private EffectRenderer(EOGame game, DrawableGameComponent target, Action cleanupAction) : base(game) { _target = target; _cleanupAction = cleanupAction; _effectSpriteManager = new EffectSpriteManager(game.GFXManager); _sb = new SpriteBatch(game.GraphicsDevice); SetEffectInfoTypeAndID(EffectType.Invalid, -1); }
public RippleEffect(DrawableGameComponent component) : base(component.Game) { m_component = component; m_device = m_component.Game.GraphicsDevice; m_contentManager = m_component.Game.Content; }
public bool IntersectsAny(DrawableGameComponent component, Vector3 offset) { BoundingCylinder cylinder = component.GetBoundingCylinder(); cylinder.Point += offset; return vegetationList.Any(v => cylinder.Intersects(v.GetBoundingCylinder())); }
public VegetationManager(Terrain terrain) { vegetationList = new List<DrawableGameComponent>(); var doc = new XmlDocument(); doc.Load(Config.VegetationConfigPath); foreach (XmlElement objectElement in doc.GetElementsByTagName("Object")) { float radius = float.Parse(objectElement.GetAttribute("boundingCylinderRadius").Replace('.',',')); float height = float.Parse(objectElement.GetAttribute("boundingCylinderHeight").Replace('.', ',')); foreach (XmlElement transformElement in objectElement.GetElementsByTagName("Transform")) { var vegetationObj = new DrawableGameComponent(radius, height); float x = float.Parse(transformElement.GetAttribute("translateX").Replace('.', ',')); float z = float.Parse(transformElement.GetAttribute("translateZ").Replace('.', ',')); float y = terrain.GetHeight(x, z); vegetationObj.Position = new Vector3(x, y, z); vegetationObj.Scale = new Vector3(float.Parse(transformElement.GetAttribute("scale").Replace('.', ','))); vegetationList.Add(vegetationObj); } } }
/// <summary> /// This adds the alien's opponent. /// </summary> /// <param name="component">The player</param> /// <exception cref="ArgumentException">Thrown if the component is not a /// PlayerSprite.</exception> public override void AddOpponent(DrawableGameComponent component) { if (component is PlayerSprite) opponent = component as PlayerSprite; else throw new ArgumentException ("The opponent must be of PlayerSprite type."); }
public DisposableDrawableGameComponent(Game game, DrawableGameComponent component, float timeToLive) : base(game) { this.component = component; this.timeToLive = timeToLive; this.time = System.Environment.TickCount; }
protected void changeScreen(object sender, ChangeScreenEventArgs args) { if (args.screenType == ScreenType.InGame) { Components.Remove(screen); screen = new PlayGame(this); Components.Add(screen); ((PlayGame)screen).Initialize(this); } }
public EOChatBubble(CharacterRenderer following) : base(EOGame.Instance) { m_ref = following; m_isChar = true; DrawOrder = following.Character.ID + (int)ControlDrawLayer.BaseLayer + 1; //use ID for draw order _initLabel(); Visible = false; EOGame.Instance.Components.Add(this); }
public EOChatBubble(NPC following) : base(EOGame.Instance) { m_ref = following; m_isChar = false; DrawOrder = following.Index + (int)ControlDrawLayer.BaseLayer + 1; //use index for draw order _initLabel(); Visible = false; EOGame.Instance.Components.Add(this); }
/// <summary> /// This adds the player's opponents. /// </summary> /// <param name="component">The opponent to be added.</param> public override void AddOpponent(DrawableGameComponent component) { if (component is AlienSquad) opponent = component as AlienSquad; else if (component is MotherShipSprite) motherShip = component as MotherShipSprite; else throw new ArgumentException ("The opponent must be of AlienSquad or MotherShipSprite type."); }
private EffectRenderer(INativeGraphicsManager gfxManager, DrawableGameComponent target, Action cleanupAction) { _target = target; _cleanupAction = cleanupAction; _effectSpriteManager = new EffectSpriteManager(gfxManager); _effectSoundManager = new EffectSoundManager(new SoundManager()); SetEffectInfoTypeAndID(EffectType.Invalid, -1); }
