public void TestArgumentExceptions () { var part = new MimePart (); Assert.Throws<ArgumentNullException> (() => new MimePart ((string) null)); Assert.Throws<ArgumentNullException> (() => new MimePart ((ContentType) null)); Assert.Throws<ArgumentNullException> (() => new MimePart (null, "octet-stream")); Assert.Throws<ArgumentNullException> (() => new MimePart ("application", null)); Assert.Throws<ArgumentOutOfRangeException> (() => part.ContentDuration = -1); Assert.Throws<ArgumentOutOfRangeException> (() => part.Prepare (EncodingConstraint.SevenBit, 1)); Assert.Throws<ArgumentNullException> (() => MimeEntity.Load ((Stream) null)); Assert.Throws<ArgumentNullException> (() => MimeEntity.Load ((Stream) null, true)); Assert.Throws<ArgumentNullException> (() => MimeEntity.Load ((ParserOptions) null, Stream.Null)); Assert.Throws<ArgumentNullException> (() => MimeEntity.Load (ParserOptions.Default, (Stream) null)); Assert.Throws<ArgumentNullException> (() => MimeEntity.Load (null, Stream.Null, true)); Assert.Throws<ArgumentNullException> (() => MimeEntity.Load (ParserOptions.Default, (Stream) null, true)); Assert.Throws<ArgumentNullException> (() => MimeEntity.Load ((ContentType) null, Stream.Null)); Assert.Throws<ArgumentNullException> (() => MimeEntity.Load (new ContentType ("application", "octet-stream"), null)); Assert.Throws<ArgumentNullException> (() => MimeEntity.Load (null, new ContentType ("application", "octet-stream"), Stream.Null)); Assert.Throws<ArgumentNullException> (() => MimeEntity.Load (ParserOptions.Default, null, Stream.Null)); Assert.Throws<ArgumentNullException> (() => MimeEntity.Load (ParserOptions.Default, new ContentType ("application", "octet-stream"), null)); Assert.Throws<ArgumentNullException> (() => MimeEntity.Load ((string) null)); Assert.Throws<ArgumentNullException> (() => MimeEntity.Load (null, "fileName")); Assert.Throws<ArgumentNullException> (() => MimeEntity.Load (ParserOptions.Default, (string) null)); Assert.Throws<ArgumentNullException> (() => part.Accept (null)); Assert.Throws<ArgumentNullException> (() => part.WriteTo ((string) null)); Assert.Throws<ArgumentNullException> (() => part.WriteTo ((Stream) null)); Assert.Throws<ArgumentNullException> (() => part.WriteTo ((string) null, false)); Assert.Throws<ArgumentNullException> (() => part.WriteTo ((Stream) null, false)); Assert.Throws<ArgumentNullException> (() => part.WriteTo (null, Stream.Null)); Assert.Throws<ArgumentNullException> (() => part.WriteTo (FormatOptions.Default, (Stream) null)); Assert.Throws<ArgumentNullException> (() => part.WriteTo (null, "fileName")); Assert.Throws<ArgumentNullException> (() => part.WriteTo (FormatOptions.Default, (string) null)); Assert.Throws<ArgumentNullException> (() => part.WriteTo (null, Stream.Null, false)); Assert.Throws<ArgumentNullException> (() => part.WriteTo (FormatOptions.Default, (Stream) null, false)); Assert.Throws<ArgumentNullException> (() => part.WriteTo (null, "fileName", false)); Assert.Throws<ArgumentNullException> (() => part.WriteTo (FormatOptions.Default, (string) null, false)); }
/// <summary> /// Download all attachments (regular and embedded) to a local directory /// /// </summary> /// <param name="message"></param> private void DownloadAttachments(MimeMessage message) { if (message.BodyParts.Count() > 0) { foreach (MimeEntity attachment in message.BodyParts) { string attachmentFile = attachment.ContentDisposition?.FileName ?? attachment.ContentType.Name; string attachmentFilePath = String.Concat(STORAGE.MimeKitAttachmentsDirectoryWork, Path.GetFileName(attachmentFile)); if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(attachmentFile)) { if (File.Exists(attachmentFilePath)) { string extension = Path.GetExtension(attachmentFilePath); string fileNameWithoutExtension = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(attachmentFilePath); attachmentFile = string.Format(fileNameWithoutExtension + "-{0}" + "{1}", ++_duplicateFileCount, extension); attachmentFilePath = Path.Combine(STORAGE.MimeKitAttachmentsDirectoryWork, attachmentFile); } using (FileStream attachmentStream = File.Create(attachmentFilePath)) { MimeKit.MimePart part = (MimeKit.MimePart)attachment; part.ContentObject.DecodeTo(attachmentStream); } Console.WriteLine("Downloaded: " + attachmentFile); } } _duplicateFileCount = 0; } }
string GetDataUri (MimePart attachment) { using (var memory = new MemoryStream ()) { attachment.ContentObject.DecodeTo (memory); var buffer = memory.GetBuffer (); var length = (int) memory.Length; var base64 = Convert.ToBase64String (buffer, 0, length); return string.Format ("data:{0};base64,{1}", attachment.ContentType.MimeType, base64); } }
/// <summary> /// 附件写入文件 /// </summary> /// <param name="part"></param> /// <param name="filePath"></param> /// <returns></returns> private static void MimePartToFile(MimeKit.MimePart part, string filePath) { using (var ms = new MemoryStream()) { part.ContentObject.DecodeTo(ms); ms.Position = 0; var ws = File.Create(filePath); ms.WriteTo(ws); ws.Flush(); ws.Close(); } }
MimeEntity CreateAttachment(ContentType contentType, string path, Stream stream) { var fileName = GetFileName(path); MimeEntity attachment; if (contentType.IsMimeType("message", "rfc822")) { var message = MimeMessage.Load(stream); var rfc822 = new MessagePart { Message = message }; rfc822.ContentDisposition = new ContentDisposition(linked ? ContentDisposition.Inline : ContentDisposition.Attachment); rfc822.ContentDisposition.FileName = fileName; rfc822.ContentType.Name = fileName; attachment = rfc822; } else { MimePart part; if (contentType.IsMimeType("text", "*")) { // TODO: should we try to auto-detect charsets if no charset parameter is specified? part = new TextPart(contentType); } else { part = new MimePart(contentType); } part.IsAttachment = !linked; part.FileName = fileName; LoadContent(part, stream); attachment = part; } if (linked) { attachment.ContentLocation = new Uri(fileName, UriKind.Relative); } return(attachment); }
async Task ConstructMimePartAsync(MimePart part, CancellationToken cancellationToken) { long endOffset, beginOffset = GetOffset(inputIndex); var beginLineNumber = lineNumber; ScanContentResult result; Stream content; OnMimeContentBegin(part, beginOffset); if (persistent) { using (var measured = new MeasuringStream()) { result = await ScanContentAsync(measured, true, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false); endOffset = beginOffset + measured.Length; } content = new BoundStream(stream, beginOffset, endOffset, true); } else { content = new MemoryBlockStream(); result = await ScanContentAsync(content, true, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false); content.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin); endOffset = beginOffset + content.Length; } OnMimeContentEnd(part, endOffset); OnMimeContentOctets(part, endOffset - beginOffset); OnMimeContentLines(part, lineNumber - beginLineNumber); if (!result.IsEmpty) { part.Content = new MimeContent(content, part.ContentTransferEncoding) { NewLineFormat = result.Format } } ; else { content.Dispose(); } }
public void TestBasicFunctionality () { var multipart = new Multipart (); Assert.IsNotNullOrEmpty (multipart.Boundary, "Boundary"); Assert.IsFalse (multipart.IsReadOnly, "IsReadOnly"); multipart.Boundary = "__Next_Part_123"; Assert.AreEqual ("__Next_Part_123", multipart.Boundary); var generic = new MimePart ("application", "octet-stream") { ContentObject = new ContentObject (new MemoryStream ()), IsAttachment = true }; var plain = new TextPart ("plain") { Text = "This is some plain text." }; multipart.Add (generic); multipart.Insert (0, plain); Assert.AreEqual (2, multipart.Count, "Count"); Assert.IsTrue (multipart.Contains (generic), "Contains"); Assert.AreEqual (0, multipart.IndexOf (plain), "IndexOf"); Assert.IsTrue (multipart.Remove (generic), "Remove"); Assert.IsFalse (multipart.Remove (generic), "Remove 2nd time"); multipart.RemoveAt (0); Assert.AreEqual (0, multipart.Count, "Count"); multipart.Add (generic); multipart.Add (plain); Assert.AreEqual (generic, multipart[0]); Assert.AreEqual (plain, multipart[1]); multipart[0] = plain; multipart[1] = generic; Assert.AreEqual (plain, multipart[0]); Assert.AreEqual (generic, multipart[1]); multipart.Clear (); Assert.AreEqual (0, multipart.Count, "Count"); }
