/// <summary> /// 获得数据列表 /// </summary> public List <MobileSoft.Model.Unified.Tb_User> DataTableToList(DataTable dt) { List <MobileSoft.Model.Unified.Tb_User> modelList = new List <MobileSoft.Model.Unified.Tb_User>(); int rowsCount = dt.Rows.Count; if (rowsCount > 0) { MobileSoft.Model.Unified.Tb_User model; for (int n = 0; n < rowsCount; n++) { model = new MobileSoft.Model.Unified.Tb_User(); model.Id = dt.Rows[n]["Id"].ToString(); model.Name = dt.Rows[n]["Name"].ToString(); model.Mobile = dt.Rows[n]["Mobile"].ToString(); model.Email = dt.Rows[n]["Email"].ToString(); model.QQ = dt.Rows[n]["QQ"].ToString(); model.QQToken = dt.Rows[n]["QQToken"].ToString(); model.WeChatNum = dt.Rows[n]["WeChatNum"].ToString(); model.WeChatToken = dt.Rows[n]["WeChatToken"].ToString(); model.NickName = dt.Rows[n]["NickName"].ToString(); model.Pwd = dt.Rows[n]["Pwd"].ToString(); model.UserPic = dt.Rows[n]["UserPic"].ToString(); model.Sex = Convert.ToInt32(dt.Rows[n]["Sex"]); modelList.Add(model); } } return(modelList); }
private string RegisterUser_WeiXin_RH(DataRow Row) { string backstr = ""; string UserId = ""; try { if (Row.Table.Columns.Contains("OpenId") && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(Row["OpenId"].ToString())) { DataTable dTable = new DbHelperSQLP(PubConstant.UnifiedContionString.ToString()).Query("SELECT WeChatToken FROM Tb_User_WeiXin where WeChatToken='" + Row["OpenId"].ToString() + "'").Tables[0]; if (dTable.Rows.Count > 0) { return(JSONHelper.FromString(false, "此用户已存在")); } else { string Pwd = ""; if (Row.Table.Columns.Contains("Pwd")) { Pwd = Row["Pwd"].ToString(); } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Pwd)) { return(JSONHelper.FromString(false, "密码不能为空")); } Random ro = new Random(); string Name = ""; string Email = ""; string QQ = ""; string QQToken = ""; string WeChatToken = ""; string NickName = Row["Mobile"].ToString();//游客 string UserPic = ""; int Sex = 1; if (Row.Table.Columns.Contains("Name")) { Name = Row["Name"].ToString(); } if (Row.Table.Columns.Contains("Email")) { Email = Row["Email"].ToString(); } if (Row.Table.Columns.Contains("QQ")) { QQ = Row["QQ"].ToString(); } if (Row.Table.Columns.Contains("QQToken")) { QQToken = Row["QQToken"].ToString(); } if (Row.Table.Columns.Contains("WeChatToken")) { WeChatToken = Row["WeChatToken"].ToString(); } if (Row.Table.Columns.Contains("NickName") && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(Row["NickName"].ToString())) { NickName = Row["NickName"].ToString(); } if (Row.Table.Columns.Contains("UserPic")) { UserPic = Row["UserPic"].ToString(); } if (Row.Table.Columns.Contains("Sex")) { Sex = AppGlobal.StrToInt(Row["Sex"].ToString()); } MobileSoft.Model.Unified.Tb_User User = new MobileSoft.Model.Unified.Tb_User(); User.Id = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); User.Name = Name; User.Mobile = Row["Mobile"].ToString(); User.QQ = QQ; User.QQToken = QQToken; User.WeChatNum = WeChatToken; User.WeChatToken = WeChatToken; User.Pwd = Pwd; User.NickName = NickName; User.Email = Email; User.UserPic = UserPic; User.Sex = Sex; User.RegDate = DateTime.Now; //新增用户 new MobileSoft.BLL.Unified.Bll_Tb_User().Add(User); UserId = User.Id; //新增openid new DbHelperSQLP(PubConstant.UnifiedContionString.ToString()).ExecuteSql("insert into Tb_User_WeiXin(UserId,WeChatToken) values('" + User.Id + "','" + Row["OpenId"] + "')"); } } else { return(JSONHelper.FromString(false, "用户名不能为空!")); } } catch (Exception ex) { backstr = ex.Message; } if (backstr == "") { return(JSONHelper.FromString(true, UserId)); } else { return(JSONHelper.FromString(false, backstr)); } }
