private Album(SongCollection songCollection, string name, Artist artist, Genre genre) { this.songCollection = songCollection; this.album = name; this.artist = artist; this.genre = genre; }
private Album(SongCollection songCollection, string name, Artist artist, Genre genre) { Songs = songCollection; Name = name; Artist = artist; Genre = genre; IsDisposed = false; }
public SongCollection Clone() { SongCollection sc = new SongCollection(); foreach (Song song in this.innerlist) { sc.Add(song); } return(sc); }
public static void Play(SongCollection collection, int index = 0) { MediaPlayer._queue.Clear(); MediaPlayer._numSongsInQueuePlayed = 0; foreach (Song song in collection) { MediaPlayer._queue.Add(song); } MediaPlayer._queue.ActiveSongIndex = index; MediaPlayer.PlaySong(MediaPlayer._queue.ActiveSong); }
public static void Play(SongCollection collection, int index = 0) { _queue.Clear(); _numSongsInQueuePlayed = 0; foreach (var song in collection) { _queue.Add(song); } _queue.ActiveSongIndex = index; PlaySong(_queue.ActiveSong, null); }
public static void Play(SongCollection collection, int index = 0) { Queue.Clear(); numSongsInQueuePlayed = 0; foreach (Song song in collection) { Queue.Add(song); } Queue.ActiveSongIndex = index; PlaySong(Queue.ActiveSong); }
public static void Play(SongCollection songs, int index) { Queue.Clear(); numSongsInQueuePlayed = 0; foreach (Song song in songs) { LoadSong(song); } Queue.ActiveSongIndex = index; PlaySong(Queue.ActiveSong); }
public SongCollection Clone() { #if WINDOWS_PHONE if (this.songCollection != null) { throw new NotSupportedException(); } #endif SongCollection sc = new SongCollection(); foreach (Song song in this.innerlist) { sc.Add(song); } return(sc); }
// // Play (SongCollection) // public static void Play(SongCollection songs, int index) { if (songs.Count == 0) { Queue.Clear(); Stop(); } else if (songs.Count == 1) { Play((Song)(object)songs[0]); } else { throw new PlatformNotSupportedException(); } }
/// <summary> /// Shuffles the songs of a local artist and starts playback /// </summary> /// <param name="localArtistName">Name of the artist</param> public void ShuffleAndPlayLocalArtist(string localArtistName) { Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Media.MediaLibrary lib = new Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Media.MediaLibrary(); for (int i = 0; i < lib.Artists.Count; i++) { if (localArtistName == lib.Artists[i].Name) { // generate a random track index Random rand = new Random(); int track = rand.Next(0, lib.Artists[i].Songs.Count); Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Media.SongCollection songCollection = lib.Artists[i].Songs; Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Media.MediaPlayer.Play(songCollection, track); Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Media.MediaPlayer.IsShuffled = true; Microsoft.Xna.Framework.FrameworkDispatcher.Update(); break; } } }
public SongCollection GetSongs() { IWMPMediaCollection media = wmp.mediaCollection; IWMPPlaylist playlist = media.getAll(); List <Song> songlist = new List <Song>(); for (int i = 0; i < playlist.count; i++) { IWMPMedia temp = playlist[i]; if (temp.getItemInfo("MediaType") == "audio") { int wmprating; int rating; int tracknumber; int playcount; bool IsProtected; if (!int.TryParse(temp.getItemInfo("UserRating"), out wmprating)) { throw new Exception(); } if (wmprating >= 87) { rating = 10; } else if (wmprating >= 63) { rating = 8; } else if (wmprating >= 38) { rating = 6; } else if (wmprating >= 13) { rating = 4; } else if (wmprating >= 1) { rating = 2; } else { rating = 0; } if (!int.TryParse(temp.getItemInfo("WM/TrackNumber"), out tracknumber)) { tracknumber = 0; } if (!int.TryParse(temp.getItemInfo("PlayCount"), out playcount)) { throw new Exception(); } if (!bool.TryParse(temp.getItemInfo("Is_Protected"), out IsProtected)) { throw new Exception(); } TimeSpan duration = new TimeSpan(0, 0, 0, 0, (int)(temp.duration * 1000.0)); songlist.Add(new Song(, duration, rating, tracknumber, temp, mediasource)); } } SongCollection songs = new SongCollection(songlist); return(songs); }
