private void OnCLEMInitialiseActivity(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (Resources.GrazeFoodStore() != null) { this.InitialiseHerd(true, true); // create activity for each pasture type (and common land) and breed at startup // do not include common land pasture.. foreach (GrazeFoodStoreType pastureType in Resources.GrazeFoodStore().Children.Where(a => a.GetType() == typeof(GrazeFoodStoreType) || a.GetType() == typeof(CommonLandFoodStoreType))) { RuminantActivityGrazePasture ragp = new RuminantActivityGrazePasture(); ragp.GrazeFoodStoreModel = pastureType; ragp.Clock = Clock; ragp.Parent = this; ragp.Name = "Graze_" + (pastureType as Model).Name; ragp.OnPartialResourcesAvailableAction = this.OnPartialResourcesAvailableAction; ragp.ActivityPerformed += BubblePaddock_ActivityPerformed; ragp.Resources = this.Resources; ragp.InitialiseHerd(true, true); foreach (RuminantType herdType in Resources.RuminantHerd().Children) { RuminantActivityGrazePastureHerd ragpb = new RuminantActivityGrazePastureHerd { GrazeFoodStoreModel = pastureType, RuminantTypeModel = herdType, HoursGrazed = HoursGrazed, Parent = ragp, Name = ragp.Name + "_" + herdType.Name, OnPartialResourcesAvailableAction = this.OnPartialResourcesAvailableAction }; if (ragpb.Resources == null) { ragpb.Resources = this.Resources; } if (ragpb.Clock == null) { ragpb.Clock = this.Clock; } ragpb.InitialiseHerd(true, true); if (ragp.ActivityList == null) { ragp.ActivityList = new List <CLEMActivityBase>(); } ragp.ActivityList.Add(ragpb); ragpb.ResourceShortfallOccurred += GrazeAll_ResourceShortfallOccurred; ragpb.ActivityPerformed += BubblePaddock_ActivityPerformed; } if (ActivityList == null) { ActivityList = new List <CLEMActivityBase>(); } ActivityList.Add(ragp); } } else { Summary.WriteWarning(this, "No GrazeFoodStore is available for the ruminant grazing activity!"); } }
private void OnCLEMInitialiseActivity(object sender, EventArgs e) { // create activity for each pasture type and breed at startup foreach (GrazeFoodStoreType pastureType in Resources.GrazeFoodStore().Children) { RuminantActivityGrazePasture ragp = new RuminantActivityGrazePasture(); ragp.GrazeFoodStoreModel = pastureType; ragp.Clock = Clock; ragp.Parent = this; ragp.Name = "Graze_" + pastureType.Name; ragp.OnPartialResourcesAvailableAction = this.OnPartialResourcesAvailableAction; ragp.ActivityPerformed += BubblePaddock_ActivityPerformed; foreach (RuminantType herdType in Resources.RuminantHerd().Children) { RuminantActivityGrazePastureHerd ragpb = new RuminantActivityGrazePastureHerd { GrazeFoodStoreModel = pastureType, RuminantTypeModel = herdType, HoursGrazed = HoursGrazed, Parent = ragp, Name = ragp.Name + "_" + herdType.Name, OnPartialResourcesAvailableAction = this.OnPartialResourcesAvailableAction }; if (ragpb.Resources == null) { ragpb.Resources = this.Resources; } if (ragpb.Clock == null) { ragpb.Clock = this.Clock; } ragpb.InitialiseHerd(true, true); if (ragp.ActivityList == null) { ragp.ActivityList = new List <CLEMActivityBase>(); } ragp.ActivityList.Add(ragpb); ragpb.ResourceShortfallOccurred += GrazeAll_ResourceShortfallOccurred; ragpb.ActivityPerformed += BubblePaddock_ActivityPerformed; } if (ActivityList == null) { ActivityList = new List <CLEMActivityBase>(); } ActivityList.Add(ragp); } }
private void OnCLEMInitialiseActivity(object sender, EventArgs e) { // This method will only fire if the user has added this activity to the UI // Otherwise all details will be provided from GrazeAll code [CLEMInitialiseActivity] GrazeFoodStoreModel = Resources.FindResourceType <GrazeFoodStore, GrazeFoodStoreType>(this, GrazeFoodStoreTypeName, OnMissingResourceActionTypes.ReportErrorAndStop, OnMissingResourceActionTypes.ReportErrorAndStop); //Create list of children by breed foreach (RuminantType herdType in Resources.FindResourceGroup <RuminantHerd>().FindAllChildren <RuminantType>()) { RuminantActivityGrazePastureHerd ragpb = new RuminantActivityGrazePastureHerd { GrazeFoodStoreModel = GrazeFoodStoreModel, RuminantTypeModel = herdType, Parent = this, Clock = this.Clock, Name = "Graze_" + (GrazeFoodStoreModel as Model).Name + "_" + herdType.Name }; ragpb.SetLinkedModels(Resources); if (ragpb.Clock == null) { ragpb.Clock = this.Clock; } ragpb.InitialiseHerd(true, true); if (ActivityList == null) { ActivityList = new List <CLEMActivityBase>(); } ActivityList.Add(ragpb); ragpb.ResourceShortfallOccurred += Paddock_ResourceShortfallOccurred; ragpb.ActivityPerformed += BubbleHerd_ActivityPerformed; } }
private void OnCLEMInitialiseActivity(object sender, EventArgs e) { GrazeFoodStore grazeFoodStore = Resources.FindResourceGroup <GrazeFoodStore>(); if (grazeFoodStore != null) { this.InitialiseHerd(true, true); // create activity for each pasture type (and common land) and breed at startup // do not include common land pasture.. foreach (GrazeFoodStoreType pastureType in grazeFoodStore.Children.Where(a => a.GetType() == typeof(GrazeFoodStoreType) || a.GetType() == typeof(CommonLandFoodStoreType))) { RuminantActivityGrazePasture ragp = new RuminantActivityGrazePasture { GrazeFoodStoreModel = pastureType, Clock = clock, Parent = this, Name = "Graze_" + (pastureType as Model).Name, OnPartialResourcesAvailableAction = this.OnPartialResourcesAvailableAction }; ragp.ActivityPerformed += BubblePaddock_ActivityPerformed; ragp.SetLinkedModels(Resources); ragp.InitialiseHerd(true, true); foreach (RuminantType herdType in HerdResource.FindAllChildren <RuminantType>()) { RuminantActivityGrazePastureHerd ragpb = new RuminantActivityGrazePastureHerd { GrazeFoodStoreModel = pastureType, RuminantTypeModel = herdType, HoursGrazed = HoursGrazed, Parent = ragp, Name = ragp.Name + "_" + herdType.Name, OnPartialResourcesAvailableAction = this.OnPartialResourcesAvailableAction }; ragpb.SetLinkedModels(Resources); if (ragpb.Clock == null) { ragpb.Clock = this.clock; } ragpb.InitialiseHerd(true, true); if (ragp.ActivityList == null) { ragp.ActivityList = new List <CLEMActivityBase>(); } ragp.ActivityList.Add(ragpb); ragpb.ResourceShortfallOccurred += GrazeAll_ResourceShortfallOccurred; ragpb.ActivityPerformed += BubblePaddock_ActivityPerformed; } if (ActivityList == null) { ActivityList = new List <CLEMActivityBase>(); } ActivityList.Add(ragp); } } else { Summary.WriteMessage(this, $"No GrazeFoodStore is available for the ruminant grazing activity [a={this.Name}]!", MessageType.Warning); } }