/// <summary>
        /// Train a new decision tree given some training data and a training
        /// problem described by an ITrainingContext instance.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="random">The single random number generator.</param>
        /// <param name="progress">Progress reporting target.</param>
        /// <param name="context">The ITrainingContext instance by which
        /// the training framework interacts with the training data.
        /// Implemented within client code.</param>
        /// <param name="parameters">Training parameters.</param>
        /// <param name="maxThreads">The maximum number of threads to use.</param>
        /// <param name="data">The training data.</param>
        /// <returns>A new decision tree.</returns>
        static public Tree <F, S> TrainTree(
            Random random,
            ITrainingContext <F, S> context,
            TrainingParameters parameters,
            int maxThreads,
            IDataPointCollection data,
            ProgressWriter progress = null)
            if (progress == null)
                progress = new ProgressWriter(Verbosity.Interest, Console.Out);

            ParallelTreeTrainingOperation <F, S> trainingOperation = new ParallelTreeTrainingOperation <F, S>(
                random, context, parameters, maxThreads, data, progress);

            Tree <F, S> tree = new Tree <F, S>(parameters.MaxDecisionLevels);

            trainingOperation.TrainNodesRecurse(tree.nodes_, 0, 0, data.Count(), 0); // will recurse until termination criterion is met


        public void TrainNodesRecurse(Node <F, S>[] nodes, int nodeIndex, int i0, int i1, int recurseDepth)
            System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(nodeIndex < nodes.Length);

            nodes[nodeIndex] = new Node <F, S>();

            progress_.Write(Verbosity.Verbose, "{0}{1}: ", Tree <F, S> .GetPrettyPrintPrefix(nodeIndex), i1 - i0);

            // First aggregate statistics over the samples at the parent node
            for (int i = i0; i < i1; i++)
                parentStatistics_.Aggregate(data_, indices_[i]);

            // Copy parent statistics to thread local storage in case client
            // IStatisticsAggregator implementations are not reentrant.
            for (int t = 0; t < maxThreads_; t++)
                threadLocals_[t].parentStatistics_ = parentStatistics_.DeepClone();

            if (nodeIndex >= nodes.Length / 2) // this is a leaf node, nothing else to do
                progress_.WriteLine(Verbosity.Verbose, "Terminating at max depth.");


            // Iterate over threads
            Parallel.For(0, maxThreads_, new Action <int>(threadIndex =>
                ThreadLocalData tl = threadLocals_[threadIndex]; // shorthand

                // Range of indices of candidate feature evaluated in this thread
                // (if the number of candidate features is not a multiple of the
                // number of threads, some threads may evaluate one more feature
                // than others).
                int f1 = (int)(Math.Round(parameters_.NumberOfCandidateFeatures * (double)threadIndex / (double)maxThreads_));
                int f2 = (int)(Math.Round(parameters_.NumberOfCandidateFeatures * (double)(threadIndex + 1) / (double)maxThreads_));

                // Iterate over candidate features
                for (int f = f1; f < f2; f++)
                    F feature = trainingContext_.GetRandomFeature(tl.random_);

                    for (int b = 0; b < parameters_.NumberOfCandidateThresholdsPerFeature + 1; b++)
                        threadLocals_[threadIndex].partitionStatistics_[b].Clear(); // reset statistics
                    // Compute feature response per sample at this node
                    for (int i = i0; i < i1; i++)
                        tl.responses_[i] = feature.GetResponse(data_, indices_[i]);

                    int nThresholds;
                    if ((nThresholds = ParallelTreeTrainingOperation <F, S> .ChooseCandidateThresholds(
                             indices_, i0, i1,
                             ref tl.thresholds)) == 0)
                        continue; // failed to find meaningful candidate thresholds for this feature
                    // Aggregate statistics over sample partitions
                    for (int i = i0; i < i1; i++)
                        // Slightly faster than List<float>.BinarySearch() for < O(100) thresholds
                        int b = 0;
                        while (b < nThresholds && tl.responses_[i] >= tl.thresholds[b])

                        tl.partitionStatistics_[b].Aggregate(data_, indices_[i]);

                    for (int t = 0; t < nThresholds; t++)
                        for (int p = 0; p < nThresholds + 1 /*i.e. nBins*/; p++)
                            if (p <= t)

                        // Compute gain over sample partitions
                        double gain = trainingContext_.ComputeInformationGain(tl.parentStatistics_, tl.leftChildStatistics_, tl.rightChildStatistics_);

                        if (gain >= tl.maxGain)
                            tl.maxGain       = gain;
                            tl.bestFeature   = feature;
                            tl.bestThreshold = tl.thresholds[t];

            double maxGain       = 0.0;
            F      bestFeature   = default(F);
            float  bestThreshold = 0.0f;

            // Now merge over threads
            for (int threadIndex = 0; threadIndex < maxThreads_; threadIndex++)
                ThreadLocalData tl = threadLocals_[threadIndex];
                if (tl.maxGain > maxGain)
                    maxGain       = tl.maxGain;
                    bestFeature   = tl.bestFeature;
                    bestThreshold = tl.bestThreshold;

            if (maxGain == 0.0)
                progress_.WriteLine(Verbosity.Verbose, "Terminating with no beneficial split found.");

            // Now reorder the data point indices using the winning feature and thresholds.
            // Also recompute child node statistics so the client can decide whether
            // to terminate training of this branch.

            for (int i = i0; i < i1; i++)
                responses_[i] = bestFeature.GetResponse(data_, indices_[i]);
                if (responses_[i] < bestThreshold)
                    leftChildStatistics_.Aggregate(data_, indices_[i]);
                    rightChildStatistics_.Aggregate(data_, indices_[i]);

            if (trainingContext_.ShouldTerminate(parentStatistics_, leftChildStatistics_, rightChildStatistics_, maxGain))
                progress_.WriteLine(Verbosity.Verbose, "Terminating because supplied termination criterion is satisfied.");

            // Otherwise this is a new split node, recurse for children.

            // Now do partition sort - any sample with response greater goes left, otherwise right
            int ii = Tree <F, S> .Partition(responses_, indices_, i0, i1, bestThreshold);

            System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(ii >= i0 && i1 >= ii);

            progress_.WriteLine(Verbosity.Verbose, "{0} (threshold = {1:G3}, gain = {2:G3}).", bestFeature.ToString(), bestThreshold, maxGain);

            TrainNodesRecurse(nodes, nodeIndex * 2 + 1, i0, ii, recurseDepth + 1);
            TrainNodesRecurse(nodes, nodeIndex * 2 + 2, ii, i1, recurseDepth + 1);