private static void Select(Material material) { char select; do { Console.WriteLine("╔═╤═╤═══╡ {0}. {1} ╞════════", material.Id, material.Name.ToUpper()); Console.WriteLine("║0├─┤ Exit"); Console.WriteLine("║1├─┤ Change name"); Console.WriteLine("║2├─┤ Type: {0}", material.GetTypeMaterial); Console.WriteLine("║3├─┤ Mod: {0}", material.GetMod); Console.WriteLine("║4├─┤ Color: {0}", material.Color); string ProducedIn = string.Join(", ", General.Generals.Where(gen => InputOutput.InputsOutputs.Count(io => io.Outputs != null && io.GeneralId == gen.Id && io.Outputs.Count(it => it.Id == material.Id) != 0) != 0).Select(sel => sel.Name)); Console.WriteLine("║ ├─┤ Produced in: {0}", ProducedIn); string RequiredFor = string.Join(", ", General.Generals.Where(gen => InputOutput.InputsOutputs.Count(io => io.Inputs != null && io.GeneralId == gen.Id && io.Inputs.Count(it => it.Id == material.Id) != 0) != 0).Select(sel => sel.Name)); Console.WriteLine("║ ├─┤ Required for: {0}", RequiredFor); string UsedToBuild = string.Join(", ", General.Generals.Where(gen => gen.BuildCosts.Count(item => item.Id == material.Id) != 0).Select(sel => sel.Name)); Console.WriteLine("║ ├─┤ Used to build: {0}", UsedToBuild); Console.WriteLine("║8├─┤ Delete"); Console.WriteLine("║9├─┤ Save"); Console.WriteLine("╚═╧═╧═════════════════{0}", "═".PadRight(material.Id.Length + material.Name.Length, '═')); Console.Write("> "); select = Console.ReadKey().KeyChar; Console.Clear(); if (select == '0') { return; } else if (select == '1') { material.Name = Formations.GetValue("Name", "string"); } else if (select == '2') { string type = ManageType.SetType("Item"); if (type != null) { material.Type = type; } } else if (select == '3') { string mod = ManageMod.SetMod(); if (mod != null) { material.Mod = mod; } } else if (select == '4') { material.Color = Formations.GetValue("Color", "string"); } else if (select == '8') { Console.WriteLine("═════════╡ TO DELETE {0}? (Y - YES)╞═════════", material.Name.ToUpper()); Console.Write("> "); select = Console.ReadKey().KeyChar; Console.Clear(); if (select.ToString().ToLower() == "y") { material.Delete(); return; } } else if (select == '9') { material.Save(); return; } else { Formations.NotFound("Action"); } }while (true); }
public static void Update(InputOutput inputOutput) { char select; do { Console.WriteLine("═════════╡ INPUT/OUTPUT ╞═════════"); Console.WriteLine("ID: {0}", inputOutput.Id); Console.WriteLine("Owner: {0}", General.Generals.Where(gen => gen.Id == inputOutput.GeneralId).First().Name); Console.WriteLine("[1] Input: {0}", inputOutput.Inputs == null ? "null" : string.Join(", ", inputOutput.Inputs.Select(sel => sel.ToString()))); Console.WriteLine("[2] Output: {0}", inputOutput.Outputs == null ? "null" : string.Join(", ", inputOutput.Outputs.Select(sel => sel.ToString()))); Console.WriteLine("[3] Production Time: {0}", inputOutput.ProductionTime); Console.WriteLine("Weight: {0}", inputOutput.Weight); Console.WriteLine("[8] Delete"); Console.WriteLine("[9] Save"); Console.WriteLine("[0] Exit"); Console.Write("> "); select = Console.ReadKey().KeyChar; Console.Clear(); if (select == '0') { bool allCorrect = true; if (inputOutput.ProductionTime != null || inputOutput.Inputs != null || inputOutput.Outputs != null) { allCorrect = false; } if (allCorrect) { return; } else { Console.WriteLine("═════════╡ YOU ARE SURE WANT TO EXIT? (Y - YES)╞═════════"); Console.Write("> "); select = Console.ReadKey().KeyChar; Console.Clear(); if (select.ToString().ToLower() == "y") { return; } } } else if (select == '1') { Item[] input = ManageMaterial.SetItems(); if (input != null) { inputOutput.Input = string.Join(";", input.Select(inp => inp.Id + " " + inp.Amount)); } } else if (select == '2') { Item[] output = ManageMaterial.SetItems(true); if (output != null) { inputOutput.Output = string.Join(";", output.Select(inp => inp.Id + " " + inp.Amount)); } } else if (select == '3') { inputOutput.ProductionTime = Formations.GetValue("Production Time", "double"); } else if (select == '8') { Console.WriteLine("═════════╡ TO DELETE {0}? (Y - YES)╞═════════", inputOutput.ToString().ToUpper()); Console.Write("> "); select = Console.ReadKey().KeyChar; Console.Clear(); if (select.ToString().ToLower() == "y") { inputOutput.Delete(); return; } } else if (select == '9') { bool allCorrect = true; if (inputOutput.ProductionTime == null) { allCorrect = false; Formations.NotCorrect("Production Time"); } if (inputOutput.Inputs == null && inputOutput.Outputs == null) { allCorrect = false; Formations.NotCorrect("Input or Output"); } if (allCorrect) { inputOutput.Save(); return; } } else { Formations.NotFound("Action"); } }while (true); }