async Task <MimeEntity> CreateAttachmentAsync(ContentType contentType, string path, Stream stream, CancellationToken cancellationToken) { var fileName = GetFileName(path); MimeEntity attachment; if (contentType.IsMimeType("message", "rfc822")) { var message = await MimeMessage.LoadAsync(stream, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false); attachment = new MessagePart { Message = message }; } else { MimePart part; if (contentType.IsMimeType("text", "*")) { // TODO: should we try to auto-detect charsets if no charset parameter is specified? part = new TextPart(contentType); } else { part = new MimePart(contentType); } await LoadContentAsync(part, stream, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false); attachment = part; } attachment.ContentDisposition = new ContentDisposition(linked ? ContentDisposition.Inline : ContentDisposition.Attachment); attachment.ContentDisposition.FileName = fileName; attachment.ContentType.Name = fileName; if (linked) { attachment.ContentLocation = new Uri(fileName, UriKind.Relative); } return(attachment); }
/// <summary> /// Prepare a RFC 5322 message searialized from a Contxt object /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> public MimePart BuildMimePart() { var mimePart = new MimePart(_directContext.ContentType) { ContentDisposition = new ContentDisposition(ContentDisposition.Attachment), ContentTransferEncoding = _directContext.ContentTransferEncoding }; var contentDist = _directContext.ContentDisposition; mimePart.ContentDisposition.FileName = contentDist.FileName; mimePart.ContentId = _directContext.ContentId; var contextBodyStream = new MemoryStream(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(_directContext.Metadata.Deserialize())); mimePart.ContentObject = new ContentObject(contextBodyStream); return(mimePart); }
void LoadContent(MimePart attachment, string fileName, byte[] data) { var content = new MemoryBlockStream(); var filter = new BestEncodingFilter(); int index, length; filter.Flush(data, 0, data.Length, out index, out length); content.Write(data, 0, data.Length); content.Position = 0; if (linked) { attachment.ContentLocation = new Uri(Path.GetFileName(fileName), UriKind.Relative); } attachment.ContentTransferEncoding = filter.GetBestEncoding(EncodingConstraint.SevenBit); attachment.ContentObject = new ContentObject(content, ContentEncoding.Default); }
static void LoadContent(MimePart attachment, Stream stream) { var content = new MemoryBlockStream(); var filter = new BestEncodingFilter(); var buf = new byte[4096]; int index, length; int nread; while ((nread = stream.Read(buf, 0, buf.Length)) > 0) { filter.Filter(buf, 0, nread, out index, out length); content.Write(buf, 0, nread); } filter.Flush(buf, 0, 0, out index, out length); content.Position = 0; attachment.ContentTransferEncoding = filter.GetBestEncoding(EncodingConstraint.SevenBit); attachment.ContentObject = new ContentObject(content); }
public void TestDocumentRoot () { var gif = new MimePart ("image", "gif") { ContentDisposition = new ContentDisposition (ContentDisposition.Inline) { FileName = "empty.gif" }, ContentId = MimeUtils.GenerateMessageId () }; var jpg = new MimePart ("image", "jpg") { ContentDisposition = new ContentDisposition (ContentDisposition.Inline) { FileName = "empty.jpg" }, ContentId = MimeUtils.GenerateMessageId () }; var html = new TextPart ("html") { Text = "This is the html body...", ContentId = MimeUtils.GenerateMessageId () }; var related = new MultipartRelated (gif, jpg, html); string start; related.ContentType.Parameters["type"] = "text/html"; related.ContentType.Parameters["start"] = "<" + html.ContentId + ">"; Assert.AreEqual (3, related.Count, "Initial Count"); Assert.AreEqual (html, related.Root, "Initial Root"); Assert.AreEqual (html, related[2], "Initial Root should be the 3rd item."); var root = new TextPart ("html") { Text = "This is the replacement root document..." }; related.Root = root; Assert.AreEqual (3, related.Count, "Count"); Assert.AreEqual (root, related.Root, "Root"); Assert.AreEqual (root, related[2], "Root should be the 3rd item."); Assert.IsNotNullOrEmpty (root.ContentId, "Root's Content-Id should not be null."); start = "<" + root.ContentId + ">"; Assert.AreEqual (start, related.ContentType.Parameters["start"], "The start parameter does not match."); related.Clear (); related.Add (gif); related.Add (jpg); related.Root = html; Assert.AreEqual (3, related.Count, "Count"); Assert.AreEqual (html, related.Root, "Root"); Assert.AreEqual (html, related[0], "Root should be the 1st item."); // Note: MimeKit no longer sets the "start" parameter if the root is the first MIME part due to a bug in Thunderbird. Assert.IsNull (related.ContentType.Parameters["start"], "The start parameter should be null."); }
async Task ConstructMimePartAsync(MimePart part, CancellationToken cancellationToken) { ScanContentResult result; Stream content; if (persistent) { long begin = GetOffset(inputIndex); long end; using (var measured = new MeasuringStream()) { result = await ScanContentAsync(measured, true, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false); end = begin + measured.Length; } content = new BoundStream(stream, begin, end, true); } else { content = new MemoryBlockStream(); result = await ScanContentAsync(content, true, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false); content.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin); } if (!result.IsEmpty) { part.Content = new MimeContent(content, part.ContentTransferEncoding) { NewLineFormat = result.Format } } ; else { content.Dispose(); } }
static async Task LoadContentAsync(MimePart attachment, Stream stream, CancellationToken cancellationToken) { cancellationToken.ThrowIfCancellationRequested(); var content = new MemoryBlockStream(); if (attachment.ContentType.IsMimeType("text", "*")) { var buf = ArrayPool <byte> .Shared.Rent(BufferLength); var filter = new BestEncodingFilter(); int index, length; int nread; try { while ((nread = await stream.ReadAsync(buf, 0, BufferLength, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false)) > 0) { cancellationToken.ThrowIfCancellationRequested(); filter.Filter(buf, 0, nread, out index, out length); content.Write(buf, 0, nread); } filter.Flush(buf, 0, 0, out index, out length); } finally { ArrayPool <byte> .Shared.Return(buf); } attachment.ContentTransferEncoding = filter.GetBestEncoding(EncodingConstraint.SevenBit); } else { attachment.ContentTransferEncoding = ContentEncoding.Base64; await stream.CopyToAsync(content, 4096, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false); } content.Position = 0; attachment.Content = new MimeContent(content); }
/// <summary> /// Add the specified attachment. /// </summary> /// <remarks> /// <para>Adds the specified file as an attachment.</para> /// </remarks> /// <param name="fileName">The name of the file.</param> /// <exception cref="System.ArgumentNullException"> /// <paramref name="fileName"/> is <c>null</c>. /// </exception> /// <exception cref="System.ArgumentException"> /// The specified file path is empty. /// </exception> /// <exception cref="System.IO.FileNotFoundException"> /// The specified file could not be found. /// </exception> /// <exception cref="System.UnauthorizedAccessException"> /// The user does not have access to read the specified file. /// </exception> /// <exception cref="System.IO.IOException"> /// An I/O error occurred. /// </exception> public void Add(string fileName) { if (fileName == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("fileName"); } if (fileName.Length == 0) { throw new ArgumentException("The specified file path is empty.", "fileName"); } var attachment = new MimePart(GetMimeType(Path.GetExtension(fileName).ToLowerInvariant())) { FileName = Path.GetFileName(fileName), IsAttachment = true }; LoadContent(attachment, fileName); attachments.Add(attachment); }
