeEditorWidget (DotNetProject project, AddinRegistry reg, ExtensionNodeType ntype, AddinDescription parentAddinDescription, string parentPath, ExtensionNodeDescription node) { this.node = node; this.project = project; tips = new Tooltips (); Spacing = 0; // Header Label label = new Label (); label.Wrap = true; label.WidthRequest = 480; string txt = "<b>" + node.NodeName + "</b>"; if (ntype.Description.Length > 0) txt += "\n" + GLib.Markup.EscapeText (ntype.Description); label.Markup = txt; label.Xalign = 0f; PackStart (label, false, false, 6); PackStart (new HSeparator (), false, false, 0); // Attributes grid = new PropertyGrid (); grid.CurrentObject = new NodeWrapper (project, reg, ntype, parentAddinDescription, parentPath, node); PackStart (grid, true, true, 0); ShowAll (); grid.ShowHelp = true; grid.ShowToolbar = false; }
public NodeEditorDialog (DotNetProject project, AddinRegistry reg, ExtensionNodeType ntype, AddinDescription parentAddinDescription, string parentPath, ExtensionNodeDescription node) { editor = new NodeEditorWidget (project, reg, ntype, parentAddinDescription, parentPath, node); editor.BorderWidth = 12; this.VBox.PackStart (editor, true, true, 0); this.AddButton (Stock.Cancel, ResponseType.Cancel); this.AddButton (Stock.Ok, ResponseType.Ok); this.DefaultWidth = 400; ShowAll (); }
/// <summary> /// Copies data from another node set /// </summary> /// <param name='nset'> /// Node set from which to copy /// </param> public void CopyFrom (ExtensionNodeSet nset) { id =; NodeTypes.Clear (); foreach (ExtensionNodeType nt in nset.NodeTypes) { ExtensionNodeType cnt = new ExtensionNodeType (); cnt.CopyFrom (nt); NodeTypes.Add (cnt); } NodeSets.Clear (); foreach (string ns in nset.NodeSets) NodeSets.Add (ns); missingNodeSetId = nset.missingNodeSetId; }
public NodeTypeEditorDialog (DotNetProject project, ExtensionNodeType nt) { this.Build(); this.ntype = nt; nodeType.Project = project; baseType.Project = project; Fill (); if (nt.Parent == null) { loading = true; nodeType.TypeName = "Mono.Addins.TypeExtensionNode"; entryName.Text = "Type"; loading = false; } }
public NodeWrapper (DotNetProject project, AddinRegistry reg, ExtensionNodeType ntype, AddinDescription parentAddinDescription, string parentPath, ExtensionNodeDescription node) { List<PropertyDescriptor> props = new List<PropertyDescriptor> (); string mainCategory = AddinManager.CurrentLocalizer.GetString ("Node Attributes"); PropertyDescriptor prop = new MyPropertyDescriptor ("id", typeof(String), AddinManager.CurrentLocalizer.GetString ("Identifier of the extension node"), mainCategory, node); props.Add (prop); foreach (NodeTypeAttribute att in ntype.Attributes) { Type pt = Type.GetType (att.Type); if (pt == null) pt = typeof(string); prop = new MyPropertyDescriptor (att.Name, pt, att.Description, mainCategory, node); props.Add (prop); } /* int n = 1; foreach (ExtensionNodeDescription en in AddinData.GetExtensionNodes (reg, parentAddinDescription, parentPath)) { if (en.Id.Length > 0) { insBeforeCombo.AppendText (en.Id); insAfterCombo.AppendText (en.Id); if (en.Id == node.InsertBefore) insBeforeCombo.Active = n; if (en.Id == node.InsertAfter) insAfterCombo.Active = n; } n++; } */ prop = new MyPropertyDescriptor ("insertBefore", typeof(String), AddinManager.CurrentLocalizer.GetString ("Insert Before"), AddinManager.CurrentLocalizer.GetString ("Placement"), node); props.Add (prop); prop = new MyPropertyDescriptor ("insertAfter", typeof(String), AddinManager.CurrentLocalizer.GetString ("Insert After"), AddinManager.CurrentLocalizer.GetString ("Placement"), node); props.Add (prop); properties = new PropertyDescriptorCollection (props.ToArray ()); }
