        /// <summary>
        /// Model Validation
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="validationContext"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public IEnumerable <ValidationResult> Validate(ValidationContext validationContext)
            var results = new List <ValidationResult>();

            // ensure at least one conception model is associated
            int conceptionModelCount = this.FindAllChildren <Model>().Where(a => typeof(IConceptionModel).IsAssignableFrom(a.GetType())).Count();

            if (conceptionModelCount > 1)
                string[] memberNames = new string[] { "RuminantType.IConceptionModel" };
                results.Add(new ValidationResult(String.Format("Only one Conception component is permitted below the Ruminant Type [r={0}]", Name), memberNames));

            if (this.FindAllChildren <AnimalPricing>().Count() > 1)
                string[] memberNames = new string[] { "RuminantType.Pricing" };
                results.Add(new ValidationResult(String.Format("Only one Animal pricing schedule is permitted within a Ruminant Type [{0}]", this.Name), memberNames));
            else if (this.FindAllChildren <AnimalPricing>().Count() == 1)
                AnimalPricing price = this.FindAllChildren <AnimalPricing>().FirstOrDefault() as AnimalPricing;

                if (price.FindAllChildren <AnimalPriceGroup>().Count() == 0)
                    string[] memberNames = new string[] { "RuminantType.Pricing.RuminantPriceGroup" };
                    results.Add(new ValidationResult(String.Format("At least one Ruminant Price Group is required under an animal pricing within Ruminant Type [{0}]", this.Name), memberNames));
        private void OnCLEMInitialiseResource(object sender, EventArgs e)
            // clone pricelist so model can modify if needed and not affect initial parameterisation
            if (this.FindAllChildren <AnimalPricing>().Count() > 0)
                PriceList   = Apsim.Clone(this.FindAllChildren <AnimalPricing>().FirstOrDefault()) as AnimalPricing;
                priceGroups = PriceList.FindAllChildren <AnimalPriceGroup>().Cast <AnimalPriceGroup>().ToList();

            // get conception parameters and rate calculation method
            ConceptionModel = this.FindAllChildren <Model>().Where(a => typeof(IConceptionModel).IsAssignableFrom(a.GetType())).Cast <IConceptionModel>().FirstOrDefault();
        /// <summary>
        /// Get value of a specific individual with special requirements check (e.g. breeding sire or draught purchase)
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>value</returns>
        public double ValueofIndividual(Ruminant ind, PurchaseOrSalePricingStyleType purchaseStyle, RuminantFilterParameters property, string value)
            double price = 0;

            if (PricingAvailable())
                string          criteria   = property.ToString().ToUpper() + ":" + value.ToUpper();
                List <Ruminant> animalList = new List <Ruminant>()

                //find first pricing entry matching specific criteria
                AnimalPriceGroup matchIndividual = null;
                AnimalPriceGroup matchCriteria   = null;
                foreach (AnimalPriceGroup item in PriceList.FindAllChildren <AnimalPriceGroup>().Cast <AnimalPriceGroup>().Where(a => a.PurchaseOrSale == purchaseStyle || a.PurchaseOrSale == PurchaseOrSalePricingStyleType.Both))
                    if (animalList.Filter(item).Count() == 1 && matchIndividual == null)
                        matchIndividual = item;

                    // check that pricing item meets the specified criteria.
                    if (item.FindAllChildren <RuminantFilter>().Cast <RuminantFilter>().Where(a => (a.Parameter.ToString().ToUpper() == property.ToString().ToUpper() && a.Value.ToUpper() == value.ToUpper())).Count() > 0)
                        if (matchCriteria == null)
                            matchCriteria = item;
                            // multiple price entries were found. using first. value = xxx.
                            if (!WarningsMultipleEntry.Contains(criteria))
                                Summary.WriteWarning(this, "Multiple specific [" + purchaseStyle.ToString() + "] price entries were found for [r=" + ind.Breed + "] where [" + property + "]" + (value.ToUpper() != "TRUE" ? " = [" + value + "]." : ".") + "\nOnly the first entry will be used. Price [" + matchCriteria.Value.ToString("#,##0.##") + "] [" + matchCriteria.PricingStyle.ToString() + "].");

                if (matchCriteria == null)
                    // report specific criteria not found in price list
                    string warningString = "No [" + purchaseStyle.ToString() + "] price entry was found for [r=" + ind.Breed + "] meeting the required criteria [" + property + "]" + (value.ToUpper() != "TRUE" ? " = [" + value + "]." : ".");

