private void dropCurrency_SelectionChanged(object sender, SelectionChangedEventArgs e) { if ((txtAddTotalCost.Text != null && txtAddTotalCost.Text != "") && (txtAddCPP.Text != null && txtAddCPP.Text != "")) { int No = Convert.ToInt32(txtAddNoPieces.Text); double PPP = Convert.ToDouble(txtAddPricePiece.Text); double Trans = Convert.ToDouble(txtAddTrans.Text); double SupCom = Convert.ToDouble(txtAddSupComm.Text); double Misc = Convert.ToDouble(txtAddMisc.Text); StockLotPurchaseHandle stl = new StockLotPurchaseHandle(); double total = Convert.ToDouble(stl.CalcTotShipment(No, PPP, Trans, SupCom, Misc)); //txtAddTotalCost.Text = value1.ToString("0.00"); double actual = Convert.ToDouble(stl.CalcCPP(No, PPP, Trans, SupCom, Misc)); //txtAddCPP.Text = value2.ToString("0.00"); double trueTotal = 0; double trueActual = 0; if (dropCurrency.SelectedValue.ToString() != "LKR") { using (adoraDBContext a = new adoraDBContext()) { var id = (from ee in a.CurCategories where (ee.Category == dropCurrency.SelectedValue.ToString()) select ee.CurCatID).SingleOrDefault(); var val = (from s in a.Currencies where s.CurrencyCategory == id select s.Value).ToList(); double value = Convert.ToDouble(val.Last()); trueTotal = total / value; trueActual = actual / value; } } else { trueTotal = total; trueActual = actual; } //MessageBox.Show(dropCurrency.SelectedValue.ToString()); txtAddTotalCost.Text = trueTotal.ToString("F"); txtAddCPP.Text = trueActual.ToString("F"); curlbl1.Content = dropCurrency.SelectedValue.ToString(); curlbl2.Content = dropCurrency.SelectedValue.ToString(); } }
private void btnAdd_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { ValidateValues(); bool a = lblAddNoPieces.IsVisible; bool b = lblAddTrans.IsVisible; bool c = lblAddSupCom.IsVisible; bool d = lblAddMisc.IsVisible; bool f = lblAddPPP.IsVisible; bool g = lblAddDate.IsVisible; bool h = lblAddShipName.IsVisible; if (a || b || c || d || f || g || h) { MessageBox.Show("Check Values Again", "Message"); } else { StockLotPurchaseHandle stl = new StockLotPurchaseHandle(); int No = Convert.ToInt32(txtAddNoPieces.Text); double PPP = Convert.ToDouble(txtAddPricePiece.Text); double Trans = Convert.ToDouble(txtAddTrans.Text); double SupCom = Convert.ToDouble(txtAddSupComm.Text); double Misc = Convert.ToDouble(txtAddMisc.Text); double total = stl.CalcTotShipment(No, PPP, Trans, SupCom, Misc); double actualcostpp = stl.CalcCPP(No, PPP, Trans, SupCom, Misc); decimal pPPP = Convert.ToDecimal(PPP); decimal pTrans = Convert.ToDecimal(Trans); decimal pSupCom = Convert.ToDecimal(SupCom); decimal pMisc = Convert.ToDecimal(Misc); string pShipName = txtAddShipName.Text; DateTime pDate = Convert.ToDateTime(txtAddDate.Text); try { PurchasingShipment ps = new PurchasingShipment(); = pDate; ps.Title = pShipName; ps.PricePerPiece = pPPP; ps.NoOfPieces = No; ps.SupplierCommission = pSupCom; ps.TransportCost = pTrans; ps.Micelleneous = pMisc; _context.PurchasingShipments.Add(ps); _context.SaveChanges(); this.purchasingShipmentDataGrid.Items.Refresh(); _context.PurchasingShipments.Load(); System.Windows.MessageBox.Show("Succesfully Added", "Done", MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Information); populateShipmentNames(txtDelShipName); /* string sql = "insert into PurchasingShipments(Title,Date,NoOfPieces,PricePerPiece,TransportCost,SupplierCommission,Micelleneous)" + "values(@P0,@P1,@P2,@P3,@P4,@P5,@P6)"; List<object> parameterList = new