ExtensionNodeType.FieldData CreateFieldData(MemberInfo member, NodeAttributeAttribute at, out string name, ref ExtensionNodeType.FieldData boundAttributeType) { ExtensionNodeType.FieldData fdata = new ExtensionNodeType.FieldData (); fdata.Member = member; fdata.Required = at.Required; fdata.Localizable = at.Localizable; if (at.Name != null && at.Name.Length > 0) name = at.Name; else name = member.Name; if (typeof(CustomExtensionAttribute).IsAssignableFrom (fdata.MemberType)) { if (boundAttributeType != null) throw new InvalidOperationException ("Type '" + member.DeclaringType + "' has two members bound to a custom attribute. There can be only one."); boundAttributeType = fdata; return null; } return fdata; }
Dictionary<string, ExtensionNodeType.FieldData> GetMembersMap(Type type, out ExtensionNodeType.FieldData boundAttributeType) { string fname; Dictionary<string,ExtensionNodeType.FieldData> fields = new Dictionary<string, ExtensionNodeType.FieldData> (); boundAttributeType = null; while (type != typeof(object) && type != null) { foreach (FieldInfo field in type.GetFields (BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.DeclaredOnly)) { NodeAttributeAttribute at = (NodeAttributeAttribute) Attribute.GetCustomAttribute (field, typeof(NodeAttributeAttribute), true); if (at != null) { ExtensionNodeType.FieldData fd = CreateFieldData (field, at, out fname, ref boundAttributeType); if (fd != null) fields [fname] = fd; } } foreach (PropertyInfo prop in type.GetProperties (BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.DeclaredOnly)) { NodeAttributeAttribute at = (NodeAttributeAttribute) Attribute.GetCustomAttribute (prop, typeof(NodeAttributeAttribute), true); if (at != null) { ExtensionNodeType.FieldData fd = CreateFieldData (prop, at, out fname, ref boundAttributeType); if (fd != null) fields [fname] = fd; } } type = type.BaseType; } return fields; }
/// <summary> /// Adds an extension node type. /// </summary> /// <returns> /// The extension node type. /// </returns> /// <param name='name'> /// Name of the node /// </param> /// <param name='typeName'> /// Name of the type that implements the extension node. /// </param> /// <remarks> /// This method can be used to register a new allowed node type for the extension point. /// </remarks> public ExtensionNodeType AddExtensionNode(string name, string typeName) { ExtensionNodeType ntype = new ExtensionNodeType (); ntype.Id = name; ntype.TypeName = typeName; NodeSet.NodeTypes.Add (ntype); return ntype; }
bool InitializeNodeType (ExtensionNodeType ntype) { RuntimeAddin p = AddinManager.SessionService.GetAddin (ntype.AddinId); if (p == null) { if (!AddinManager.SessionService.IsAddinLoaded (ntype.AddinId)) { if (!AddinManager.SessionService.LoadAddin (null, ntype.AddinId, false)) return false; p = AddinManager.SessionService.GetAddin (ntype.AddinId); if (p == null) { AddinManager.ReportError ("Add-in not found", ntype.AddinId, null, false); return false; } } } // If no type name is provided, use TypeExtensionNode by default if (ntype.TypeName == null || ntype.TypeName.Length == 0) { ntype.Type = typeof(TypeExtensionNode); return true; } ntype.Type = p.GetType (ntype.TypeName, false); if (ntype.Type == null) { AddinManager.ReportError ("Extension node type '" + ntype.TypeName + "' not found.", ntype.AddinId, null, false); return false; } Hashtable fields = new Hashtable (); // Check if the type has NodeAttribute attributes applied to fields. foreach (FieldInfo field in ntype.Type.GetFields (BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance)) { NodeAttributeAttribute at = (NodeAttributeAttribute) Attribute.GetCustomAttribute (field, typeof(NodeAttributeAttribute), true); if (at != null) { ExtensionNodeType.FieldData fdata = new ExtensionNodeType.FieldData (); fdata.Field = field; fdata.Required = at.Required; fdata.Localizable = at.Localizable; string name; if (at.Name != null && at.Name.Length > 0) name = at.Name; else name = field.Name; fields [name] = fdata; } } if (fields.Count > 0) ntype.Fields = fields; return true; }