public static void Play(SongCollection songs) { Play(songs, 0); }
private void PlatformLoad(Action <int> progressCallback) { List <StorageFile> files = new List <StorageFile>(); this.GetAllFiles(musicFolder, files); List <Song> songList = new List <Song>(); List <Album> albumList = new List <Album>(); Task.Run(async() => { Dictionary <string, Artist> artists = new Dictionary <string, Artist>(); Dictionary <string, Album> albums = new Dictionary <string, Album>(); Dictionary <string, Genre> genres = new Dictionary <string, Genre>(); var cacheFile = await ApplicationData.Current.TemporaryFolder.CreateFileAsync("MediaLibrary.cache", CreationCollisionOption.OpenIfExists); var cache = new Dictionary <string, MusicProperties>(); // Read cache using (var stream = new BinaryReader(await cacheFile.OpenStreamForReadAsync())) try { for (; stream.BaseStream.Position < stream.BaseStream.Length;) { var entry = MusicProperties.Deserialize(stream); cache.Add(entry.Path, entry); } } catch { } // Write cache using (var stream = new BinaryWriter(await cacheFile.OpenStreamForWriteAsync())) { int prevProgress = 0; for (int i = 0; i < files.Count; i++) { var file = files[i]; try { MusicProperties properties; if (!(cache.TryGetValue(file.Path, out properties) && properties.TryMatch(file))) { properties = new MusicProperties(file); } properties.Serialize(stream); if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(properties.Title)) { continue; } Artist artist; if (!artists.TryGetValue(properties.Artist, out artist)) { artist = new Artist(properties.Artist); artists.Add(artist.Name, artist); } Artist albumArtist; if (!artists.TryGetValue(properties.AlbumArtist, out albumArtist)) { albumArtist = new Artist(properties.AlbumArtist); artists.Add(albumArtist.Name, albumArtist); } Genre genre; if (!genres.TryGetValue(properties.Genre, out genre)) { genre = new Genre(properties.Genre); genres.Add(genre.Name, genre); } Album album; if (!albums.TryGetValue(properties.Album, out album)) { var thumbnail = Task.Run(async() => await properties.File.GetThumbnailAsync(ThumbnailMode.MusicView, 300, ThumbnailOptions.ResizeThumbnail)).Result; album = new Album(new SongCollection(), properties.Album, albumArtist, genre, thumbnail.Type == ThumbnailType.Image ? thumbnail : null); albums.Add(album.Name, album); albumList.Add(album); } var song = new Song(album, artist, genre, properties); song.Album.Songs.Add(song); songList.Add(song); } catch (Exception e) { Debug.WriteLine("MediaLibrary exception: " + e.Message); } int progress = 100 * i / files.Count; if (progress > prevProgress) { prevProgress = progress; if (progressCallback != null) { progressCallback.Invoke(progress); } } } } }).Wait(); if (progressCallback != null) { progressCallback.Invoke(100); } albumCollection = new AlbumCollection(albumList); songCollection = new SongCollection(songList); }
