// This method performs ray casting on the CSO. The ray casting code is similar to the
        // RayConvexAlgorithm code and also described in the paper:
        //    Gino van den Bergen “Ray Casting against General Convex Objects with
        //    Application to Continuous Collision Detection”, GDC 2005. www.dtecta.com
        // When a new hit point on the ray is found, the object A and B are moved instead
        // of selecting a new hit point on the ray. - So the CSO is always tested against the
        // origin and the CSO is deforming. See this paper:
        // http://www.continuousphysics.com/BulletContinuousCollisionDetection.pdf
        // (TODO: Here we only consider linear movement. But the method in the paper should also work for rotating objects!)

        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the time of impact of the linear sweeps of both objects (ignoring rotational movement).
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="objectA">The object A.</param>
        /// <param name="targetPoseA">The target pose of A.</param>
        /// <param name="objectB">The object B.</param>
        /// <param name="targetPoseB">The target pose of B.</param>
        /// <param name="allowedPenetration">The allowed penetration.</param>
        /// <returns>The time of impact in the range [0, 1].</returns>
        /// <remarks>
        /// Both objects are moved from the current positions to their target positions. Angular
        /// movement is ignored.
        /// </remarks>
        /// <exception cref="ArgumentNullException">
        /// <paramref name="objectA"/> or <paramref name="objectB"/> is <see langword="null"/>.
        /// </exception>
        /// <exception cref="ArgumentException">
        /// <paramref name="objectA"/> and <paramref name="objectB"/> are not convex shapes.
        /// </exception>
        internal static float GetTimeOfImpactLinearSweep(CollisionObject objectA, Pose targetPoseA, CollisionObject objectB, Pose targetPoseB, float allowedPenetration)
            if (objectA == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("objectA");
            if (objectB == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("objectB");

            IGeometricObject geometricObjectA = objectA.GeometricObject;
            IGeometricObject geometricObjectB = objectB.GeometricObject;

            ConvexShape convexA = geometricObjectA.Shape as ConvexShape;
            ConvexShape convexB = geometricObjectB.Shape as ConvexShape;

            // Check if shapes are correct.
            if (convexA == null || convexB == null)
                throw new ArgumentException("objectA and objectB must have convex shapes.");

            Pose startPoseA = geometricObjectA.Pose;
            Pose startPoseB = geometricObjectB.Pose;

            // Compute relative linear velocity.
            Vector3 linearVelocityA        = targetPoseA.Position - startPoseA.Position;
            Vector3 linearVelocityB        = targetPoseB.Position - startPoseB.Position;
            Vector3 linearVelocityRelative = linearVelocityA - linearVelocityB;

            // Abort if relative movement is zero.
            float linearVelocityRelativeMagnitude = linearVelocityRelative.Length;

            if (Numeric.IsZero(linearVelocityRelativeMagnitude))

            // Get a simplex solver from a resource pool.
            var simplex = GjkSimplexSolver.Create();

                Vector3 scaleA = geometricObjectA.Scale;
                Vector3 scaleB = geometricObjectB.Scale;

                Pose poseA = startPoseA;
                Pose poseB = startPoseB;

                Vector3 r = linearVelocityRelative; // ray
                float   λ = 0;                      // ray parameter
                //Vector3 n = new Vector3();              // normal

                // First point on the CSO.
                Vector3 supportA = poseA.ToWorldPosition(convexA.GetSupportPoint(poseA.ToLocalDirection(-r), scaleA));
                Vector3 supportB = poseB.ToWorldPosition(convexB.GetSupportPoint(poseB.ToLocalDirection(r), scaleB));
                Vector3 v        = supportA - supportB;

                float distanceSquared = v.LengthSquared();   // ||v||²
                int   iterationCount  = 0;
                while (distanceSquared > Numeric.EpsilonF && // We could use a higher EpsilonF to abort earlier.
                       iterationCount < MaxNumberOfIterations)

                    // To get a contact at the TOI, the objects are shrunk by an amount proportional to the
                    // allowed penetration. Therefore we need this values:
                    Vector3 vNormalized = v;
                    Vector3 vA = poseA.ToLocalDirection(-vNormalized);
                    Vector3 vB = poseB.ToLocalDirection(vNormalized);

                    // Get support point on each object and subtract the half allowed penetration.
                    supportA = poseA.ToWorldPosition(convexA.GetSupportPoint(vA, scaleA) - 0.5f * vA * allowedPenetration);
                    supportB = poseB.ToWorldPosition(convexB.GetSupportPoint(vB, scaleB) - 0.5f * vB * allowedPenetration);

                    // The new CSO point.
                    Vector3 w = supportA - supportB;

                    float vDotW = Vector3.Dot(v, w); // v∙w
                    if (vDotW > 0)
                        float vDotR = Vector3.Dot(v, r); // v∙r
                        if (vDotR >= -Numeric.EpsilonF)  // TODO: vDotR >= -Epsilon^2 ?
                            return(1);                   // No Hit.
                        λ = λ - vDotW / vDotR;

                        // Instead of moving the hit point on the ray, we move the objects, so that
                        // the hit point stays at the origin. - See Erwin Coumans' Bullet paper.
                        //x = λ * r;
                        //simplex.Clear();  // Configuration space obstacle (CSO) is translated whenever x is updated.