public ProjectileHandler GetNewHandler(DrawableGameComponent emitter) { if (projectileHandlers.ContainsKey(emitter)) return projectileHandlers[emitter]; else { ProjectileHandler t = new ProjectileHandler(Game, spriteBatch); t.Initialize(); projectileHandlers.Add(emitter, t); return t; } }
public void CreateItem(byte id) { var item = new DrawableGameComponent(Config.ItemsCylinderRadius, Config.ItemsCylinderHeight); item.Scale = new Vector3(Config.ItemsScale); do { item.Position = Server.Terrain.GetRandomPositionOnTerrain(); } while (Server.VegetationManager.IntersectsAny(item)); items[id] = item; Server.Send(new NetworkPacketAddItem(id, item)); }
/// <summary> /// This constructor makes the DamageCounter follow 'actor' on the screen. /// </summary> /// <param name="actor">CharacterRenderer or NPCRenderer</param> public DamageCounter(DrawableGameComponent actor) { m_ref = actor; if (m_ref is NPCRenderer) { m_isCharacter = false; } else if (m_ref is CharacterRenderer) { m_isCharacter = true; } else { throw new ArgumentException("Invalid actor type. Use Character or NPCRenderer", "actor"); } lock (gfx_init_lock) { Texture2D wholeSheet = ((EOGame)Game).GFXManager.TextureFromResource(GFXTypes.PostLoginUI, 58, true); //lazy init of spritesheet - static so same texture in use for all damage counters //this sheet is a subsheet of GFX002/158 that has only the numbers and 'miss' text if (s_NumberSprites == null) { Color[] data = new Color[123*24]; wholeSheet.GetData(0, new Rectangle(40, 28, 123, 24), data, 0, data.Length); s_NumberSprites = new Texture2D(Game.GraphicsDevice, 123, 24); s_NumberSprites.SetData(data); } //same with health bars - subsheet of GFX002/158 that has only the health bars if (s_HealthBarSprites == null) { Color[] data = new Color[40*35]; wholeSheet.GetData(0, new Rectangle(0, 28, 40, 35), data, 0, data.Length); s_HealthBarSprites = new Texture2D(Game.GraphicsDevice, 40, 35); s_HealthBarSprites.SetData(data); } } m_numbersToDraw = new List<Rectangle>(); Visible = false; if(!Game.Components.Contains(this)) Game.Components.Add(this); }
protected virtual void Draw(GameTime gameTime) { if (!_playingVideo) { foreach (GameComponent gc in _gameComponentCollection) { if (gc.Enabled && gc is DrawableGameComponent) { DrawableGameComponent dc = gc as DrawableGameComponent; if (dc.Visible) { dc.Draw(gameTime); } } } } }
protected virtual void Draw(GameTime gameTime) { if (_initializing) { if (spriteBatch != null) { spriteBatch.Begin(); // We need to turn this into a progress bar or animation to give better user feedback spriteBatch.Draw(splashScreen, new Vector2(0, 0), Color.White); spriteBatch.End(); } } else { if (!_playingVideo) { // Changed from foreach to for loop in case the GameComponents's Update method // modifies the component collection. With a foreach it causes an error: // "Collection was modified; enumeration operation may not execute." // .Net 4.0 I thought got around this but in Mono 2.10.2 we still get this error. for (int x = 0; x < _gameComponentCollection.Count; x++) { var gc = (GameComponent)_gameComponentCollection[x]; if (gc.Enabled && gc is DrawableGameComponent) { DrawableGameComponent dc = gc as DrawableGameComponent; if (dc.Visible) { dc.Draw(gameTime); } } } } } }
public void RequestDestroyHandler(DrawableGameComponent emitter) { cleanupList.AddLast(emitter); }
private void EnableDisableDrawable(DrawableGameComponent dgc, bool enabled) { if (dgc != null) { dgc.Visible = enabled; dgc.Enabled = enabled; } }
