public Seances(Seances NewSeance) { Code = NewSeance.PropCode; Nom = NewSeance.PropNom; HeureDebut = NewSeance.PropHeureDebut; HeureFin = NewSeance.PropHeureFin; }
public Surveillances(Enseignants Prof, Seances NewSeance, Salles NewSalles, DateTime DtSurveillance) { Enseignant = new Enseignants(Prof); Seance = new Seances(NewSeance); Salle = new Salles(NewSalles); DateSurveillance = DtSurveillance; }
public Surveillances(Surveillances NewSurveillance) { Id = NewSurveillance.PropId; Enseignant = new Enseignants(NewSurveillance.PropEnseignant); Seance = new Seances(NewSurveillance.PropSeance); Salle = new Salles(NewSurveillance.PropSalle); DateSurveillance = NewSurveillance.PropDateSurveillance; }
private bool SeanceExistAtThisDayAlready(Seances CurrentSeance, DateTime Date) { foreach (Surveillances Row in AllSurv) { if (Row.PropSeance.PropCode == CurrentSeance.PropCode && Date.ToShortDateString().Equals(Row.PropDateSurveillance.ToShortDateString())) { return(true); } } return(false); }
public int UpdateSeance(string OldNom, Seances newSeance) { MyOleDbCommand = new OleDbCommand("update [Seances] set Nom = @Nom, Code = @Code, HeureDebut = @HeureDebut, " + "HeureFin = @HeureFin where Nom ='" + OldNom + "'"); MyOleDbCommand.Parameters.Add("@Nom", OleDbType.VarChar).Value = newSeance.PropNom; MyOleDbCommand.Parameters.Add("@Code", OleDbType.VarChar).Value = newSeance.PropCode; MyOleDbCommand.Parameters.Add("@HeureDebut", OleDbType.VarChar).Value = newSeance.PropHeureDebut; MyOleDbCommand.Parameters.Add("@HeureFin", OleDbType.VarChar).Value = newSeance.PropHeureFin; return(DBConnection.FunctionToWrite(MyOleDbCommand)); }
public void AddSeance(Seances newSeance) { MySqlCommand = new SqlCommand("insert into [Seances]( Nom,Code, HeureDebut, HeureFin )" + "values ( @Nom,@Code, @HeureDebut, @HeureFin )"); MySqlCommand.Parameters.Add("@Nom", SqlDbType.VarChar).Value = newSeance.PropNom; MySqlCommand.Parameters.Add("@Code", SqlDbType.VarChar).Value = newSeance.PropCode; MySqlCommand.Parameters.Add("@HeureDebut", SqlDbType.DateTime).Value = newSeance.PropHeureDebut; MySqlCommand.Parameters.Add("@HeureFin", SqlDbType.DateTime).Value = newSeance.PropHeureFin; DBConnection.FunctionToWrite(MySqlCommand); }
private bool SeanceExistAtThisDayAlready(Seances CurrentSeance, DateTime Date) { int i = 0; foreach (Surveillances Row in AllSurv) { if (i != IndexCurrent && Row.PropSeance.PropCode.Trim().ToLower().Equals(CurrentSeance.PropCode.Trim().ToLower()) && Date.ToShortDateString().Equals(Row.PropDateSurveillance.ToShortDateString())) { return(true); } i++; } return(false); }
static Seances ConvertRowToSeances(DataRow row) { Seances CurrentSeances = new Seances(); string Nom = (row["Nom"].ToString().Length != 0) ? row["Nom"].ToString() : "pas de Nom"; CurrentSeances.PropNom = Nom; string Code = (row["Code"].ToString().Length != 0) ? row["Code"].ToString() : "pas de Code"; CurrentSeances.PropCode = Code; string HeureD = (row["HeureDebut"].ToString().Length != 0) ? row["HeureDebut"].ToString() : "pas d'heure"; CurrentSeances.PropHeureDebut = HeureD; string HeureF = (row["HeureFin"].ToString().Length != 0) ? row["HeureFin"].ToString() : "pas d'heure"; CurrentSeances.PropHeureFin = HeureF; return(CurrentSeances); }