/// <summary> /// 注册用户微信共众号 RegisterUser_WeiXin /// </summary> /// <param name="Row"></param> /// OpenId 必填 /// <returns></returns> private string RegisterUser_WeiXin_hnc(DataRow Row) { if (!Row.Table.Columns.Contains("OpenId") || string.IsNullOrEmpty(Row["OpenId"].ToString())) { return(JSONHelper.FromString(false, "请使用微信客户端打开")); } string OpenId = Row["OpenId"].ToString(); //微信公众号注册,默认密码为123456 //针对某些公众号系统不需要设置密码的问题(例如华南城) string Pwd; if (!Row.Table.Columns.Contains("Pwd") || string.IsNullOrEmpty(Row["Pwd"].ToString())) { Pwd = "123456"; } else { Pwd = Row["Pwd"].ToString(); } if (!Row.Table.Columns.Contains("Mobile") || string.IsNullOrEmpty(Row["Mobile"].ToString())) { return(JSONHelper.FromString(false, "手机号不能为空")); } string Mobile = Row["Mobile"].ToString(); //查询系统中是否存在该openid DataTable dTable = new DbHelperSQLP(PubConstant.UnifiedContionString.ToString()).Query("SELECT * FROM Tb_User_WeiXin as w JOIN Tb_User as u on w.UserId = u.id where w.WeChatToken = '" + Row["OpenId"].ToString() + "'").Tables[0]; if (null != dTable && dTable.Rows.Count > 0) { //如果系统中已存在该openid,直接返回注册成功 return(JSONHelper.FromString(true, "注册成功")); } //默认姓名为空 string Name = ""; //默认邮箱为空 string Email = ""; //默认QQ为空 string QQ = ""; //默认QQ登录为空 string QQToken = ""; //默认微信登录为空 string WeChatToken = ""; //默认昵称为手机号 string NickName = Mobile; //默认用户头像为空 string UserPic = ""; //默认性别为女 int Sex = 1; if (Row.Table.Columns.Contains("Name") && string.IsNullOrEmpty(Row["Name"].ToString())) { Name = Row["Name"].ToString(); } if (Row.Table.Columns.Contains("Email") && string.IsNullOrEmpty(Row["Email"].ToString())) { Email = Row["Email"].ToString(); } if (Row.Table.Columns.Contains("QQ") && string.IsNullOrEmpty(Row["QQ"].ToString())) { QQ = Row["QQ"].ToString(); } if (Row.Table.Columns.Contains("QQToken") && string.IsNullOrEmpty(Row["QQToken"].ToString())) { QQToken = Row["QQToken"].ToString(); } if (Row.Table.Columns.Contains("WeChatToken") && string.IsNullOrEmpty(Row["WeChatToken"].ToString())) { WeChatToken = Row["WeChatToken"].ToString(); } if (Row.Table.Columns.Contains("NickName") && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(Row["NickName"].ToString())) { NickName = Row["NickName"].ToString(); } if (Row.Table.Columns.Contains("UserPic") && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(Row["UserPic"].ToString())) { UserPic = Row["UserPic"].ToString(); } if (Row.Table.Columns.Contains("Sex") && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(Row["Sex"].ToString())) { Sex = AppGlobal.StrToInt(Row["Sex"].ToString()); } // 如果不存在该用户才新增,否则只增加绑定关系 string UserId; DataTable dt = new DbHelperSQLP(PubConstant.UnifiedContionString.ToString()).Query("SELECT * FROM Tb_User WHERE Mobile = '" + Mobile + "'").Tables[0]; if (null == dt || dt.Rows.Count == 0) { UserId = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); MobileSoft.Model.Unified.Tb_User User = new MobileSoft.Model.Unified.Tb_User(); User.Id = UserId; User.Name = Name; User.Mobile = Mobile; User.QQ = QQ; User.QQToken = QQToken; User.WeChatNum = WeChatToken; User.WeChatToken = WeChatToken; User.Pwd = Pwd; User.NickName = NickName; User.Email = Email; User.UserPic = UserPic; User.Sex = Sex; User.RegDate = DateTime.Now; //新增用户 new MobileSoft.BLL.Unified.Bll_Tb_User().Add(User); } else { UserId = dt.Rows[0]["Id"].ToString(); } //新增openid int result = new DbHelperSQLP(PubConstant.UnifiedContionString.ToString()).ExecuteSql("insert into Tb_User_WeiXin(UserId,WeChatToken) values('" + UserId + "','" + Row["OpenId"] + "')"); if (result == 0) { return(JSONHelper.FromString(false, "注册失败,请重试")); } try { string erpString = AppGlobal.GetConnectionString("HNC_HM_ConnectionString"); // 查询业主 using (IDbConnection conn = new SqlConnection(erpString)) { IEnumerable <dynamic> resultSet = conn.Query(string.Format(@"SELECT a.CustID,a.CustName,a.CommID,b.RoomID,c.RoomSign FROM Tb_HSPR_Customer as a JOIN Tb_HSPR_CustomerLive AS b ON a.CustID = b.CustID JOIN Tb_HSPR_Room AS c ON b.RoomID = c.RoomID WHERE (b.LiveType=1 OR b.LiveType=2) AND isnull(IsDelLive,0)= 0 AND a.MobilePhone LIKE '%{0}%'", Mobile)); // 业主存在,自动绑定房屋 if (resultSet.Count() > 0) { foreach (dynamic item in resultSet) { Tb_Community tb_Community = getTbCommunity(item.CommID + ""); if (null == tb_Community) { continue; } using (IDbConnection conn2 = new SqlConnection(PubConstant.UnifiedContionString)) { conn2.Execute(@"INSERT INTO Tb_User_Relation(Id, UserId, CommunityId, CustId, RoomId, RegDate, CustName, RoomSign, CustMobile) VALUES(newid(), @UserId, @CommunityId, @CustID, @RoomID, getdate(), @CustName, @RoomSign, @Mobile)", new { UserId = UserId, CommunityId = tb_Community.Id, CustID = item.CustID, RoomID = item.RoomID, CustName = item.CustName, RoomSign = item.RoomSign, Mobile = Mobile }); } } return(JSONHelper.FromString(true, "注册成功,已自动绑定房屋")); } return(JSONHelper.FromString(true, "注册成功")); } } catch (Exception ex) { return(JSONHelper.FromString(true, "注册成功,但自动绑定失败(" + ex.Message + ")")); } }
