static void Main(string[] args) { if (args.Length == 0 || args[0] == "/?" || args[0].ToLower() == "help") { DisplayHelp(); return; } // These command line parameters are reused over several command line modes... StringParameter trainingDataPath = new StringParameter("path", "Path of file containing training data."); NaturalParameter T = new NaturalParameter("t", "No. of trees in the forest (default = {0}).", 10); NaturalParameter D = new NaturalParameter("d", "Maximum tree levels (default = {0}).", 10, 20); NaturalParameter F = new NaturalParameter("f", "No. of candidate feature responses per decision node (default = {0}).", 10); NaturalParameter L = new NaturalParameter("l", "No. of candidate thresholds per feature response (default = {0}).", 1); SingleParameter a = new SingleParameter("a", "The number of 'effective' prior observations (default = {0}).", true, false, 10.0f); SingleParameter b = new SingleParameter("b", "The variance of the effective observations (default = {0}).", true, true, 400.0f); SimpleSwitchParameter verboseSwitch = new SimpleSwitchParameter("Enables verbose progress indication."); SingleParameter plotPaddingX = new SingleParameter("padx", "Pad plot horizontally (default = {0}).", true, false, 0.1f); SingleParameter plotPaddingY = new SingleParameter("pady", "Pad plot vertically (default = {0}).", true, false, 0.1f); EnumParameter split = new EnumParameter( "s", "Specify what kind of split function to use (default = {0}).", new string[] { "axis", "linear" }, new string[] { "axis-aligned split", "linear split" }, "axis"); // Behaviour depends on command line mode... string mode = args[0].ToLower(); // first argument defines the command line mode if (mode == "clas" || mode == "class") { #region Supervised classification CommandLineParser parser = new CommandLineParser(); parser.Command = "SW " + mode.ToUpper(); parser.AddArgument(trainingDataPath); parser.AddSwitch("T", T); parser.AddSwitch("D", D); parser.AddSwitch("F", F); parser.AddSwitch("L", L); parser.AddSwitch("SPLIT", split); parser.AddSwitch("PADX", plotPaddingX); parser.AddSwitch("PADY", plotPaddingY); parser.AddSwitch("VERBOSE", verboseSwitch); // Default values up above should be fine here. if (args.Length == 1) { parser.PrintHelp(); DisplayTextFiles(CLAS_DATA_PATH); return; } if (parser.Parse(args, 1) == false) { return; } TrainingParameters trainingParameters = new TrainingParameters() { MaxDecisionLevels = D.Value - 1, NumberOfCandidateFeatures = F.Value, NumberOfCandidateThresholdsPerFeature = L.Value, NumberOfTrees = T.Value, Verbose = verboseSwitch.Used }; PointF plotDilation = new PointF(plotPaddingX.Value, plotPaddingY.Value); DataPointCollection trainingData = LoadTrainingData( trainingDataPath.Value, CLAS_DATA_PATH, 2, DataDescriptor.HasClassLabels); if (split.Value == "linear") { Forest <LinearFeatureResponse2d, HistogramAggregator> forest = ClassificationExample.Train( trainingData, new LinearFeatureFactory(), trainingParameters); using (Bitmap result = ClassificationExample.Visualize(forest, trainingData, new Size(300, 300), plotDilation)) { ShowVisualizationImage(result); } } else if (split.Value == "axis") { Forest <AxisAlignedFeatureResponse, HistogramAggregator> forest = ClassificationExample.Train( trainingData, new AxisAlignedFeatureFactory(), trainingParameters); using (Bitmap result = ClassificationExample.Visualize(forest, trainingData, new Size(300, 300), plotDilation)) { ShowVisualizationImage(result); } } #endregion } else if (mode == "density") { #region Density Estimation CommandLineParser parser = new CommandLineParser(); parser.Command = "SW " + mode.ToUpper(); parser.AddArgument(trainingDataPath); parser.AddSwitch("T", T); parser.AddSwitch("D", D); parser.AddSwitch("F", F); parser.AddSwitch("L", L); // For density estimation (and semi-supervised learning) we add // a command line option to set the hyperparameters of the prior. parser.AddSwitch("a", a); parser.AddSwitch("b", b); parser.AddSwitch("PADX", plotPaddingX); parser.AddSwitch("PADY", plotPaddingY); parser.AddSwitch("VERBOSE", verboseSwitch); // Override default values for command line options. T.Value = 1; D.Value = 3; F.Value = 5; L.Value = 1; a.Value = 0; b.Value = 900; if (args.Length == 1) { parser.PrintHelp(); DisplayTextFiles(DENSITY_DATA_PATH); return; } if (parser.Parse(args, 1) == false) { return; } TrainingParameters parameters = new TrainingParameters() { MaxDecisionLevels = D.Value - 1, NumberOfCandidateFeatures = F.Value, NumberOfCandidateThresholdsPerFeature = L.Value, NumberOfTrees = T.Value, Verbose = verboseSwitch.Used }; DataPointCollection trainingData = LoadTrainingData( trainingDataPath.Value, DENSITY_DATA_PATH, 2, DataDescriptor.Unadorned); Forest <AxisAlignedFeatureResponse, GaussianAggregator2d> forest = DensityEstimationExample.Train(trainingData, parameters, a.Value, b.Value); PointF plotDilation = new PointF(plotPaddingX.Value, plotPaddingY.Value); using (Bitmap result = DensityEstimationExample.Visualize(forest, trainingData, new Size(300, 300), plotDilation)) { ShowVisualizationImage(result); } #endregion } else if (mode == "ssclas" || mode == "ssclas") { #region Semi-supervised classification CommandLineParser parser = new CommandLineParser(); parser.Command = "SW " + mode.ToUpper(); parser.AddArgument(trainingDataPath); parser.AddSwitch("T", T); parser.AddSwitch("D", D); parser.AddSwitch("F", F); parser.AddSwitch("L", L); parser.AddSwitch("split", split); parser.AddSwitch("a", a); parser.AddSwitch("b", b); EnumParameter plotMode = new EnumParameter( "plot", "Determines what to plot", new string[] { "density", "labels" }, new string[] { "plot recovered density estimate", "plot class likelihood" }, "labels"); parser.AddSwitch("plot", plotMode); parser.AddSwitch("PADX", plotPaddingX); parser.AddSwitch("PADY", plotPaddingY); parser.AddSwitch("VERBOSE", verboseSwitch); // Override default values for command line options. T.Value = 10; D.Value = 12 - 1; F.Value = 30; L.Value = 1; if (args.Length == 1) { parser.PrintHelp(); DisplayTextFiles(SSCLAS_DATA_PATH); return; } if (parser.Parse(args, 1) == false) { return; } DataPointCollection trainingData = LoadTrainingData( trainingDataPath.Value, SSCLAS_DATA_PATH, 2, DataDescriptor.HasClassLabels); TrainingParameters parameters = new TrainingParameters() { MaxDecisionLevels = D.Value - 1, NumberOfCandidateFeatures = F.Value, NumberOfCandidateThresholdsPerFeature = L.Value, NumberOfTrees = T.Value, Verbose = verboseSwitch.Used }; Forest <LinearFeatureResponse2d, SemiSupervisedClassificationStatisticsAggregator> forest = SemiSupervisedClassificationExample.Train( trainingData, parameters, a.Value, b.Value); PointF plotPadding = new PointF(plotPaddingX.Value, plotPaddingY.Value); if (plotMode.Value == "labels") { using (Bitmap result = SemiSupervisedClassificationExample.VisualizeLabels(forest, trainingData, new Size(300, 300), plotPadding)) { ShowVisualizationImage(result); } } else if (plotMode.Value == "density") { using (Bitmap result = SemiSupervisedClassificationExample.VisualizeDensity(forest, trainingData, new Size(300, 300), plotPadding)) { ShowVisualizationImage(result); } } #endregion } else if (mode == "regression") { #region Regression CommandLineParser parser = new CommandLineParser(); parser.Command = "SW " + mode.ToUpper(); parser.AddArgument(trainingDataPath); parser.AddSwitch("T", T); parser.AddSwitch("D", D); parser.AddSwitch("F", F); parser.AddSwitch("L", L); parser.AddSwitch("PADX", plotPaddingX); parser.AddSwitch("PADY", plotPaddingY); parser.AddSwitch("VERBOSE", verboseSwitch); // Override default values for command line options T.Value = 10; D.Value = 2; a.Value = 0; // prior turned off by default b.Value = 900; if (args.Length == 1) { parser.PrintHelp(); DisplayTextFiles(REGRESSION_DATA_PATH); return; } if (parser.Parse(args, 1) == false) { return; } RegressionExample regressionDemo = new RegressionExample(); regressionDemo.PlotDilation.X = plotPaddingX.Value; regressionDemo.PlotDilation.Y = plotPaddingY.Value; regressionDemo.TrainingParameters = new TrainingParameters() { MaxDecisionLevels = D.Value - 1, NumberOfCandidateFeatures = F.Value, NumberOfCandidateThresholdsPerFeature = L.Value, NumberOfTrees = T.Value, Verbose = verboseSwitch.Used }; DataPointCollection trainingData = LoadTrainingData( trainingDataPath.Value, REGRESSION_DATA_PATH, 1, DataDescriptor.HasTargetValues); using (Bitmap result = regressionDemo.Run(trainingData)) { ShowVisualizationImage(result); } #endregion } else { Console.WriteLine("Unrecognized command line argument, try SW HELP."); return; } }
