public void PostWithCommentTest() { m.Post post = new m.Post(); post.Key = "PostWithCommentTest"; post.Title = "Post With Comment Test"; post.Content = "This is a post that will have comments."; post.Save(); post.Comments = new List<Model.Comment>(); m.Comment comment = null; for (int pass = 1; pass < 4; pass++) { comment = new m.Comment(); comment.PostID = post.ID; comment.Number = pass; comment.Content = string.Format("this is comment number {0}.", pass); comment.Save(); post.Comments.Add(comment); AssertGoodRead(comment, comment.ID); } Assert.IsTrue(post.Comments.Count == 3, "Wrong number of comments in post"); m.Post readPost = m.Post.Get(post.Key); Assert.IsTrue(readPost.Comments.Count == 3, "Wrong number of comments in readPost"); for (int pass = 1; pass < 4; pass++) { AssertAreEqual(post.Comments[pass - 1], readPost.Comments[pass - 1]); } }
public CommentViewModel(Comment model) { Id = model.CommentInfo.Id; _model = model; _model.Refreshed += model_Refreshed; var tsk = Refresh(); }
protected void btnSave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { Comment temp = new Comment(); temp.Comment_nm = txtbComment.Text.Trim(); temp.Dimension_id = int.Parse(ddlDimension.SelectedValue); temp.Posion_id = int.Parse(ddlPosition.SelectedValue); temp.Region_id = int.Parse(ddlRegion.SelectedValue); temp.Report_part_id = int.Parse(ddlReportPart.SelectedValue); commentBll.Add(temp); }
public int AddNew(Comment comment, string userId) { comment.CreatedOn = DateTime.Now; comment.UserId = userId; this.comments.Add(comment); this.comments.SaveChanges(); return comment.Id; }
public void CreateAndGetTest() { m.Comment comment = new m.Comment(); comment.PostID = 1; comment.Number = 1; comment.Content = "this is a comment for the CreateAndGetTest."; comment.Save(); Assert.IsFalse(comment.ID == -1, "Comment ID should not be -1 after insert."); AssertGoodRead(comment, comment.ID); }
protected void btnSayIt_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (commentContent.Text.Length > 0) { Comment comment = new Comment(); comment.PostID = Convert.ToInt32(commentPostId.Value); comment.Number = Convert.ToInt32(commentNumber.Value); comment.Content = commentContent.Text; comment.Save(); Response.Redirect(string.Format("view.aspx?id={0}", comment.PostID)); } }
private void SaveComment() { int postId = Convert.ToInt32(Request["comment.post_id"]); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Request["comment.content"])) Response.Redirect(string.Format("view.aspx?id={0}", postId)); Comment comment = new Comment(); comment.PostID = postId; comment.Number = Convert.ToInt32(Request["comment.number"]); comment.Content = Request["comment.content"]; comment.Save(); Response.Redirect(string.Format("view.aspx?id={0}", postId)); }
private static IList<Comment> ProcessComments(string file, IDictionary<Guid, Post> posts) { IList<Comment> comments = new List<Comment>(); XmlDocument xdoc = GetXmlDocument(file); XmlNamespaceManager namespaceManager = new XmlNamespaceManager(xdoc.NameTable); namespaceManager.AddNamespace("das", "urn:newtelligence-com:dasblog:runtime:data"); foreach (XmlNode node in xdoc.SelectNodes("/das:DayExtra/das:Comments/das:Comment", namespaceManager)) { Xml xml = new Xml(node, namespaceManager); Comment comment = new Comment(); comment.Created = xml.GetDate("das:Created/text()"); comment.Modified = xml.GetDate("das:Modified/text()"); comment.Email = xml.GetString("das:AuthorEmail/text()"); comment.Author = xml.GetString("das:Author/text()"); comment.HomePage = xml.GetString("das:AuthorHomepage/text()"); comment.CommentId = xml.GetGuid("das:EntryId/text()"); Guid guid = xml.GetGuid("das:TargetEntryId/text()"); comment.Post = posts[guid]; comment.Content = xml.GetString("das:Content/text()"); comments.Add(comment); } return comments; }
public void Update(Comment comment) { Context.Entry(comment).State = EntityState.Modified; Context.SaveChanges(); // todo move this line out of here. }
public void Add(Comment comment) { Context.Comments.Add(comment); Context.SaveChanges(); // todo move this line out of here. }
public void Delete(Comment comment) { Context.Comments.Remove(comment); Context.SaveChanges(); // todo move this line out of here. }