                        poseA.Position = startPoseA.Position + λ * (targetPoseA.Position - startPoseA.Position);
                        poseB.Position = startPoseB.Position + λ * (targetPoseB.Position - startPoseB.Position);

                        //n = v;

                    if (!simplex.Contains(w))
                        simplex.Add(w, supportA, supportB);

                    v = simplex.ClosestPoint;
                    distanceSquared = (simplex.IsValid && !simplex.IsFull) ? v.LengthSquared() : 0;

                // We have a contact if the hit is inside the ray length.
                if (0 < λ && λ <= 1)
                    // This would be a contact, but the local contact positions would not be optimal.
                    //result.Contact = ContactHelper.CreateContact(objectA, objectB, simplex.ClosestPoint, -n.Normalized, 0, false);
                // Recycle temporary heap objects.

        public override void ComputeCollision(ContactSet contactSet, CollisionQueryType type)
            // Ray vs. convex has at max 1 contact.
            Debug.Assert(contactSet.Count <= 1);

            // Object A should be the ray.
            // Object B should be the convex.
            IGeometricObject rayObject    = contactSet.ObjectA.GeometricObject;
            IGeometricObject convexObject = contactSet.ObjectB.GeometricObject;

            // Swap object if necessary.
            bool swapped = (convexObject.Shape is RayShape);

            if (swapped)
                MathHelper.Swap(ref rayObject, ref convexObject);

            RayShape    rayShape    = rayObject.Shape as RayShape;
            ConvexShape convexShape = convexObject.Shape as ConvexShape;

            // Check if shapes are correct.
            if (rayShape == null || convexShape == null)
                throw new ArgumentException("The contact set must contain a ray and a convex shape.", "contactSet");

            // Call line segment vs. convex for closest points queries.
            if (type == CollisionQueryType.ClosestPoints)
                // Find point on ray closest to the convex shape.

                // Call GJK.
                _gjk.ComputeCollision(contactSet, type);
                if (contactSet.HaveContact == false)

                // Otherwise compute 1 contact ...
                // GJK result is invalid for penetration.
                foreach (var contact in contactSet)


            // Assume no contact.
            contactSet.HaveContact = false;

            // Get transformations.
            Vector3 rayScale    = rayObject.Scale;
            Vector3 convexScale = convexObject.Scale;
            Pose    convexPose  = convexObject.Pose;
            Pose    rayPose     = rayObject.Pose;

            // See Raycasting paper of van den Bergen or Bullet.
            // Note: Compute in local space of convex (object B).

            // Scale ray and transform ray to local space of convex.
            Ray rayWorld = new Ray(rayShape);

            rayWorld.Scale(ref rayScale);  // Scale ray.
            rayWorld.ToWorld(ref rayPose); // Transform ray to world space.
            Ray ray = rayWorld;

            ray.ToLocal(ref convexPose); // Transform ray to local space of convex.

            var simplex = GjkSimplexSolver.Create();

                Vector3 s = ray.Origin;                 // source
                Vector3 r = ray.Direction * ray.Length; // ray
                float   λ = 0;                          // ray parameter
                Vector3 x = s;                          // hit spot (on ray)
                Vector3 n = new Vector3();              // normal
                Vector3 v = x - convexShape.GetSupportPoint(ray.Direction, convexScale);
                // v = x - arbitrary point. Vector used for support mapping.
                float distanceSquared = v.LengthSquared(); // ||v||²
                int   iterationCount  = 0;

                while (distanceSquared > Numeric.EpsilonF && iterationCount < MaxNumberOfIterations)
                    Vector3 p = convexShape.GetSupportPoint(v, convexScale); // point on convex
                    Vector3 w = x - p;                                       // simplex/Minkowski difference point

                    float vDotW = Vector3.Dot(v, w);                         // v∙w
                    if (vDotW > 0)
                        float vDotR = Vector3.Dot(v, r); // v∙r
                        if (vDotR >= 0)                  // TODO: vDotR >= - Epsilon^2 ?
                            return;                      // No Hit.
                        λ = λ - vDotW / vDotR;
                        x = s + λ * r;
                        simplex.Clear(); // Configuration space obstacle (CSO) is translated whenever x is updated.
                        w = x - p;
                        n = v;

                    simplex.Add(w, x, p);
                    v = simplex.ClosestPoint;
                    distanceSquared = (simplex.IsValid && !simplex.IsFull) ? v.LengthSquared() : 0;

