void Start() { if (midiStreamPlayer != null) { if (!midiStreamPlayer.OnEventSynthStarted.HasEvent()) { midiStreamPlayer.OnEventSynthStarted.AddListener(StartLoadingSynth); } if (!midiStreamPlayer.OnEventSynthStarted.HasEvent()) { midiStreamPlayer.OnEventSynthStarted.AddListener(EndLoadingSynth); } } else { Debug.LogWarning("No Stream Midi Player associed to this game object"); } LastTimeChange = Time.realtimeSinceStartup; ///midiStreamPlayer.MPTK_Play(new MPTKEvent() { Command = MPTKCommand.PatchChange, Patch = CurrentPatchInstrument, Channel = StreamChannel, }); PanChange = 64; LastTimeChange = -9999999f; PopBankInstrument = new PopupListItem() { Title = "Select A Bank", OnSelect = BankPatchChanged, Tag = "BANK_INST", ColCount = 5, ColWidth = 150, }; PopPatchInstrument = new PopupListItem() { Title = "Select A Patch", OnSelect = BankPatchChanged, Tag = "PATCH_INST", ColCount = 5, ColWidth = 150, }; PopBankDrum = new PopupListItem() { Title = "Select A Bank", OnSelect = BankPatchChanged, Tag = "BANK_DRUM", ColCount = 5, ColWidth = 150, }; PopPatchDrum = new PopupListItem() { Title = "Select A Patch", OnSelect = BankPatchChanged, Tag = "PATCH_DRUM", ColCount = 5, ColWidth = 150, }; for (i = 0; i < 128; i++) { curNote[i] = false; pressed[i] = false; played[i] = false; playedPressed[i] = false; } totalSensorNum = 24; for (i = 0; i <= totalSensorNum; i++) { numSensorArray[i] = 0; } SetSensorNum(); sensorPerStr = totalSensorNum / hwStrNum; // sensorPerStr = 4; // Debug.Log(sensorPerStr); }
private void Start() { PopMidi = new PopupListItem() { Title = "Select A Midi File", OnSelect = MidiChanged, Tag = "NEWMIDI", ColCount = 3, ColWidth = 250, }; MidiChanged(null, MidiIndex); }
static public void Display(Vector2 scrollerWindow, CustomStyle myStyle) { SoundFonts = new List <MPTKListItem>(); foreach (string name in MidiPlayerGlobal.MPTK_ListSoundFont) { if (name == MidiPlayerGlobal.CurrentMidiSet.ActiveSounFontInfo.Name) { selectedSf = SoundFonts.Count; } SoundFonts.Add(new MPTKListItem() { Index = SoundFonts.Count, Label = name }); } if (PopSoundFont == null) { PopSoundFont = new PopupListItem() { Title = "Select A SoundFont", OnSelect = SoundFontChanged, ColCount = 1, ColWidth = 500, } } ; if (SoundFonts != null) { PopSoundFont.Draw(SoundFonts, selectedSf, myStyle); GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(myStyle.BacgDemos); if (buttonIconNote == null) { buttonIconNote = Resources.Load <Texture2D>("Textures/Note"); } if (GUILayout.Button(new GUIContent(buttonIconNote, "Select A SoundFont"), GUILayout.Width(48), GUILayout.Height(48))) { PopSoundFont.Show = !PopSoundFont.Show; } GUILayout.Space(20); GUILayout.Label("Current SoundFont: " + MidiPlayerGlobal.CurrentMidiSet.ActiveSounFontInfo.Name, myStyle.TitleLabel2, GUILayout.Height(48)); GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); PopSoundFont.Position(ref scrollerWindow); } else { GUILayout.Label("No Soundfont found"); } } }
private void Start() { if (MidiLoader == null) { Debug.LogError("TestMidiFileLoad: there is no MidiFileLoader Prefab set in Inspector."); } PopMidi = new PopupListItem() { Title = "Select A Midi File", OnSelect = MidiChanged, Tag = "NEWMIDI", ColCount = 3, ColWidth = 250, }; MidiChanged(null, MidiIndex); }