/// <summary> /// Add the specified attachment. /// </summary> /// <remarks> /// <para>Adds the specified data as an attachment using the supplied Content-Type.</para> /// <para>The file name parameter is used to set the Content-Location.</para> /// <para>For a list of known mime-types and their associated file extensions, see ///</para> /// </remarks> /// <param name="fileName">The name of the file.</param> /// <param name="data">The file data.</param> /// <param name="contentType">The mime-type of the file.</param> /// <exception cref="System.ArgumentNullException"> /// <para><paramref name="fileName"/> is <c>null</c>.</para> /// <para>-or-</para> /// <para><paramref name="data"/> is <c>null</c>.</para> /// <para>-or-</para> /// <para><paramref name="contentType"/> is <c>null</c>.</para> /// </exception> /// <exception cref="System.ArgumentException"> /// <para>The specified file path is empty.</para> /// <para>-or-</para> /// <para>The data is empty.</para> /// </exception> public void Add(string fileName, byte[] data, ContentType contentType) { if (fileName == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("fileName"); } if (fileName.Length == 0) { throw new ArgumentException("The specified file path is empty.", "fileName"); } if (data == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("data"); } if (data.Length == 0) { throw new ArgumentException("The data is empty.", "data"); } if (contentType == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("contentType"); } var attachment = new MimePart(contentType) { FileName = Path.GetFileName(fileName), IsAttachment = true }; LoadContent(attachment, fileName, data); attachments.Add(attachment); }
bool TryGetImage(string url, out MimePart image) { UriKind kind; Uri uri; if (Uri.IsWellFormedUriString(url, UriKind.Absolute)) kind = UriKind.Absolute; else if (Uri.IsWellFormedUriString(url, UriKind.Relative)) kind = UriKind.Relative; else kind = UriKind.RelativeOrAbsolute; try { uri = new Uri(url, kind); } catch (UriFormatException) { image = null; return false; } for (int i = _stack.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--) { int index; if ((index = _stack[i].IndexOf(uri)) == -1) continue; image = _stack[i][index] as MimePart; return image != null; } image = null; return false; }
static void LoadContent(MimePart attachment, Stream stream) { var content = new MemoryBlockStream(); if (attachment.ContentType.IsMimeType("text", "*")) { var buf = ArrayPool <byte> .Shared.Rent(BufferLength); var filter = new BestEncodingFilter(); int index, length; int nread; try { while ((nread = stream.Read(buf, 0, BufferLength)) > 0) { filter.Filter(buf, 0, nread, out index, out length); content.Write(buf, 0, nread); } filter.Flush(buf, 0, 0, out index, out length); } finally { ArrayPool <byte> .Shared.Return(buf); } attachment.ContentTransferEncoding = filter.GetBestEncoding(EncodingConstraint.SevenBit); } else { attachment.ContentTransferEncoding = ContentEncoding.Base64; stream.CopyTo(content, 4096); } content.Position = 0; attachment.Content = new MimeContent(content); }
public static void DownloadAttachement(MimePart entity, string filepath) { using (var stream = File.Create(filepath)) { entity.ContentObject.DecodeTo(stream); } }
public void SyncUsingMimeKit(string workspace, string project) { DynamicJsonObject toCreate = new DynamicJsonObject(); toCreate[RALLY.WorkSpace] = workspace; toCreate[RALLY.Project] = project; DynamicJsonObject attachmentContent = new DynamicJsonObject(); DynamicJsonObject attachmentContainer = new DynamicJsonObject(); CreateResult createUserStory; CreateResult attachmentContentCreateResult; CreateResult attachmentContainerCreateResult; string[] allAttachments; Dictionary <string, string> attachmentsDictionary = new Dictionary <string, string>(); string emailSubject; string emailBody; string userStoryReference; int anotherOne = 0; string base64String; string attachmentFileName; string fileName; EnsureRallyIsAuthenticated(); using (var client = new ImapClient()) { client.ServerCertificateValidationCallback = (s, c, ch, e) => true; client.Connect(EMAIL.GoogleImapHost, EMAIL.ImapPort, SecureSocketOptions.SslOnConnect); client.AuthenticationMechanisms.Remove(EMAIL.GoogleOAuth); client.Authenticate(EMAIL.GoogleUsername, EMAIL.GenericPassword); client.Inbox.Open(FolderAccess.ReadWrite); IMailFolder inboxFolder = client.GetFolder("Inbox"); IList <UniqueId> uids = client.Inbox.Search(SearchQuery.All); foreach (UniqueId uid in uids) { MimeMessage message = inboxFolder.GetMessage(uid); emailSubject = message.Subject; emailBody = message.TextBody; if (emailSubject.IsEmpty()) { emailSubject = "<No Subject User Story>"; } toCreate[RALLY.Name] = (emailSubject); toCreate[RALLY.Description] = (emailBody); createUserStory = _rallyRestApi.Create(RALLY.HierarchicalRequirement, toCreate); foreach (MimeEntity attachment in message.BodyParts) { string attachmentFile = attachment.ContentDisposition?.FileName ?? attachment.ContentType.Name; string attachmentFilePath = Concat(STORAGE.MimeKitAttachmentsDirectory, Path.GetFileName(attachmentFile)); if (!IsNullOrWhiteSpace(attachmentFile)) { if (File.Exists(attachmentFilePath)) { string extension = Path.GetExtension(attachmentFilePath); string fileNameWithoutExtension = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(attachmentFilePath); attachmentFile = Format(fileNameWithoutExtension + "-{0}" + "{1}", ++anotherOne, extension); attachmentFilePath = Path.Combine(STORAGE.MimeKitAttachmentsDirectory, attachmentFile); } using (var attachmentStream = File.Create(attachmentFilePath)) { MimeKit.MimePart part = (MimeKit.MimePart)attachment; part.ContentObject.DecodeTo(attachmentStream); } Console.WriteLine("Downloaded: " + attachmentFile); } } allAttachments = Directory.GetFiles(STORAGE.MimeKitAttachmentsDirectory); foreach (string file in allAttachments) { base64String = FileToBase64(file); attachmentFileName = Path.GetFileName(file); fileName = Empty; if (!(attachmentsDictionary.TryGetValue(base64String, out fileName))) { Console.WriteLine("Added to Dictionary: " + file); attachmentsDictionary.Add(base64String, attachmentFileName); } File.Delete(file); } //for each email message - upload it to Rally foreach (KeyValuePair <string, string> attachmentPair in attachmentsDictionary) { try { //create attachment content attachmentContent[RALLY.Content] = attachmentPair.Key; attachmentContentCreateResult = _rallyRestApi.Create(RALLY.AttachmentContent, attachmentContent); userStoryReference = attachmentContentCreateResult.Reference; //create attachment contianer attachmentContainer[RALLY.Artifact] = createUserStory.Reference; attachmentContainer[RALLY.Content] = userStoryReference; attachmentContainer[RALLY.Name] = attachmentPair.Value; attachmentContainer[RALLY.Description] = RALLY.EmailAttachment; attachmentContainer[RALLY.ContentType] = "file/"; //Create & associate the attachment attachmentContainerCreateResult = _rallyRestApi.Create(RALLY.Attachment, attachmentContainer); } catch (WebException e) { Console.WriteLine("Attachment: " + e.Message); } } attachmentsDictionary.Clear(); Console.WriteLine("User Story: " + message.Subject); } } }