                // We have a contact if the hit is inside the ray length.
                contactSet.HaveContact = (0 <= λ && λ <= 1);

                if (type == CollisionQueryType.Boolean || (type == CollisionQueryType.Contacts && !contactSet.HaveContact))
                    // HaveContact queries can exit here.
                    // GetContacts queries can exit here if we don't have a contact.

                float penetrationDepth = λ * ray.Length;

                Debug.Assert(contactSet.HaveContact, "Separation was not detected by GJK above.");

                // Convert back to world space.
                Vector3 position = rayWorld.Origin + rayWorld.Direction * penetrationDepth;
                n = convexPose.ToWorldDirection(n);
                if (!n.TryNormalize())
                    n = Vector3.UnitY;

                if (swapped)
                    n = -n;

                // Update contact set.
                Contact contact = ContactHelper.CreateContact(contactSet, position, -n, penetrationDepth, true);
                ContactHelper.Merge(contactSet, contact, type, CollisionDetection.ContactPositionTolerance);
        public override void ComputeCollision(ContactSet contactSet, CollisionQueryType type)
            if (type == CollisionQueryType.Contacts)
                throw new GeometryException("GJK cannot handle contact queries. Use MPR instead.");

            IGeometricObject objectA = contactSet.ObjectA.GeometricObject;
            ConvexShape      shapeA  = objectA.Shape as ConvexShape;
            Vector3          scaleA  = objectA.Scale;
            Pose             poseA   = objectA.Pose;

            IGeometricObject objectB = contactSet.ObjectB.GeometricObject;
            ConvexShape      shapeB  = objectB.Shape as ConvexShape;
            Vector3          scaleB  = objectB.Scale;
            Pose             poseB   = objectB.Pose;

            if (shapeA == null || shapeB == null)
                throw new ArgumentException("The contact set must contain two convex shapes.", "contactSet");

            // GJK builds a simplex of the CSO (A-B). This simplex is managed in a GjkSimplexSolver.
            var  simplex             = GjkSimplexSolver.Create();
            bool foundSeparatingAxis = false;

                // v is the separating axis or the CSO point nearest to the origin.
                // We start with last known separating axis or with an arbitrary CSO point.
                Vector3 v;
                if (contactSet.Count > 0)
                    // Use last separating axis.
                    // The contact normal points from A to B. This is the direction we want to sample first.
                    // If the frame-to-frame coherence is high we should get a point close to the origin.
                    // Note: To sample in the normal direction, we need to initialize the CSO point v with
                    // -normal.
                    v = -contactSet[0].Normal;
                    // Use difference of inner points.
                    Vector3 vA = poseA.ToWorldPosition(shapeA.InnerPoint * scaleA);
                    Vector3 vB = poseB.ToWorldPosition(shapeB.InnerPoint * scaleB);
                    v = vA - vB;

                // If the inner points overlap, then we have already found a contact.
                // We don't expect this case to happen often, so we simply choose an arbitrary separating
                // axis to continue with the normal GJK code.
                if (v.IsNumericallyZero)
                    v = Vector3.UnitZ;

                // Cache inverted rotations.
                var orientationAInverse = poseA.Orientation.Transposed;
                var orientationBInverse = poseB.Orientation.Transposed;

                int   iterationCount  = 0;
                float distanceSquared = float.MaxValue;
                float distanceEpsilon;

                // Assume we have no contact.
                contactSet.HaveContact = false;

                    // TODO: Translate A and B close to the origin to avoid numerical problems.
                    // This optimization is done in Bullet: The offset (a.Pose.Position + b.Pose.Position) / 2
                    // is subtracted from a.Pose and b.Pose. This offset is added when the Contact info is
                    // computed (also in EPA if the poses are still translated).

                    // Compute a new point w on the simplex. We seek for the point that is closest to the origin.
                    // Therefore, we get the support points on the current separating axis v.
                    Vector3 p = poseA.ToWorldPosition(shapeA.GetSupportPoint(orientationAInverse * -v, scaleA));
                    Vector3 q = poseB.ToWorldPosition(shapeB.GetSupportPoint(orientationBInverse * v, scaleB));
                    Vector3 w = p - q;

                    // w projected onto the separating axis.
                    float delta = Vector3.Dot(w, v);

                    // If v∙w > 0 then the objects do not overlap.
                    if (delta > 0)
                        // We have found a separating axis.
                        foundSeparatingAxis = true;

                        // Early exit for boolean and contact queries.
                        if (type == CollisionQueryType.Boolean || type == CollisionQueryType.Contacts)
                            // TODO: We could cache the separating axis n in ContactSet for future collision checks.

                        // We continue for closest point queries because we don't know if there are other
                        // points closer than p and q.

