        /// <summary>
        /// Insert an array of rows into Mobius warehouse table
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="voList"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>

        public bool Insert(
            List <AnnotationVo> voList)
            // This insert uses the APPEND_VALUES hint if there are 10 or more rows inserted.
            // This means that inserts will go into new blocks and be physically associated with each other
            // which will result in significantly faster retrieval for individual annotation tables since fewer
            // disk reads will be needed. Otherwise tables that are reloaded multiple times will tend to be spread over
            // a larger number of reused blocks resulting in more reads and slower performance.
            // From a web article:
            //  Each of the following is a benefit in some cases
            //  Each of the following is a disaster in other cases
            //  Append does a direct path load (if it can, it is not a promise, you are requesting and we may or may not do it for you - silently)
            //  if you direct path load, the transaction that did the direct path load CANNOT query that segment -but other transactions can, they just cannot see the newly loaded data.
            //  if you direct path load, you never use any existing free space, it always writes above the high water mark.
            //  if you direct path load, we bypass UNDO on the table -only the table -modifications
            //  if you direct path load, you'll maintain indexes - we build mini indexes on the newly loaded data and merge them into the 'real' indexes in bulk. A direct path load of large amounts of data will maintain indexes very efficiently.
            //  if you direct path load you can bypass redo on the TABLE in archivelog mode, if the database is set up to allow nologging and you have the segment set to nologging
            //  direct path loading bypasses the buffer cache, you write directly to the datafiles.
            //  direct path loading is only appropriate for the first load of a segment or an increment load of lots of data - or an increment load into a table that never has any deletes(so there is no free space to consider)
            //  transactional systems - you probably won't use it.
            //  warehouses - a tool you'll use a lot

            AnnotationVo vo;

            if (voList == null || voList.Count == 0)

            //CheckForDuplicateInsert(voList); // debug

                string sql =
                    "insert /*+ APPEND_VALUES */ into " + TableName + " " +
                    "(rslt_id, " +
                    "rslt_grp_id, " +
                    "ext_cmpnd_id_txt, " +
                    "ext_cmpnd_id_nbr, " +
                    "src_db_id, " +
                    "mthd_vrsn_id, " +
                    "rslt_typ_id, " +
                    "rslt_val_prfx_txt, " +
                    "rslt_val_nbr, " +
                    "uom_id, " +
                    "rslt_val_txt, " +
                    "rslt_val_dt, " +
                    "cmnt_txt, " +
                    "dc_lnk, " +
                    "chng_op_cd, " +
                    "chng_usr_id, " +
                    "sts_id, " +
                    "sts_dt, " +
                    "crt_dt, " +
                    "updt_dt) " +
                    "values (nvl(:0," + SeqName + ".nextval)" +              // if rslt_id not null use it otherwise call nextval locally

                if (voList.Count < 10)                 // require minimum number of rows to use APPEND_VALUESd
                    sql = Lex.Replace(sql, "APPEND_VALUES", "");

                OracleDbType[] pa = new OracleDbType[16];
                pa[0]  = OracleDbType.Long;                // rslt_id
                pa[1]  = OracleDbType.Long;                // rslt_grp_id
                pa[2]  = OracleDbType.Varchar2;
                pa[3]  = OracleDbType.Int32;
                pa[4]  = OracleDbType.Int32;
                pa[5]  = OracleDbType.Int32;               // mthd_vrsn_id
                pa[6]  = OracleDbType.Long;                // rslt_typ_id
                pa[7]  = OracleDbType.Varchar2;
                pa[8]  = OracleDbType.Double;
                pa[9]  = OracleDbType.Int32;
                pa[10] = OracleDbType.Varchar2;
                pa[11] = OracleDbType.Date;
                pa[12] = OracleDbType.Varchar2;
                pa[13] = OracleDbType.Varchar2;
                pa[14] = OracleDbType.Varchar2;
                pa[15] = OracleDbType.Varchar2;

