        internal static MultibodySystem Parse(string data)
            var document = new XmlDocument();


            var system = new MultibodySystem();
            var root   = document.DocumentElement;

            // Parse the gravity vector.
            var gravityNode = root.SelectSingleNode("Gravity");

            if (gravityNode == null)
                system.GravitationVector = CreateVector.Dense <double>(new double[] { 0, 0, -9.81 });
                system.GravitationVector = DataParser.ParseVector(gravityNode.FirstChild).Resolve(null);

            // Parse global parameter.
            var globalParameter = ParseParameter(root.SelectSingleNode("Parameters"));

            // Parse elements
            var elementEntry = new List <(BodyEntry, Element)>();
            var elementNode  = root.SelectSingleNode("Bodies");

            if (elementNode == null)
                throw new BadDefinitionException($"Error while parsing bodies. \"Bodies\" entry is missing.");
            if (elementNode.ChildNodes.Count == 0)
                throw new BadDefinitionException($"Error while parsing bodies. \"Bodies\" entry must have at least one body defined.");

            foreach (var child in elementNode.ChildNodes.Cast <XmlNode>())
                var bodyEntry = ParseBody(child);
                var element   = ElementFactory.Instance.Create(bodyEntry.Type, globalParameter + bodyEntry.LocalParameters);
                elementEntry.Add((bodyEntry, element));

            // Connect the elements and create joints.
            var elements = new List <Element>();

            foreach (var(entry, element) in elementEntry)
                // Create the joint.
                var joint = JointFactory.Instance.Create(entry.LinkType);

                // Find the parent element.
                if (entry.RemoteBody == "base")  // If the remote body is base, use the systems base frame.
                    joint.BaseFrame = system.BaseFrame;
                    element.Parent  = null;
                else  // Find the correct body.
                    var parentEntry = elementEntry.Where(x => x.Item1.Name == entry.RemoteBody).FirstOrDefault();
                    element.Parent = parentEntry.Item2;
                    if (element.Parent == null)
                        throw new BadDefinitionException($"Error while parsing link. Parent \"{entry.RemoteBody}\" was not found.");
                    if (element.Parent == element)
                        throw new BadDefinitionException($"Error while parsing link. Link can not have same local and remote body.");
                    joint.BaseFrame = element.Parent.Frames.Where(x => x.Name == entry.RemoteFrame).FirstOrDefault();
                    if (joint.BaseFrame == null)
                        throw new BadDefinitionException($"Error while creating joint. Frame\"{entry.RemoteFrame}\" was not found on body of type \"{parentEntry.Item1.Type}\".");
                // Assign the joint properties.
                joint.FollowerFrame = element.Frames.Where(x => x.Name == entry.LocalFrame).FirstOrDefault();
                if (joint.FollowerFrame == null)
                    throw new BadDefinitionException($"Error while creating joint. Frame\"{entry.LocalFrame}\" was not found on body of type \"{entry.Type}\".");

                element.BaseJoint = joint;

            // Sort elements
            var resultList = new List <Element>(elements.Count);
            int index      = 0;

            while (elements.Count > 0)
                if (resultList.Contains(elements[index].Parent) || elements[index].Parent == null)
                    index = 0;
                if (index >= elements.Count)
                    index = 0;

            system.Elements = resultList;
        internal static ElementFactoryEntry Parse(XmlDocument document)
            var entry = new ElementFactoryEntry();
            var root  = document.DocumentElement;

            // Load the header data
            entry.Name        = root.SelectSingleNode("Name").InnerText;
            entry.Author      = root.SelectSingleNode("Author").InnerText;
            entry.Description = root.SelectSingleNode("Description")?.InnerText ?? "";
            entry.Url         = root.SelectSingleNode("URL")?.InnerText ?? "";

            // Load the properties.
            var propertyNode = root.SelectSingleNode("Properties");

            var massChildrenCount = propertyNode.SelectSingleNode("Mass")?.ChildNodes.Count;

            if (massChildrenCount == null || massChildrenCount != 1)
                throw new BadDefinitionException($"Error during parsing mass property. Either the property is missing, has zero or more the one entry.");
            entry.MassOperation = DataParser.ParseScalar(propertyNode.SelectSingleNode("Mass").FirstChild);

            var inertiaChildrenCount = propertyNode.SelectSingleNode("Inertia")?.ChildNodes.Count;

            if (inertiaChildrenCount == null || inertiaChildrenCount != 1)
                throw new BadDefinitionException($"Error during parsing inertia property. Either the property is missing, has zero or more the one entry.");
            entry.InertiaOperation = DataParser.ParseMatrix(propertyNode.SelectSingleNode("Inertia").FirstChild);

            // Parse frames
            entry.Frames = new List <ElementFactoryEntryFrame>();
            var framesNode = root.SelectSingleNode("Frames");

            if (framesNode != null)
                foreach (var frame in framesNode.ChildNodes.Cast <XmlNode>())
                    var frameEntry = new ElementFactoryEntryFrame();

                    frameEntry.Name      = frame.Attributes["name"].Value?.ToLower();
                    frameEntry.Reference = frame.Attributes["reference"]?.Value?.ToLower() ?? "origin";

                    var translationNode = frame.SelectSingleNode("Translation");
                    if (translationNode != null)
                        frameEntry.TranslationOperation = DataParser.ParseVector(translationNode.FirstChild);
                        frameEntry.TranslationOperation = new ZeroVectorOperation(3);

                    var rotationNode = frame.SelectSingleNode("Rotation");
                    if (rotationNode != null)
                        frameEntry.RotationOperation = DataParser.ParseMatrix(rotationNode.FirstChild);
                        frameEntry.RotationOperation = new IdentityMatrixOperation(3);