                    // If the new w is already part of the simplex. We cannot improve any further.
                    if (simplex.Contains(w))

                    // If the new w is not closer to the origin (within numerical tolerance), we stop.
                    if (distanceSquared - delta <= distanceSquared * Numeric.EpsilonF) // SOLID uses Epsilon = 10^-6

                    // Add the new point to the simplex.
                    simplex.Add(w, p, q);

                    // Update the simplex. (Unneeded simplex points are removed).

                    // Get new point of simplex closest to the origin.
                    v = simplex.ClosestPoint;

                    float previousDistanceSquared = distanceSquared;
                    distanceSquared = v.LengthSquared();

                    if (previousDistanceSquared < distanceSquared)
                        // If the result got worse, we use the previous result. This happens for
                        // degenerate cases for example when the simplex is a tetrahedron with all
                        // 4 vertices in a plane.
                        distanceSquared = previousDistanceSquared;

                    // If the new simplex is invalid, we stop.
                    // Example: A simplex gets invalid if a fourth vertex is added to create a tetrahedron
                    // simplex but all vertices are in a plane. This can happen if a box corner nearly touches a
                    // face of another box.
                    if (!simplex.IsValid)

                    // Compare the distance of v to the origin with the distance of the last iteration.
                    // We stop if the improvement is less than the numerical tolerance.
                    if (previousDistanceSquared - distanceSquared <= previousDistanceSquared * Numeric.EpsilonF)

                    // If we reach the iteration limit, we stop.
                    if (iterationCount > MaxNumberOfIterations)
                        Debug.Assert(false, "GJK reached the iteration limit.");

                    // Compute a scaled epsilon.
                    distanceEpsilon = Numeric.EpsilonFSquared * Math.Max(1, simplex.MaxVertexDistanceSquared);

                    // Loop until the simplex is full (i.e. it contains the origin) or we have come
                    // sufficiently close to the origin.
                } while (!simplex.IsFull && distanceSquared > distanceEpsilon);

                Debug.Assert(simplex.IsEmpty == false, "The GJK simplex must contain at least 1 point.");

                // Compute contact normal and separation.
                Vector3 normal = -simplex.ClosestPoint; // simplex.ClosestPoint = ClosestPointA-ClosestPointB
                float   distance;
                distanceEpsilon = Numeric.EpsilonFSquared * Math.Max(1, simplex.MaxVertexDistanceSquared);
                if (distanceSquared <= distanceEpsilon)
                    // Distance is approximately 0.
                    // --> Objects are in contact.
                    if (simplex.IsValid && normal.TryNormalize())
                        // Normal can be used but we have to invert it because for contact we
                        // have to compute normal as pointOnA - pointOnB.
                        normal = -normal;
                        // No useful normal. Use direction between inner points as a fallback.
                        Vector3 innerA = poseA.ToWorldPosition(shapeA.InnerPoint * scaleA);
                        normal = simplex.ClosestPointOnA - innerA;
                        if (!normal.TryNormalize())
                            Vector3 innerB = poseB.ToWorldPosition(shapeB.InnerPoint * scaleB);
                            normal = innerB - innerA;
                            if (!normal.TryNormalize())
                                normal = Vector3.UnitY;
                                // TODO: We could use better normal: e.g. normal of old contact or PreferredNormal?

                    distance = 0;
                    contactSet.HaveContact = true;
                    // Distance is greater than 0.
                    distance = (float)Math.Sqrt(distanceSquared);
                    normal  /= distance;

                    // If the simplex is valid and full, then we have a contact.
                    if (simplex.IsFull && simplex.IsValid)
                        // Let's use the current result as an estimated contact info for
                        // shallow contacts.

                        // TODO: The following IF was added because this can occur for valid
                        // triangle vs. triangle separation. Check this.
                        if (!foundSeparatingAxis)
                            contactSet.HaveContact = true;
                            // Distance is a penetration depth
                            distance = -distance;

                            // Since the simplex tetrahedron can have any position in the Minkowsky difference,
                            // we do not know the real normal. Let's use the current normal and make
                            // sure that it points away from A. - This is only a heuristic...
                            Vector3 innerA = poseA.ToWorldPosition(shapeA.InnerPoint * scaleA);
                            if (Vector3.Dot(simplex.ClosestPointOnA - innerA, normal) < 0)
                                normal = -normal;

                Debug.Assert(normal.IsNumericallyZero == false);

                if (type != CollisionQueryType.Boolean)
                    Vector3 position = (simplex.ClosestPointOnA + simplex.ClosestPointOnB) / 2;
                    Contact contact  = ContactHelper.CreateContact(contactSet, position, normal, -distance, false);
                    ContactHelper.Merge(contactSet, contact, type, CollisionDetection.ContactPositionTolerance);