public Form1() { DisablePowerSleep(); InitializeComponent(); label5.Text = "VERSION: 2014-09-27"; //if(!(myBeep is Beep)) myBeep = new Beep("PWM1:"); // myBeep = new Beep("PWM4:"); btn_capture.Click +=new EventHandler(btn_capture_Click); string mypath = Path.Combine(GlobalConfig.udiskdir2, "screen"); if (Directory.Exists(mypath)) btn_capture.Visible = true; Cursor.Hide(); processor = new Processor(); dlg_choice = new ChoiceWnd(); dlg_kbd = new kbdWnd(); led_rx.Value = "0.000000"; led_rx.Click += new EventHandler((o,e)=>{ DoBeep(); dlg_choice.bNo0Choice = true; dlg_choice.param = "selectrx"; dlg_choice.Init(StringResource.str("selectrx"), Processor._RxTitles, -1, null, new KbdDataHandler(KbdData)); }); led_rx.ColorLight = Color.Pink; led_rx.ColorDark = this.BackColor; led_rx.ColorBackground = this.BackColor; led_rx.ElementWidth = 12; led_rx.RecreateSegments(led_rx.ArrayCount); led_rs.ColorLight = Color.Black; led_rs.ColorDark = this.BackColor; led_rs.ColorBackground = this.BackColor; led_rs.ElementWidth = 10; led_rs.RecreateSegments(led_rs.ArrayCount); led_rs.Click += new EventHandler((o, e) => { DoBeep(); dlg_kbd.Init(String.Format(StringResource.str("inputrs"), Processor._RsTitles[processor.RsIndex]), "inputrs", false, new KbdDataHandler(KbdData)); }); led_vx.ColorLight = Color.Black; led_vx.ColorDark = this.BackColor; led_vx.ColorBackground = this.BackColor; led_vx.ElementWidth = 10; led_vx.RecreateSegments(led_vx.ArrayCount); led_vx.Value = "0.000"; led_vx.Click += new EventHandler((o, e) => { DoBeep(); dlg_choice.bNo0Choice = true; dlg_choice.param = "selectvx"; dlg_choice.Init(StringResource.str("selectvx"), Processor._MulTitles, - 1, null, new KbdDataHandler(KbdData)); }); led_es.ColorLight = Color.Black; led_es.ColorDark = this.BackColor; led_es.ColorBackground = this.BackColor; led_es.ElementWidth = 10; led_es.RecreateSegments(led_es.ArrayCount); led_es.Click += new EventHandler((o, e) => { DoBeep(); dlg_choice.bNo0Choice = true; dlg_choice.param = "selectes"; dlg_choice.Init(StringResource.str("selectes"), Processor._EsTitles, -1, null, new KbdDataHandler(KbdData)); }); btn_hvout.BackColor = this.BackColor; btn_hvout.colorTop = Color.LightYellow; btn_hvout.Style = MyButtonType.rectButton; btn_hvout.Label = StringResource.str("hvout"); btn_hvout.ValidClick += new EventHandler((o, e) => { DoBeep(); if (!processor.bDirectOutputOn) { this.Invoke(new Action(() => { dlg_choice.bNo0Choice = true; dlg_choice.param = "selecthvport"; dlg_choice.Init(StringResource.str("selecthvport"), new string[] { "10 - 100V 端子输出", "100 - 1kV 端子输出", "500 - 5kV 端子输出", "1k - 10kV 端子输出" }, -1, null, new KbdDataHandler(KbdData)); })); } else { processor.DirectOutputClose(); RefreshDisplay(true); } return; }); btn_zeroon.BackColor = this.BackColor; btn_zeroon.colorTop = Color.Bisque; btn_zeroon.Style = MyButtonType.rectButton; btn_zeroon.Label = StringResource.str("vxzero"); btn_zeroon.ValidClick += new EventHandler((o, e) => { DoBeep(); processor.ZeroON2(); if(btn_zeroon.colorTop != Color.LightSlateGray) btn_zeroon.colorTop = Color.LightSlateGray; else btn_zeroon.colorTop = Color.Bisque; }); btn_zeroon2.BackColor = this.BackColor; btn_zeroon2.colorTop = Color.Bisque; btn_zeroon2.Style = MyButtonType.rectButton; btn_zeroon2.Label = StringResource.str("vgzero"); btn_zeroon2.ValidClick += new EventHandler((o, e) => { DoBeep(); processor.ZeroON(); if(btn_zeroon2.colorTop != Color.LightSlateGray) btn_zeroon2.colorTop = Color.LightSlateGray; else btn_zeroon2.colorTop = Color.Bisque; }); btn_turnon.BackColor = this.BackColor; btn_turnon.colorTop = Color.Green; btn_turnon.Style = MyButtonType.roundButton; btn_turnon.Text = "OFF"; btn_turnon.Click += new EventHandler((o, e) => { DoBeep(); if (!processor.bOn) dt_lastoutput = DateTime.Now.AddSeconds(2); processor.bOn = !processor.bOn; RefreshDisplay(true); }); rectMeter1.BgResId = "BGMETER"; DeviceMgr.Reset(); processor.ToDAValue(0); tm = new Timer(); tm.Interval = 500; tm.Tick += new EventHandler((o, e) => { //lbl_datetime.Text = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss"); if (DateTime.Now.Subtract(dt_lastoutput).TotalSeconds < 1) { return; } dt_lastoutput = DateTime.Now; if (processor.bDirectOutputOn) { DateTime.Now.AddSeconds(processor.RefreshDirectOutput()); string newv = processor.VxMeasure.ToString("F7").Substring(0, 6); if (led_vx.Value != newv) { led_vx.Value = newv; rectMeter1.Angle = processor.Percent; } if (processor.bDirectStable) { if (led_vx.ColorLight != Color.Red) led_vx.ColorLight = Color.Red; } else { if (led_vx.ColorLight != Color.Orange) led_vx.ColorLight = Color.Orange; } }else if (processor.bOn) { dt_lastoutput = DateTime.Now.AddSeconds(processor.RefreshOutput()); double v = Convert.ToDouble(processor.Rx) ; string newv; newv = Util.GMKFormat(ref v); if(lbl_ohm.Text != newv) lbl_ohm.Text = newv; newv = v.ToString("F8").Substring(0, 7); if (led_rx.Value != newv) { led_rx.Value = newv; } this.lbl_datetime.Text = processor.Vg.ToString() + "," +processor.Vx.ToString(); if (processor.bStable) { if (led_rx.ColorLight != Color.Red) led_rx.ColorLight = Color.Red; } else { if (led_rx.ColorLight != Color.Pink) led_rx.ColorLight = Color.Pink; } newv = processor.VxMeasure.ToString("F7").Substring(0, 6); if(led_vx.Value != newv) { led_vx.Value = newv; rectMeter1.Angle = processor.Percent; } } }); tm.Enabled = true; DeviceMgr.Reset(); RefreshDisplay(true); }
public Form1() { InitializeComponent(); //ShowCursor(0); processor = new Processor(); digi_upbtns = new RectButton[] { rbtn_1up, rbtn_2up, rbtn_3up, rbtn_4up, rbtn_5up, rbtn_6up }; digi_dnbtns = new RectButton[] { rbtn_1dn, rbtn_2dn, rbtn_3dn, rbtn_4dn, rbtn_5dn, rbtn_6dn }; real_btns = new RectButton[] { rbtn_real1,rbtn_real2,rbtn_real3,rbtn_real4,rbtn_real5,rbtn_real6,rbtn_real7, rbtn_real8, rbtn_real9, rbtn_real10, rbtn_real11,rbtn_real12,rbtn_real13,rbtn_real14,rbtn_real15}; dlg_choice = new ChoiceWnd(); dlg_kbd = new kbdWnd(); range_btns = new RectButton[] { btn_rangeReal, btn_range0, btn_range1, btn_range2, btn_range3 }; string[] range_string = new String[] { "实物电阻", "20mΩ", "200mΩ", "2Ω", "20Ω" }; led_ohm.ColorLight = Color.Red; led_ohm.ColorBackground = this.BackColor; led_ohm.ElementWidth = 6; led_current.ColorLight = Color.DarkGreen; led_current.ColorBackground = this.BackColor; led_current.ElementWidth = 6; led_current.Value = "0.0000"; btn_zeroon.BackColor = this.BackColor; btn_zeroon.ForeColor = Color.Bisque; btn_zeroon.Style = MyButtonType.rectButton; btn_zeroon.Text = "清零"; btn_zeroon.ValidClick += new EventHandler((o, e) => { led_current.Value = " "; processor.ZeroON(); }); btn_turnon.BackColor = this.BackColor; btn_turnon.colorTop = Color.Green; btn_turnon.Style = MyButtonType.roundButton; btn_turnon.Text = "OFF"; btn_turnon.Click += new EventHandler((o, e) => { if (!processor.bOn) dt_lastoutput = DateTime.Now.AddSeconds(2); processor.bOn = !processor.bOn; RefreshDisplay(false); }); tm = new Timer(); tm.Interval = 1000; tm.Tick += new EventHandler((o, e) => { lbl_datetime.Text = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss"); if (DateTime.Now.Subtract(dt_lastoutput).TotalSeconds < 1) { dt_lastoutput = DateTime.Now; return; } processor.RefreshOutput(); if (processor.Current > -999) { UpdateCurrent(processor.Current); processor.Current = -9999; } }); tm.Enabled = true; tm.Start(); DeviceMgr.Reset(); RefreshDisplay(true); }
public Form1() { InitializeComponent(); s_scale = this.label1.Text.Substring(0, this.label1.Text.IndexOf('A')); this.BackColor = Color.LightSkyBlue; led_current.ColorDark = this.BackColor; led_setting.ColorDark = this.BackColor; btn_turnon.BackColor = this.BackColor; rectMeter1.BackColor = this.BackColor; btn_turnon.BackColor = this.BackColor; rectMeter1.BgResId = "BGMETER"; //ShowCursor(0); processor = new Processor(); data = new StringBuilder(10); kbd_btns = new RectButton[]{ lbButton0,lbButton1,lbButton2,lbButton3,lbButton4,lbButton5,lbButton6,lbButton7,lbButton8,lbButton9, lbButtonCancel,lbButtonOK,lbButtonPT,lbButtonPercent}; string[] btn_cap = "0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,取消,确定,.,%".Split(new char[] { ',' }); for (int i = 0; i < kbd_btns.Length; i++) { RectButton lbt = kbd_btns[i]; lbt.BackColor = Color.Transparent; lbt.colorTop = Color.LightPink; lbt.colorShadow = Color.DarkGray; lbt.Label = btn_cap[i]; lbt.Style = MyButtonType.raiseButton; lbt.Click += new EventHandler((o, e) => { KeypadTick(NameInArray(o, kbd_btns)); }); } #region (NO USE) digi up and down /* digi_upbtns = new RectButton[] { rbtn_1up, rbtn_2up, rbtn_3up, rbtn_4up, rbtn_5up, rbtn_6up }; digi_dnbtns = new