                    if (matchIndividual != null)
                        // add using the best pricing available for [][] purchases of xx per head
                        warningString += "\nThe best available price [" + matchIndividual.Value.ToString("#,##0.##") + "] [" + matchIndividual.PricingStyle.ToString() + "] will be used.";
                        price          = matchIndividual.Value * ((matchIndividual.PricingStyle == PricingStyleType.perKg) ? ind.Weight : 1.0);
                        warningString += "\nNo alternate price for individuals could be found for the individuals. Add a new [r=AnimalPriceGroup] entry in the [r=AnimalPricing] for [" + ind.Breed + "]";
                    if (!WarningsNotFound.Contains(criteria))
                        Summary.WriteWarning(this, warningString);
                    price = matchCriteria.Value * ((matchCriteria.PricingStyle == PricingStyleType.perKg) ? ind.Weight : 1.0);
        /// <summary>
        /// Get value of a specific individual with special requirements check (e.g. breeding sire or draught purchase)
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>value</returns>
        public AnimalPriceGroup GetPriceGroupOfIndividual(Ruminant ind, PurchaseOrSalePricingStyleType purchaseStyle, string property, string value, string warningMessage = "")
            double price = 0;

            if (PricingAvailable())
                AnimalPriceGroup animalPrice = (purchaseStyle == PurchaseOrSalePricingStyleType.Purchase) ? ind.CurrentPriceGroups.Buy : ind.CurrentPriceGroups.Sell;
                if (animalPrice == null || !animalPrice.Filter(ind))
                    string criteria = property.ToUpper() + ":" + value.ToUpper();

                    //find first pricing entry matching specific criteria
                    AnimalPriceGroup matchIndividual = null;
                    AnimalPriceGroup matchCriteria   = null;

                    var priceGroups = PriceList.FindAllChildren <AnimalPriceGroup>()
                                      .Where(a => a.PurchaseOrSale == purchaseStyle || a.PurchaseOrSale == PurchaseOrSalePricingStyleType.Both);

                    foreach (AnimalPriceGroup priceGroup in priceGroups)
                        if (priceGroup.Filter(ind) && matchIndividual == null)
                            matchIndividual = priceGroup;

                        var suitableFilters = priceGroup.FindAllChildren <FilterByProperty>()
                                              .Where(a => (a.PropertyOfIndividual == property) &
                                                         (a.Operator == System.Linq.Expressions.ExpressionType.Equal && a.Value.ToString().ToUpper() == value.ToUpper()) |
                                                         (a.Operator == System.Linq.Expressions.ExpressionType.NotEqual && a.Value.ToString().ToUpper() != value.ToUpper()) |
                                                         (a.Operator == System.Linq.Expressions.ExpressionType.IsTrue && value.ToUpper() == "TRUE") |
                                                         (a.Operator == System.Linq.Expressions.ExpressionType.IsFalse && value.ToUpper() == "FALSE")

                        // check that pricing item meets the specified criteria.
                        if (suitableFilters)
                            if (matchCriteria == null)
                                matchCriteria = priceGroup;
                            // multiple price entries were found. using first. value = xxx.
                            if (!warningsMultipleEntry.Contains(criteria))
                                Summary.WriteMessage(this, "Multiple specific [" + purchaseStyle.ToString() + "] price entries were found for [r=" + ind.Breed + "] where [" + property + "]" + (value.ToUpper() != "TRUE" ? " = [" + value + "]." : ".") + "\r\nOnly the first entry will be used. Price [" + matchCriteria.Value.ToString("#,##0.##") + "] [" + matchCriteria.PricingStyle.ToString() + "].", MessageType.Warning);

                    if (matchCriteria == null)
                        string warningString = warningMessage;
                        if (warningString != "")
                            // no warning string passed to method so calculate one
                            // report specific criteria not found in price list
                            warningString = "No [" + purchaseStyle.ToString() + "] price entry was found for [r=" + ind.Breed + "] meeting the required criteria [" + property + "]" + (value.ToUpper() != "TRUE" ? " = [" + value + "]." : ".");

                            if (matchIndividual != null)
                                // add using the best pricing available for [][] purchases of xx per head
                                warningString += "\r\nThe best available price [" + matchIndividual.Value.ToString("#,##0.##") + "] [" + matchIndividual.PricingStyle.ToString() + "] will be used.";
                                price          = matchIndividual.Value * ((matchIndividual.PricingStyle == PricingStyleType.perKg) ? ind.Weight : 1.0);
                                warningString += "\r\nNo alternate price for individuals could be found for the individuals. Add a new [r=AnimalPriceGroup] entry in the [r=AnimalPricing] for [" + ind.Breed + "]";

                        if (!warningsNotFound.Contains(criteria))
                            Summary.WriteMessage(this, warningString, MessageType.Warning);
                    if (purchaseStyle == PurchaseOrSalePricingStyleType.Purchase)
                        ind.CurrentPriceGroups = (matchCriteria, ind.CurrentPriceGroups.Sell);
                        ind.CurrentPriceGroups = (ind.CurrentPriceGroups.Buy, matchCriteria);