/// <summary> /// 注册用户微信共众号 RegisterUser_WeiXin /// </summary> /// <param name="Row"></param> /// OpenId 必填 /// <returns></returns> private string RegisterUser_WeiXin(DataRow Row) { if (!Row.Table.Columns.Contains("OpenId") || string.IsNullOrEmpty(Row["OpenId"].ToString())) { return(JSONHelper.FromString(false, "请使用微信客户端打开")); } string OpenId = Row["OpenId"].ToString(); //微信公众号注册,默认密码为123456 //针对某些公众号系统不需要设置密码的问题(例如华南城) string Pwd; if (!Row.Table.Columns.Contains("Pwd") || string.IsNullOrEmpty(Row["Pwd"].ToString())) { Pwd = "123456"; } else { Pwd = Row["Pwd"].ToString(); } if (!Row.Table.Columns.Contains("Mobile") || string.IsNullOrEmpty(Row["Mobile"].ToString())) { return(JSONHelper.FromString(false, "手机号不能为空")); } string Mobile = Row["Mobile"].ToString(); //查询系统中是否存在该openid DataTable dTable = new DbHelperSQLP(PubConstant.UnifiedContionString.ToString()).Query("SELECT * FROM Tb_User_WeiXin as w JOIN Tb_User as u on w.UserId = u.id where w.WeChatToken = '" + Row["OpenId"].ToString() + "'").Tables[0]; if (null != dTable && dTable.Rows.Count > 0) { //如果系统中已存在该openid,直接返回注册成功 return(JSONHelper.FromString(true, "注册成功")); } //默认姓名为空 string Name = ""; //默认邮箱为空 string Email = ""; //默认QQ为空 string QQ = ""; //默认QQ登录为空 string QQToken = ""; //默认微信登录为空 string WeChatToken = ""; //默认昵称为手机号 string NickName = Mobile; //默认用户头像为空 string UserPic = ""; //默认性别为女 int Sex = 1; if (Row.Table.Columns.Contains("Name") && string.IsNullOrEmpty(Row["Name"].ToString())) { Name = Row["Name"].ToString(); } if (Row.Table.Columns.Contains("Email") && string.IsNullOrEmpty(Row["Email"].ToString())) { Email = Row["Email"].ToString(); } if (Row.Table.Columns.Contains("QQ") && string.IsNullOrEmpty(Row["QQ"].ToString())) { QQ = Row["QQ"].ToString(); } if (Row.Table.Columns.Contains("QQToken") && string.IsNullOrEmpty(Row["QQToken"].ToString())) { QQToken = Row["QQToken"].ToString(); } if (Row.Table.Columns.Contains("WeChatToken") && string.IsNullOrEmpty(Row["WeChatToken"].ToString())) { WeChatToken = Row["WeChatToken"].ToString(); } if (Row.Table.Columns.Contains("NickName") && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(Row["NickName"].ToString())) { NickName = Row["NickName"].ToString(); } if (Row.Table.Columns.Contains("UserPic") && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(Row["UserPic"].ToString())) { UserPic = Row["UserPic"].ToString(); } if (Row.Table.Columns.Contains("Sex") && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(Row["Sex"].ToString())) { Sex = AppGlobal.StrToInt(Row["Sex"].ToString()); } // 如果不存在该用户才新增,否则只增加绑定关系 string UserId; DataTable dt = new DbHelperSQLP(PubConstant.UnifiedContionString.ToString()).Query("SELECT * FROM Tb_User WHERE Mobile = '" + Mobile + "'").Tables[0]; if (null == dt || dt.Rows.Count == 0) { UserId = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); MobileSoft.Model.Unified.Tb_User User = new MobileSoft.Model.Unified.Tb_User(); User.Id = UserId; User.Name = Name; User.Mobile = Mobile; User.QQ = QQ; User.QQToken = QQToken; User.WeChatNum = WeChatToken; User.WeChatToken = WeChatToken; User.Pwd = Pwd; User.NickName = NickName; User.Email = Email; User.UserPic = UserPic; User.Sex = Sex; User.RegDate = DateTime.Now; //新增用户 new MobileSoft.BLL.Unified.Bll_Tb_User().Add(User); } else { UserId = dt.Rows[0]["Id"].ToString(); } //新增openid int result = new DbHelperSQLP(PubConstant.UnifiedContionString.ToString()).ExecuteSql("insert into Tb_User_WeiXin(UserId,WeChatToken) values('" + UserId + "','" + Row["OpenId"] + "')"); if (result == 0) { return(JSONHelper.FromString(false, "注册失败,请重试")); } return(JSONHelper.FromString(true, "注册成功")); }