// Use this for initialization void Start() { if (midiStreamPlayer != null) { if (!midiStreamPlayer.OnEventSynthStarted.HasEvent()) { midiStreamPlayer.OnEventSynthStarted.AddListener(StartLoadingSynth); } if (!midiStreamPlayer.OnEventSynthStarted.HasEvent()) { midiStreamPlayer.OnEventSynthStarted.AddListener(EndLoadingSynth); } } else { Debug.LogWarning("No Stream Midi Player associed to this game object"); } //Debug.Log(MPTKChordLib.ChordCount); PopBankInstrument = new PopupListItem() { Title = "Select A Bank", OnSelect = BankPatchChanged, Tag = "BANK_INST", ColCount = 5, ColWidth = 150, }; PopPatchInstrument = new PopupListItem() { Title = "Select A Patch", OnSelect = BankPatchChanged, Tag = "PATCH_INST", ColCount = 5, ColWidth = 150, }; PopBankDrum = new PopupListItem() { Title = "Select A Bank", OnSelect = BankPatchChanged, Tag = "BANK_DRUM", ColCount = 5, ColWidth = 150, }; PopPatchDrum = new PopupListItem() { Title = "Select A Patch", OnSelect = BankPatchChanged, Tag = "PATCH_DRUM", ColCount = 5, ColWidth = 150, }; LastTimeChange = Time.realtimeSinceStartup; ///midiStreamPlayer.MPTK_Play(new MPTKEvent() { Command = MPTKCommand.PatchChange, Patch = CurrentPatchInstrument, Channel = StreamChannel, }); CurrentNote = StartNote; PanChange = 64; LastTimeChange = -9999999f; PitchChange = DEFAULT_PITCH; CountNoteToPlay = 1; }
private void Start() { if (!HelperDemo.CheckSFExists()) { return; } // Warning: when defined by script, this event is not triggered at first load of MPTK // because MidiPlayerGlobal is loaded before any other gamecomponent if (!MidiPlayerGlobal.OnEventPresetLoaded.HasEvent()) { // To be done in Start event (not Awake) MidiPlayerGlobal.OnEventPresetLoaded.AddListener(EndLoadingSF); } PopMidi = new PopupListItem() { Title = "Select A Midi File", OnSelect = MidiChanged, Tag = "NEWMIDI", ColCount = 3, ColWidth = 250, }; if (midiFilePlayer == null) { Debug.Log("No MidiFilePLayer defined with the editor inspector, try to find one"); MidiFilePlayer fp = FindObjectOfType <MidiFilePlayer>(); if (fp == null) { Debug.Log("Can't find a MidiFilePLayer in the Hierarchy. No music will be played"); } else { midiFilePlayer = fp; } } if (midiFilePlayer != null) { // There is two methods to trigger event: // 1) in inpector from the Unity editor // 2) by script, see below // ------------------------------------------ SetStartEvent(); // Event trigger when midi file end playing if (!midiFilePlayer.OnEventEndPlayMidi.HasEvent()) { // Set event by script Debug.Log("OnEventEndPlayMidi defined by script"); midiFilePlayer.OnEventEndPlayMidi.AddListener(EndPlay); } else { Debug.Log("OnEventEndPlayMidi defined by Unity editor"); } // Event trigger for each group of notes read from midi file if (!midiFilePlayer.OnEventNotesMidi.HasEvent()) { // Set event by scripit Debug.Log("OnEventNotesMidi defined by script"); midiFilePlayer.OnEventNotesMidi.AddListener(MidiReadEvents); } else { Debug.Log("OnEventNotesMidi defined by Unity editor"); } InitPlay(); } }