public static void Update(General general) { char select; do { Console.WriteLine("═════════╡ GENERAL ╞═════════"); Console.WriteLine("ID: {0}", general.Id); Console.WriteLine("[1] Name: {0}", general.Name); Console.WriteLine("[2] Type: {0}", general.GetTypeMaterial); Console.WriteLine("[3] Description: {0}", general.Description); Console.WriteLine("[4] Health: {0}", general.Health); Console.WriteLine("[5] Size: {0}", general.Size); Console.WriteLine("[6] Build Time: {0}", general.BuildTime); Console.WriteLine("[7] Build Cost: {0}", general.BuildCosts); Console.WriteLine("[8] Mod: {0}", general.GetMod); Console.WriteLine("Weight: {0}", general.Weight); Console.WriteLine("[9] Save"); Console.WriteLine("[0] Exit"); Console.Write("> "); select = Console.ReadKey().KeyChar; Console.Clear(); if (select == '0') { bool allCorrect = true; General targetGeneral = General.GetGeneral(general.Id); if (targetGeneral != null && general.Name != targetGeneral.Name || general.Type != targetGeneral.Type || general.BuildCosts != targetGeneral.BuildCosts || general.Mod != targetGeneral.Mod) { allCorrect = false; } else if (general.Name != null || general.Type != null || general.BuildCosts != null || general.Mod != null) { allCorrect = false; } if (allCorrect) { return; } else { Console.WriteLine("═════════╡ YOU ARE SURE WANT TO EXIT? (Y - YES)╞═════════"); Console.Write("> "); select = Console.ReadKey().KeyChar; Console.Clear(); if (select.ToString().ToLower() == "y") { return; } } } else if (select == '1') { string name = Formations.GetValue("name", "string"); if (name == null) { Formations.NotCorrect("Name"); continue; } if (General.Generals.Count(gen => gen.Name == name) != 0) { Console.WriteLine("═════════╡ THIS BUILDING ALREADY EXIST ╞═════════"); Console.WriteLine("1. Go to edit"); Console.WriteLine("0. Exit"); Console.Write("> "); select = Console.ReadKey().KeyChar; Console.Clear(); if (select == '1') { Update(General.Generals.Where(gen => gen.Name == name).First()); return; } } general.Name = name; } else if (select == '2') { string type = ManageType.SetType("Block"); if (type != null) { general.Type = type; } } else if (select == '3') { general.Description = Formations.GetValue("description", "string"); } else if (select == '4') { general.Health = Formations.GetValue("health", "int"); } else if (select == '5') { general.Size = Formations.GetValue("size", "size"); } else if (select == '6') { general.BuildTime = Formations.GetValue("build Time", "double"); } else if (select == '7') { Item[] buildCost = ManageMaterial.SetItems(); if (buildCost != null) { general.BuildCost = string.Join(";", buildCost.Select(inp => inp.Id + " " + inp.Amount)); } } else if (select == '8') { string mod = ManageMod.SetMod(); if (mod != null) { general.Mod = mod; } } else if (select == '9') { bool allCorrect = true; if (general.Name == null) { allCorrect = false; Formations.NotCorrect("Name"); } if (general.Type == null) { allCorrect = false; Formations.NotCorrect("Type"); } if (general.BuildCosts == null) { allCorrect = false; Formations.NotCorrect("Build Cost"); } if (general.Mod == null) { allCorrect = false; Formations.NotCorrect("Mod"); } if (allCorrect) { general.Save(); return; } } else { Formations.NotFound("Action"); } }while (true); }
public static void Update(Power power) { char select; do { Console.WriteLine("═════════╡ UPDATE POWER ╞═════════"); Console.WriteLine("ID: {0}", power.Id); Console.WriteLine("General: {0}", power.GetGeneral.Name); Console.WriteLine("[1] Input Output: {0}", power.InputOutputId); Console.WriteLine("[2] Power Use: {0}", power.PowerUse); Console.WriteLine("[3] Power Capacity: {0}", power.PowerCapacity); Console.WriteLine("[4] Power Generation: {0}", power.PowerGeneration); Console.WriteLine("[8] Delete"); Console.WriteLine("[9] Save"); Console.WriteLine("[0] Exit"); Console.Write("> "); select = Console.ReadKey().KeyChar; Console.Clear(); if (select == '0') { bool allCorrect = true; if (power.PowerUse != null || power.PowerCapacity != null || power.PowerGeneration != null) { allCorrect = false; } if (allCorrect) { return; } else { Console.WriteLine("═════════╡ YOU ARE SURE WANT TO EXIT? (Y - YES)╞═════════"); Console.Write("> "); select = Console.ReadKey().KeyChar; Console.Clear(); if (select.ToString().ToLower() == "y") { return; } } } else if (select == '1') { string id = SetInputOutput(power.GetGeneral.GetInputOutputs); if (id != "") { power.InputOutputId = id; } } else if (select == '2') { power.PowerUse = Formations.GetValue("Power Use", "double"); } else if (select == '3') { power.PowerCapacity = Formations.GetValue("Power Capacity", "double"); } else if (select == '4') { power.PowerGeneration = Formations.GetValue("Power Generation", "double"); } else if (select == '8' && Delete(power)) { return; } else if (select == '9') { bool allCorrect = true; if (power.PowerUse == null && power.PowerCapacity == null && power.PowerGeneration == null) { allCorrect = false; Formations.NotCorrect("Power Use or Capacity or Generation"); } if (allCorrect) { power.Save(); return; } } else { Formations.NotFound("Action"); } }while (true); }