/// <summary> /// 注册用户 /// </summary> /// <param name="Row"></param> /// <returns></returns> private string RegisterUser(DataRow Row) { // 鸿坤 if (HttpContext.Current.Request.Url.Host.Contains("wuyth-test.hongkun.com.cn") || HttpContext.Current.Request.Url.Host.Contains("wyyth-app.hongkun.com.cn")) { DataTable dataTable = new DataTable(); dataTable.Columns.Add(new DataColumn("Mobile", typeof(string))); dataTable.Columns.Add(new DataColumn("Password", typeof(string))); DataRow dataRow = dataTable.NewRow(); dataRow[0] = Row["Mobile"]; dataRow[1] = Row["Pwd"]; return(new Register_th().RegisterUser(dataRow)); } string backstr = ""; try { if (Row.Table.Columns.Contains("Mobile") && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(Row["Mobile"].ToString())) { DataTable dTable = new DbHelperSQLP(PubConstant.UnifiedContionString.ToString()).Query("SELECT Name FROM Tb_User where Mobile='" + Row["Mobile"].ToString() + "'").Tables[0]; if (dTable.Rows.Count > 0) { return(JSONHelper.FromString(false, "此用户已存在")); } else { string Pwd = ""; if (Row.Table.Columns.Contains("Pwd")) { Pwd = Row["Pwd"].ToString(); } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Pwd)) { return(JSONHelper.FromString(false, "密码不能为空")); } Random ro = new Random(); string Name = ""; string Email = ""; string QQ = ""; string QQToken = ""; string WeChatToken = ""; string NickName = Row["Mobile"].ToString();//游客 string UserPic = ""; int Sex = 1; if (Row.Table.Columns.Contains("Name")) { Name = Row["Name"].ToString(); } if (Row.Table.Columns.Contains("Email")) { Email = Row["Email"].ToString(); } if (Row.Table.Columns.Contains("QQ")) { QQ = Row["QQ"].ToString(); } if (Row.Table.Columns.Contains("QQToken")) { QQToken = Row["QQToken"].ToString(); } if (Row.Table.Columns.Contains("WeChatToken")) { WeChatToken = Row["WeChatToken"].ToString(); } if (Row.Table.Columns.Contains("NickName") && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(Row["NickName"].ToString())) { NickName = Row["NickName"].ToString(); } if (Row.Table.Columns.Contains("UserPic")) { UserPic = Row["UserPic"].ToString(); } if (Row.Table.Columns.Contains("Sex")) { Sex = AppGlobal.StrToInt(Row["Sex"].ToString()); } MobileSoft.Model.Unified.Tb_User User = new MobileSoft.Model.Unified.Tb_User(); User.Id = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); User.Name = Name; User.Mobile = Row["Mobile"].ToString(); User.QQ = QQ; User.QQToken = QQToken; User.WeChatNum = WeChatToken; User.WeChatToken = WeChatToken; User.Pwd = Pwd; User.NickName = NickName ?? User.Mobile; User.Email = Email; User.UserPic = UserPic; User.Sex = Sex; User.RegDate = DateTime.Now; new MobileSoft.BLL.Unified.Bll_Tb_User().Add(User); } } else { return(JSONHelper.FromString(false, "用户名不能为空!")); } } catch (Exception ex) { backstr = ex.Message; } if (backstr == "") { return(JSONHelper.FromString(true, "注册成功")); } else { return(JSONHelper.FromString(false, backstr)); } }
/// <summary> /// 更新一条数据 /// </summary> public void Update(MobileSoft.Model.Unified.Tb_User model) { dal.Update(model); }
/// <summary> /// 增加一条数据 /// </summary> public void Add(MobileSoft.Model.Unified.Tb_User model) { dal.Add(model); }
/// <summary> /// 邀请用户 /// </summary> private string InviteUser(DataRow row) { if (!row.Table.Columns.Contains("CommunityId") || string.IsNullOrEmpty(row["CommunityId"].ToString())) { return(JSONHelper.FromString(false, "缺少CommunityId参数")); } if (!row.Table.Columns.Contains("UserMobile") || string.IsNullOrEmpty(row["UserMobile"].ToString())) { return(JSONHelper.FromString(false, "缺少UserMobile参数")); } if (!row.Table.Columns.Contains("InviteMobile") || string.IsNullOrEmpty(row["InviteMobile"].ToString())) { return(JSONHelper.FromString(false, "缺少InviteMobile参数")); } if (!row.Table.Columns.Contains("InviteName") || string.IsNullOrEmpty(row["InviteName"].ToString())) { return(JSONHelper.FromString(false, "缺少InviteName参数")); } if (!row.Table.Columns.Contains("InviteType") || string.IsNullOrEmpty(row["InviteType"].ToString())) { return(JSONHelper.FromString(false, "缺少InviteType参数")); } var communityId = row["CommunityId"].AsString(); var userMobile = row["UserMobile"].ToString(); var inviteMobile = row["InviteMobile"].ToString(); var inviteName = row["InviteName"].ToString(); var inviteType = row["InviteType"].ToString(); var relationship = UserRoomIdentityCode.Other; var roomId = 0L; var relationId = default(string); if (row.Table.Columns.Contains("RelationId") && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(row["RelationId"].ToString())) { relationId = row["RelationId"].ToString(); } if (row.Table.Columns.Contains("RoomID") && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(row["RoomID"].ToString())) { roomId = AppGlobal.StrToLong(row["RoomID"].ToString()); } if (roomId == 0 && string.IsNullOrEmpty(relationId)) { return(JSONHelper.FromString(false, "未指定绑定房屋")); } if (inviteType == ((int)UserRoomIdentity.Customer).ToString()) { relationship = UserRoomIdentityCode.Customer2; } else if (inviteType == ((int)UserRoomIdentity.FamilyMember).ToString()) { relationship = UserRoomIdentityCode.FamilyMember; } else if (inviteType == ((int)UserRoomIdentity.Tenant).ToString()) { relationship = UserRoomIdentityCode.Tenant; } //查询小区 Tb_Community Community = new MobileSoft.BLL.Unified.Bll_Tb_Community().GetModel(communityId); //构造链接字符串 if (Community == null) { return(JSONHelper.FromString(false, "该小区不存在")); } string strcon = GetConnectionStringStr(Community); string message; using (var appConn = new SqlConnection(PubConstant.UnifiedContionString)) { var sql = @"SELECT CommName FROM Tb_Community WHERE Id=@Id"; var commName = appConn.Query <string>(sql, new { Id = communityId }).FirstOrDefault(); if (roomId == 0) { sql = @"SELECT CustId,RoomId,RoomSign,CustName FROM Tb_User_Relation WHERE Id=@RelationId"; } else { sql = @"SELECT CustId,RoomId,RoomSign,CustName FROM Tb_User_Relation WHERE UserId IN(SELECT Id FROM Tb_User WHERE Mobile=@Mobile)"; } var relationInfo = appConn.Query(sql, new { RelationId = relationId, Mobile = userMobile }).FirstOrDefault(); if (relationInfo == null) { return(JSONHelper.FromString(false, "该房屋所属业主还未注册到业主App")); } var custId = AppGlobal.StrToLong(relationInfo.CustId); var roomSign = relationInfo.RoomSign?.ToString(); var custName = relationInfo.CustName?.ToString(); var holdId = 0L; // 判断客户信息是否已经插入到家庭成员表 using (var erpConn = new SqlConnection(strcon)) { sql = @"SELECT HoldID FROM Tb_HSPR_Household WHERE CustID=@CustID AND RoomID=@RoomID AND (MobilePhone like @MobilePhone OR LinkManTel like @MobilePhone) AND isnull(IsDelete,0)=0"; holdId = erpConn.Query <long>(sql, new { CustID = custId, RoomID = roomId, MobilePhone = $"%{inviteMobile}%" }).FirstOrDefault(); if (holdId == 0) { // 客户信息插入到家庭成员表 var parameters = new DynamicParameters(); parameters.Add("@HoldID", 0, DbType.Int64, ParameterDirection.Output); parameters.Add("@CommID", Community.CommID); parameters.Add("@CustID", custId); parameters.Add("@RoomID", roomId); parameters.Add("@Name", inviteName); parameters.Add("@MobilePhone", inviteMobile); parameters.Add("@Relationship", relationship); parameters.Add("@IsDelete", 0); erpConn.Execute("Proc_HSPR_Household_Insert_Phone", parameters, null, null, CommandType.StoredProcedure); // 家庭成员表id holdId = parameters.Get <long>("@HoldID"); } } var userInfo = new MobileSoft.Model.Unified.Tb_User(); var isAdd = false; // 判断用户是否已经注册 sql = "SELECT Id FROM Tb_User WHERE Mobile=@Mobile"; userInfo.Id = appConn.Query <string>(sql, new { Mobile = inviteMobile }).FirstOrDefault(); if (userInfo.Id == null) { isAdd = true; // 注册用户 userInfo.Id = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); userInfo.Name = inviteName; userInfo.Mobile = inviteMobile; userInfo.Pwd = "123456"; userInfo.NickName = inviteMobile; userInfo.Sex = 1; userInfo.RegDate = DateTime.Now; new MobileSoft.BLL.Unified.Bll_Tb_User().Add(userInfo); } // 查询用户是否已经绑定该房屋 sql = @"SELECT Id FROM Tb_User_Relation WHERE UserId=@UserId AND RoomId=@RoomID"; var hasBinded = appConn.Query(sql, new { UserId = userInfo.Id, RoomID = roomId }).Count(); if (hasBinded > 0) { // 已经绑定,解锁,更新家庭成员id sql = @"UPDATE Tb_User_Relation SET Locked=0,CustHoldId=@HoldID WHERE UserId=@UserId AND RoomId=@RoomID"; appConn.Execute(sql, new { UserId = userInfo.Id, RoomID = roomId, HoldID = holdId }); } else { // 未绑定,绑定房屋 sql = @"INSERT INTO