List<object>(); parameterList.Add(txtAddShipName.Text); parameterList.Add(Convert.ToDateTime(txtAddDate.Text)); parameterList.Add(Convert.ToInt32(txtAddNoPieces.Text)); parameterList.Add(Convert.ToDecimal(txtAddPricePiece.Text)); parameterList.Add(Convert.ToDecimal(txtAddTrans.Text)); parameterList.Add(Convert.ToDecimal(txtAddSupComm.Text)); parameterList.Add(Convert.ToDecimal(txtAddMisc.Text)); object[] parameters1 = parameterList.ToArray(); int result = _context.Database.ExecuteSqlCommand(sql, parameters1); _context.SaveChanges(); this.purchasingShipmentDataGrid.Items.Refresh(); _context.UserTypes.Load(); */ refresh(); reset(); } catch(Exception) { } } }
private void btnEdit_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { ValidateValues(); bool a = lblAddNoPieces.IsVisible; bool b = lblAddTrans.IsVisible; bool c = lblAddSupCom.IsVisible; bool d = lblAddMisc.IsVisible; bool f = lblAddPPP.IsVisible; bool g = lblAddDate.IsVisible; bool h = lblAddShipName.IsVisible; if (a || b || c || d || f || g || h) { MessageBox.Show("Check Values Again", "Message"); } else { StockLotPurchaseHandle stl = new StockLotPurchaseHandle(); int No = Convert.ToInt32(txtAddNoPieces.Text); double PPP = Convert.ToDouble(txtAddPricePiece.Text); double Trans = Convert.ToDouble(txtAddTrans.Text); double SupCom = Convert.ToDouble(txtAddSupComm.Text); double Misc = Convert.ToDouble(txtAddMisc.Text); string ShipID = lblShipID.Content.ToString(); double total = stl.CalcTotShipment(No, PPP, Trans, SupCom, Misc); double actualcostpp = stl.CalcCPP(No, PPP, Trans, SupCom, Misc); decimal pPPP = Convert.ToDecimal(PPP); decimal pTrans = Convert.ToDecimal(Trans); decimal pSupCom = Convert.ToDecimal(SupCom); decimal pMisc = Convert.ToDecimal(Misc); string pShipName = txtAddShipName.Text; DateTime pDate = Convert.ToDateTime(txtAddDate.Text); try { adoraDBContext con = new adoraDBContext(); PurchasingShipment ps = _context.PurchasingShipments.First(i => i.ShipmentID == ShipID); ps.PricePerPiece = pPPP; ps.TransportCost = pTrans; ps.SupplierCommission = pSupCom; ps.Micelleneous = pMisc; ps.Title = pShipName; = pDate; _context.SaveChanges(); populateShipmentNames(txtDelShipName); this.purchasingShipmentDataGrid.Items.Refresh(); _context.PurchasingShipments.Load(); System.Windows.MessageBox.Show("Succesfully Updated", "Done", MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Information); refresh(); reset(); } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.ToString()); } } }
private void Button_Click_1(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { StockLotPurchaseHandle stl = new StockLotPurchaseHandle(); ValidateNumbers(); bool a = lblAddNoPieces.IsVisible; bool b = lblAddTrans.IsVisible; bool c = lblAddSupCom.IsVisible; bool d = lblAddMisc.IsVisible; bool f = lblAddPPP.IsVisible; if ( !a && !b && !c && !d && !f) { int No = Convert.ToInt32(txtAddNoPieces.Text); double PPP = Convert.ToDouble(txtAddPricePiece.Text); double Trans = Convert.ToDouble(txtAddTrans.Text); double SupCom = Convert.ToDouble(txtAddSupComm.Text); double Misc = Convert.ToDouble(txtAddMisc.Text); decimal value1 = Convert.ToDecimal(stl.CalcTotShipment(No,PPP, Trans, SupCom, Misc)); txtAddTotalCost.Text = value1.ToString("0.00"); decimal value2 = Convert.ToDecimal(stl.CalcCPP(No, PPP, Trans, SupCom, Misc)); txtAddCPP.Text = value2.ToString("0.00"); refresh(); } else { txtAddTotalCost.Text = ""; txtAddCPP.Text = ""; MessageBox.Show("You need to fill all the values","Message"); } }