RectButton[] { rbtn_1dn, rbtn_2dn, rbtn_3dn, rbtn_4dn, rbtn_5dn, rbtn_6dn }; for (int i = 0; i < digi_upbtns.Length; i++) { RectButton rb = digi_upbtns[i]; rb.bgColor = this.BackColor; rb.SetStyle(Color.DarkOrange, MyButtonType.triangleupButton); rb.ValidClick += new EventHandler((o, e) => { if (processor.iRange >= 0) { TickDigit(digi_upbtns.Length - NameInArray(o, digi_upbtns), true); RefreshDisplay(false); } }); } for (int i = 0; i < digi_dnbtns.Length; i++) { RectButton rb = digi_dnbtns[i]; rb.bgColor = this.BackColor; rb.SetStyle(Color.DarkOrange, MyButtonType.trianglednButton); rb.ValidClick += new EventHandler((o, e) => { if (processor.iRange >= 0) { TickDigit(digi_upbtns.Length - NameInArray(o, digi_dnbtns), false); RefreshDisplay(false); } }); } * */ #endregion dlg_choice = new ChoiceWnd(); dlg_kbd = new kbdWnd(); led_setting.ColorLight = Color.Red; led_setting.ColorBackground = this.BackColor; led_setting.ElementWidth = 12; // led_setting.RecreateSegments(led_setting.ArrayCount); led_current.ColorLight = Color.DarkGreen; led_current.ColorBackground = this.BackColor; led_current.ElementWidth = 10; // led_current.RecreateSegments(led_current.ArrayCount); led_current.Value = "0.0000"; btn_zeroon.Style = MyButtonType.rectButton; btn_zeroon.colorShadow = this.BackColor; btn_zeroon.colorTop = Color.Bisque; btn_zeroon.Label = "电流表清零"; btn_zeroon.ValidClick += new EventHandler((o, e) => { led_current.Value = " "; processor.ZeroON(); }); //btn_turnon.bgColor = this.BackColor; //btn_turnon.SetStyle(Color.Green, MyButtonType.round2Button); btn_turnon.Label = "OFF"; btn_turnon.Click += new EventHandler((o, e) => { if (!processor.bOn) dt_lastoutput = DateTime.Now.AddSeconds(0.5); processor.bOn = !processor.bOn; RefreshDisplay(false); }); tm = new Timer(); tm.Interval = 1000; tm.Tick += new EventHandler((o, e) => { lbl_datetime.Text = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss"); /* if (DateTime.Now.Subtract(dt_lastoutput).TotalSeconds < 1) { dt_lastoutput = DateTime.Now; return; }*/ if (data.Length == 0) { processor.RefreshOutput(); if (processor.Current > -999) { UpdateCurrent(processor.Current); processor.Current = -9999; } } }); tm.Enabled = true; tm.Start(); DeviceMgr.Reset(); RefreshDisplay(true); }
public Form1() { InitializeComponent(); //ShowCursor(0); processor = new Processor(); digi_upbtns = new RectButton[] { rbtn_1up, rbtn_2up, rbtn_3up, rbtn_4up, rbtn_5up, rbtn_6up }; digi_dnbtns = new RectButton[] { rbtn_1dn, rbtn_2dn, rbtn_3dn, rbtn_4dn, rbtn_5dn, rbtn_6dn }; real_btns = new RectButton[] { rbtn_real1,rbtn_real2,rbtn_real3,rbtn_real4,rbtn_real5,rbtn_real6,rbtn_real7, rbtn_real8, rbtn_real9, rbtn_real10, rbtn_real11,rbtn_real12,rbtn_real13,rbtn_real14,rbtn_real15}; dlg_choice = new ChoiceWnd(); dlg_kbd = new kbdWnd(); range_btns = new RectButton[] { btn_rangeReal, btn_range0, btn_range1, btn_range2, btn_range3 }; string[] range_string = new String[] { "实物电阻", "20mΩ", "200mΩ", "2Ω", "20Ω" }; led_ohm.ColorLight = Color.Red; led_ohm.ColorBackground = this.BackColor; led_ohm.ElementWidth = 6; led_current.ColorLight = Color.DarkGreen; led_current.ColorBackground = this.BackColor; led_current.ElementWidth = 6; led_current.Value = "0.0000"; btn_zeroon.bgColor = this.BackColor; btn_zeroon.SetStyle(Color.Bisque, MyButtonType.roundRectButton); btn_zeroon.Text = "清零"; btn_zeroon.ValidClick += new EventHandler((o, e) => { led_current.Value = " "; processor.ZeroON(); }); btn_turnon.bgColor = this.BackColor; for (int i = 0; i < digi_upbtns.Length; i++) { RectButton rb = digi_upbtns[i]; rb.bgColor = this.BackColor; rb.SetStyle(Color.DarkOrange, MyButtonType.triangleupButton); rb.ValidClick += new EventHandler((o, e) => { if (processor.iRange >= 0) { TickDigit(digi_upbtns.Length - NameInArray(o, digi_upbtns), true); RefreshDisplay(false); } }); } for (int i = 0; i < digi_dnbtns.Length; i++) { RectButton rb = digi_dnbtns[i]; rb.bgColor = this.BackColor; rb.SetStyle(Color.DarkOrange, MyButtonType.trianglednButton); rb.ValidClick += new EventHandler((o,e)=> { if (processor.iRange >= 0) { TickDigit(digi_upbtns.Length - NameInArray(o, digi_dnbtns) , false); RefreshDisplay(false); } }); } for(int i = 0;i < real_btns.Length; i++) { RectButton rb = real_btns[i]; rb.bgColor = this.BackColor; rb.SetStyle(Color.DarkOrange, MyButtonType.roundButton); rb.Text = Processor.real_title[i] + "Ω"; rb.ValidClick += new EventHandler((o, e) => { processor.iReal = NameInArray(o, real_btns); RefreshDisplay(false); }); } btn_turnon.SetStyle(Color.Green, MyButtonType.round2Button); btn_turnon.Text = "OFF"; btn_turnon.Click += new EventHandler((o, e) => { if (!processor.bOn) dt_lastoutput = DateTime.Now.AddSeconds(2); processor.bOn = !processor.bOn; RefreshDisplay(false); }); for (int i = 0; i < range_btns.Length; i++) { RectButton rb = range_btns[i]; rb.bgColor = this.BackColor; rb.Text = range_string[i]; rb.SetStyle(Color.Green, MyButtonType.roundRectButton); rb.ValidClick += new EventHandler((o, e) => { int newrange = NameInArray(o, range_btns)-1; if( newrange == processor.iRange) return; processor.iRange = newrange; RefreshDisplay(true); }); } tm = new Timer(); tm.Interval = 1000; tm.Tick += new EventHandler((o, e) => { lbl_datetime.Text = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss"); if (DateTime.Now.Subtract(dt_lastoutput).TotalSeconds < 1) { dt_lastoutput = DateTime.Now; return; } processor.RefreshOutput(); if (processor.Current > -999) { UpdateCurrent(processor.Current); processor.Current = -9999; } }); tm.Enabled = true; tm.Start(); led_ohm.Click += new EventHandler(led_ohm_Click); DeviceMgr.Reset(); RefreshDisplay(true); }
public Form1() { DisablePowerSleep(); text_allbtns["6000"] = new string[] { "", "", "", "", "", "" }; text_allbtns["1000"] = new string[] {" 10 A", "100 A", "1000 A", "","","" }; text_allbtns["600"] = new string[] { " 1 A", " 10 A", "100 A", "300 A", "600 A", "" }; text_allbtns["500"] = new string[] { " 1 A", " 10 A", "100 A", "200 A", "300 A", "500 A" }; text_allbtns["400"] = new string[] { " 1 A", " 10 A", "100 A", "200 A", "300 A", "400 A" }; text_allbtns["300"] = new string[] { " 1 A", " 10 A", "100 A", "200 A", "300 A", "" }; text_allbtns["200"] = new string[] { " 1 A", " 10 A", "100 A", "200 A", "", "" }; text_allbtns["100"] = new string[] { " 1 A", " 10 A", "100 A", "", "", "" }; InitializeComponent(); myBeep = new Beep("PWM1:"); //use a different way to check scale s_scale = "6000"; //default scale is 300 if (File.Exists(Path.Combine(GlobalConfig.basedir, "1000.txt"))) { s_scale = "1000"; } foreach (string ss in scale_vals) { if (File.Exists(Path.Combine(GlobalConfig.basedir, ss + ".txt"))) { s_scale = ss; break; } } string[] btn_texts = text_allbtns[s_scale]; rngbtn_1.Label = btn_texts[0]; rngbtn_10.Label = btn_texts[1]; rngbtn_100.Label = btn_texts[2]; rngbtn_300.Label = btn_texts[3]; rngbtn_600.Label = btn_texts[4]; rngbtn_1000.Label = btn_texts[5]; rngbtn_1.Visible = (btn_texts[0] != ""); rngbtn_10.Visible = (btn_texts[1] != ""); rngbtn_100.Visible = (btn_texts[2] != ""); rngbtn_300.Visible = (btn_texts[3] != ""); rngbtn_600.Visible = (btn_texts[4] != ""); rngbtn_1000.Visible = (btn_texts[5] != ""); lbl_currscale.Visible = (s_scale != "6000"); this.label3.Text = label3.Text.Replace("300", s_scale); /* if (this.label3.Text.IndexOf("1000A") >= 0) s_scale = "1000"; else if (this.label3.Text.IndexOf("600A") >= 0) s_scale = "600"; else s_scale = "300"; */ scale = Decimal.Parse(s_scale); this.BackColor = Color.LightSkyBlue; led_current.ColorDark = this.BackColor; led_setting.ColorDark = this.BackColor; btn_turnon.BackColor = this.BackColor; btn_zeroon.BackColor = this.BackColor; btn_ktt.BackColor = this.BackColor; rectMeter1.BackColor = this.BackColor; btn_turnon.BackColor = this.BackColor; rectMeter1.BgResId = "BGMETER"; string mypath = Path.Combine(GlobalConfig.udiskdir2, "screen"); if (Directory.Exists(mypath)) btn_capture.Visible = true; Cursor.Hide(); processor = new Processor(); data = new StringBuilder(10); kbd_btns = new RectButton[]{ lbButton0,lbButton1,lbButton2,lbButton3,lbButton4,lbButton5,lbButton6,lbButton7,lbButton8,lbButton9, lbButtonCancel,lbButtonOK,lbButtonPT,lbButtonPercent}; string[] btn_cap = "0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,取消,设定,.,%".Split(new char[] { ',' }); for (int i = 0; i < kbd_btns.Length; i++) { RectButton lbt = kbd_btns[i]; lbt.BackColor = Color.Transparent; lbt.colorTop = Color.LightPink; lbt.colorShadow = Color.DarkGray; lbt.Label = btn_cap[i]; lbt.Style = MyButtonType.raiseButton; lbt.Click += new EventHandler((o, e) => { this.Beep(); KeypadTick(NameInArray(o, kbd_btns)); }); } #region