private bool deepCheck(int depth, DiagnosisSet diagnoses) { bool ans = true; int index = notClosed.IndexOf(openList.Last()); //index in notClosed of last Component that added to openlist for (int i = index + 1; ans == true && i >= 0 && i < notClosed.Count; i++) { Gate Component = notClosed[i]; //maybe add check - < Component openList.Add(Component); if (depth == 2) { if (openList.Count > 2 && isInTrie(openList)) { openList.Remove(Component); continue; } string str = ""; List <Gate> diag = new List <Gate>(); foreach (Gate g in openList) { function.Operate(g); if (g != openList.Last()) { str += g.Id + " "; } else { str += g.Id; } diag.Add(g); } if (isDamaged()) { diagnoses.AddDiagnosis(new Diagnosis(diag)); if (diagnoses.Count == 1) { FirstMinCard = stopwatch.Elapsed; } trie.Put(str, str); foreach (Gate g in openList) { if (notInDiag.Contains(g)) { notInDiag.Remove(g); } } if (agenda == Agenda.helthState && CheckHSDistance(5, 0.1, diagnoses)) { ans = false; } } foreach (Gate g in openList) { g.SetValue(); } } else if (!isInTrie(openList)) { ans = deepCheck(depth - 1, diagnoses); } openList.Remove(Component); } return(ans); }
protected bool isInTrie(List <Gate> list)//for CreateSet { if (list == null || list.Count == 0) { return(false); } bool ans = true; if (list.Count == 1) { Gate g = list.First(); foreach (char c in g.Id + "") { if (!trie.Matcher.NextMatch(c)) { ans = false; break; } } if (ans) { ans = trie.Matcher.IsExactMatch(); } while (trie.Matcher.LastMatch() != 0 && trie.Matcher.LastMatch() != 32) { trie.Matcher.BackMatch(); } return(ans); } List <Gate> temp = new List <Gate>(list); foreach (Gate g in list) { ans = true; temp.RemoveAt(0); foreach (char c in g.Id + "") { if (!trie.Matcher.NextMatch(c)) { ans = false; break;// } } if (ans) { if (trie.Matcher.NextMatch(' ')) { ans = isInTrie(temp); trie.Matcher.BackMatch(); } } //backtrack while (trie.Matcher.LastMatch() != 0 && trie.Matcher.LastMatch() != 32) { trie.Matcher.BackMatch(); } if (ans) { break; } } return(ans); }
public void SortComponents() { if (Components.Count == 0) { return; } Stack <Gate> sorted = new Stack <Gate>(); foreach (Wire wire in Output) { sorted.Push(wire.InputComponent); } List <Gate> list = sorted.ToList(); while (list != null && list.Count != 0) { List <Gate> temp = new List <Gate>(); foreach (Gate g in list) { if (g is MultipleInputComponent) { foreach (Wire w in ((MultipleInputComponent)g).Input) { if (w.InputComponent != null) { sorted.Push(w.InputComponent); temp.Add(w.InputComponent); } } } else if (g is OneInputComponent) { if (((OneInputComponent)g).Input1.InputComponent != null) { sorted.Push(((OneInputComponent)g).Input1.InputComponent); temp.Add(((OneInputComponent)g).Input1.InputComponent); } } } list = temp; } int order = 1; while (sorted.Count != 0) { Gate g = sorted.Pop(); if (g != null && !list.Contains(g)) { list.Add(g); g.Order = order; order++; } } if (list.Count != Components.Count) { Console.WriteLine("Model Sort Component Error"); return; } foreach (Gate g in Components) { if (!list.Contains(g)) { Console.WriteLine("Model Sort Component Error"); return; } } Components = list; }