protected virtual void OnEditNodeButtonClicked (object sender, System.EventArgs e) { TreeIter iter; tree.Selection.GetSelected (out iter); ExtensionNodeType ns = (ExtensionNodeType) store.GetValue (iter, ColObject); ExtensionNodeType copy = new ExtensionNodeType (); copy.CopyFrom (ns); NodeTypeEditorDialog dlg = new NodeTypeEditorDialog (project, copy); if (dlg.Run () == (int) Gtk.ResponseType.Ok) { ns.CopyFrom (copy); Update (); } dlg.Destroy (); }
string RegisterNodeXml(ExtensionNodeType nt, ArrayList list, Hashtable visited) { string key = nt.Id + " " + nt.TypeName; if (visited.Contains (key)) return (string) visited [key]; string k = "ntype_" + uniqueId; uniqueId++; visited [key] = k; list.Add (nt); return k; }
public override void Initialize (XElement elem) { XAttribute att = elem.Attributes [new XName ("id")]; if (att != null) id = att.Value; string nodeName = elem.Name.Name; BaseExtensionCompletionContext ctx = ParentContext as BaseExtensionCompletionContext; foreach (ExtensionNodeType nt in ctx.GetAllowedNodeTypes ()) { if (nt.NodeName == nodeName) { nodeType = nt; break; } } }
void ScanNodeType(IAssemblyReflector reflector, AddinDescription config, ExtensionNodeType nt, ArrayList assemblies, Hashtable internalNodeSets) { if (nt.TypeName.Length == 0) nt.TypeName = "Mono.Addins.TypeExtensionNode"; object ntype = FindAddinType (reflector, nt.TypeName, assemblies); if (ntype == null) return; // Add type information declared with attributes in the code ExtensionNodeAttribute nodeAtt = (ExtensionNodeAttribute) reflector.GetCustomAttribute (ntype, typeof(ExtensionNodeAttribute), true); if (nodeAtt != null) { if (nt.Id.Length == 0 && nodeAtt.NodeName.Length > 0) nt.Id = nodeAtt.NodeName; if (nt.Description.Length == 0 && nodeAtt.Description.Length > 0) nt.Description = nodeAtt.Description; if (nt.ExtensionAttributeTypeName.Length == 0 && nodeAtt.ExtensionAttributeTypeName.Length > 0) nt.ExtensionAttributeTypeName = nodeAtt.ExtensionAttributeTypeName; } else { // Use the node type name as default name if (nt.Id.Length == 0) nt.Id = reflector.GetTypeName (ntype); } // Add information about attributes object[] fieldAtts = reflector.GetCustomAttributes (ntype, typeof(NodeAttributeAttribute), true); foreach (NodeAttributeAttribute fatt in fieldAtts) { NodeTypeAttribute natt = new NodeTypeAttribute (); natt.Name = fatt.Name; natt.Required = fatt.Required; if (fatt.TypeName != null) natt.Type = fatt.TypeName; if (fatt.Description.Length > 0) natt.Description = fatt.Description; nt.Attributes.Add (natt); } // Check if the type has NodeAttribute attributes applied to fields. foreach (object field in reflector.GetFields (ntype)) { NodeAttributeAttribute fatt = (NodeAttributeAttribute) reflector.GetCustomAttribute (field, typeof(NodeAttributeAttribute), false); if (fatt != null) { NodeTypeAttribute natt = new NodeTypeAttribute (); if (fatt.Name.Length > 0) natt.Name = fatt.Name; else natt.Name = reflector.GetFieldName (field); if (fatt.Description.Length > 0) natt.Description = fatt.Description; natt.Type = reflector.GetFieldTypeFullName (field); natt.Required = fatt.Required; nt.Attributes.Add (natt); } } // Check if the extension type allows children by looking for [ExtensionNodeChild] attributes. // First