static void ExtractAttachments (TnefReader reader, BodyBuilder builder) { var attachMethod = TnefAttachMethod.ByValue; var filter = new BestEncodingFilter (); var prop = reader.TnefPropertyReader; MimePart attachment = null; int outIndex, outLength; TnefAttachFlags flags; string[] mimeType; byte[] attachData; DateTime time; string text; Console.WriteLine ("Extracting attachments..."); do { if (reader.AttributeLevel != TnefAttributeLevel.Attachment) Assert.Fail ("Expected attachment attribute level: {0}", reader.AttributeLevel); switch (reader.AttributeTag) { case TnefAttributeTag.AttachRenderData: Console.WriteLine ("Attachment Attribute: {0}", reader.AttributeTag); attachMethod = TnefAttachMethod.ByValue; attachment = new MimePart (); break; case TnefAttributeTag.Attachment: Console.WriteLine ("Attachment Attribute: {0}", reader.AttributeTag); if (attachment == null) break; while (prop.ReadNextProperty ()) { switch (prop.PropertyTag.Id) { case TnefPropertyId.AttachLongFilename: attachment.FileName = prop.ReadValueAsString (); Console.WriteLine ("Attachment Property: {0} = {1}", prop.PropertyTag.Id, attachment.FileName); break; case TnefPropertyId.AttachFilename: if (attachment.FileName == null) { attachment.FileName = prop.ReadValueAsString (); Console.WriteLine ("Attachment Property: {0} = {1}", prop.PropertyTag.Id, attachment.FileName); } else { Console.WriteLine ("Attachment Property: {0} = {1}", prop.PropertyTag.Id, prop.ReadValueAsString ()); } break; case TnefPropertyId.AttachContentLocation: text = prop.ReadValueAsString (); if (Uri.IsWellFormedUriString (text, UriKind.Absolute)) attachment.ContentLocation = new Uri (text, UriKind.Absolute); else if (Uri.IsWellFormedUriString (text, UriKind.Relative)) attachment.ContentLocation = new Uri (text, UriKind.Relative); Console.WriteLine ("Attachment Property: {0} = {1}", prop.PropertyTag.Id, text); break; case TnefPropertyId.AttachContentBase: text = prop.ReadValueAsString (); attachment.ContentBase = new Uri (text, UriKind.Absolute); Console.WriteLine ("Attachment Property: {0} = {1}", prop.PropertyTag.Id, text); break; case TnefPropertyId.AttachContentId: attachment.ContentId = prop.ReadValueAsString (); Console.WriteLine ("Attachment Property: {0} = {1}", prop.PropertyTag.Id, attachment.ContentId); break; case TnefPropertyId.AttachDisposition: text = prop.ReadValueAsString (); if (attachment.ContentDisposition == null) attachment.ContentDisposition = new ContentDisposition (text); else attachment.ContentDisposition.Disposition = text; Console.WriteLine ("Attachment Property: {0} = {1}", prop.PropertyTag.Id, text); break; case TnefPropertyId.AttachMethod: attachMethod = (TnefAttachMethod) prop.ReadValueAsInt32 (); Console.WriteLine ("Attachment Property: {0} = {1}", prop.PropertyTag.Id, attachMethod); break; case TnefPropertyId.AttachMimeTag: text = prop.ReadValueAsString (); mimeType = text.Split ('/'); if (mimeType.Length == 2) { attachment.ContentType.MediaType = mimeType[0].Trim (); attachment.ContentType.MediaSubtype = mimeType[1].Trim (); } Console.WriteLine ("Attachment Property: {0} = {1}", prop.PropertyTag.Id, text); break; case TnefPropertyId.AttachFlags: flags = (TnefAttachFlags) prop.ReadValueAsInt32 (); if ((flags & TnefAttachFlags.RenderedInBody) != 0) { if (attachment.ContentDisposition == null) attachment.ContentDisposition = new ContentDisposition (ContentDisposition.Inline); else attachment.ContentDisposition.Disposition = ContentDisposition.Inline; } Console.WriteLine ("Attachment Property: {0} = {1}", prop.PropertyTag.Id, flags); break; case TnefPropertyId.AttachData: var stream = prop.GetRawValueReadStream (); var content = new MemoryStream (); var guid = new byte[16]; if (attachMethod == TnefAttachMethod.EmbeddedMessage) { var tnef = new TnefPart (); foreach (var param in attachment.ContentType.Parameters) tnef.ContentType.Parameters[param.Name] = param.Value; if (attachment.ContentDisposition != null) tnef.ContentDisposition = attachment.ContentDisposition; attachment = tnef; } stream.Read (guid, 0, 16); stream.CopyTo (content, 4096); var buffer = content.GetBuffer (); filter.Flush (buffer, 0, (int) content.Length, out outIndex, out outLength); attachment.ContentTransferEncoding = filter.GetBestEncoding (EncodingConstraint.SevenBit); attachment.ContentObject = new ContentObject (content); filter.Reset (); Console.WriteLine ("Attachment Property: {0} has GUID {1}", prop.PropertyTag.Id, new Guid (guid)); builder.Attachments.Add (attachment); break; case TnefPropertyId.DisplayName: attachment.ContentType.Name = prop.ReadValueAsString (); Console.WriteLine ("Attachment Property: {0} = {1}", prop.PropertyTag.Id, attachment.ContentType.Name); break; case TnefPropertyId.AttachSize: if (attachment.ContentDisposition == null) attachment.ContentDisposition = new ContentDisposition (); attachment.ContentDisposition.Size = prop.ReadValueAsInt64 (); Console.WriteLine ("Attachment Property: {0} = {1}", prop.PropertyTag.Id, attachment.ContentDisposition.Size.Value); break; default: Console.WriteLine ("Attachment Property (unhandled): {0} = {1}", prop.PropertyTag.Id, prop.ReadValue ()); break; } } break; case TnefAttributeTag.AttachData: Console.WriteLine ("Attachment Attribute: {0}", reader.AttributeTag); if (attachment == null || attachMethod != TnefAttachMethod.ByValue) break; attachData = prop.ReadValueAsBytes (); filter.Flush (attachData, 0, attachData.Length, out outIndex, out outLength); attachment.ContentTransferEncoding = filter.GetBestEncoding (EncodingConstraint.SevenBit); attachment.ContentObject = new ContentObject (new MemoryStream (attachData, false)); filter.Reset (); builder.Attachments.Add (attachment); break; case TnefAttributeTag.AttachCreateDate: time = prop.ReadValueAsDateTime (); if (attachment != null) { if (attachment.ContentDisposition == null) attachment.ContentDisposition = new ContentDisposition (); attachment.ContentDisposition.CreationDate = time; } Console.WriteLine ("Attachment Attribute: {0} = {1}", reader.AttributeTag, time); break; case TnefAttributeTag.AttachModifyDate: time = prop.ReadValueAsDateTime (); if (attachment != null) { if (attachment.ContentDisposition == null) attachment.ContentDisposition = new ContentDisposition (); attachment.ContentDisposition.ModificationDate = time; } Console.WriteLine ("Attachment Attribute: {0} = {1}", reader.AttributeTag, time); break; case TnefAttributeTag.AttachTitle: text = prop.ReadValueAsString (); if (attachment != null && string.IsNullOrEmpty (attachment.FileName)) attachment.FileName = text; Console.WriteLine ("Attachment Attribute: {0} = {1}", reader.AttributeTag, text); break; default: Console.WriteLine ("Attachment Attribute (unhandled): {0} = {1}", reader.AttributeTag, prop.ReadValue ()); break; } } while (reader.ReadNextAttribute ()); }
/// <summary> /// Rally is authenticated in the constructor /// </summary> /// <param name="workspace"></param> public void SyncThroughLabels(string workspace) { #region variables SlackClient _slackClient = new SlackClient(SLACK.SlackApiToken, 100); DynamicJsonObject toCreate = new DynamicJsonObject(); toCreate[RALLY.WorkSpace] = workspace; DynamicJsonObject attachmentContent = new DynamicJsonObject(); DynamicJsonObject attachmentContainer = new DynamicJsonObject(); CreateResult createUserStory; CreateResult attachmentContentCreateResult; CreateResult attachmentContainerCreateResult; string[] allAttachments; Dictionary <string, string> attachmentsDictionary = new Dictionary <string, string>(); string userStorySubject; string userStoryDescription; string userStoryReference; string attachmentReference; int anotherOne = 0; string base64String; string attachmentFileName; string fileName; string _objectId; string _userStoryUrl; string _slackAttachmentString; string slackChannel; #endregion using (ImapClient client = new ImapClient()) { AuthenticateWithGoogleImap(client); client.Inbox.Open(FolderAccess.ReadWrite); IMailFolder parentFolder = client.GetFolder(EMAIL.EnrollmentStudentServicesFolder); IMailFolder processedFolder = parentFolder.GetSubfolder(RALLYQUERY.ProcessedEnrollmentStudentServices); foreach (IMailFolder childFolder in parentFolder.GetSubfolders()) { #region Folders if (childFolder.Name.Equals(RALLYQUERY.GmailFolderCatalyst2016)) { toCreate[RALLY.Project] = RALLYQUERY.ProjectCatalyst2016; slackChannel = SLACK.Channelcatalyst2016; } else if (childFolder.Name.Equals(RALLYQUERY.GmailFolderHonorsEnhancements)) { toCreate[RALLY.Project] = RALLYQUERY.ProjectHonorsEnhancements; slackChannel = SLACK.ChannelHonorsEnhancements; } else if (childFolder.Name.Equals(RALLYQUERY.GmailFolderPalHelp)) { toCreate[RALLY.Project] = RALLYQUERY.ProjectPalHelp; slackChannel = SLACK.ChannelPalHelp; } else if (childFolder.Name.Equals(RALLYQUERY.GmailFolderPciAzureTouchNetImplementation)) { toCreate[RALLY.Project] = RALLYQUERY.ProjectPciAzureTouchNetImplementation; slackChannel = SLACK.ChannelAzureTouchNet; } else { toCreate[RALLY.Project] = RALLYQUERY.ProjectScrumptious; slackChannel = SLACK.ChannelScrumptious; } #endregion Console.WriteLine(childFolder.Name); childFolder.Open(FolderAccess.ReadWrite); IList <UniqueId> childFolderMsgUniqueIds = childFolder.Search(SearchQuery.NotSeen); if (childFolderMsgUniqueIds.Any()) { foreach (UniqueId uid in childFolderMsgUniqueIds) { MimeMessage message = childFolder.GetMessage(uid); userStorySubject = message.Subject; userStoryDescription = "From: " + message.From + "<br>" + "Date Sent: " + message.Date + "</br>" + "<br>" + "Subject: " + userStorySubject + "</br>" + "<br>" + "Request: " + message.GetTextBody(TextFormat.Plain) + "<br>"; if (userStorySubject.IsEmpty()) { userStorySubject = "<No Subject User Story>"; } toCreate[RALLY.Name] = userStorySubject; toCreate[RALLY.Description] = userStoryDescription; createUserStory = _rallyRestApi.Create(RALLY.HierarchicalRequirement, toCreate); userStoryReference = createUserStory.Reference; #region Download Attachments foreach (MimeEntity attachment in message.BodyParts) { string attachmentFile = attachment.ContentDisposition?.FileName ?? attachment.ContentType.Name; string attachmentFilePath = Concat(STORAGE.MimeKitAttachmentsDirectoryWork, Path.GetFileName(attachmentFile)); if (!IsNullOrWhiteSpace(attachmentFile)) { if (File.Exists(attachmentFilePath)) { string extension = Path.GetExtension(attachmentFilePath); string fileNameWithoutExtension = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(attachmentFilePath); attachmentFile = Format(fileNameWithoutExtension + "-{0}" + "{1}", ++anotherOne, extension); attachmentFilePath = Path.Combine(STORAGE.MimeKitAttachmentsDirectoryWork, attachmentFile); } using (var attachmentStream = File.Create(attachmentFilePath)) { MimeKit.MimePart part = (MimeKit.MimePart)attachment; part.ContentObject.DecodeTo(attachmentStream); } Console.WriteLine("Downloaded: " + attachmentFile); } } #endregion #region Process Attachments allAttachments = Directory.GetFiles(STORAGE.MimeKitAttachmentsDirectoryWork); foreach (string file in allAttachments) { base64String = FileToBase64(file); attachmentFileName = Path.GetFileName(file); fileName = Empty; if (!(attachmentsDictionary.TryGetValue(base64String, out fileName))) { Console.WriteLine("Added to Dictionary: " + file); attachmentsDictionary.Add(base64String, attachmentFileName); } File.Delete(file); } #endregion #region Upload to Rally foreach (KeyValuePair <string, string> attachmentPair in attachmentsDictionary) { try { //create attachment content attachmentContent[RALLY.Content] = attachmentPair.Key; attachmentContentCreateResult = _rallyRestApi.Create( RALLY.AttachmentContent, attachmentContent); attachmentReference = attachmentContentCreateResult.Reference; //create attachment contianer attachmentContainer[RALLY.Artifact] = userStoryReference; attachmentContainer[RALLY.Content] = attachmentReference; attachmentContainer[RALLY.Name] = attachmentPair.Value; attachmentContainer[RALLY.Description] = RALLY.EmailAttachment; attachmentContainer[RALLY.ContentType] = "file/"; //Create & associate the attachment attachmentContainerCreateResult = _rallyRestApi.Create(RALLY.Attachment, attachmentContainer); Console.WriteLine("Uploaded to Rally: " + attachmentPair.Value); } catch (WebException e) { Console.WriteLine("Attachment: " + e.Message); } } attachmentsDictionary.Clear(); #endregion #region See and Move childFolder.SetFlags(uid, MessageFlags.Seen, true); childFolder.MoveTo(uid, processedFolder); #endregion #region Slack if (userStoryReference != null) { _objectId = Ref.GetOidFromRef(userStoryReference); _userStoryUrl = string.Concat(SLACK.UserStoryUrlFormat, _objectId); _slackAttachmentString = string.Format("User Story: <{0} | {1} >", _userStoryUrl, message.Subject); SlackMessage slackMessage = new SlackMessage { //Channel is set according to the source of the email message folder Channel = slackChannel, Text = SLACK.SlackNotificationBanner, IconEmoji = Emoji.SmallRedTriangle, Username = SLACK.SlackUser }; SlackAttachment slackAttachment = new SlackAttachment { Fallback = _slackAttachmentString, Text = _slackAttachmentString, Color = SLACK.HexColor }; slackMessage.Attachments = new List <SlackAttachment> { slackAttachment }; _slackClient.Post(slackMessage); } else { throw new NullReferenceException(); } #endregion #region Email using (SmtpClient smtpClient = new SmtpClient()) { if (!smtpClient.IsAuthenticated) { AuthenticateWithGoogleSmtp(smtpClient); } //iterate throught the email addresses, to send the emails List <MailboxAddress> emailNoticationList = new List <MailboxAddress>(); emailNoticationList.Add(new MailboxAddress("*****@*****.**")); foreach (var mailboxAddress in emailNoticationList) { MimeMessage emailNotificationMessage = new MimeMessage(); emailNotificationMessage.From.Add(new MailboxAddress("Rally Integration", EMAIL.GoogleUsername)); emailNotificationMessage.To.Add(mailboxAddress); emailNotificationMessage.Subject = "Rally Notification: " + userStorySubject; emailNotificationMessage.Body = new TextPart("plain") { Text = "User Story: " + _userStoryUrl }; smtpClient.Send(emailNotificationMessage); } //disconnect here... //this will make the program connect and disconnect in a loop } #endregion Console.WriteLine(message.Subject + " Created"); } } else { Console.WriteLine(childFolder + "-No Unread Messages"); } } Console.WriteLine("Done"); client.Disconnect(true); } }
public void TestContentTransferEncoding () { var part = new MimePart (); Assert.AreEqual (ContentEncoding.Default, part.ContentTransferEncoding); part.ContentTransferEncoding = ContentEncoding.EightBit; Assert.AreEqual (ContentEncoding.EightBit, part.ContentTransferEncoding); Assert.IsTrue (part.Headers.Contains (HeaderId.ContentTransferEncoding), "Expected header to exist"); Assert.Throws<ArgumentOutOfRangeException> (() => part.ContentTransferEncoding = (ContentEncoding) 500); part.ContentTransferEncoding = ContentEncoding.Default; Assert.AreEqual (ContentEncoding.Default, part.ContentTransferEncoding); Assert.IsFalse (part.Headers.Contains (HeaderId.ContentTransferEncoding), "Expected header to be removed"); part.Headers.Add (HeaderId.ContentTransferEncoding, "base64"); Assert.AreEqual (ContentEncoding.Base64, part.ContentTransferEncoding, "Expected ContentTransferEncoding to be set again"); part.Headers.Remove (HeaderId.ContentTransferEncoding); Assert.AreEqual (ContentEncoding.Default, part.ContentTransferEncoding, "Expected ContentTransferEncoding to be default again"); part.ContentTransferEncoding = ContentEncoding.UUEncode; part.Headers.Clear (); Assert.AreEqual (ContentEncoding.Default, part.ContentTransferEncoding, "Expected ContentTransferEncoding to be default again"); }
public void TestMimePartStream () { byte[] data = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes ("abcd"); var msg = new MimePart ("application", "octet-stream", new MemoryStream (data) ); var buffer = new MemoryStream (); msg.ContentObject.DecodeTo (buffer); buffer.Seek (0, SeekOrigin.Begin); Assert.AreEqual (ContentEncoding.Default, msg.ContentObject.Encoding, "ContentEncoding is wrong"); Assert.AreEqual (data, buffer.ToArray (), "ContentEncoding is wrong"); }
