private void ApplyDiffgram(XmlNode diffgramParent, XmlDiffViewParentNode sourceParent) { sourceParent.CreateSourceNodesIndex(); XmlDiffViewNode currentPosition = null; var enumerator = diffgramParent.ChildNodes.GetEnumerator(); while (enumerator.MoveNext()) { if (((XmlNode)enumerator.Current).NodeType != XmlNodeType.Comment) { if (!(enumerator.Current is XmlElement)) { throw new Exception("Invalid node in diffgram."); } var current = enumerator.Current as XmlElement; if (current.NamespaceURI != "") { throw new Exception("Invalid element in diffgram."); } var attribute1 = current.GetAttribute("match"); XmlDiffPathNodeList matchNodes = null; if (attribute1 != string.Empty) { matchNodes = XmlDiffPath.SelectNodes(this._doc, sourceParent, attribute1); } switch (current.LocalName) { case "node": if (matchNodes.Count != 1) { throw new Exception("The 'match' attribute of 'node' element must select a single node."); } matchNodes.MoveNext(); if (current.ChildNodes.Count > 0) { this.ApplyDiffgram(current, (XmlDiffViewParentNode)matchNodes.Current); } currentPosition = matchNodes.Current; continue; case "add": if (attribute1 != string.Empty) { this.OnAddMatch(current, matchNodes, sourceParent, ref currentPosition); continue; } var attribute2 = current.GetAttribute("type"); if (attribute2 != string.Empty) { this.OnAddNode(current, attribute2, sourceParent, ref currentPosition); continue; } this.OnAddFragment(current, sourceParent, ref currentPosition); continue; case "remove": this.OnRemove(current, matchNodes, sourceParent, ref currentPosition); continue; case "change": this.OnChange(current, matchNodes, sourceParent, ref currentPosition); continue; default: continue; } } } }
private void ApplyDiffgram(XmlNode diffgramParent, XmlDiffViewParentNode sourceParent) { sourceParent.CreateSourceNodesIndex(); XmlDiffViewNode currentPosition = null; IEnumerator diffgramChildren = diffgramParent.ChildNodes.GetEnumerator(); while (diffgramChildren.MoveNext()) { XmlNode diffgramNode = (XmlNode)diffgramChildren.Current; if (diffgramNode.NodeType == XmlNodeType.Comment) { continue; } XmlElement diffgramElement = diffgramChildren.Current as XmlElement; if (diffgramElement == null) { throw new Exception("Invalid node in diffgram."); } if (diffgramElement.NamespaceURI != XmlDiff.NamespaceUri) { throw new Exception("Invalid element in diffgram."); } string matchAttr = diffgramElement.GetAttribute("match"); XmlDiffPathNodeList matchNodes = null; if (matchAttr != string.Empty) { matchNodes = XmlDiffPath.SelectNodes(_doc, sourceParent, matchAttr); } switch (diffgramElement.LocalName) { case "node": if (matchNodes.Count != 1) { throw new Exception("The 'match' attribute of 'node' element must select a single node."); } matchNodes.MoveNext(); if (diffgramElement.ChildNodes.Count > 0) { ApplyDiffgram(diffgramElement, (XmlDiffViewParentNode)matchNodes.Current); } currentPosition = matchNodes.Current; break; case "add": if (matchAttr != string.Empty) { OnAddMatch(diffgramElement, matchNodes, sourceParent, ref currentPosition); } else { string typeAttr = diffgramElement.GetAttribute("type"); if (typeAttr != string.Empty) { OnAddNode(diffgramElement, typeAttr, sourceParent, ref currentPosition); } else { OnAddFragment(diffgramElement, sourceParent, ref currentPosition); } } break; case "remove": OnRemove(diffgramElement, matchNodes, sourceParent, ref currentPosition); break; case "change": OnChange(diffgramElement, matchNodes, sourceParent, ref currentPosition); break; } } }