// First Authn method OAuth Client credential flow (2-legged, S2S)
        // 2-legged OAuth, describes a typical client-server scenario, without any user involvement.
        // An example for such a scenario could be your Azure AD application accessing a consented tenant with no user interaction.
        // On a conceptual level 2-legged OAuth simply consists of the first and last steps of 3-legged OAuth (see below):
        //      Client has signed up to the server and got his client credentials (also known as “consumer key and secret”)
        //      Client uses his client credentials (and empty token credentials) to access the protected resources on the server
        public string GetToken(string tenant, string clientId, string clientSecret, string resource, string authnEndpoint, ref string strErrors)
            string authString = authnEndpoint + tenant;
            AuthenticationContext authenticationContext = new AuthenticationContext(authString);

                ClientCredential     clientCred           = new ClientCredential(clientId, clientSecret);
                AuthenticationResult authenticationResult = authenticationContext.AcquireToken(resource, clientCred);
                Console.WriteLine("Token: \nToken Type: {0} \nExpires: {1}", authenticationResult.AccessTokenType, authenticationResult.ExpiresOn);
            catch (AdalException ex)
                GraphHelperEventSourceLogger.Log(ex, ref strErrors);
        // Second Authn method using OAuth Authorization Code grant flow (3-legged OAuth, user impersonation/delegation)
        // 3-legged OAuth describes the scenario for which OAuth was originally developed: a resource owner wants to give a client
        // access to a server without sharing his credentials (i.e. username/password).
        // A typical example is a Facebook user (resource owner) who wants to give a facebook app (client) ability to write to her wall (server).
        // On a conceptual level it works in the following way:
        //      Client has signed up to the server and got his client credentials (also known as “consumer key and secret”) ahead of time
        //      User wants to give the client access to his protected resources on the server
        //      Client retrieves the temporary credentials (also known as “request token”) from the server
        //      Client redirects the resource owner to the server
        //      Resource owner grants the client access to his protected resources on the server
        //      Server redirects the user back to the client
        //      Client uses the temporary credentials to retrieve the token credentials (also known as “access token”) from the server
        //      Client uses the token credentials to access the protected resources on the server
        public string GetToken(string tenant, string clientId, Uri redirectUri, string resourceAppIdUri, string authnEndpoint, ref string strErrors)
            // This method requests OAuth token using client code authn flow (3-legged)
            // user must authenticate
            string authString = authnEndpoint + tenant;
            AuthenticationContext authenticationContext = new AuthenticationContext(authString);
            AuthenticationResult  userAuthnResult       = null;

                userAuthnResult = authenticationContext.AcquireToken(resourceAppIdUri, clientId, redirectUri);
                Console.WriteLine("Token: \nToken Type: {0} \nExpires: {1}", userAuthnResult.AccessTokenType, userAuthnResult.ExpiresOn);
                //Console.WriteLine("RefreshToken: {0}", userAuthnResult.RefreshToken);
            catch (AdalException ex)
                GraphHelperEventSourceLogger.Log(ex, ref strErrors);