                DbCmd.Prepare(sql, pa);

                int cnt = voList.Count;

                object[]        p                  = new object[16];                   // parameter values
                object[]        rslt_idA           = new object[cnt]; p[0] = rslt_idA; // allocate arrays to hold values
                long[]          rslt_grp_idA       = new long[cnt]; p[1] = rslt_grp_idA;
                string[]        ext_cmpnd_id_txtA  = new string[cnt]; p[2] = ext_cmpnd_id_txtA;
                int[]           ext_cmpnd_id_nbrA  = new int[cnt]; p[3] = ext_cmpnd_id_nbrA;
                int[]           src_db_idA         = new int[cnt]; p[4] = src_db_idA;
                int[]           mthd_vrsn_idA      = new int[cnt]; p[5] = mthd_vrsn_idA;
                long[]          rslt_typ_idA       = new long[cnt]; p[6] = rslt_typ_idA;
                string[]        rslt_val_prfx_txtA = new string[cnt]; p[7] = rslt_val_prfx_txtA;
                OracleDecimal[] rslt_val_nbrA      = new OracleDecimal[cnt]; p[8] = rslt_val_nbrA;
                int[]           uom_idA            = new int[cnt]; p[9] = uom_idA;
                string[]        rslt_val_txtA      = new string[cnt]; p[10] = rslt_val_txtA;
                OracleDate[]    rslt_val_dtA       = new OracleDate[cnt]; p[11] = rslt_val_dtA;
                string[]        cmnt_txtA          = new string[cnt]; p[12] = cmnt_txtA;
                string[]        dc_lnkA            = new string[cnt]; p[13] = dc_lnkA;
                string[]        chng_op_cdA        = new string[cnt]; p[14] = chng_op_cdA;
                string[]        chng_usr_idA       = new string[cnt]; p[15] = chng_usr_idA;

                for (int li = 0; li < cnt; li++)
                {                 // copy values to parameter arrays
                    vo = voList[li];

                    try { vo.ext_cmpnd_id_nbr = Int32.Parse(vo.ext_cmpnd_id_txt); }                     // try to store text ext_cmpnd_id_txt value also as integer in ext_cmpnd_id_nbr
                    catch (Exception ex) { }

                    if (vo.rslt_id <= 0 && voList.Count == 1)                     // assign seq no if not already assigned if inserting only 1 row
                        vo.rslt_id = SequenceDao.NextValLong(SeqName);
                    if (vo.rslt_id > 0)
                        rslt_idA[li] = vo.rslt_id;                                     // is result_id defined?
                        rslt_idA[li] = DBNull.Value;                      // if not defined send as null value so sequence is used in nvl function in insert
                    rslt_grp_idA[li] = vo.rslt_grp_id;

                    string txt = vo.ext_cmpnd_id_txt;
                    if (txt != null && txt.Length > 32)                     // truncate to 32 chars if needed
                        txt = txt.Substring(0, 32);
                    ext_cmpnd_id_txtA[li] = txt;

                    ext_cmpnd_id_nbrA[li]  = vo.ext_cmpnd_id_nbr;
                    src_db_idA[li]         = vo.src_db_id;
                    mthd_vrsn_idA[li]      = vo.mthd_vrsn_id;
                    rslt_typ_idA[li]       = vo.rslt_typ_id;
                    rslt_val_prfx_txtA[li] = vo.rslt_val_prfx_txt;
                    if (vo.rslt_val_nbr != NullValue.NullNumber)
                        rslt_val_nbrA[li] = new OracleDecimal(vo.rslt_val_nbr);
                    uom_idA[li] = vo.uom_id;

                    rslt_val_txtA[li] = vo.rslt_val_txt;
                    if (rslt_val_txtA[li] != null && rslt_val_txtA[li].Length > 3900)                     // avoid overflow error, must leave space for catenating
                        rslt_val_txtA[li] = rslt_val_txtA[li].Substring(0, 3897) + "...";                 // link info & keeping total <= 4000
                    if (vo.rslt_val_txt.Contains(","))
                        vo.rslt_val_txt = vo.rslt_val_txt;                       // debug
                    if (vo.rslt_val_dt != DateTime.MinValue)                     // non-null date?
                        rslt_val_dtA[li] = new OracleDate(vo.rslt_val_dt);
                    cmnt_txtA[li]    = vo.cmnt_txt;
                    dc_lnkA[li]      = vo.dc_lnk;
                    chng_op_cdA[li]  = vo.chng_op_cd;
                    chng_usr_idA[li] = vo.chng_usr_id;

                int t0 = TimeOfDay.Milliseconds();
                DbCmd.OracleCmd.ArrayBindCount = cnt;
                int count = DbCmd.ExecuteNonReader(p);                 // do insert

                t0 = TimeOfDay.Milliseconds() - t0;
                //				DebugLog.Message("MobiusDwDao insert rows, count = " + count.ToString() + ", Time(ms) = " + t0.ToString());


            catch (Exception e)
                DebugLog.Message("MobiusDwDao.Insert - Error inserting into " + TableName + ": " + e.Message);
        /// <summary>
        /// Get next identifier from sequence
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>

        public long GetNextIdLong()
            long id = SequenceDao.NextValLong(SeqName);