of all, look in the internalNodeSets hashtable, which is being used as cache string childSet = (string) internalNodeSets [nt.TypeName]; if (childSet == null) { object[] ats = reflector.GetCustomAttributes (ntype, typeof(ExtensionNodeChildAttribute), true); if (ats.Length > 0) { // Create a new node set for this type. It is necessary to create a new node set // instead of just adding child ExtensionNodeType objects to the this node type // because child types references can be recursive. ExtensionNodeSet internalSet = new ExtensionNodeSet (); internalSet.Id = reflector.GetTypeName (ntype) + "_" + Guid.NewGuid().ToString (); foreach (ExtensionNodeChildAttribute at in ats) { ExtensionNodeType internalType = new ExtensionNodeType (); internalType.Id = at.NodeName; internalType.TypeName = at.ExtensionNodeTypeName; internalSet.NodeTypes.Add (internalType); } config.ExtensionNodeSets.Add (internalSet); nt.NodeSets.Add (internalSet.Id); // Register the new set in a hashtable, to allow recursive references to the // same internal set. internalNodeSets [nt.TypeName] = internalSet.Id; internalNodeSets [reflector.GetTypeAssemblyQualifiedName (ntype)] = internalSet.Id; ScanNodeSet (reflector, config, internalSet, assemblies, internalNodeSets); } } else { if (childSet.Length == 0) { // The extension type does not declare children. return; } // The extension type can have children. The allowed children are // defined in this extension set. nt.NodeSets.Add (childSet); return; } ScanNodeSet (reflector, config, nt, assemblies, internalNodeSets); }
bool InitializeNodeType(ExtensionNodeType ntype) { RuntimeAddin p = addinEngine.GetAddin (ntype.AddinId); if (p == null) { if (!addinEngine.IsAddinLoaded (ntype.AddinId)) { if (!addinEngine.LoadAddin (null, ntype.AddinId, false)) return false; p = addinEngine.GetAddin (ntype.AddinId); if (p == null) { addinEngine.ReportError ("Add-in not found", ntype.AddinId, null, false); return false; } } } // If no type name is provided, use TypeExtensionNode by default if (ntype.TypeName == null || ntype.TypeName.Length == 0 || ntype.TypeName == typeof(TypeExtensionNode).FullName) { // If it has a custom attribute, use the generic version of TypeExtensionNode if (ntype.ExtensionAttributeTypeName.Length > 0) { Type attType = p.GetType (ntype.ExtensionAttributeTypeName, false); if (attType == null) { addinEngine.ReportError ("Custom attribute type '" + ntype.ExtensionAttributeTypeName + "' not found.", ntype.AddinId, null, false); return false; } if (ntype.ObjectTypeName.Length > 0 || ntype.TypeName == typeof(TypeExtensionNode).FullName) ntype.Type = typeof(TypeExtensionNode<>).MakeGenericType (attType); else ntype.Type = typeof(ExtensionNode<>).MakeGenericType (attType); } else { ntype.Type = typeof(TypeExtensionNode); return true; } } else { ntype.Type = p.GetType (ntype.TypeName, false); if (ntype.Type == null) { addinEngine.ReportError ("Extension node type '" + ntype.TypeName + "' not found.", ntype.AddinId, null, false); return false; } } // Check if the type has NodeAttribute attributes applied to fields. ExtensionNodeType.FieldData boundAttributeType = null; Dictionary<string,ExtensionNodeType.FieldData> fields = GetMembersMap (ntype.Type, out boundAttributeType); ntype.CustomAttributeMember = boundAttributeType; if (fields.Count > 0) ntype.Fields = fields; // If the node type is bound to a custom attribute and there is a member bound to that attribute, // get the member map for the attribute. if (boundAttributeType != null) { if (ntype.ExtensionAttributeTypeName.Length == 0) throw new InvalidOperationException ("Extension node not bound to a custom attribute."); if (ntype.ExtensionAttributeTypeName != boundAttributeType.MemberType.FullName) throw new InvalidOperationException ("Incorrect custom attribute type declaration in " + ntype.Type + ". Expected '" + ntype.ExtensionAttributeTypeName + "' found '" + boundAttributeType.MemberType.FullName + "'"); fields = GetMembersMap (boundAttributeType.MemberType, out boundAttributeType); if (fields.Count > 0) ntype.CustomAttributeFields = fields; } return true; }
