        private void OnHostPick()
            if (state != 1)

            // Host cannot pick the user pick, or the car position
            int hc = rnd.Next(3);

            while (hc == p.ObservedValue || hc == actualCarPosition)
                hc = rnd.Next(3);

            doAnimation("opendoor" + (hc + 1));
            doAnimation("showgoatg" + (hc + 1));

            h.ObservedValue = hc;
            hostIsObserved.ObservedValue = true;
            cProbs = getProbs(c);

            string fmtStr = "{0:0.0000}";

            Lbl1.Content = String.Format(fmtStr, cProbs[0]);
            Lbl2.Content = String.Format(fmtStr, cProbs[1]);
            Lbl3.Content = String.Format(fmtStr, cProbs[2]);
            label1.Content     = "P ( Car Inside )";
            button2.Visibility = Visibility.Hidden;
            state = 2;
 private void UpdateDoors(MicrosoftResearch.Infer.Maths.Vector cProbs)
     for (int a = 0; a < 3; a++)
         if (cProbs[a] == 1)
             doAnimation("showcarg" + (a + 1)); doAnimation("opendoor" + (a + 1));
        private void BeforeHostPick()
            hostIsObserved.ObservedValue = false;
            MicrosoftResearch.Infer.Maths.Vector cProbs = getProbs(c);
            MicrosoftResearch.Infer.Maths.Vector hProbs = getProbs(h);
            string fmtStr = "{0:0.0000}\n{1:0.0000}";

            Lbl1.Content = String.Format(fmtStr, cProbs[0], hProbs[0]);
            Lbl2.Content = String.Format(fmtStr, cProbs[1], hProbs[1]);
            Lbl3.Content = String.Format(fmtStr, cProbs[2], hProbs[2]);
            state = 1;
        public GaussianMixtureSurrogated(Mixture <VectorGaussian> mixture)
            this.weights = new List <double>(mixture.Weights);

            this.means     = new List <double[]>();
            this.variances = new List <double[][]>();
            for (int i = 0; i < mixture.Components.Count; ++i)
                MicrosoftResearch.Infer.Maths.Vector mean = mixture.Components[i].GetMean();
                PositiveDefiniteMatrix variance           = mixture.Components[i].GetVariance();

        public static double LogProb(this Mixture <VectorGaussian> mixture, MicrosoftResearch.Infer.Maths.Vector what)
            double sum = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < mixture.Components.Count; ++i)
                MicrosoftResearch.Infer.Maths.Vector mean = mixture.Components[i].GetMean();
                MicrosoftResearch.Infer.Maths.Vector diff = what - mean;
                PositiveDefiniteMatrix precision          = mixture.Components[i].Precision;

                double prob =
                    Math.Exp(-0.5 * precision.QuadraticForm(diff, diff)) * Math.Sqrt(precision.Determinant()) / Math.Pow(2 * Math.PI, what.Count * 0.5);

                sum += mixture.Weights[i] * prob;
            sum /= mixture.WeightSum();
        private static void GenerateRandomMixtureComponent(
            MicrosoftResearch.Infer.Maths.Vector min, MicrosoftResearch.Infer.Maths.Vector max, out MicrosoftResearch.Infer.Maths.Vector mean, out PositiveDefiniteMatrix covariance)
            Debug.Assert(min != null && max != null);
            Debug.Assert(min.Count == max.Count);

            MicrosoftResearch.Infer.Maths.Vector diff = max - min;

            mean = MicrosoftResearch.Infer.Maths.Vector.Zero(min.Count);
            for (int i = 0; i < min.Count; ++i)
                mean[i] = min[i] + diff[i] * Random.Double();

            covariance = PositiveDefiniteMatrix.IdentityScaledBy(
                MicrosoftResearch.Infer.Maths.Vector.InnerProduct(diff, diff) / 16);
        public static Mixture <VectorGaussian> Fit(MicrosoftResearch.Infer.Maths.Vector[] data, int componentCount, int retryCount, double tolerance = 1e-4)
            Debug.Assert(data != null);
            Debug.Assert(data.Length > componentCount * 3);
            Debug.Assert(componentCount > 1);
            Debug.Assert(retryCount >= 0);

            int dimensions = data[0].Count;

            // Find point boundary
            MicrosoftResearch.Infer.Maths.Vector min = data[0].Clone();
            MicrosoftResearch.Infer.Maths.Vector max = min.Clone();
            for (int i = 1; i < data.Length; ++i)
                Debug.Assert(dimensions == data[i].Count);
                for (int j = 0; j < dimensions; ++j)
                    min[j] = Math.Min(min[j], data[i][j]);
                    max[j] = Math.Max(max[j], data[i][j]);