Tb_User_Relation(Id,UserId,CommunityId,CustId,RoomId,RegDate,CustName,RoomSign,CustMobile,Locked) VALUES(@Id,@UserId,@CommunityId,@CustId,@RoomId,getdate(),@CustName,@RoomSign,@CustMobile,0)"; appConn.Execute(sql, new { Id = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(), UserId = userInfo.Id, CommunityId = communityId, CustId = custId, RoomId = roomId, CustName = custName, RoomSign = roomSign, CustMobile = userMobile }); } // 短信内容 if (Community.CorpID == 1975) { message = string.Format("\"{0}\"业主{1}为您绑定了编号为:{2}的房屋,关注微信公众号“第一亚太物业”,您可以对该房屋进行报事和缴费等操作。", commName, custName, roomSign); if (isAdd) { message = string.Format("\"{0}\"业主{1}邀请您关注微信公众号“第一亚太物业”随时掌握房屋、小区信息,您的账号为:{2},初始密码为:123456。", commName, custName, inviteMobile); } } else if (Community.CorpID == 1970) { message = string.Format("温馨提示:\"{0}\"业主{1}为您绑定了编号为:{2}房屋,您可以对该房屋进行报事和缴费等操作。", commName, custName, roomSign); if (isAdd) { message = string.Format(@"温馨提示:“{0}”业主{1}邀请您使用泰禾业主App,您的账号为:{2},初始密码为:123456,请及时下载登录泰禾App并修改密码,下载地址:http://t.cn/Rdo20xY", commName, custName, inviteMobile); } } else { message = string.Format("温馨提示:\"{0}\"业主{1}为您绑定了编号为:{2}的房屋,您可以对该房屋进行报事和缴费等操作。", commName, custName, roomSign); if (isAdd) { message = string.Format("温馨提示:“{0}”业主{1}为您绑定了编号为:{2}的房屋,您的账号为:{3},初始密码为:123456,您可以对该房屋进行报事和缴费等操作。", commName, custName, roomSign, inviteMobile); } } SendShortMessage(inviteMobile, message, out string errorMessage, Community.CorpID); } return(JSONHelper.FromString(true, "邀请成功")); }
/// <summary> /// 注册用户 /// </summary> public string RegisterUser(DataRow Row) { if (!Row.Table.Columns.Contains("Mobile") || string.IsNullOrEmpty(Row["Mobile"].ToString())) { return(JSONHelper.FromString(false, "缺少Mobile参数")); } if (!Row.Table.Columns.Contains("Password") || string.IsNullOrEmpty(Row["Password"].ToString())) { return(JSONHelper.FromString(false, "缺少Password参数")); } string mobile = Row["Mobile"].ToString(); string password = Row["Password"].ToString(); string backstr = "注册失败"; string connString = ""; string dataSource = ""; try { #region App版本判断 if (HttpContext.Current.Request.Url.Host.Contains("wyerp.tahoecn.com")) { // 泰禾正式 connString = @"Connect Timeout=100;Connection Lifetime=60;Max Pool Size=2000;Min Pool Size=0;Pooling=true;data source=;initial catalog=HM_wygl_new_1970;PWD=LF123SPoss;persist security info=False;user id=LFUser;packet size=4096"; dataSource = "HM_wygl_new_1970"; } // 泰禾测试环境 else if (HttpContext.Current.Request.Url.Host.Contains("test.wyerp.tahoecndemo.com")) { connString = @"Connect Timeout=100;Connection Lifetime=60;Max Pool Size=2000;Min Pool Size=0;Pooling=true;data source=(local);initial catalog=HM_wygl_new_1970;PWD=LF123SPoss;persist security info=False;user id=LFUser;packet size=4096"; dataSource = "HM_wygl_new_1970"; } // 俊发版本 else if (HttpContext.Current.Request.Url.Host.Contains("")) { connString = @"Connect Timeout=100;Connection Lifetime=60;Max Pool Size=2000;Min Pool Size=0;Pooling=true;data source=;initial catalog=HM_wygl_new_1985;PWD=LF123SPoss;persist security info=False;user id=LFUser;packet size=4096"; dataSource = "HM_wygl_new_1985"; } // 海亮版本 else if (HttpContext.Current.Request.Url.Host.Contains("hlland")) { connString = @"Connect Timeout=100;Connection Lifetime=60;Max Pool Size=2000;Min Pool Size=0;Pooling=true;data source=(local);initial catalog=HM_wygl_new_2021;PWD=LF123SPoss;persist security info=False;user id=LFUser;packet size=4096"; dataSource = "HM_wygl_new_2021"; } // 大发 else if (HttpContext.Current.Request.Url.Host.Contains("dafa")) { connString = @"Connect Timeout=100;Connection Lifetime=60;Max Pool Size=2000;Min Pool Size=0;Pooling=true;data source=(local);initial catalog=HM_wygl_new_2046;PWD=LF123SPoss;persist security info=False;user id=LFUser;packet size=4096"; dataSource = "HM_wygl_new_2046"; } // 嘉和 else if (HttpContext.Current.Request.Url.Host.Contains("")) { connString = @"Connect Timeout=100;Connection Lifetime=60;Max Pool Size=2000;Min Pool Size=0;Pooling=true;data source=;initial catalog=HM_wygl_new_2046;PWD=LF123SPoss;persist security info=False;user id=LFUser;packet size=4096"; dataSource = "HM_wygl_new_2045"; } // 鸿坤 else if (HttpContext.Current.Request.Url.Host.Contains("wyyth-app.hongkun.com.cn")) { connString = @"Connect Timeout=100;Connection Lifetime=60;Max Pool Size=2000;Min Pool Size=0;Pooling=true;data source=;initial catalog=HM_wygl_new_1973;PWD=LF123SPoss;persist security info=False;user id=LFUser;packet size=4096"; dataSource = "HM_wygl_new_1973"; } // 鸿坤测试 else if (HttpContext.Current.Request.Url.Host.Contains("wuyth-test.hongkun.com.cn")) { connString = @"Connect Timeout=100;Connection Lifetime=60;Max Pool Size=2000;Min Pool Size=0;Pooling=true;data source=;initial catalog=HM_wygl_new_test;PWD=LF123SPoss;persist security info=False;user id=LFUser;packet size=4096"; dataSource = "HM_wygl_new_test"; } // 金帝物业 else if (HttpContext.Current.Request.Url.Host.Contains("")) { connString = @"Connect Timeout=100;Connection Lifetime=60;Max Pool Size=2000;Min Pool Size=0;Pooling=true;data source=;initial catalog=HM_wygl_new_2091;PWD=LF123SPoss;persist security info=False;user id=LFUser;packet size=4096"; dataSource = "HM_wygl_new_2091"; } // 润达 else if (HttpContext.Current.Request.Url.Host.Contains("")) { connString = @"Connect Timeout=100;Connection Lifetime=60;Max Pool Size=2000;Min Pool Size=0;Pooling=true;data source=;initial catalog=HM_wygl_new_2091;PWD=LF123SPoss;persist security info=False;user id=LFUser;packet size=4096"; dataSource = "HM_wygl_new_2091"; } // 和家 else if (HttpContext.Current.Request.Url.Host.Contains("")) { connString = @"Connect Timeout=100;Connection Lifetime=60;Max Pool Size=2000;Min Pool Size=0;Pooling=true;data source=;initial catalog=Erp_Wygl_6008;PWD=LF123SPoss;persist security info=False;user id=LFUser;packet size=4096"; dataSource = "Erp_Wygl_6008"; } // 丽创 else if (HttpContext.Current.Request.Url.Host.Contains("")) { connString = @"Connect Timeout=100;Connection Lifetime=60;Max Pool Size=2000;Min Pool Size=0;Pooling=true;data source=;initial catalog=HM_wygl_new_1329;PWD=LF123SPoss;persist security info=False;user id=LFUser;packet size=4096"; dataSource = "HM_wygl_new_1329"; } // 珠光 else if (HttpContext.Current.Request.Url.Host.Contains("ygapp.zgproperty.cn")) { connString = @"Connect Timeout=100;Connection Lifetime=60;Max Pool Size=2000;Min Pool Size=0;Pooling=true;data source=;initial catalog=HM_wygl_new_1329;PWD=LF123SPoss;persist security info=False;user id=LFUser;packet size=4096"; dataSource = "HM_wygl_new_1329"; } // 中集 else if (HttpContext.Current.Request.Url.Host.Contains("")) { connString = @"Connect Timeout=100;Connection Lifetime=60;Max Pool Size=2000;Min Pool Size=0;Pooling=true;data source=,8433;initial catalog=HM_wygl_new_1953;PWD=LF123SPoss;persist security info=False;user id=LFUser;packet size=4096"; dataSource = "HM_wygl_new_1953"; } //else if (HttpContext.Current.Request.Url.Host.Contains("localhost")) //{ // connString = @"Connect Timeout=100;Connection Lifetime=60;Max Pool Size=2000;Min Pool Size=0;Pooling=true;data source=,8433;initial catalog=HM_wygl_new_1953;PWD=LF123SPoss;persist security info=False;user id=LFUser;packet size=4096"; // dataSource = "HM_wygl_new_1953"; //} else if (HttpContext.Current.Request.Url.Host.Contains("")) { connString = @"Connect Timeout=100;Connection Lifetime=60;Max Pool Size=2000;Min Pool Size=0;Pooling=true;data source=;initial catalog=PMS_Base;PWD=LF123SPoss;persist security info=False;user id=LFUser;packet size=4096"; dataSource = "PMS_Base"; } #endregion if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(connString) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(dataSource)) { return(JSONHelper.FromString(false, "未配置ERP信息")); } DataTable dTable = new DbHelperSQLP(PubConstant.UnifiedContionString).Query("SELECT Name FROM Tb_User where Mobile='" + Row["Mobile"].ToString() + "'").Tables[0]; if (dTable.Rows.Count > 0) { return(JSONHelper.FromString(false, "此用户已存在")); } MobileSoft.Model.Unified.Tb_User User = new MobileSoft.Model.Unified.Tb_User(); User.Id = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); User.Name = mobile; User.Mobile = mobile; User.Pwd = password; User.NickName = mobile; User.Sex = 1; User.RegDate = DateTime.Now; new MobileSoft.BLL.Unified.Bll_Tb_User().Add(User); using (var erpConn = new SqlConnection(connString)) { var holds = new List <long>(); // 1、查询客户信息 var sql = $@"SELECT CustID FROM Tb_HSPR_Customer WHERE (MobilePhone LIKE '%{mobile}%' OR LinkmanTel LIKE '%{mobile}%') AND IsDelete=0"; var custId = erpConn.Query <long>(sql, null).FirstOrDefault(); if (custId != 0) { sql = @"SELECT a.