void CreateNode (TreeIter it, Extension ext, ExtensionNodeDescription node, ExtensionNodeType nt) { ExtensionNodeDescription newNode = new ExtensionNodeDescription (nt.NodeName); if (ext != null) { if (ext.Parent == null) adesc.MainModule.Extensions.Add (ext); ext.ExtensionNodes.Add (newNode); } else node.ChildNodes.Add (newNode); TreeIter nit = AddNode (it, newNode); tree.ExpandRow (store.GetPath (it), false); tree.Selection.SelectIter (nit); NotifyChanged (); }
public ExtensionNodeElement (AddinProjectFlavor proj, ExtensionPoint extensionPoint, ExtensionNodeType info) : base (info.NodeName, info.Description) { this.proj = proj; this.extensionPoint = extensionPoint; = info; }
/// <summary> /// Copies data from another node set /// </summary> public void CopyFrom (ExtensionNodeType ntype) { base.CopyFrom (ntype); this.typeName = ntype.TypeName; this.objectTypeName = ntype.ObjectTypeName; this.description = ntype.Description; this.addinId = ntype.AddinId; Attributes.Clear (); foreach (NodeTypeAttribute att in ntype.Attributes) { NodeTypeAttribute catt = new NodeTypeAttribute (); catt.CopyFrom (att); Attributes.Add (catt); } }
void ScanAssemblyContents (AddinDescription config, Assembly asm, ArrayList hostExtensionClasses, AddinScanResult scanResult) { // Get dependencies object[] deps = asm.GetCustomAttributes (typeof(AddinDependencyAttribute), false); foreach (AddinDependencyAttribute dep in deps) { AddinDependency adep = new AddinDependency (); adep.AddinId = dep.Id; adep.Version = dep.Version; config.MainModule.Dependencies.Add (adep); } // Get extension points object[] extPoints = asm.GetCustomAttributes (typeof(ExtensionPointAttribute), false); foreach (ExtensionPointAttribute ext in extPoints) { ExtensionPoint ep = config.AddExtensionPoint (ext.Path); ep.Description = ext.Description; ep.Name = ext.Name; ep.AddExtensionNode (ext.NodeName, ext.NodeType.FullName); } foreach (Type t in asm.GetTypes ()) { if (Attribute.IsDefined (t, typeof(ExtensionAttribute))) { foreach (ExtensionAttribute eatt in t.GetCustomAttributes (typeof(ExtensionAttribute), false)) { string path; string nodeName; if (eatt.Path.Length == 0) { if (config.IsRoot) { // The extension point must be one of the defined by the assembly // Look for it later, when the assembly has been fully scanned. hostExtensionClasses.Add (t); continue; } else { path = GetBaseTypeNameList (t); if (path == "$") { // The type does not implement any interface and has no superclass. // Will be reported later as an error. path = "$" + t.FullName; } nodeName = "Type"; } } else { path = eatt.Path; nodeName = eatt.NodeName; } ExtensionNodeDescription elem = config.MainModule.AddExtensionNode (path, nodeName); if (eatt.Id.Length > 0) { elem.SetAttribute ("id", eatt.Id); elem.SetAttribute ("type", t.FullName); } else { elem.SetAttribute ("id", t.FullName); } if (eatt.InsertAfter.Length > 0) elem.SetAttribute ("insertafter", eatt.InsertAfter); if (eatt.InsertBefore.Length > 0) elem.SetAttribute ("insertbefore", eatt.InsertAfter); } } else if (Attribute.IsDefined (t, typeof(TypeExtensionPointAttribute))) { foreach (TypeExtensionPointAttribute epa in t.GetCustomAttributes (typeof(TypeExtensionPointAttribute), false)) { ExtensionPoint ep; ExtensionNodeType nt = new ExtensionNodeType (); if (epa.Path.Length > 0) { ep = config.AddExtensionPoint (epa.Path); } else { ep = config.AddExtensionPoint (GetDefaultTypeExtensionPath (config, t)); nt.ObjectTypeName = t.FullName; } nt.Id = epa.NodeName; nt.TypeName = epa.NodeType.FullName; ep.NodeSet.NodeTypes.Add (nt); ep.Description = epa.Description; ep.Name = epa.Name; ep.RootAddin = config.AddinId; ep.SetExtensionsAddinId (config.AddinId); } } } }