public void TestContentLocation () { var part = new MimePart (); var uri = new Uri (""); Assert.IsNull (part.ContentLocation, "Initial ContentLocation should be null"); part.ContentLocation = uri; Assert.AreEqual (uri, part.ContentLocation, "Expected ContentLocation to be updated"); Assert.IsTrue (part.Headers.Contains (HeaderId.ContentLocation), "Expected header to exist"); part.ContentLocation = null; Assert.IsNull (part.ContentLocation, "Expected ContentLocation to be null again"); Assert.IsFalse (part.Headers.Contains (HeaderId.ContentLocation), "Expected header to be removed"); part.Headers.Add (HeaderId.ContentLocation, uri.OriginalString); Assert.AreEqual (uri, part.ContentLocation, "Expected ContentLocation to be set again"); part.Headers.Remove (HeaderId.ContentLocation); Assert.IsNull (part.ContentLocation, "Expected ContentLocation to be null again"); part.ContentLocation = uri; part.Headers.Clear (); Assert.IsNull (part.ContentLocation, "Expected ContentLocation to be null again"); }
public void TestContentId () { var id = MimeUtils.GenerateMessageId (); var part = new MimePart (); Assert.IsNull (part.ContentId, "Initial ContentId value should be null"); part.ContentId = id; Assert.AreEqual (id, part.ContentId, "Expected ContentId to be updated"); Assert.IsTrue (part.Headers.Contains (HeaderId.ContentId), "Expected header to exist"); part.ContentId = null; Assert.IsNull (part.ContentId, "Expected ContentId to be null again"); Assert.IsFalse (part.Headers.Contains (HeaderId.ContentId), "Expected header to be removed"); part.Headers.Add (HeaderId.ContentId, string.Format ("<{0}>", id)); Assert.AreEqual (id, part.ContentId, "Expected ContentId to be set again"); part.Headers.Remove (HeaderId.ContentId); Assert.IsNull (part.ContentId, "Expected ContentId to be null again"); part.ContentId = id; part.Headers.Clear (); Assert.IsNull (part.ContentId, "Expected ContentId to be null again"); }
public void TestContentDuration () { var part = new MimePart (); Assert.IsNull (part.ContentDuration, "Initial ContentDuration value should be null"); part.ContentDuration = 500; Assert.AreEqual (500, part.ContentDuration, "Expected ContentDuration to be updated"); Assert.IsTrue (part.Headers.Contains (HeaderId.ContentDuration), "Expected header to exist"); part.ContentDuration = null; Assert.IsNull (part.ContentDuration, "Expected ContentDuration to be null again"); Assert.IsFalse (part.Headers.Contains (HeaderId.ContentDuration), "Expected header to be removed"); part.Headers.Add (HeaderId.ContentDuration, "500"); Assert.AreEqual (500, part.ContentDuration, "Expected ContentDuration to be set again"); part.Headers.Remove (HeaderId.ContentDuration); Assert.IsNull (part.ContentDuration, "Expected ContentDuration to be null again"); part.ContentDuration = 500; part.Headers.Clear (); Assert.IsNull (part.ContentDuration, "Expected ContentDuration to be null again"); }
/// <summary> /// Visit the abstract MIME part entity. /// </summary> /// <remarks> /// Visits the MIME part entity. /// </remarks> /// <example> /// <code language="c#" source="Examples\MimeVisitorExamples.cs" region="HtmlPreviewVisitor" /> /// </example> /// <param name="entity">The MIME part entity.</param> protected internal virtual void VisitMimePart (MimePart entity) { VisitMimeEntity (entity); }
protected override void VisitMimePart(MimePart entity) { // realistically, if we've gotten this far, then we can treat this as an attachment // even if the IsAttachment property is false. _attachments.Add(entity); }
static MimePart GetMimePart (AttachmentBase item) { var mimeType = item.ContentType.ToString (); var part = new MimePart (ContentType.Parse (mimeType)); var attachment = item as Attachment; if (attachment != null) { var disposition = attachment.ContentDisposition.ToString (); part.ContentDisposition = ContentDisposition.Parse (disposition); } switch (item.TransferEncoding) { case System.Net.Mime.TransferEncoding.QuotedPrintable: part.ContentTransferEncoding = ContentEncoding.QuotedPrintable; break; case System.Net.Mime.TransferEncoding.Base64: part.ContentTransferEncoding = ContentEncoding.Base64; break; case System.Net.Mime.TransferEncoding.SevenBit: part.ContentTransferEncoding = ContentEncoding.SevenBit; break; } if (item.ContentId != null) part.ContentId = item.ContentId; var stream = new MemoryBlockStream (); item.ContentStream.CopyTo (stream); stream.Position = 0; part.ContentObject = new ContentObject (stream); return part; }
static void ExtractAttachments(TnefReader reader, BodyBuilder builder) { var filter = new BestEncodingFilter (); var prop = reader.TnefPropertyReader; MimePart attachment = null; int outIndex, outLength; byte[] attachData; string text; Console.WriteLine ("Extracting attachments..."); do { if (reader.AttributeLevel != TnefAttributeLevel.Attachment) Assert.Fail ("Expected attachment attribute level: {0}", reader.AttributeLevel); switch (reader.AttributeTag) { case TnefAttributeTag.AttachRenderData: attachment = new MimePart (); builder.Attachments.Add (attachment); break; case TnefAttributeTag.Attachment: if (attachment == null) break; while (prop.ReadNextProperty ()) { switch (prop.PropertyTag.Id) { case TnefPropertyId.AttachLongFilename: attachment.FileName = prop.ReadValueAsString (); Console.WriteLine ("Attachment Property: {0} = {1}", prop.PropertyTag.Id, attachment.FileName); break; case TnefPropertyId.AttachFilename: if (attachment.FileName == null) { attachment.FileName = prop.ReadValueAsString (); Console.WriteLine ("Attachment Property: {0} = {1}", prop.PropertyTag.Id, attachment.FileName); } else { Console.WriteLine ("Attachment Property: {0} = {1}", prop.PropertyTag.Id, prop.ReadValueAsString ()); } break; case TnefPropertyId.AttachContentLocation: text = prop.ReadValueAsString (); if (Uri.IsWellFormedUriString (text, UriKind.Absolute)) attachment.ContentLocation = new Uri (text, UriKind.Absolute); else if (Uri.IsWellFormedUriString (text, UriKind.Relative)) attachment.ContentLocation = new Uri (text, UriKind.Relative); Console.WriteLine ("Attachment Property: {0} = {1}", prop.PropertyTag.Id, text); break; case TnefPropertyId.AttachContentBase: text = prop.ReadValueAsString (); attachment.ContentBase = new Uri (text, UriKind.Absolute); Console.WriteLine ("Attachment Property: {0} = {1}", prop.PropertyTag.Id, text); break; case TnefPropertyId.AttachContentId: attachment.ContentId = prop.ReadValueAsString (); Console.WriteLine ("Attachment Property: {0} = {1}", prop.PropertyTag.Id, attachment.ContentId); break; case TnefPropertyId.AttachDisposition: text = prop.ReadValueAsString (); if (attachment.ContentDisposition == null) attachment.ContentDisposition = new ContentDisposition (text); else attachment.ContentDisposition.Disposition = text; Console.WriteLine ("Attachment Property: {0} = {1}", prop.PropertyTag.Id, text); break; case TnefPropertyId.AttachData: if (prop.IsEmbeddedMessage) { Console.WriteLine ("Attachment Property: {0} is an EmbeddedMessage", prop.PropertyTag.Id); var stream = prop.GetRawValueReadStream (); using (var tnef = new TnefReader (stream, reader.MessageCodepage, reader.ComplianceMode)) { var embedded = ExtractTnefMessage (tnef); Console.WriteLine ("embedded attachments = {0}", embedded.BodyParts.Count ()); foreach (var part in embedded.BodyParts) builder.Attachments.Add (part); } } else { Console.WriteLine ("Attachment Property: {0} is not an EmbeddedMessage", prop.PropertyTag.Id); } break; default: Console.WriteLine ("Attachment Property (unhandled): {0} = {1}", prop.PropertyTag.Id, prop.ReadValue ()); break; } } break; case TnefAttributeTag.AttachData: if (attachment == null) break; attachData = prop.ReadValueAsBytes (); filter.Flush (attachData, 0, attachData.Length, out outIndex, out outLength); attachment.ContentTransferEncoding = filter.GetBestEncoding (EncodingConstraint.SevenBit); attachment.ContentObject = new ContentObject (new MemoryStream (attachData, false)); filter.Reset (); break; default: Console.WriteLine ("Attachment Attribute (unhandled): {0} = {1}", reader.AttributeTag, prop.ReadValue ()); break; } } while (reader.ReadNextAttribute ()); }