            // Initialize solution
            MicrosoftResearch.Infer.Maths.Vector[] means = new MicrosoftResearch.Infer.Maths.Vector[componentCount];
            PositiveDefiniteMatrix[] covariances         = new PositiveDefiniteMatrix[componentCount];
            for (int i = 0; i < componentCount; ++i)
                GenerateRandomMixtureComponent(min, max, out means[i], out covariances[i]);
            double[] weights = Enumerable.Repeat(1.0 / componentCount, componentCount).ToArray();

            // EM algorithm for GMM
            double[,] expectations = new double[data.Length, componentCount];
            double       lastEstimate;
            const double negativeInfinity = -1e+20;
            bool         convergenceDetected;
            double       currentEstimate = negativeInfinity;

                lastEstimate        = currentEstimate;
                convergenceDetected = false;

                // E-step: estimate expectations on hidden variables
                for (int i = 0; i < data.Length; ++i)
                    double sum = 0;
                    for (int j = 0; j < componentCount; ++j)
                        expectations[i, j] =
                            Math.Exp(VectorGaussian.GetLogProb(data[i], means[j], covariances[j])) * weights[j];
                        sum += expectations[i, j];
                    for (int j = 0; j < componentCount; ++j)
                        expectations[i, j] /= sum;

                // M-step:

                // Re-estimate means
                for (int j = 0; j < componentCount; ++j)
                    means[j] = MicrosoftResearch.Infer.Maths.Vector.Zero(dimensions);
                    double sum = 0;
                    for (int i = 0; i < data.Length; ++i)
                        means[j] += data[i] * expectations[i, j];
                        sum      += expectations[i, j];
                    means[j] *= 1.0 / sum;

                // Re-estimate covariances
                for (int j = 0; j < componentCount; ++j)
                    Matrix covariance = new Matrix(dimensions, dimensions);
                    double sum        = 0;
                    for (int i = 0; i < data.Length; ++i)
                        MicrosoftResearch.Infer.Maths.Vector dataDiff = data[i] - means[j];
                        covariance += dataDiff.Outer(dataDiff) * expectations[i, j];
                        sum        += expectations[i, j];
                    covariance    *= 1.0 / sum;
                    covariances[j] = new PositiveDefiniteMatrix(covariance);

                    if (covariances[j].LogDeterminant() < -30)
                        DebugConfiguration.WriteDebugText("Convergence detected for component {0}", j);
                        if (retryCount == 0)
                            throw new InvalidOperationException("Can't fit GMM. Retry number exceeded.");

                        retryCount -= 1;
                        GenerateRandomMixtureComponent(min, max, out means[j], out covariances[j]);
                        DebugConfiguration.WriteDebugText("Component {0} regenerated", j);

                        convergenceDetected = true;

                if (convergenceDetected)
                    currentEstimate = negativeInfinity;

                // Re-estimate weights
                double expectationSum = 0;
                for (int j = 0; j < componentCount; ++j)
                    weights[j] = 0;
                    for (int i = 0; i < data.Length; ++i)
                        weights[j]     += expectations[i, j];
                        expectationSum += expectations[i, j];
                for (int j = 0; j < componentCount; ++j)
                    weights[j] /= expectationSum;

                // Compute likelihood estimate
                currentEstimate = 0;
                for (int i = 0; i < data.Length; ++i)
                    for (int j = 0; j < componentCount; ++j)
                        currentEstimate +=
                            expectations[i, j] * (VectorGaussian.GetLogProb(data[i], means[j], covariances[j]) + Math.Log(weights[j]));

                DebugConfiguration.WriteDebugText("L={0:0.000000}", currentEstimate);
            } while (convergenceDetected || (currentEstimate - lastEstimate > tolerance));

            Mixture <VectorGaussian> result = new Mixture <VectorGaussian>();

            for (int j = 0; j < componentCount; ++j)
                result.Add(VectorGaussian.FromMeanAndVariance(means[j], covariances[j]), weights[j]);

            DebugConfiguration.WriteDebugText("GMM successfully fitted.");

		private void OnHostPick()
			if (state != 1)

			// Host cannot pick the user pick, or the car position
			int hc = rnd.Next(3);
			while (hc == p.ObservedValue || hc == actualCarPosition) hc = rnd.Next(3);

			doAnimation("opendoor" + (hc + 1));
			doAnimation("showgoatg" + (hc + 1));

			h.ObservedValue = hc;
			hostIsObserved.ObservedValue = true;
			cProbs = getProbs(c);

			string fmtStr = "{0:0.0000}";
			Lbl1.Content = String.Format(fmtStr, cProbs[0]);
			Lbl2.Content = String.Format(fmtStr, cProbs[1]);
			Lbl3.Content = String.Format(fmtStr, cProbs[2]);
			label1.Content = "P ( Car Inside )";
			button2.Visibility = Visibility.Hidden;
			state = 2;