static public void Display(Vector2 scrollerWindow, CustomStyle myStyle) { SoundFonts = new List <MPTKListItem>(); foreach (string name in MidiPlayerGlobal.MPTK_ListSoundFont) { if (MidiPlayerGlobal.CurrentMidiSet != null && MidiPlayerGlobal.CurrentMidiSet.ActiveSounFontInfo != null && name == MidiPlayerGlobal.CurrentMidiSet.ActiveSounFontInfo.Name) { selectedSf = SoundFonts.Count; } SoundFonts.Add(new MPTKListItem() { Index = SoundFonts.Count, Label = name }); } if (PopSoundFont == null) { PopSoundFont = new PopupListItem() { Title = "Select A SoundFont", OnSelect = SoundFontChanged, ColCount = 1, ColWidth = 500, } } ; if (SoundFonts != null) { PopSoundFont.Draw(SoundFonts, selectedSf, myStyle); GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(myStyle.BacgDemos); if (buttonIconNote == null) { buttonIconNote = Resources.Load <Texture2D>("Textures/Note"); } if (GUILayout.Button(new GUIContent(buttonIconNote, "Select A SoundFont"), GUILayout.Width(60), GUILayout.Height(60))) { PopSoundFont.Show = !PopSoundFont.Show; } GUILayout.Space(20); if (MidiPlayerGlobal.ImSFCurrent != null) { if (MidiPlayerGlobal.ImSFCurrent.LiveSF) { GUILayout.Label("Live SoundFont: " + MidiPlayerGlobal.ImSFCurrent.SoundFontName, myStyle.TitleLabel2, GUILayout.Height(60)); } else { GUILayout.Label("Current SoundFont: " + MidiPlayerGlobal.CurrentMidiSet.ActiveSounFontInfo.Name, myStyle.TitleLabel2, GUILayout.Height(60)); } GUILayout.Label(string.Format("Load Time:{0} s Samples:{1} s Count Presets:{2} Samples:{3}", Math.Round(MidiPlayerGlobal.MPTK_TimeToLoadSoundFont.TotalSeconds, 3), Math.Round(MidiPlayerGlobal.MPTK_TimeToLoadWave.TotalSeconds, 3), MidiPlayerGlobal.MPTK_CountPresetLoaded, MidiPlayerGlobal.MPTK_CountWaveLoaded), myStyle.TitleLabel2, GUILayout.Height(60)); } else { GUILayout.Label("No SoundFont loaded", myStyle.TitleLabel2, GUILayout.Height(60)); } GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); PopSoundFont.Position(ref scrollerWindow); } else { GUILayout.Label("No SoundFont found"); } } }
void Start() { if (midiStreamPlayer != null) { if (!midiStreamPlayer.OnEventSynthStarted.HasEvent()) { midiStreamPlayer.OnEventSynthStarted.AddListener(StartLoadingSynth); } if (!midiStreamPlayer.OnEventSynthStarted.HasEvent()) { midiStreamPlayer.OnEventSynthStarted.AddListener(EndLoadingSynth); } } else { Debug.LogWarning("No Stream Midi Player associed to this game object"); } LastTimeChange = Time.realtimeSinceStartup; ///midiStreamPlayer.MPTK_Play(new MPTKEvent() { Command = MPTKCommand.PatchChange, Patch = CurrentPatchInstrument, Channel = StreamChannel, }); PanChange = 64; LastTimeChange = -9999999f; PopBankInstrument = new PopupListItem() { Title = "Select A Bank", OnSelect = BankPatchChanged, Tag = "BANK_INST", ColCount = 5, ColWidth = 150, }; PopPatchInstrument = new PopupListItem() { Title = "Select A Patch", OnSelect = BankPatchChanged, Tag = "PATCH_INST", ColCount = 5, ColWidth = 150, }; PopBankDrum = new PopupListItem() { Title = "Select A Bank", OnSelect = BankPatchChanged, Tag = "BANK_DRUM", ColCount = 5, ColWidth = 150, }; PopPatchDrum = new PopupListItem() { Title = "Select A Patch", OnSelect = BankPatchChanged, Tag = "PATCH_DRUM", ColCount = 5, ColWidth = 150, }; for (i = 0; i < 128; i++) { curNote[i] = false; pressed[i] = false; } if (SceneManager.GetActiveScene().name == "3-1 Pn_FreeMode" || SceneManager.GetActiveScene().name == "3-2 pn_PracMode") { minOctave = 5; } minNote = (minOctave) * 12; //totalSensorNum = sp.ReadLine().ToCharArray().Length; totalSensorNum = 18; Debug.Log("total num " + totalSensorNum + " with minNote " + minNote); for (i = 0; i <= totalSensorNum; i++) { numSensorArray[i] = 0; } SetSensorNum(); }