private void PlatformLoad(Action <int> progressCallback) { List <Song> songList = new List <Song>(); List <Album> albumList = new List <Album>(); using (var musicCursor = Context.ContentResolver.Query(MediaStore.Audio.Media.ExternalContentUri, null, null, null, null)) { if (musicCursor != null && musicCursor.MoveToFirst()) { Dictionary <string, Artist> artists = new Dictionary <string, Artist>(); Dictionary <string, Album> albums = new Dictionary <string, Album>(); Dictionary <string, Genre> genres = new Dictionary <string, Genre>(); // Note: Grabbing album art using MediaStore.Audio.AlbumColumns.AlbumArt and // MediaStore.Audio.AudioColumns.AlbumArt is broken // See: // Workaround: int albumNameColumn = musicCursor.GetColumnIndex(MediaStore.Audio.AlbumColumns.Album); int albumArtistColumn = musicCursor.GetColumnIndex(MediaStore.Audio.AlbumColumns.Artist); int albumIdColumn = musicCursor.GetColumnIndex(MediaStore.Audio.AlbumColumns.AlbumId); int genreColumn = musicCursor.GetColumnIndex(MediaStore.Audio.GenresColumns.Name); // Also broken :( int artistColumn = musicCursor.GetColumnIndex(MediaStore.Audio.AudioColumns.Artist); int titleColumn = musicCursor.GetColumnIndex(MediaStore.Audio.AudioColumns.Title); int durationColumn = musicCursor.GetColumnIndex(MediaStore.Audio.AudioColumns.Duration); int assetIdColumn = musicCursor.GetColumnIndex(MediaStore.Audio.AudioColumns.Id); if (titleColumn == -1 || durationColumn == -1 || assetIdColumn == -1) { Debug.WriteLine("Missing essential properties from music library. Returning empty library."); albumCollection = new AlbumCollection(albumList); songCollection = new SongCollection(songList); return; } do { long durationProperty = musicCursor.GetLong(durationColumn); TimeSpan duration = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(durationProperty); // Exclude sound effects if (duration < MinimumSongDuration) { continue; } string albumNameProperty = albumNameColumn > -1 ? musicCursor.GetString(albumNameColumn) : "Unknown Album"; string albumArtistProperty = albumArtistColumn > -1 ? musicCursor.GetString(albumArtistColumn) : "Unknown Artist"; string genreProperty = genreColumn > -1 ? musicCursor.GetString(genreColumn) : "Unknown Genre"; string artistProperty = artistColumn > -1 ? musicCursor.GetString(artistColumn) : "Unknown Artist"; string titleProperty = musicCursor.GetString(titleColumn); long assetId = musicCursor.GetLong(assetIdColumn); var assetUri = ContentUris.WithAppendedId(MediaStore.Audio.Media.ExternalContentUri, assetId); long albumId = albumIdColumn > -1 ? musicCursor.GetInt(albumIdColumn) : -1; var albumArtUri = albumId > -1 ? ContentUris.WithAppendedId(Uri.Parse("content://media/external/audio/albumart"), albumId) : null; Artist artist; if (!artists.TryGetValue(artistProperty, out artist)) { artist = new Artist(artistProperty); artists.Add(artist.Name, artist); } Artist albumArtist; if (!artists.TryGetValue(albumArtistProperty, out albumArtist)) { albumArtist = new Artist(albumArtistProperty); artists.Add(albumArtist.Name, albumArtist); } Genre genre; if (!genres.TryGetValue(genreProperty, out genre)) { genre = new Genre(genreProperty); genres.Add(genre.Name, genre); } Album album; if (!albums.TryGetValue(albumNameProperty, out album)) { album = new Album(new SongCollection(), albumNameProperty, albumArtist, genre, albumArtUri); albums.Add(album.Name, album); albumList.Add(album); } var song = new Song(album, artist, genre, titleProperty, duration, assetUri); song.Album.Songs.Add(song); songList.Add(song); } while (musicCursor.MoveToNext()); } } albumCollection = new AlbumCollection(albumList); songCollection = new SongCollection(songList); }
public static void Play(SongCollection songs, int index) { throw new NotImplementedException(); }