range switch rng_btns = new RectButton[] { rngbtn_1, rngbtn_10, rngbtn_100, rngbtn_300, rngbtn_600, rngbtn_1000 }; for (int i = 0; i < rng_btns.Length; i++) { RectButton rb = rng_btns[i]; rb.BackColor = this.BackColor; rb.colorShadow = this.BackColor; rb.colorTop = Color.LightGray; rb.Style = MyButtonType.rectButton; rb.ValidClick += new EventHandler((o, e) => { if (processor.bOn) return; processor.range = Int32.Parse((o as RectButton).Label.Trim(new char[]{' ','A'})); if (processor.setting > processor.range) processor.setting = 0; RefreshDisplay(false); this.Beep(); }); } #endregion #region digi up and down digi_upbtns = new RectButton[] { rbtn_up1, rbtn_up2, rbtn_up3, rbtn_up4, rbtn_up5, rbtn_up6, rbtn_up7 }; digi_dnbtns = new RectButton[] { rbtn_dn1, rbtn_dn2, rbtn_dn3, rbtn_dn4, rbtn_dn5, rbtn_dn6, rbtn_dn7 }; for (int i = 0; i < digi_upbtns.Length; i++) { RectButton rb = digi_upbtns[i]; rb.BackColor = this.BackColor; rb.colorShadow = this.BackColor; rb.colorTop = Color.DarkOrange; rb.bgScale = 3; rb.bOn = true; rb.Style = MyButtonType.triangleupButton; rb.ValidClick += new EventHandler((o, e) => { this.Beep(); TickDigit(digi_upbtns.Length - NameInArray(o, digi_upbtns), true); RefreshDisplay(false); }); } for (int i = 0; i < digi_dnbtns.Length; i++) { RectButton rb = digi_dnbtns[i]; rb.BackColor = this.BackColor; rb.colorShadow = this.BackColor; rb.colorTop = Color.DarkOrange; rb.bgScale = 3; rb.bOn = true; rb.Style = MyButtonType.trianglednButton; rb.ValidClick += new EventHandler((o, e) => { this.Beep(); TickDigit(digi_upbtns.Length - NameInArray(o, digi_dnbtns), false); RefreshDisplay(false); }); } #endregion dlg_choice = new ChoiceWnd(); dlg_kbd = new kbdWnd(); led_setting.ColorLight = Color.DarkGreen; led_setting.ColorBackground = this.BackColor; led_setting.ElementWidth = 10; // led_setting.RecreateSegments(led_setting.ArrayCount); led_current.ColorLight = Color.Red; led_current.ColorBackground = this.BackColor; led_current.ElementWidth = 12; // led_current.RecreateSegments(led_current.ArrayCount); led_current.Value = "0.0000"; btn_zeroon.Style = MyButtonType.rectButton; btn_zeroon.colorShadow = this.BackColor; btn_zeroon.colorTop = Color.Bisque; btn_zeroon.Label = "电流表清零"; btn_zeroon.ValidClick += new EventHandler((o, e) => { this.Beep(); led_current.Value = " "; processor.ZeroON(); }); btn_ktt.Style = MyButtonType.rectButton; btn_ktt.Label = "电流换向"; btn_ktt.bOn = processor.bKTT; btn_ktt.Click += new EventHandler((o, e) => { this.Beep(); processor.bKTT = !processor.bKTT; btn_ktt.bOn = processor.bKTT; }); //btn_turnon.bgColor = this.BackColor; //btn_turnon.SetStyle(Color.Green, MyButtonType.round2Button); btn_turnon.Label = "OFF"; btn_turnon.Click += new EventHandler((o, e) => { this.Beep(); dt_lastoutput = DateTime.Now.AddSeconds(0.5); btn_turnon.colorTop = Color.LightYellow; //switching }); tm = new System.Windows.Forms.Timer(); tm.Interval = 500; tm.Tick += new EventHandler((o, e) => { foreach (RectButton btn in kbd_btns) { if (!btn.IsButtonUp) btn.IsButtonUp = true; } if (btn_turnon.colorTop == Color.LightYellow) //still booting up { processor.bOn = !processor.bOn; RefreshDisplay(false); return; } lbl_datetime.Text = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"); if (DateTime.Now.Subtract(dt_lastoutput).TotalSeconds < 1) { dt_lastoutput = DateTime.Now; return; } if (data.Length == 0) { processor.RefreshOutput(); if (processor.Current > -999) { UpdateCurrent(processor.Current); processor.Current = -9999; } } }); tm.Enabled = true; processor.Reset(); RefreshDisplay(true); }
public Form1() { InitializeComponent(); //ShowCursor(0); processor = new Processor(); digi_upbtns = new RectButton[] { rbtn_1up, rbtn_2up, rbtn_3up, rbtn_4up, rbtn_5up, rbtn_6up }; digi_dnbtns = new RectButton[] { rbtn_1dn, rbtn_2dn, rbtn_3dn, rbtn_4dn, rbtn_5dn, rbtn_6dn }; real_btns = new RectButton[] { rbtn_real1, rbtn_real2, rbtn_real3, rbtn_real4, rbtn_real5, rbtn_real6, rbtn_real7, rbtn_real8, rbtn_real9, rbtn_real10, rbtn_real11, rbtn_real12, rbtn_real13, rbtn_real14, rbtn_real15 }; dlg_choice = new ChoiceWnd(); dlg_kbd = new kbdWnd(); range_btns = new RectButton[] { btn_rangeReal, btn_range0, btn_range1, btn_range2, btn_range3 }; string[] range_string = new String[] { "实物电阻", "20mΩ", "200mΩ", "2Ω", "20Ω" }; led_ohm.ColorLight = Color.Red; led_ohm.ColorBackground = this.BackColor; led_ohm.ElementWidth = 6; led_current.ColorLight = Color.DarkGreen; led_current.ColorBackground = this.BackColor; led_current.ElementWidth = 6; led_current.Value = "0.0000"; btn_zeroon.bgColor = this.BackColor; btn_zeroon.SetStyle(Color.Bisque, MyButtonType.roundRectButton); btn_zeroon.Text = "清零"; btn_zeroon.ValidClick += new EventHandler((o, e) => { led_current.Value = " "; processor.ZeroON(); }); btn_turnon.bgColor = this.BackColor; for (int i = 0; i < digi_upbtns.Length; i++) { RectButton rb = digi_upbtns[i]; rb.bgColor = this.BackColor; rb.SetStyle(Color.DarkOrange, MyButtonType.triangleupButton); rb.ValidClick += new EventHandler((o, e) => { if (processor.iRange >= 0) { TickDigit(digi_upbtns.Length - NameInArray(o, digi_upbtns), true); RefreshDisplay(false); } }); } for (int i = 0; i < digi_dnbtns.Length; i++) { RectButton rb = digi_dnbtns[i]; rb.bgColor = this.BackColor; rb.SetStyle(Color.DarkOrange, MyButtonType.trianglednButton); rb.ValidClick += new EventHandler((o, e) => { if (processor.iRange >= 0) { TickDigit(digi_upbtns.Length - NameInArray(o, digi_dnbtns), false); RefreshDisplay(false); } }); } for (int i = 0; i < real_btns.Length; i++) { RectButton rb = real_btns[i]; rb.bgColor = this.BackColor; rb.SetStyle(Color.DarkOrange, MyButtonType.roundButton); rb.Text = Processor.real_title[i] + "Ω"; rb.ValidClick += new EventHandler((o, e) => { processor.iReal = NameInArray(o, real_btns); RefreshDisplay(false); }); } btn_turnon.SetStyle(Color.Green, MyButtonType.round2Button); btn_turnon.Text = "OFF"; btn_turnon.Click += new EventHandler((o, e) => { if (!processor.bOn) { dt_lastoutput = DateTime.Now.AddSeconds(2); } processor.bOn = !processor.bOn; RefreshDisplay(false); }); for (int i = 0; i < range_btns.Length; i++) { RectButton rb = range_btns[i]; rb.bgColor = this.BackColor; rb.Text = range_string[i]; rb.SetStyle(Color.Green, MyButtonType.roundRectButton); rb.ValidClick += new EventHandler((o, e) => { int newrange = NameInArray(o, range_btns) - 1; if (newrange == processor.iRange) { return; } processor.iRange = newrange; RefreshDisplay(true); }); } tm = new Timer(); tm.Interval = 1000; tm.Tick += new EventHandler((o, e) => { lbl_datetime.Text = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss"); if (DateTime.Now.Subtract(dt_lastoutput).TotalSeconds < 1) { dt_lastoutput = DateTime.Now; return; } processor.RefreshOutput(); if (processor.Current > -999) { UpdateCurrent(processor.Current); processor.Current = -9999; } }); tm.Enabled = true; tm.Start(); led_ohm.Click += new EventHandler(led_ohm_Click); DeviceMgr.Reset(); RefreshDisplay(true); }
public Form1() { InitializeComponent(); //ShowCursor(0); processor = new Processor(); dlg_choice = new ChoiceWnd(); dlg_kbd = new kbdWnd(); led_rx.Value = "0.000000"; led_rx.Click += new EventHandler((o, e) => { DoBeep2(); dlg_choice.bNo0Choice = true; dlg_choice.param = "selectrx"; dlg_choice.Init(StringResource.str("selectrx"), Processor._RxTitles, -1, null, new KbdDataHandler(KbdData)); }); led_rx.ColorLight = Color.Pink; led_rx.ColorDark = this.BackColor; led_rx.ColorBackground = this.BackColor; led_rx.ElementWidth = 12; led_rx.RecreateSegments(led_rx.ArrayCount); led_rs.ColorLight = Color.Black; led_rs.ColorDark = this.BackColor; led_rs.ColorBackground = this.BackColor; led_rs.ElementWidth = 10; led_rs.RecreateSegments(led_rs.ArrayCount); led_rs.Click += new EventHandler((o, e) => { DoBeep2(); dlg_kbd.Init(String.Format(StringResource.str("inputrs"), Processor._RsTitles[processor.RsIndex]), "inputrs", false, new KbdDataHandler(KbdData)); }); led_vx.ColorLight = Color.Black; led_vx.ColorDark = this.BackColor; led_vx.ColorBackground = this.BackColor; led_vx.ElementWidth = 10; led_vx.RecreateSegments(led_vx.ArrayCount); led_vx.Value = "0.000"; led_vx.Click += new EventHandler((o, e) => { DoBeep2(); dlg_choice.bNo0Choice = true; dlg_choice.param = "selectvx"; dlg_choice.Init(StringResource.str("selectvx"), Processor._MulTitles, -1, null, new KbdDataHandler(KbdData)); }); led_es.ColorLight = Color.Black; led_es.ColorDark = this.BackColor; led_es.ColorBackground = this.BackColor; led_es.ElementWidth = 10; led_es.RecreateSegments(led_es.ArrayCount); led_es.Click += new EventHandler((o, e) => { DoBeep2(); dlg_choice.bNo0Choice = true; dlg_choice.param = "selectes"; dlg_choice.Init(StringResource.str("selectes"), Processor._EsTitles, -1, null, new KbdDataHandler(KbdData)); }); btn_hvout.BackColor = this.BackColor; btn_hvout.colorTop = Color.LightYellow; btn_hvout.Style = MyButtonType.rectButton; btn_hvout.Label = StringResource.str("hvout"); btn_hvout.ValidClick += new EventHandler((o, e) => { DoBeep2(); if (!processor.bDirectOutputOn) { this.Invoke(new Action(() => { dlg_choice.bNo0Choice = true; dlg_choice.param = "selecthvport"; dlg_choice.Init(StringResource.str("selecthvport"), new string[] { "10 - 100V 端子输出", "100 - 1kV 端子输出", "500 - 5kV 端子输出", "1k - 10kV 端子输出" }, -1, null, new KbdDataHandler(KbdData)); })); } else { processor.DirectOutputClose(); RefreshDisplay(true); } return; }); btn_zeroon.BackColor = this.BackColor; btn_zeroon.colorTop = Color.Bisque; btn_zeroon.Style = MyButtonType.rectButton; btn_zeroon.Label = StringResource.str("vxzero"); btn_zeroon.ValidClick += new EventHandler((o, e) => { DoBeep2(); processor.ZeroON2(); if (btn_zeroon.colorTop != Color.LightSlateGray) { btn_zeroon.colorTop = Color.LightSlateGray; } else { btn_zeroon.colorTop = Color.Bisque; } }); btn_zeroon2.BackColor = this.BackColor; btn_zeroon2.colorTop = Color.Bisque; btn_zeroon2.Style = MyButtonType.rectButton; btn_zeroon2.Label = StringResource.str("vgzero"); btn_zeroon2.ValidClick += new EventHandler((o, e) => { DoBeep(); processor.ZeroON(); if (btn_zeroon2.colorTop != Color.LightSlateGray) { btn_zeroon2.colorTop = Color.LightSlateGray; } else { btn_zeroon2.colorTop = Color.Bisque; } }); btn_turnon.BackColor = this.BackColor; btn_turnon.colorTop = Color.Green; btn_turnon.Style = MyButtonType.roundButton; btn_turnon.Text = "OFF"; btn_turnon.Click += new EventHandler((o, e) => { DoBeep2(); if (!processor.bOn) { dt_lastoutput = DateTime.Now.AddSeconds(2); } processor.bOn = !processor.bOn; RefreshDisplay(true); }); rectMeter1.BgResId = "BGMETER"; DeviceMgr.Reset(); processor.ToDAValue(0); tm = new Timer(); tm.Interval = 500; tm.Tick += new EventHandler((o, e) => { lbl_datetime.Text = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss"); if (DateTime.Now.Subtract(dt_lastoutput).TotalSeconds < 1) { return; } dt_lastoutput = DateTime.Now; if (processor.bDirectOutputOn) { DateTime.Now.AddSeconds(processor.RefreshDirectOutput()); string newv = processor.VxMeasure.ToString("F7").Substring(0, 6); if (led_vx.Value != newv) { led_vx.Value = newv; rectMeter1.Angle = processor.Percent; } if (processor.bDirectStable) { if (led_vx.ColorLight != Color.Red) { led_vx.ColorLight = Color.Red; } } else { if (led_vx.ColorLight != Color.Orange) { led_vx.ColorLight = Color.Orange; } } } else if (processor.bOn) { dt_lastoutput = DateTime.Now.AddSeconds(processor.RefreshOutput()); double v = Convert.ToDouble(processor.Rx); string newv; newv = Util.GMKFormat(ref v); if (lbl_ohm.Text != newv) { lbl_ohm.Text = newv; } newv = v.ToString("F8").Substring(0, 7); if (led_rx.Value != newv) { led_rx.Value = newv; } this.lbl_datetime.Text = processor.Vg.ToString() + "," + processor.Vx.ToString(); if (processor.bStable) { if (led_rx.ColorLight != Color.Red) { led_rx.ColorLight = Color.Red; } } else { if (led_rx.ColorLight != Color.Pink) { led_rx.ColorLight = Color.Pink; } } newv = processor.VxMeasure.ToString("F7").Substring(0, 6); if (led_vx.Value != newv) { led_vx.Value = newv; rectMeter1.Angle = processor.Percent; } } }); tm.Enabled = true; DeviceMgr.Reset(); RefreshDisplay(true); }
public Form1() { DisablePowerSleep(); InitializeComponent(); myBeep = new Beep("PWM1:"); if (this.label3.Text.IndexOf("1000A") >= 0) { s_scale = "1000"; } else if (this.label3.Text.IndexOf("600A") >= 0) { s_scale = "600"; } else { s_scale = "300"; } scale = Decimal.Parse(s_scale); this.BackColor = Color.LightSkyBlue; led_current.ColorDark = this.BackColor; led_setting.ColorDark = this.BackColor; btn_turnon.BackColor = this.BackColor; btn_zeroon.BackColor = this.BackColor; rectMeter1.BackColor = this.BackColor; btn_turnon.BackColor = this.BackColor; rectMeter1.BgResId = "BGMETER"; string mypath = Path.Combine(GlobalConfig.udiskdir2, "screen"); if (Directory.Exists(mypath)) { btn_capture.Visible = true; } Cursor.Hide(); processor = new Processor(); data = new StringBuilder(10); kbd_btns = new