public Seances GetSeanceByNom(string Nom) { Seances SeancesSearched = new Seances(); MySqlCommand = new SqlCommand("select * from [Seances] where Nom = @Nom"); MySqlCommand.Parameters.Add("@Nom", SqlDbType.VarChar).Value = Nom; dt = DBConnection.FunctionToRead(MySqlCommand); foreach (DataRow row in dt.Rows) { SeancesSearched = ConvertRowToSeances(row); } if (dt.Rows.Count == 0) { return(null); } else { return(SeancesSearched); } }
public static DataTable AdaptDataTableProgrammes(DataTable CurrentDataTable) { AllSurveillance = new List <Surveillances.Surveillances>(); DataTable Datatable = new DataTable(); Datatable = InitialiseDataGridProgrammes(Datatable); //Get All The Rows Of The First DataTable foreach (DataRow row in CurrentDataTable.Rows) { Surveillances.Surveillances CurrentSurveillance = new Surveillances.Surveillances(); int Id = 0; try { Id = Int32.Parse(row["Id"].ToString()); } catch (Exception e) { Id = 0; } int IdEnseignant = 0; try { IdEnseignant = Int32.Parse(row["IdEnseignant"].ToString()); } catch (Exception e) { IdEnseignant = 0; } string CodeSeance = (row["CodeSeances"].ToString().Length != 0) ? row["CodeSeances"].ToString() : ""; string NomSalle = (row["NomSalle"].ToString().Length != 0) ? row["NomSalle"].ToString() : ""; string DateText = (row["DateSurveillance"].ToString().Length >= 8) ? row["DateSurveillance"].ToString() : null; DateTime DateSurveillance = DateTime.MinValue; if (DateText != null) { DateSurveillance = DateTime.Parse(DateText); } Enseignants CurrentProf = new Enseignants(); CurrentProf.PropId = IdEnseignant; if (IdEnseignant != 0) { string NomEns = (row["NomEns"].ToString().Length != 0) ? row["NomEns"].ToString() : "pas de Nom D'enseignant"; CurrentProf.PropNom = NomEns; string PrenomEns = (row["PrenomEns"].ToString().Length != 0) ? row["PrenomEns"].ToString() : "pas de Prenom d'enseignant"; CurrentProf.PropPrenom = PrenomEns; string Email = (row["Email"].ToString().Length != 0) ? row["Email"].ToString() : "pas d'Email"; CurrentProf.PropEmail = Email; string Statut = (row["Statut"].ToString().Length != 0) ? row["Statut"].ToString() : "pas de statut"; CurrentProf.PropStatut = Statut; string CodeDep = row["CodeDep"].ToString(); if (CodeDep.Length != 0) { Departements CurrentDepartements = new Departements(); string NomDep = (row["NomDep"].ToString().Length != 0) ? row["NomDep"].ToString() : "pas de Nom de Departement"; CurrentDepartements.PropNom = NomDep; CurrentDepartements.PropCode = CodeDep; CurrentProf.PropDepartements = new Departements(CurrentDepartements); } else { CodeDep = "pas de Departement"; CurrentProf.PropDepartements = null; } CurrentProf.PropStatut = Statut; } Seances CurrentSeance = new Seances(); CurrentSeance.PropCode = CodeSeance; CurrentSeance.PropNom = (row["NomSeance"].ToString().Length != 0) ? row["NomSeance"].ToString() : "pas de Nom de Seance"; CurrentSeance.PropHeureDebut = (row["HeureDebut"].ToString().Length != 0) ? row["HeureDebut"].ToString() : "pas de HeureDebut"; CurrentSeance.PropHeureFin = (row["HeureFin"].ToString().Length != 0) ? row["HeureFin"].ToString() : "pas de HeureFin"; Salles CurrentSalle = new Salles(); CurrentSalle.PropNom = NomSalle; CurrentSalle.PropType = (row["Type"].ToString().Length != 0) ? row["Type"].ToString() : "pas de type salle"; Surveillances.Surveillances CurrentSurveillances = new Surveillances.Surveillances(CurrentProf, CurrentSeance, CurrentSalle, DateSurveillance); CurrentSurveillances.PropId = Id; Datatable.Rows.Add( CurrentSalle.PropNom, CurrentSeance.PropNom, CurrentSeance.PropHeureDebut, CurrentSeance.PropHeureFin, DateSurveillance ); AllSurveillance.Add(CurrentSurveillances); } return(Datatable); }