private void PlatformLoad(Action <int> progressCallback) { MPMediaQuery mediaQuery = new MPMediaQuery(); var value = NSObject.FromObject(MPMediaType.Music); var type = MPMediaItem.MediaTypeProperty; var predicate = MPMediaPropertyPredicate.PredicateWithValue(value, type); mediaQuery.AddFilterPredicate(predicate); mediaQuery.GroupingType = MPMediaGrouping.Album; List <Song> songList = new List <Song>(); List <Album> albumList = new List <Album>(); for (int i = 0; i < mediaQuery.Collections.Length; i++) { MPMediaItemCollection itemCollection = mediaQuery.Collections[i]; List <Song> albumSongs = new List <Song>(itemCollection.Count); var nsAlbumArtist = itemCollection.RepresentativeItem.ValueForProperty(MPMediaItem.AlbumArtistProperty); var nsAlbumName = itemCollection.RepresentativeItem.ValueForProperty(MPMediaItem.AlbumTitleProperty); var nsAlbumGenre = itemCollection.RepresentativeItem.ValueForProperty(MPMediaItem.GenreProperty); string albumArtist = nsAlbumArtist == null ? "Unknown Artist" : nsAlbumArtist.ToString(); string albumName = nsAlbumName == null ? "Unknown Album" : nsAlbumName.ToString(); string albumGenre = nsAlbumGenre == null ? "Unknown Genre" : nsAlbumGenre.ToString(); MPMediaItemArtwork thumbnail = itemCollection.RepresentativeItem.ValueForProperty(MPMediaItem.ArtworkProperty) as MPMediaItemArtwork; var album = new Album(new SongCollection(albumSongs), albumName, new Artist(albumArtist), new Genre(albumGenre), thumbnail); albumList.Add(album); for (int j = 0; j < itemCollection.Count; j++) { var nsArtist = itemCollection.Items[j].ValueForProperty(MPMediaItem.ArtistProperty); var nsTitle = itemCollection.Items[j].ValueForProperty(MPMediaItem.TitleProperty); var nsGenre = itemCollection.Items[j].ValueForProperty(MPMediaItem.GenreProperty); var assetUrl = itemCollection.Items[j].ValueForProperty(MPMediaItem.AssetURLProperty) as NSUrl; if (nsTitle == null || assetUrl == null) // The Asset URL check will exclude iTunes match items from the Media Library that are not downloaded, but show up in the music app { continue; } string artist = nsArtist == null ? "Unknown Artist" : nsArtist.ToString(); string title = nsTitle.ToString(); string genre = nsGenre == null ? "Unknown Genre" : nsGenre.ToString(); TimeSpan duration = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(((NSNumber)itemCollection.Items[j].ValueForProperty(MPMediaItem.PlaybackDurationProperty)).FloatValue); var song = new Song(album, new Artist(artist), new Genre(genre), title, duration, itemCollection.Items[j], assetUrl); albumSongs.Add(song); songList.Add(song); } } albumCollection = new AlbumCollection(albumList); songCollection = new SongCollection(songList); /*_playLists = new PlaylistCollection(); * * MPMediaQuery playlists = new MPMediaQuery(); * playlists.GroupingType = MPMediaGrouping.Playlist; * for (int i = 0; i < playlists.Collections.Length; i++) * { * MPMediaItemCollection item = playlists.Collections[i]; * Playlist list = new Playlist(); * list.Name = playlists.Items[i].ValueForProperty(MPMediaPlaylistPropertyName).ToString(); * for (int k = 0; k < item.Items.Length; k++) * { * TimeSpan time = TimeSpan.Parse(item.Items[k].ValueForProperty(MPMediaItem.PlaybackDurationProperty).ToString()); * list.Duration += time; * } * _playLists.Add(list); * }*/ }
internal Album(SongCollection songCollection, string name, Artist artist, Genre genre, StorageItemThumbnail thumbnail) : this(songCollection, name, artist, genre) { this.thumbnail = thumbnail; }
internal Album(SongCollection songCollection, string name, Artist artist, Genre genre, Android.Net.Uri thumbnail) : this(songCollection, name, artist, genre) { this.thumbnail = thumbnail; }
internal Album(SongCollection songCollection, string name, Artist artist, Genre genre, MPMediaItemArtwork thumbnail) : this(songCollection, name, artist, genre) { this.thumbnail = thumbnail; }