RectButton[] { lbButton0, lbButton1, lbButton2, lbButton3, lbButton4, lbButton5, lbButton6, lbButton7, lbButton8, lbButton9, lbButtonCancel, lbButtonOK, lbButtonPT, lbButtonPercent }; string[] btn_cap = "0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,取消,设定,.,%".Split(new char[] { ',' }); for (int i = 0; i < kbd_btns.Length; i++) { RectButton lbt = kbd_btns[i]; lbt.BackColor = Color.Transparent; lbt.colorTop = Color.LightPink; lbt.colorShadow = Color.DarkGray; lbt.Label = btn_cap[i]; lbt.Style = MyButtonType.raiseButton; lbt.Click += new EventHandler((o, e) => { this.Beep(); KeypadTick(NameInArray(o, kbd_btns)); }); } #region range switch rng_btns = new RectButton[] { rngbtn_1, rngbtn_10, rngbtn_100, rngbtn_300, rngbtn_600, rngbtn_1000 }; for (int i = 0; i < rng_btns.Length; i++) { RectButton rb = rng_btns[i]; rb.BackColor = this.BackColor; rb.colorShadow = this.BackColor; rb.colorTop = Color.LightGray; rb.Style = MyButtonType.rectButton; rb.ValidClick += new EventHandler((o, e) => { if (processor.bOn) { return; } processor.range = Int32.Parse((o as RectButton).Name.Remove(0, "rngbtn_".Length)); if (processor.setting > processor.range) { processor.setting = 0; } RefreshDisplay(false); this.Beep(); }); } if (s_scale == "300") { this.rngbtn_1000.Visible = false; this.rngbtn_600.Visible = false; } if (s_scale == "600") { this.rngbtn_1000.Visible = false; } if (s_scale == "1000") { this.rngbtn_1.Visible = false; this.rngbtn_300.Visible = false; this.rngbtn_600.Visible = false; this.rngbtn_1000.Top = this.rngbtn_300.Top; } #endregion #region digi up and down digi_upbtns = new RectButton[] { rbtn_up1, rbtn_up2, rbtn_up3, rbtn_up4, rbtn_up5, rbtn_up6, rbtn_up7 }; digi_dnbtns = new RectButton[] { rbtn_dn1, rbtn_dn2, rbtn_dn3, rbtn_dn4, rbtn_dn5, rbtn_dn6, rbtn_dn7 }; for (int i = 0; i < digi_upbtns.Length; i++) { RectButton rb = digi_upbtns[i]; rb.BackColor = this.BackColor; rb.colorShadow = this.BackColor; rb.colorTop = Color.DarkOrange; rb.bgScale = 3; rb.bOn = true; rb.Style = MyButtonType.triangleupButton; rb.ValidClick += new EventHandler((o, e) => { this.Beep(); TickDigit(digi_upbtns.Length - NameInArray(o, digi_upbtns), true); RefreshDisplay(false); }); } for (int i = 0; i < digi_dnbtns.Length; i++) { RectButton rb = digi_dnbtns[i]; rb.BackColor = this.BackColor; rb.colorShadow = this.BackColor; rb.colorTop = Color.DarkOrange; rb.bgScale = 3; rb.bOn = true; rb.Style = MyButtonType.trianglednButton; rb.ValidClick += new EventHandler((o, e) => { this.Beep(); TickDigit(digi_upbtns.Length - NameInArray(o, digi_dnbtns), false); RefreshDisplay(false); }); } #endregion dlg_choice = new ChoiceWnd(); dlg_kbd = new kbdWnd(); led_setting.ColorLight = Color.DarkGreen; led_setting.ColorBackground = this.BackColor; led_setting.ElementWidth = 10; // led_setting.RecreateSegments(led_setting.ArrayCount); led_current.ColorLight = Color.Red; led_current.ColorBackground = this.BackColor; led_current.ElementWidth = 12; // led_current.RecreateSegments(led_current.ArrayCount); led_current.Value = "0.0000"; btn_zeroon.Style = MyButtonType.rectButton; btn_zeroon.colorShadow = this.BackColor; btn_zeroon.colorTop = Color.Bisque; btn_zeroon.Label = "电流表清零"; btn_zeroon.ValidClick += new EventHandler((o, e) => { this.Beep(); led_current.Value = " "; processor.ZeroON(); }); //btn_turnon.bgColor = this.BackColor; //btn_turnon.SetStyle(Color.Green, MyButtonType.round2Button); btn_turnon.Label = "OFF"; btn_turnon.Click += new EventHandler((o, e) => { this.Beep(); dt_lastoutput = DateTime.Now.AddSeconds(0.5); btn_turnon.colorTop = Color.LightYellow; //switching }); tm = new System.Windows.Forms.Timer(); tm.Interval = 500; tm.Tick += new EventHandler((o, e) => { foreach (RectButton btn in kbd_btns) { if (!btn.IsButtonUp) { btn.IsButtonUp = true; } } if (btn_turnon.colorTop == Color.LightYellow) //still booting up { processor.bOn = !processor.bOn; RefreshDisplay(false); return; } lbl_datetime.Text = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"); if (DateTime.Now.Subtract(dt_lastoutput).TotalSeconds < 1) { dt_lastoutput = DateTime.Now; return; } if (data.Length == 0) { processor.RefreshOutput(); if (processor.Current > -999) { UpdateCurrent(processor.Current); processor.Current = -9999; } } }); tm.Enabled = true; processor.Reset(); RefreshDisplay(true); }