public ExtensionNode ReadNode(TreeNode tnode, string addin, ExtensionNodeType ntype, ExtensionNodeDescription elem, ModuleDescription module) { try { if (ntype.Type == null) { if (!InitializeNodeType (ntype)) return null; } ExtensionNode node; node = Activator.CreateInstance (ntype.Type) as ExtensionNode; if (node == null) { addinEngine.ReportError ("Extension node type '" + ntype.Type + "' must be a subclass of ExtensionNode", addin, null, false); return null; } tnode.AttachExtensionNode (node); node.SetData (addinEngine, addin, ntype, module); node.Read (elem); return node; } catch (Exception ex) { addinEngine.ReportError ("Could not read extension node of type '" + ntype.Type + "' from extension path '" + tnode.GetPath() + "'", addin, ex, false); return null; } }
void InitCollections () { nodeTypes = new ExtensionNodeTypeCollection (this); nodeSets = new NodeSetIdCollection (); foreach (XmlNode n in Element.ChildNodes) { XmlElement nt = n as XmlElement; if (nt == null) continue; if (nt.LocalName == "ExtensionNode") { ExtensionNodeType etype = new ExtensionNodeType (nt); nodeTypes.Add (etype); } else if (nt.LocalName == "ExtensionNodeSet") { string id = nt.GetAttribute ("id"); if (id.Length > 0) nodeSets.Add (id); else missingNodeSetId = true; } } }
protected virtual void OnButtonOkClicked (object sender, System.EventArgs e) { ep.Path = entryPath.Text; ep.Name = entryName.Text; ep.Description = entryDesc.Text; if (notebook.Page == 0) { ep.NodeSet.CopyFrom (new ExtensionNodeSet ()); ExtensionNodeType nt = new ExtensionNodeType (); nt.NodeName = entryNodeName.Text; nt.TypeName = "Mono.Addins.TypeExtensionNode"; nt.ObjectTypeName = baseTypeSelector.TypeName; nt.Description = entryNodeDescription.Text; ep.NodeSet.NodeTypes.Add (nt); } }
internal void SetData (string plugid, ExtensionNodeType nodeType) { this.addinId = plugid; this.nodeType = nodeType; }
void ScanAssemblyContents(IAssemblyReflector reflector, AddinDescription config, ModuleDescription module, object asm, AddinScanResult scanResult) { bool isMainModule = module == config.MainModule; // Get dependencies object[] deps = reflector.GetCustomAttributes (asm, typeof(AddinDependencyAttribute), false); foreach (AddinDependencyAttribute dep in deps) { AddinDependency adep = new AddinDependency (); adep.AddinId = dep.Id; adep.Version = dep.Version; module.Dependencies.Add (adep); } if (isMainModule) { // Get properties object[] props = reflector.GetCustomAttributes (asm, typeof(AddinPropertyAttribute), false); foreach (AddinPropertyAttribute prop in props) config.Properties.SetPropertyValue (prop.Name, prop.Value, prop.Locale); // Get extension points object[] extPoints = reflector.GetCustomAttributes (asm, typeof(ExtensionPointAttribute), false); foreach (ExtensionPointAttribute ext in extPoints) { ExtensionPoint ep = config.AddExtensionPoint (ext.Path); ep.Description = ext.Description; ep.Name = ext.Name; ExtensionNodeType nt = ep.AddExtensionNode (ext.NodeName, ext.NodeTypeName); nt.ExtensionAttributeTypeName = ext.ExtensionAttributeTypeName; } } // Look for extension nodes declared using assembly attributes foreach (CustomAttribute att in reflector.GetRawCustomAttributes (asm, typeof(CustomExtensionAttribute), true)) AddCustomAttributeExtension (module, att, "Type"); // Get extensions or extension points applied to types foreach (object t in reflector.GetAssemblyTypes (asm)) { string typeFullName = reflector.GetTypeFullName (t); // Look for extensions object[] extensionAtts = reflector.GetCustomAttributes (t, typeof(ExtensionAttribute), false); if (extensionAtts.Length > 0) { Dictionary<string,ExtensionNodeDescription> nodes = new Dictionary<string, ExtensionNodeDescription> (); ExtensionNodeDescription uniqueNode = null; foreach (ExtensionAttribute eatt in extensionAtts) { string path; string nodeName = eatt.NodeName; if (eatt.TypeName.Length > 0) { path = "$" + eatt.TypeName; } else if (eatt.Path.Length == 0) { path = GetBaseTypeNameList (reflector, t); if (path == "$") { // The type does not implement any interface and has no superclass. // Will be reported later as an error. path = "$" + typeFullName; } } else { path = eatt.Path; } ExtensionNodeDescription elem = module.AddExtensionNode (path, nodeName); nodes [path] = elem; uniqueNode = elem; if (eatt.Id.Length > 0) { elem.SetAttribute ("id", eatt.Id); elem.SetAttribute ("type", typeFullName); } else { elem.SetAttribute ("id", typeFullName); } if (eatt.InsertAfter.Length > 0) elem.SetAttribute ("insertafter", eatt.InsertAfter); if (eatt.InsertBefore.Length > 0) elem.SetAttribute ("insertbefore", eatt.InsertBefore); } // Get the node attributes foreach (ExtensionAttributeAttribute eat in reflector.GetCustomAttributes (t, typeof(ExtensionAttributeAttribute), false)) { ExtensionNodeDescription node; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty (eat.Path)) nodes.TryGetValue (eat.Path, out node); else if (eat.TypeName.Length > 0) nodes.TryGetValue ("$" + eat.TypeName, out node); else { if (nodes.Count > 1) throw new Exception ("Missing type or extension path value in ExtensionAttribute for type '" + typeFullName + "'."); node = uniqueNode; } if (node == null) throw new Exception ("Invalid type or path value in ExtensionAttribute for type '" + typeFullName + "'."); node.SetAttribute (eat.Name ?? string.Empty, eat.Value ?? string.Empty); } } else { // Look for extension points extensionAtts = reflector.GetCustomAttributes (t, typeof(TypeExtensionPointAttribute), false); if (extensionAtts.Length > 0 && isMainModule) { foreach (TypeExtensionPointAttribute epa in extensionAtts) { ExtensionPoint ep; ExtensionNodeType nt = new ExtensionNodeType (); if (epa.Path.Length > 0) { ep = config.AddExtensionPoint (epa.Path); } else { ep = config.AddExtensionPoint (GetDefaultTypeExtensionPath (config, typeFullName)); nt.ObjectTypeName = typeFullName; } nt.Id = epa.NodeName; nt.TypeName = epa.NodeTypeName; nt.ExtensionAttributeTypeName = epa.ExtensionAttributeTypeName; ep.NodeSet.NodeTypes.Add (nt); ep.Description = epa.Description; ep.Name = epa.Name; ep.RootAddin = config.AddinId; ep.SetExtensionsAddinId (config.AddinId); } } else { // Look for custom extension attribtues foreach (CustomAttribute att in reflector.GetRawCustomAttributes (t, typeof(CustomExtensionAttribute), false)) { ExtensionNodeDescription elem = AddCustomAttributeExtension (module, att, "Type"); elem.SetAttribute ("type", typeFullName); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty (elem.GetAttribute ("id"))) elem.SetAttribute ("id", typeFullName); } } } } }
protected virtual void OnAddNodeButtonClicked (object sender, System.EventArgs e) { ExtensionNodeType nt = new ExtensionNodeType (); NodeTypeEditorDialog dlg = new NodeTypeEditorDialog (project, nt); if (dlg.Run () == (int) Gtk.ResponseType.Ok) { nodeSet.NodeTypes.Add (nt); Update (); } dlg.Destroy (); }