*, b.CustName,b.MobilePhone,b.CommID,c.RoomSign,c.RoomName FROM Tb_HSPR_CustomerLive a LEFT JOIN Tb_HSPR_Customer b ON a.CustID=b.CustID LEFT JOIN Tb_HSPR_Room c ON a.RoomID=c.RoomID WHERE a.CustID=@CustID AND a.RoomID>=1 AND isnull(a.IsActive,0)=1 AND isnull(a.IsDelLive,0)=0"; // 查询客户拥有的房屋 var rooms = erpConn.Query(sql, new { CustID = custId }); if (rooms.Count() > 0) { foreach (dynamic roomInfo in rooms) { // 判断客户信息是否已经插入到家庭成员表 sql = @"SELECT HoldID FROM Tb_HSPR_Household WHERE CustID=@CustID AND RoomID=@RoomID AND (MobilePhone like @MobilePhone OR LinkManTel like @MobilePhone) AND isnull(IsDelete,0)=0"; var holdId = erpConn.Query <long>(sql, new { CustID = custId, RoomID = roomInfo.RoomID, MobilePhone = $"%{mobile}%" }).FirstOrDefault(); if (holdId == 0) { // 判断客户身份 var identity = ""; if (roomInfo.LiveType == 1) // 业主 { identity = UserRoomIdentityCode.Customer2; } if (roomInfo.LiveType == 2) // 租户 { identity = UserRoomIdentityCode.Tenant; } // 客户信息插入到家庭成员表 var parameters = new DynamicParameters(); parameters.Add("@HoldID", 0, DbType.Int64, ParameterDirection.Output); parameters.Add("@CommID", roomInfo.CommID); parameters.Add("@CustID", roomInfo.CustID); parameters.Add("@RoomID", roomInfo.RoomID); parameters.Add("@Name", roomInfo.CustName); parameters.Add("@MobilePhone", mobile); parameters.Add("@Relationship", identity); parameters.Add("@IsDelete", 0); erpConn.Execute("Proc_HSPR_Household_Insert_Phone", parameters, null, null, CommandType.StoredProcedure); // 家庭成员表id holdId = parameters.Get <long>("@HoldID"); } holds.Add(holdId); // 自动绑定房屋 using (var appConn = new SqlConnection(PubConstant.UnifiedContionString)) { // 小区是否已经添加App系统 sql = @"SELECT * FROM Tb_Community WHERE CommID=@CommID"; var commInfo = appConn.Query(sql, new { CommID = roomInfo.CommID }).FirstOrDefault(); if (commInfo != null) { sql = @"INSERT INTO Tb_User_Relation (Id,UserId,CommunityId,CustId,CustHoldId,RoomId,RegDate,CustName,RoomSign,CustMobile) VALUES(newid(),@UserId,@CommunityId,@CustID,@HoldID,@RoomID,getdate(),@CustName,@RoomSign,@CustMobile)"; appConn.Execute(sql, new { UserId = User.Id, CommunityId = commInfo.Id, CustID = custId, HoldID = holdId, RoomID = roomInfo.RoomID, CustName = roomInfo.CustName, RoomSign = (roomInfo.RoomName ?? roomInfo.RoomSign), CustMobile = mobile }); } } } } } // 2、查询家庭成员表 sql = @"SELECT a.HoldID,a.CommID,a.CustID,b.CustName,b.MobilePhone AS CustMobile,a.RoomID,c.RoomSign,c.RoomName FROM Tb_HSPR_Household a LEFT JOIN Tb_HSPR_Customer b ON a.CustID=b.CustID LEFT JOIN Tb_HSPR_Room c ON a.RoomID=c.RoomID WHERE (a.MobilePhone like @MobilePhone OR a.LinkManTel like @MobilePhone) AND isnull(a.IsDelete,0)=0"; if (holds.Count != 0) { sql += $" AND a.HoldID NOT IN({ string.Join(",", holds) })"; } var holdsInfo = erpConn.Query(sql, new { MobilePhone = $"%{mobile}%" }); if (holdsInfo.Count() > 0) { // 自动绑定房屋 using (var appConn = new SqlConnection(PubConstant.UnifiedContionString)) { foreach (var holdInfo in holdsInfo) { // 小区是否已经添加App系统 sql = @"SELECT * FROM Tb_Community WHERE CommID=@CommID"; var commInfo = appConn.Query(sql, new { CommID = holdInfo.CommID }).FirstOrDefault(); if (commInfo != null) { sql = @"INSERT INTO Tb_User_Relation (Id,UserId,CommunityId,CustId,CustHoldId,RoomId,RegDate,CustName,RoomSign,CustMobile) VALUES(newid(),@UserId,@CommunityId,@CustID,@HoldID,@RoomID,getdate(),@CustName,@RoomSign,@CustMobile)"; appConn.Execute(sql, new { UserId = User.Id, CommunityId = commInfo.Id, CustID = custId, HoldID = holdInfo.HoldID, RoomID = holdInfo.RoomID, CustName = holdInfo.CustName, RoomSign = (holdInfo.RoomName ?? holdInfo.RoomSign), CustMobile = holdInfo.CustMobile }); } } } } return(JSONHelper.FromString(true, "注册成功")); } } catch (Exception ex) { backstr = ex.Message; } return(JSONHelper.FromString(false, backstr)); }