public void DeleteSeance(Seances Seance) { MySqlCommand = new SqlCommand("delete from [Seances] where Nom= @Nom "); MySqlCommand.Parameters.Add("@Nom", SqlDbType.VarChar).Value = Seance.PropNom; DBConnection.FunctionToWrite(MySqlCommand); }
public Surveillances.Surveillances ConvertRowToSurveillances(DataRow row) { int Id = 0; try { Id = int.Parse(row["Id"].ToString()); } catch (Exception e) { Id = 0; } int IdEnseignant = 0; try { IdEnseignant = int.Parse(row["IdEnseignant"].ToString()); } catch (Exception e) { IdEnseignant = 0; } string CodeSeance = (row["CodeSeances"].ToString().Length != 0) ? row["CodeSeances"].ToString() : ""; string NomSalle = (row["NomSalle"].ToString().Length != 0) ? row["NomSalle"].ToString() : ""; string DateText = (row["DateSurveillance"].ToString().Length >= 8) ? row["DateSurveillance"].ToString() : null; DateTime DateSurveillance = DateTime.MinValue; if (DateText != null) { DateSurveillance = DateTime.Parse(DateText); } Enseignants CurrentProf = new Enseignants(); CurrentProf.PropId = IdEnseignant; if (IdEnseignant != 0) { string NomEns = (row["NomEns"].ToString().Length != 0) ? row["NomEns"].ToString() : "pas de Nom D'enseignant"; CurrentProf.PropNom = NomEns; string PrenomEns = (row["PrenomEns"].ToString().Length != 0) ? row["PrenomEns"].ToString() : "pas de Prenom d'enseignant"; CurrentProf.PropPrenom = PrenomEns; string Email = (row["Email"].ToString().Length != 0) ? row["Email"].ToString() : "pas d'Email"; CurrentProf.PropEmail = Email; string Statut = (row["Statut"].ToString().Length != 0) ? row["Statut"].ToString() : "pas de statut"; CurrentProf.PropStatut = Statut; string CodeDep = row["CodeDep"].ToString(); if (CodeDep.Length != 0) { Departements CurrentDepartements = new Departements(); string NomDep = (row["NomDep"].ToString().Length != 0) ? row["NomDep"].ToString() : "pas de Nom de Departement"; CurrentDepartements.PropNom = NomDep; CurrentDepartements.PropCode = CodeDep; CurrentProf.PropDepartements = new Departements(CurrentDepartements); } else { CodeDep = "pas de Departement"; CurrentProf.PropDepartements = null; } CurrentProf.PropStatut = Statut; } Seances CurrentSeance = new Seances(); CurrentSeance.PropCode = CodeSeance; CurrentSeance.PropNom = (row["NomSeance"].ToString().Length != 0) ? row["NomSeance"].ToString() : "pas de Nom de Seance"; CurrentSeance.PropHeureDebut = (row["HeureDebut"].ToString().Length != 0) ? row["HeureDebut"].ToString() : "pas de HeureDebut"; CurrentSeance.PropHeureFin = (row["HeureFin"].ToString().Length != 0) ? row["HeureFin"].ToString() : "pas de HeureFin"; Salles CurrentSalle = new Salles(); CurrentSalle.PropNom = NomSalle; CurrentSalle.PropType = (row["type"].ToString().Length != 0) ? row["type"].ToString() : "pas de type salle"; Surveillances.Surveillances CurrentSurveillances = new Surveillances.Surveillances(CurrentProf, CurrentSeance, CurrentSalle, DateSurveillance); CurrentSurveillances.PropId = Id; return(CurrentSurveillances); }