static void Main(string[] args) { if (args.Length == 0 || args[0] == "/?" || args[0].ToLower() == "help") { DisplayHelp(); return; } // These command line parameters are reused over several command line modes... StringParameter trainingDataPath = new StringParameter("path", "Path of file containing training data."); NaturalParameter T = new NaturalParameter("t", "No. of trees in the forest (default = {0}).", 10); NaturalParameter D = new NaturalParameter("d", "Maximum tree levels (default = {0}).", 10, 20); NaturalParameter F = new NaturalParameter("f", "No. of candidate feature responses per decision node (default = {0}).", 10); NaturalParameter L = new NaturalParameter("l", "No. of candidate thresholds per feature response (default = {0}).", 1); SingleParameter a = new SingleParameter("a", "The number of 'effective' prior observations (default = {0}).", true, false, 10.0f); SingleParameter b = new SingleParameter("b", "The variance of the effective observations (default = {0}).", true, true, 400.0f); SimpleSwitchParameter verboseSwitch = new SimpleSwitchParameter("Enables verbose progress indication."); SingleParameter plotPaddingX = new SingleParameter("padx", "Pad plot horizontally (default = {0}).", true, false, 0.1f); SingleParameter plotPaddingY = new SingleParameter("pady", "Pad plot vertically (default = {0}).", true, false, 0.1f); EnumParameter split = new EnumParameter( "s", "Specify what kind of split function to use (default = {0}).", new string[] { "axis", "linear" }, new string[] { "axis-aligned split", "linear split" }, "axis"); // Behaviour depends on command line mode... string mode = args[0].ToLower(); // first argument defines the command line mode if (mode == "clas" || mode == "class") { #region Supervised classification CommandLineParser parser = new CommandLineParser(); parser.Command = "SW " + mode.ToUpper(); parser.AddArgument(trainingDataPath); parser.AddSwitch("T", T); parser.AddSwitch("D", D); parser.AddSwitch("F", F); parser.AddSwitch("L", L); parser.AddSwitch("SPLIT", split); parser.AddSwitch("PADX", plotPaddingX); parser.AddSwitch("PADY", plotPaddingY); parser.AddSwitch("VERBOSE", verboseSwitch); // Default values up above should be fine here. if (args.Length == 1) { parser.PrintHelp(); DisplayTextFiles(CLAS_DATA_PATH); return; } if (parser.Parse(args, 1) == false) return; TrainingParameters trainingParameters = new TrainingParameters() { MaxDecisionLevels = D.Value - 1, NumberOfCandidateFeatures = F.Value, NumberOfCandidateThresholdsPerFeature = L.Value, NumberOfTrees = T.Value, Verbose = verboseSwitch.Used }; PointF plotDilation = new PointF(plotPaddingX.Value, plotPaddingY.Value); DataPointCollection trainingData = LoadTrainingData( trainingDataPath.Value, CLAS_DATA_PATH, 2, DataDescriptor.HasClassLabels); if (split.Value == "linear") { Forest<LinearFeatureResponse2d, HistogramAggregator> forest = ClassificationExample.Train( trainingData, new LinearFeatureFactory(), trainingParameters); using (Bitmap result = ClassificationExample.Visualize(forest, trainingData, new Size(300, 300), plotDilation)) { ShowVisualizationImage(result); } } else if (split.Value == "axis") { Forest<AxisAlignedFeatureResponse, HistogramAggregator> forest = ClassificationExample.Train( trainingData, new AxisAlignedFeatureFactory(), trainingParameters); using (Bitmap result = ClassificationExample.Visualize(forest, trainingData, new Size(300, 300), plotDilation)) { ShowVisualizationImage(result); } } #endregion } else if (mode == "density") { #region Density Estimation CommandLineParser parser = new CommandLineParser(); parser.Command = "SW " + mode.ToUpper(); parser.AddArgument(trainingDataPath); parser.AddSwitch("T", T); parser.AddSwitch("D", D); parser.AddSwitch("F", F); parser.AddSwitch("L", L); // For density estimation (and semi-supervised learning) we add // a command line option to set the hyperparameters of the prior. parser.AddSwitch("a", a); parser.AddSwitch("b", b); parser.AddSwitch("PADX", plotPaddingX); parser.AddSwitch("PADY", plotPaddingY); parser.AddSwitch("VERBOSE", verboseSwitch); // Override default values for command line options. T.Value = 1; D.Value = 3; F.Value = 5; L.Value = 1; a.Value = 0; b.Value = 900; if (args.Length == 1) { parser.PrintHelp(); DisplayTextFiles(DENSITY_DATA_PATH); return; } if (parser.Parse(args, 1) == false) return; TrainingParameters parameters = new TrainingParameters() { MaxDecisionLevels = D.Value - 1, NumberOfCandidateFeatures = F.Value, NumberOfCandidateThresholdsPerFeature = L.Value, NumberOfTrees = T.Value, Verbose = verboseSwitch.Used }; DataPointCollection trainingData = LoadTrainingData( trainingDataPath.Value, DENSITY_DATA_PATH, 2, DataDescriptor.Unadorned); Forest<AxisAlignedFeatureResponse, GaussianAggregator2d> forest = DensityEstimationExample.Train(trainingData, parameters, a.Value, b.Value); PointF plotDilation = new PointF(plotPaddingX.Value, plotPaddingY.Value); using (Bitmap result = DensityEstimationExample.Visualize(forest, trainingData, new Size(300, 300), plotDilation)) { ShowVisualizationImage(result); } #endregion } else if (mode == "ssclas" || mode == "ssclas") { #region Semi-supervised classification CommandLineParser parser = new CommandLineParser(); parser.Command = "SW " + mode.ToUpper(); parser.AddArgument(trainingDataPath); parser.AddSwitch("T", T); parser.AddSwitch("D", D); parser.AddSwitch("F", F); parser.AddSwitch("L", L); parser.AddSwitch("split", split); parser.AddSwitch("a", a); parser.AddSwitch("b", b); EnumParameter plotMode = new EnumParameter( "plot", "Determines what to plot", new string[] { "density", "labels" }, new string[] { "plot recovered density estimate", "plot class likelihood" }, "labels"); parser.AddSwitch("plot", plotMode); parser.AddSwitch("PADX", plotPaddingX); parser.AddSwitch("PADY", plotPaddingY); parser.AddSwitch("VERBOSE", verboseSwitch); // Override default values for command line options. T.Value = 10; D.Value = 12 - 1; F.Value = 30; L.Value = 1; if (args.Length == 1) { parser.PrintHelp(); DisplayTextFiles(SSCLAS_DATA_PATH); return; } if (parser.Parse(args, 1) == false) return; DataPointCollection trainingData = LoadTrainingData( trainingDataPath.Value, SSCLAS_DATA_PATH, 2, DataDescriptor.HasClassLabels); TrainingParameters parameters = new TrainingParameters() { MaxDecisionLevels = D.Value - 1, NumberOfCandidateFeatures = F.Value, NumberOfCandidateThresholdsPerFeature = L.Value, NumberOfTrees = T.Value, Verbose = verboseSwitch.Used }; Forest<LinearFeatureResponse2d, SemiSupervisedClassificationStatisticsAggregator> forest = SemiSupervisedClassificationExample.Train( trainingData, parameters, a.Value, b.Value); PointF plotPadding = new PointF(plotPaddingX.Value, plotPaddingY.Value); if (plotMode.Value == "labels") { using (Bitmap result = SemiSupervisedClassificationExample.VisualizeLabels(forest, trainingData, new Size(300, 300), plotPadding)) { ShowVisualizationImage(result); } } else if (plotMode.Value == "density") { using (Bitmap result = SemiSupervisedClassificationExample.VisualizeDensity(forest, trainingData, new Size(300, 300), plotPadding)) { ShowVisualizationImage(result); } } #endregion } else if (mode == "regression") { #region Regression CommandLineParser parser = new CommandLineParser(); parser.Command = "SW " + mode.ToUpper(); parser.AddArgument(trainingDataPath); parser.AddSwitch("T", T); parser.AddSwitch("D", D); parser.AddSwitch("F", F); parser.AddSwitch("L", L); parser.AddSwitch("PADX", plotPaddingX); parser.AddSwitch("PADY", plotPaddingY); parser.AddSwitch("VERBOSE", verboseSwitch); // Override default values for command line options T.Value = 10; D.Value = 2; a.Value = 0; // prior turned off by default b.Value = 900; if (args.Length == 1) { parser.PrintHelp(); DisplayTextFiles(REGRESSION_DATA_PATH); return; } if (parser.Parse(args, 1) == false) return; RegressionExample regressionDemo = new RegressionExample(); regressionDemo.PlotDilation.X = plotPaddingX.Value; regressionDemo.PlotDilation.Y = plotPaddingY.Value; regressionDemo.TrainingParameters = new TrainingParameters() { MaxDecisionLevels = D.Value - 1, NumberOfCandidateFeatures = F.Value, NumberOfCandidateThresholdsPerFeature = L.Value, NumberOfTrees = T.Value, Verbose = verboseSwitch.Used }; DataPointCollection trainingData = LoadTrainingData( trainingDataPath.Value, REGRESSION_DATA_PATH, 1, DataDescriptor.HasTargetValues); using (Bitmap result = regressionDemo.Run(trainingData)) { ShowVisualizationImage(result); } #endregion } else { Console.WriteLine("Unrecognized command line argument, try SW HELP."); return; } }