public bool AddComment(Comment comment) { if (comment == null) return false; _comments.AddLast(comment); float newAvg = _comments.Aggregate<Comment, float>(0, (current, c) => current + c.Rating); averageRate = newAvg / _comments.Count; return true; }
public ActionResult Comment(Comment comment, string url) { if (!ModelState.IsValid) return RedirectToAction("Detailed", new {id = comment.AdId}); if (!_advertiselogic.AddCommentary(comment)) { ModelState.AddModelError("", "Não foi possível enviar o email."); return RedirectToAction("Detailed/" + comment.AdId); } Advert advert = _advertiselogic.GetAdvert(comment.AdId); User owner = _userLogic.GetUserById(advert.AdvertiseOwner); MailMessage mail = new MailMessage(); mail.To.Add(owner.Email); User activeUser = _userLogic.GetUserById(User.Identity.Name); mail.From = new MailAddress(activeUser.Email); mail.Subject = "Comentário sobre o seu carro: " + advert.Brand + " " + advert.Model; string Body = comment.Username + " deu " + comment.Rating +" estrelas ao seu carro!<br>"; if (@Request.Url != null) Body += url + "<br><br>"; Body += comment.Message; mail.Body = Body; if (!_advertiselogic.sendMail(mail)) ModelState.AddModelError("", "Não foi possível enviar o email."); return RedirectToAction("Detailed/" + comment.AdId); }
public bool AddCommentary(Comment com) { return _dataAccess.AddComment(com); }
public void UpdateTest() { m.Comment comment = new m.Comment(); comment.PostID = 1; comment.Number = 2; comment.Content = "this is a comment for the UpdateTest."; comment.Save(); Assert.IsFalse(comment.ID == -1, "Comment ID should not be -1 after insert."); AssertGoodRead(comment, comment.ID); comment.Content = "Change the content for the update test document"; comment.Save(); AssertGoodRead(comment, comment.ID); }
public void UpdateComment(Comment entity) { this.comments.Update(entity); }
private bool ImportComment(string xlsFileNm) { try { if (!File.Exists(xlsFileNm)) return false; int posID = Int32.Parse(ddlPosition.SelectedItem.Value); Workbook book = Workbook.Load(xlsFileNm); PositionBLL posBLL = new PositionBLL(); DimensionBLL dimBLL = new DimensionBLL(); CommentBLL comBLL = new CommentBLL(); Comment com = new Comment(); DataSet dimDS = dimBLL.GetDimensionAll(); DataSet posDS = posBLL.GetPositionAll(string.Empty); comBLL.DelAllComment(posID);//删除与此岗位相关的所有评语。 foreach (Worksheet sheet in book.Worksheets) { string sheetNm = sheet.Name.Trim(); int dimID = -1;//在这里加断点可以监视单个维度的导入情况 foreach (DataRow row in dimDS.Tables[0].Rows) { if (row["dimension_name"].ToString().Equals(sheetNm)) { dimID = Int32.Parse(row["dimension_id"].ToString().Trim()); break; } } for (int rowIndex = sheet.Cells.FirstRowIndex + 1;//忽略第一行(标题行) rowIndex <= sheet.Cells.LastRowIndex; rowIndex++) { Row row = sheet.Cells.GetRow(rowIndex); com.Posion_id = posID; com.Dimension_id = dimID; string score_region = row.GetCell(0).StringValue.Trim(); if (score_region.Equals("偏高")) { com.Region_id = 1; } else if (score_region.Equals("适配")) { com.Region_id = 2; } else if (score_region.Equals("稍低")) { com.Region_id = 3; } else if (score_region.Equals("偏低")) { com.Region_id = 4; } for (int i = 1; i < sheet.Cells.LastColIndex + 1; i++) { com.Report_part_id = i; com.Comment_nm = row.GetCell(i).StringValue.Trim(); comBLL.Add(com); } } } return true; } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.Message); return false; } }
private static Comment FromReader(IDataReader reader) { Comment comment = new Comment(); comment.ID = dm.ConvertIntColumn(reader, "id"); comment.PostID = dm.ConvertIntColumn(reader, "post_id"); comment.Number = dm.ConvertIntColumn(reader, "number"); comment.Content = dm.ConvertStringColumn(reader, "content"); comment.Created = (DateTime)reader["created"]; return comment; }
public void Add(Comment pComment) { _arrayInternal.Add(pComment); }
public Comment Create(string content, string authorEmail, string userId, int realEstateId) { var comment = new Comment() { Content = content, RealEstateId = realEstateId, CreatedOn = DateTime.Now, AuthorEmail = authorEmail, UserId = userId }; this.comments.Add(comment); this.comments.SaveChanges(); return comment; }