        private static void OnIsOpenChanged(DependencyObject d, DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs e)
            // This is a workaround for the issue that BetweenShowDelay property does not
            // work as expected. Even though this property has been set to '0ms' on all of
            // the Ribbon controls with the expectation that ToolTips will always appear
            // after the InitialShowDelay, ToolTips show immediately without the
            // InitialShowDelay when moving between controls when ToolTips are already active.
            // Manually setting IsOpen to false upon detecting this scenario prevents the
            // quick show and always causes the system to wait for the InitialShowDelay to elapse.

            RibbonToolTip ribbonToolTip   = (RibbonToolTip)d;
            UIElement     placementTarget = ribbonToolTip.PlacementTarget;

            if (ribbonToolTip.IsOpen)
                RibbonToolTipService.Current.CurrentToolTip = ribbonToolTip;
                if (placementTarget != null)
                    placementTarget.MouseLeave += new MouseEventHandler(ribbonToolTip.OnPlacementTargetMouseLeave);
                RibbonToolTipService.Current.CurrentToolTip = null;
                if (placementTarget != null)
                    placementTarget.MouseLeave -= new MouseEventHandler(ribbonToolTip.OnPlacementTargetMouseLeave);
        /// <summary>
        ///     Property changed callback for tooltip footer properties.
        ///     Sets the value of HasFooter property accordingly.
        /// </summary>
        private static void OnToolTipFooterPropertyChanged(DependencyObject d, DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs e)
            RibbonToolTip ribbonToolTip = (RibbonToolTip)d;

            ribbonToolTip.HasFooter =
                (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(ribbonToolTip.FooterTitle) ||
                 !string.IsNullOrEmpty(ribbonToolTip.FooterDescription) ||
                 ribbonToolTip.FooterImageSource != null);
        /// <summary>
        ///     Property changed callback for tooltip PlacementTarget property.
        /// </summary>
        private static void OnPlacementTargetPropertyChanged(DependencyObject d, DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs e)
            RibbonToolTip ribbonToolTip = (RibbonToolTip)d;
            UIElement     target        = e.NewValue as UIElement;

            if (target == null)
                ribbonToolTip.Ribbon = null;
                ribbonToolTip.Ribbon = RibbonControlService.GetRibbon(target);
        /// <summary>
        ///   This CoerceValueCallback hack is used to determine whether the current PlacementTarget is within a RibbonGroup.
        /// </summary>
        private static object CoerceIsOpen(DependencyObject d, object value)
            if ((bool)value)
                RibbonToolTip toolTip         = (RibbonToolTip)d;
                RibbonGroup   ribbonGroup     = null;
                UIElement     placementTarget = toolTip.PlacementTarget;

                // Walk up the visual tree from the PlacementTarget to see if
                // it belongs to a RibbonGroup.
                DependencyObject element = placementTarget;
                while (element != null)
                    ribbonGroup = element as RibbonGroup;
                    if (ribbonGroup != null)

                    DependencyObject visualParent = VisualTreeHelper.GetParent(element);
                    if (visualParent == null)
                        // This special check is for the case that the PlacementTarget is
                        // within the Popup of a Collapsed RibbonGroup
                        Popup popupParent = LogicalTreeHelper.GetParent(element) as Popup;
                        if (popupParent != null)
                            ribbonGroup = popupParent.TemplatedParent as RibbonGroup;

                    element = visualParent;

                // A RibbonGroup is in the QAT is special. Its tooltip should show relative
                // to the mouse instead of under the Ribbon. All other control in the QAT
                // are automatically taken care of because they will not be recognized as
                // belonging to a RibbonGroup.

                bool isToolTipForRibbonGroup = ribbonGroup != null &&
                                               (toolTip.PlacementTarget == ribbonGroup ||
                                                (VisualTreeHelper.GetChildrenCount(ribbonGroup) > 0 && toolTip.PlacementTarget == VisualTreeHelper.GetChild(ribbonGroup, 0)));

                toolTip.IsPlacementTargetInRibbonGroup = (ribbonGroup != null && (!isToolTipForRibbonGroup || !ribbonGroup.IsInQuickAccessToolBar));

 /// <summary>
 ///   Initialize Automation Peer for RibbonToolTip
 /// </summary>
 public RibbonToolTipAutomationPeer(RibbonToolTip owner)
     : base(owner)
 /// <summary>
 /// Sets ToolTip on the first Visual child of a FrameworkElement.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="element"></param>
 /// <param name="visualChild">First visual child of control</param>
 /// <param name="content">content to be set as ToolTip</param>
 /// <param name="value">Set or Unset ToolTip</param>
 public static void SetContentAsToolTip(FrameworkElement element, FrameworkElement visualChild, object content, bool value)
     if (visualChild != null)
         // Checks if ToolTip is not already set on the element
         if (value && element.ToolTip == null && content != null)
             RibbonToolTip ribbonToolTip = visualChild.ToolTip as RibbonToolTip;
             if (ribbonToolTip == null ||
                 ribbonToolTip.Title != content.ToString())
                 ribbonToolTip = new RibbonToolTip();
                 ribbonToolTip.Title = content.ToString();
                 visualChild.ToolTip = ribbonToolTip;
             visualChild.ToolTip = null;
        /// <summary>
        ///     Helper method which serves as the coercion callback for
        ///     ToolTip property of ribbon controls. It creates and updates a RibbonToolTip
        ///     if needed and if possible and returns that as the coerced value.
        /// </summary>
        public static object CoerceRibbonToolTip(DependencyObject d, object value)
            if (value == null)
                string toolTipTitle = RibbonControlService.GetToolTipTitle(d);
                string toolTipDescription = RibbonControlService.GetToolTipDescription(d);
                ImageSource toolTipImageSource = RibbonControlService.GetToolTipImageSource(d);
                string toolTipFooterTitle = RibbonControlService.GetToolTipFooterTitle(d);
                string toolTipFooterDescription = RibbonControlService.GetToolTipFooterDescription(d);
                ImageSource toolTipFooterImageSource = RibbonControlService.GetToolTipFooterImageSource(d);

                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(toolTipTitle) ||
                    !string.IsNullOrEmpty(toolTipDescription) ||
                    toolTipImageSource != null ||
                    !string.IsNullOrEmpty(toolTipFooterTitle) ||
                    !string.IsNullOrEmpty(toolTipFooterDescription) ||
                    toolTipFooterImageSource != null)
                    RibbonToolTip ribbonToolTip = new RibbonToolTip();
                    ribbonToolTip.Title = toolTipTitle;
                    ribbonToolTip.Description = toolTipDescription;
                    ribbonToolTip.ImageSource = toolTipImageSource;
                    ribbonToolTip.FooterTitle = toolTipFooterTitle;
                    ribbonToolTip.FooterDescription = toolTipFooterDescription;
                    ribbonToolTip.FooterImageSource = toolTipFooterImageSource;
                    value = ribbonToolTip;

            return value;