public void TestContentBase () { var relative = new Uri ("relative", UriKind.Relative); var uri = new Uri (""); var part = new MimePart (); Assert.IsNull (part.ContentBase, "Initial ContentBase should be null"); Assert.Throws<ArgumentException> (() => part.ContentBase = relative); part.ContentBase = uri; Assert.AreEqual (uri, part.ContentBase, "Expected ContentBase to be updated"); Assert.IsTrue (part.Headers.Contains (HeaderId.ContentBase), "Expected header to exist"); part.ContentBase = null; Assert.IsNull (part.ContentBase, "Expected ContentBase to be null again"); Assert.IsFalse (part.Headers.Contains (HeaderId.ContentBase), "Expected header to be removed"); part.Headers.Add (HeaderId.ContentBase, uri.OriginalString); Assert.AreEqual (uri, part.ContentBase, "Expected ContentBase to be set again"); part.Headers.Remove (HeaderId.ContentBase); Assert.IsNull (part.ContentBase, "Expected ContentBase to be null again"); part.ContentBase = uri; part.Headers.Clear (); Assert.IsNull (part.ContentBase, "Expected ContentBase to be null again"); }
// Save the image to our temp directory and return a "file://" url suitable for // the browser control to load. // Note: if you'd rather embed the image data into the HTML, you can construct a // "data:" url instead. string SaveImage (MimePart image, string url) { string fileName = url.Replace (':', '_').Replace ('\\', '_').Replace ('/', '_'); string path = Path.Combine (tempDir, fileName); if (!File.Exists (path)) { using (var output = File.Create (path)) image.ContentObject.DecodeTo (output); } return "file://" + path.Replace ('\\', '/'); }
private void ExtractAttachments(TnefReader reader, BodyBuilder builder) { var tnefAttachMethod = TnefAttachMethod.ByValue; var bestEncodingFilter = new BestEncodingFilter(); var tnefPropertyReader = reader.TnefPropertyReader; MimePart mimePart = null; do { int outputIndex; int outputLength; switch (reader.AttributeTag) { case TnefAttributeTag.AttachData: if (mimePart != null && tnefAttachMethod == TnefAttachMethod.ByValue) { byte[] numArray = tnefPropertyReader.ReadValueAsBytes(); bestEncodingFilter.Flush(numArray, 0, numArray.Length, out outputIndex, out outputLength); mimePart.ContentTransferEncoding = bestEncodingFilter.GetBestEncoding(EncodingConstraint.SevenBit, 78); mimePart.ContentObject = new ContentObject(new MemoryStream(numArray, false), ContentEncoding.Default); bestEncodingFilter.Reset(); builder.Attachments.Add(mimePart); break; } break; case TnefAttributeTag.AttachRenderData: tnefAttachMethod = TnefAttachMethod.ByValue; mimePart = new MimePart(); break; case TnefAttributeTag.Attachment: if (mimePart != null) { while (tnefPropertyReader.ReadNextProperty()) { switch (tnefPropertyReader.PropertyTag.Id) { case TnefPropertyId.AttachData: using (var rawValueReadStream = tnefPropertyReader.GetRawValueReadStream()) { using (var memoryStream = new MemoryStream()) { byte[] buffer = new byte[16]; if (tnefAttachMethod == TnefAttachMethod.EmbeddedMessage) { TnefPart tnefPart = new TnefPart(); foreach (Parameter parameter in mimePart.ContentType.Parameters) { tnefPart.ContentType.Parameters[parameter.Name] = parameter.Value; } if (mimePart.ContentDisposition != null) { tnefPart.ContentDisposition = mimePart.ContentDisposition; } mimePart = tnefPart; } rawValueReadStream.Read(buffer, 0, 16); rawValueReadStream.CopyTo(memoryStream, 4096); byte[] input = memoryStream.ToArray(); bestEncodingFilter.Flush(input, 0, (int)memoryStream.Length, out outputIndex, out outputLength); mimePart.ContentTransferEncoding = bestEncodingFilter.GetBestEncoding(EncodingConstraint.SevenBit, 78); mimePart.ContentObject = new ContentObject(memoryStream, ContentEncoding.Default); bestEncodingFilter.Reset(); builder.Attachments.Add(mimePart); } } continue; case TnefPropertyId.AttachFilename: if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(mimePart.FileName)) { mimePart.FileName = tnefPropertyReader.ReadValueAsString(); continue; } continue; case TnefPropertyId.AttachMethod: tnefAttachMethod = (TnefAttachMethod)tnefPropertyReader.ReadValueAsInt32(); continue; case TnefPropertyId.AttachLongFilename: mimePart.FileName = tnefPropertyReader.ReadValueAsString(); continue; case TnefPropertyId.AttachMimeTag: string[] strArray = tnefPropertyReader.ReadValueAsString().Split('/'); if (strArray.Length == 2) { mimePart.ContentType.MediaType = strArray[0].Trim(); mimePart.ContentType.MediaSubtype = strArray[1].Trim(); continue; } continue; case TnefPropertyId.AttachContentBase: var uriString = tnefPropertyReader.ReadValueAsString(); mimePart.ContentBase = new Uri(uriString, UriKind.Absolute); continue; case TnefPropertyId.AttachContentId: mimePart.ContentId = tnefPropertyReader.ReadValueAsString(); continue; case TnefPropertyId.AttachContentLocation: var uriString2 = tnefPropertyReader.ReadValueAsString(); if (Uri.IsWellFormedUriString(uriString2, UriKind.Absolute)) { mimePart.ContentLocation = new Uri(uriString2, UriKind.Absolute); continue; } if (Uri.IsWellFormedUriString(uriString2, UriKind.Relative)) { mimePart.ContentLocation = new Uri(uriString2, UriKind.Relative); continue; } continue; case TnefPropertyId.AttachFlags: if ((tnefPropertyReader.ReadValueAsInt32() & 4) != 0) { if (mimePart.ContentDisposition == null) { mimePart.ContentDisposition = new ContentDisposition("inline"); continue; } mimePart.ContentDisposition.Disposition = "inline"; continue; } continue; case TnefPropertyId.AttachDisposition: var disposition = tnefPropertyReader.ReadValueAsString(); if (mimePart.ContentDisposition == null) { mimePart.ContentDisposition = new ContentDisposition(disposition); continue; } mimePart.ContentDisposition.Disposition = disposition; continue; case TnefPropertyId.AttachSize: if (mimePart.ContentDisposition == null) { mimePart.ContentDisposition = new ContentDisposition(); } mimePart.ContentDisposition.Size = new long?(tnefPropertyReader.ReadValueAsInt64()); continue; case TnefPropertyId.DisplayName: mimePart.ContentType.Name = tnefPropertyReader.ReadValueAsString(); continue; default: continue; } } break; } break; case TnefAttributeTag.AttachTitle: var name = tnefPropertyReader.ReadValueAsString(); if (mimePart != null && String.IsNullOrEmpty(mimePart.FileName)) { mimePart.FileName = name; break; } break; case TnefAttributeTag.AttachCreateDate: var creationDateTime = tnefPropertyReader.ReadValueAsDateTime(); if (mimePart != null) { if (mimePart.ContentDisposition == null) { mimePart.ContentDisposition = new ContentDisposition(); } mimePart.ContentDisposition.CreationDate = new DateTimeOffset(creationDateTime); break; } break; case TnefAttributeTag.AttachModifyDate: var modifyDateTime = tnefPropertyReader.ReadValueAsDateTime(); if (mimePart != null) { if (mimePart.ContentDisposition == null) { mimePart.ContentDisposition = new ContentDisposition(); } mimePart.ContentDisposition.ModificationDate = new DateTimeOffset(modifyDateTime); break; } break; } } while (reader.ReadNextAttribute()); }
public void TestMimePartContentObject () { byte[] data = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes ("abcd"); // Checksum will be wrong if content is encoded in any way. string checksum; using (var md5 = MD5.Create ()) checksum = Convert.ToBase64String (md5.ComputeHash (data)); var msg = new MimePart ("application", "octet-stream", new ContentObject (new MemoryStream (data), ContentEncoding.Binary) ); Assert.AreEqual (checksum, msg.ComputeContentMd5 (), "Content MD5 is wrong"); Assert.AreEqual (ContentEncoding.Binary, msg.ContentObject.Encoding, "ContentEncoding is wrong"); }