public void MakeSpeechBubble(DrawableGameComponent follow, string message, bool groupChat) { if (!World.Instance.ShowChatBubbles) return; if (follow == null) follow = World.Instance.ActiveCharacterRenderer; /* Calling with null assumes Active Character */ //show just the speech bubble, since this should be called from the HUD and rendered there already // ReSharper disable CanBeReplacedWithTryCastAndCheckForNull if (follow is CharacterRenderer) ((CharacterRenderer)follow).SetChatBubbleText(message, groupChat); else if (follow is NPC) ((NPC)follow).SetChatBubbleText(message, groupChat); // ReSharper restore CanBeReplacedWithTryCastAndCheckForNull }
internal void setRooms(DrawableGameComponent room1, DrawableGameComponent room2, DrawableGameComponent room3, DrawableGameComponent room4, DrawableGameComponent room5, DrawableGameComponent room6, DrawableGameComponent room7, DrawableGameComponent room8) { rooms.Add(room1); rooms.Add(room2); rooms.Add(room3); rooms.Add(room4); rooms.Add(room5); rooms.Add(room6); rooms.Add(room7); rooms.Add(room8); }
public void Disable(DrawableGameComponent d) { if (d!=null) { d.Enabled = false; d.Visible = false; } }
public void Enable(DrawableGameComponent d) { if(d!=null) { d.Enabled = true; d.Visible = true; } }
protected override void Initialize() { // Initialize screen slect screenSelect = ScreenType.MainMenu; screen = new MainMenu(this); Components.Add(screen); //((MainMenu)screen).Initialize(); //((MainMenu)screen).LoadContent(); ((MainMenu)screen).moveToPlayGame += changeScreen; // Initialize the pointer pointer = new Pointer(this); Components.Add(pointer); base.Initialize(); }
/// <summary> /// Removes the child. /// </summary> /// <returns> /// True if removed successful. /// </returns> /// <param name='item'> /// The <see cref="DrawableGameComponent"/> to remove. /// </param> public static bool removeChild(DrawableGameComponent item) { return children.Remove (item); }
public void Setup() { component = new DrawableGameComponent(new Game()); }
public void SetSpellTarget(DrawableGameComponent target) { Character.SetSpellTarget(target); _prepareSpell(); }
private void convertMapNodes(DrawableGameComponent [,] mapNodes, Node[,] tempMap) { //mapNodes = new DrawableGameComponent[this.internalMap.MapNodeHeight, this.internalMap.MapNodeWidth]; //Node[,] tempMap = this.internalMap.InternalMapStruct; Vector3 startPosition = new Vector3(-(this.internalMap.MapPixelWidth / 2) + (InternalMap.GridSize / 2), (this.internalMap.MapPixelHeight / 2 - InternalMap.GridSize / 2), InternalMap.GridSize / 2); //Console.WriteLine(startPosition); Node tempNode = tempMap[0, 0]; for (int row = 0; row < this.internalMap.MapNodeHeight; row++) { float x = startPosition.X; for (int col = 0; col < this.internalMap.MapNodeWidth; col++) { tempNode = tempMap[row, col]; if (tempNode is RoomNode) { Room room = new Room(, (RoomNode)tempNode, new Vector3(startPosition.X, startPosition.Y, startPosition.Z)); mapNodes[row, col] = room; } else if (tempNode is WallNode) { Wall wall = new Wall(, (WallNode)tempNode, new Vector3(startPosition.X, startPosition.Y, startPosition.Z)); mapNodes[row, col] = wall; } if (tempNode is EmptyNode) { EmptySpace empty = new EmptySpace(; mapNodes[row, col] = empty; } startPosition.X = startPosition.X + tempNode.Width * InternalMap.GridSize; } startPosition.X = x; startPosition.Y = startPosition.Y - tempNode.Width * InternalMap.GridSize; } }
private static void EnableScene(DrawableGameComponent scene) { scene.Enabled = true; scene.Visible = true; }
/// <summary> /// Abstract method for adding an opponent. /// </summary> /// <param name="component"></param> public abstract void AddOpponent(DrawableGameComponent component);
/// <summary> /// Adds the child. /// </summary> /// <param name='item'> /// Item. /// </param> public static void addChild(DrawableGameComponent item) { children.Add (item); }
private static void DisableScene(DrawableGameComponent scene) { scene.Enabled = false; scene.Visible = false; }
public DrawableGameComponentWrapper(DrawableGameComponent component, IScreen screen, DisplayLayer index) : base(screen, index) { Wrapped = component; }