private void NailSlashOnStartSlash(On.NailSlash.orig_StartSlash orig, NailSlash self) { self.scale.x = 0.7f; self.scale.y = 0.7f; Reflection.SetAttr(self, "mantis", false); Reflection.SetAttr(self, "longnail", false); Reflection.SetAttr(self, "fury", false); orig(self); }
private static void EnableSuperslides(On.InputHandler.orig_Update orig, InputHandler self) { if (Superslides && GameManager.instance.TimeSlowed) { // Ensure the slide has the correct speed ReflectionHelper.SetAttr(HeroController.instance, "recoilSteps", 0); // Kill the thing that kills superslides ref int timeSlowedCount = ref Mirror.GetFieldRef <GameManager, int>(GameManager.instance, "timeSlowedCount"); int origCount = timeSlowedCount; timeSlowedCount = 0; orig(self); // Restore to old value timeSlowedCount = origCount; }
private static void EnableSuperslides(On.InputHandler.orig_Update orig, InputHandler self) { if (Superslides && GameManager.instance.TimeSlowed) { // Ensure the slide has the correct speed ReflectionHelper.SetAttr(HeroController.instance, "recoilSteps", 0); // Kill the thing that kills superslides int timeSlowedCount = ReflectionHelper.GetAttr <GameManager, int>(GameManager.instance, "timeSlowedCount"); ReflectionHelper.SetAttr(GameManager.instance, "timeSlowedCount", 0); orig(self); // Restore to old value ReflectionHelper.SetAttr(GameManager.instance, "timeSlowedCount", timeSlowedCount); } else { orig(self); } }