static MimePart GetMimePart (AttachmentBase item) { var mimeType = item.ContentType.ToString (); var contentType = ContentType.Parse (mimeType); var attachment = item as Attachment; MimePart part; if (contentType.MediaType.Equals ("text", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) part = new TextPart (contentType); else part = new MimePart (contentType); if (attachment != null) { var disposition = attachment.ContentDisposition.ToString (); part.ContentDisposition = ContentDisposition.Parse (disposition); } switch (item.TransferEncoding) { case System.Net.Mime.TransferEncoding.QuotedPrintable: part.ContentTransferEncoding = ContentEncoding.QuotedPrintable; break; case System.Net.Mime.TransferEncoding.Base64: part.ContentTransferEncoding = ContentEncoding.Base64; break; case System.Net.Mime.TransferEncoding.SevenBit: part.ContentTransferEncoding = ContentEncoding.SevenBit; break; //case System.Net.Mime.TransferEncoding.EightBit: // part.ContentTransferEncoding = ContentEncoding.EightBit; // break; } if (item.ContentId != null) part.ContentId = item.ContentId; var stream = new MemoryBlockStream (); item.ContentStream.CopyTo (stream); stream.Position = 0; part.ContentObject = new ContentObject (stream); return part; }
protected override void VisitMimePart (MimePart entity) { switch (entity.ContentTransferEncoding) { case ContentEncoding.EightBit: // if the server supports the 8BITMIME extension, use it... if ((Capabilities & SmtpCapabilities.EightBitMime) != 0) { SmtpExtensions |= SmtpExtension.EightBitMime; } else { SmtpExtensions |= SmtpExtension.BinaryMime; } break; case ContentEncoding.Binary: SmtpExtensions |= SmtpExtension.BinaryMime; break; } }
public void TestContentMd5 () { var part = new MimePart (); Assert.IsNull (part.ContentMd5, "Initial ContentMd5 value should be null"); part.ContentMd5 = "XYZ"; Assert.AreEqual ("XYZ", part.ContentMd5, "Expected ContentMd5 to be updated"); Assert.IsTrue (part.Headers.Contains (HeaderId.ContentMd5), "Expected header to exist"); part.ContentMd5 = null; Assert.IsNull (part.ContentMd5, "Expected ContentMd5 to be null again"); Assert.IsFalse (part.Headers.Contains (HeaderId.ContentMd5), "Expected header to be removed"); part.Headers.Add (HeaderId.ContentMd5, "XYZ"); Assert.AreEqual ("XYZ", part.ContentMd5, "Expected ContentMd5 to be set again"); part.Headers.Remove (HeaderId.ContentMd5); Assert.IsNull (part.ContentMd5, "Expected ContentMd5 to be null again"); part.ContentMd5 = "XYZ"; part.Headers.Clear (); Assert.IsNull (part.ContentMd5, "Expected ContentMd5 to be null again"); Assert.Throws<InvalidOperationException> (() => part.ComputeContentMd5 ()); Assert.IsFalse (part.VerifyContentMd5 ()); }
string SaveImage(MimePart image, string url) { string fileName = url.Replace(':', '_').Replace('\\', '_').Replace('/', '_'); // try to add a file extension for niceness switch (image.ContentType.MimeType.ToLowerInvariant()) { case "image/jpeg": fileName += ".jpg"; break; case "image/png": fileName += ".png"; break; case "image/gif": fileName += ".gif"; break; } string path = Path.Combine(_tempDir, fileName); if (!File.Exists(path)) { using (var output = File.Create(path)) image.ContentObject.DecodeTo(output); } return "file://" + path.Replace('\\', '/'); }
public void TestContentDisposition () { var part = new MimePart (); Assert.IsNull (part.ContentDisposition, "Initial ContentDisposition should be null"); part.ContentDisposition = new ContentDisposition (ContentDisposition.Attachment); Assert.IsNotNull (part.ContentDisposition, "Expected ContentDisposition to be set"); Assert.IsTrue (part.Headers.Contains (HeaderId.ContentDisposition), "Expected header to exist"); part.ContentDisposition = null; Assert.IsNull (part.ContentDisposition, "Expected ContentDisposition to be null again"); Assert.IsFalse (part.Headers.Contains (HeaderId.ContentDisposition), "Expected header to be removed"); part.Headers.Add (HeaderId.ContentDisposition, "attachment"); Assert.IsNotNull (part.ContentDisposition, "Expected ContentDisposition to be set again"); part.Headers.Remove (HeaderId.ContentDisposition); Assert.IsNull (part.ContentBase, "Expected ContentDisposition to be null again"); part.ContentDisposition = new ContentDisposition (); part.FileName = "fileName"; part.Headers.Clear (); Assert.IsNull (part.ContentBase, "Expected ContentDisposition to be null again"); }
static string GetImageData (MimePart image) { // using (var memory = new MemoryStream ()) { // image.ContentObject.DecodeTo (memory); // // var buffer = memory.GetBuffer (); // int length = (int) memory.Length; // // return string.Format ("data:{0};base64,{1}", image.ContentType.MimeType, // Convert.ToBase64String (buffer, 0, length, Base64FormattingOptions.None)); // } return string.Format ("data:{0};base64,[base64 data for {1}]", image.ContentType.MimeType, image.ContentId); }
public void Add(MimePart MP) { attachmentList.Add(MP); }
ContentEncoding GetFinalEncoding(MimePart part) { if ((capabilities & SmtpCapabilities.BinaryMime) != 0) { // no need to re-encode... return part.ContentTransferEncoding; } if ((capabilities & SmtpCapabilities.EightBitMime) != 0) { switch (part.ContentTransferEncoding) { case ContentEncoding.Default: case ContentEncoding.Binary: break; default: // all other Content-Transfer-Encodings are safe to transmit... return part.ContentTransferEncoding; } } switch (part.ContentTransferEncoding) { case ContentEncoding.EightBit: case ContentEncoding.Default: case ContentEncoding.Binary: break; default: // all other Content-Transfer-Encodings are safe to transmit... return part.ContentTransferEncoding; } ContentEncoding encoding; if ((capabilities & SmtpCapabilities.BinaryMime) != 0) encoding = part.GetBestEncoding (EncodingConstraint.None); else if ((capabilities & SmtpCapabilities.EightBitMime) != 0) encoding = part.GetBestEncoding (EncodingConstraint.EightBit); else encoding = part.GetBestEncoding (EncodingConstraint.SevenBit); if (encoding == ContentEncoding.SevenBit) return encoding; part.ContentTransferEncoding = encoding; return encoding; }
unsafe BoundaryType ConstructMimePart(MimePart part, byte* inbuf) { BoundaryType found; Stream content; if (persistent) { long begin = GetOffset (inputIndex); long end; using (var measured = new MeasuringStream ()) { found = ScanContent (inbuf, measured, true); end = begin + measured.Length; } content = new BoundStream (stream, begin, end, true); } else { content = new MemoryBlockStream (); found = ScanContent (inbuf, content, true); content.Seek (0, SeekOrigin.Begin); } part.ContentObject = new ContentObject (content, part.ContentTransferEncoding); return found; }
/// <summary> /// Visit the abstract MIME part entity. /// </summary> /// <remarks> /// Visits the MIME part entity. /// </remarks> /// <example> /// <code language="c#" source="Examples\MimeVisitorExamples.cs" region="HtmlPreviewVisitor" /> /// </example> /// <param name="entity">The MIME part entity.</param> protected internal virtual void VisitMimePart(MimePart entity) { VisitMimeEntity(entity); }
private bool StoreEntities(OutgoingEmail email, List<string> attachmentList) { foreach (string iter in attachmentList) { FileStream stream = File.OpenRead(iter); if (!stream.CanRead) { return false; } string mimeType = MimeTypes.GetMimeType(iter); ContentType fileType = ContentType.Parse(mimeType); MimePart attachment; if (fileType.IsMimeType("text", "*")) { attachment = new TextPart(fileType.MediaSubtype); foreach (var param in fileType.Parameters) attachment.ContentType.Parameters.Add(param); } else { attachment = new MimePart(fileType); } attachment.FileName = Path.GetFileName(iter); attachment.IsAttachment = true; MemoryBlockStream memoryBlockStream = new MemoryBlockStream(); BestEncodingFilter encodingFilter = new BestEncodingFilter(); byte[] fileBuffer = new byte[4096]; int index, length, bytesRead; while ((bytesRead = stream.Read(fileBuffer, 0, fileBuffer.Length)) > 0) { encodingFilter.Filter(fileBuffer, 0, bytesRead, out index, out length); memoryBlockStream.Write(fileBuffer, 0, bytesRead); } encodingFilter.Flush(fileBuffer, 0, 0, out index, out length); memoryBlockStream.Position = 0; attachment.ContentTransferEncoding = encodingFilter.GetBestEncoding(EncodingConstraint.SevenBit); attachment.ContentObject = new ContentObject(memoryBlockStream); if (attachment != null) email.AttachmentList.Add(attachment); } return true; }